Webinar: Spotting Antisemitism: A Brief Discussion on Building Resiliency

Sunday 19 July 2020, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EDT, online


The Committee to Protect Muslims and Ex-Muslims is proud to organise this discussion on what is antisemitism and how general public can help to safeguard the Jewish community.

Why does tackling antisemitism matter?

On 13th June 2020, a Hasidic Jewish man in the UK was attacked in an unprovoked hate crime. According to a 2018 report by the World Economic Forum, one-in-three Jewish people across Europe have been directly targeted by antisemitic harassment.

survey of 16,000 Jewish respondents find that:

  • 70% believe their national governments’ efforts to combat antisemitism are ineffective
  • 47% of respondents worry about receiving antisemitic verbal insults or being harassed
  • 40% worry about being physically attacked
  • 38% have considered emigrating because they do not feel safe
  • 34% avoid visiting Jewish events or sites because they do not feel safe

As antisemitic conspiracy theories around social media continues to become mainstream, we remain committed to build a resilient force among the general public who are willing to safeguard the Jewish community.

This 1.5 hour discussion will bring together key community leaders who have dedicated their lives in tackling extremism. We will discuss a range of topic areas from a clear understanding of antisemitism, to the tools and techniques the general public can use to build resilience.

Detailed agenda is only available to confirmed attendees.


Find out more information and book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/spotting-antisemitism-a-brief-discussion-on-building-resilience-tickets-109425039238?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch

This event is taking place online.

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