Publications: D

Dej, E. & Kilty, J., '“Die alone, old, and let the cat eat your face”: anti-feminist backlash and academic cyber-harassment' (2023), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Dekel, I. & Öyzürek, E., 'The logic of the fight against antisemitism in Germany in three cultural shifts' (2023), Patterns of Prejudice [online]
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DeKeseredy, W., Nolan, J.J. & Hall-Sanchez, A., 'Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents in the Ivory Tower: Results From a Large-Scale Campus Survey' (2019), American Behavioral Scientist
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Del Mar Moreno Mozos, M., 'Gender hate speech in the public discourse of religious leaders | El discurso de odio por razón de género en los pronunciamientos públicos de jerarcas religiosos' (2023), Revista de Derecho Politico, (118), pp. 229–260
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del Olmo Campillo, G., 'Uncomfortable feminisms: The figure of the killjoy by Sara Ahmed' (2024), Asparkia, 44
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Del Toro, J. & Wang, M.-T., 'Online Racism and Mental Health Among Black American Adolescents in 2020' (2022), Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry [online]
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Delbari, Z., Moosavi, N.S. & Pilehvar, M.T., 'Spanning the Spectrum of Hatred Detection: A Persian Multi-Label Hate Speech Dataset with Annotator Rationales' (2024), Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(16), pp. 17889–17897
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Delgado, R., & Stefancic, J., 'Understanding Words That Wound' (2019), New York: Routledge
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Deloughery, K., King, D., & Asal, V., 'Close cousins or distant relatives? The relationship between terrorism and hate crime' (2012), Crime & Delinquency, 58(5), pp.663-688
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Deloughery, K., King, R.D., Asal, V. & Rethemeyer, R.K., 'Analysis of factors related to hate crime and terrorism' (2012), Final Report to teh National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. College Park, MD: START.
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Demaske, C., 'Free Speech and Hate Speech in the United States: The Limits of Toleration' (2020), New York: Routledge
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Demaske, C., 'Hate Speech in the United States and Abroad Finding Common Ground' (2022), in L. Corredoira, I.B. Mallén & R.C. Presuel (Eds.) The Handbook of Communication Rights, Law, and Ethics: Seeking Universality, Equality, Freedom and Dignity (pp. 205-216), Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley
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Demaske, C., 'Social Justice, Recognition Theory and the First Amendment: A New Approach to Hate Speech Restriction' (2019), Communication Law and Policy, 24(3), pp. 347-401
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Demaske, C., 'Trump’s hateful rhetoric and First Amendment failures: Re-envisioning incitement, true threats, and hate speech' (2022), Communication and Democracy, 56(2), pp. 91-116
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Demirsu, I., 'Identitarian movements in the touristic city: The marketing of hate in Verona' (2023), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research [online]
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Demos, 'Hate speech after Brexit' (2016), Centre for the Analysis of Social Media
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Dempsey, D. & Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, 'Enough is enough: A report on discrimination and abuse experienced by lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people in Victoria' (2000)
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Dencik, L. & Marosi, K., 'Different Antisemitisms – Perceptions and experiences of antisemitism among Jews in Sweden and across Europe' (2017), London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research
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Deng, J., 'Race, gender and MMA fandom–imagining Asian masculinities in the online forum of the UFC fan club' (2022), Sport in Society [online]
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Deng, T., Bai, Y. & Dai, H., 'By1510 @ HaSpeeDe 2: Identification of hate speech for Italian language in social media data' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2765
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Denti, D. & Faggian, A., 'Where do angry birds tweet? Income inequality and online hate in Italy' (2021), Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 14(3), pp. 483-506
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Denti, D. & Faggian, A., 'Where do angry birds tweet? Income inequality and online hate in Italy' (2021), Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society [online]
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Denti, D. & Faggian, A., 'Welcome to the Punch. Local exposure to refugees and hate events in Italy' (2023), Annals of Regional Science [online]
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Denti, D., Crociata, A. & Faggian, A., 'Knocking on Hell’s door: dismantling hate with cultural consumption' (2022), Journal of Cultural Economics [online]
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Dentice, D., '“So much for Darwin” – An analysis of Stormfront discussions on race' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 133-156
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Dentice, D., & Bugg, D., 'Fighting for the right to be white: A case study in white racial identity' (2014), Journal of Hate Studies, 12(1), pp. 101-128
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Deole, S.S., 'Justice delayed is assimilation denied: Right-wing terror and immigrants’ assimilation in Germany' (2019), Labour Economics [online]
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Department of Justice (Victoria), 'Hate crime review: Review of identity motivated hate crime (Consultation issues)' (2010)

Derzsy, N., 'Strategies for Combating Online Hate' (2019), Nature, 573, pp. 203-204
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des Neiges Léonard, M., 'The effects of political rhetoric on the rise of legitimized racism in France: The case of the 2005 French riots' (2016), Critical Sociology, 42(7-8), pp.1087-1107
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Desbiolles, B., 'The Freedom of Expression according to Thomas Nagel: A Right at the Frontier between Public and Private | [LA LIBERTÉ D’EXPRESSION SELON THOMAS NAGEL : UN DROIT À LA FRONTIÈRE ENTRE PRIVÉ ET PUBLIC]' (2022), Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale, 116(4), pp. 497-513
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Descamps, M.J., Rothblum, E., Bradford, J. & Ryan, C., 'Mental health impact of child sexual abuse, rape, intimate partner violence, and hate crimes in the National Lesbian Health Care Survey' (2000), Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Sciences, 11(1), pp.27-55
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Deshpande, T. & Mani, N., 'An Interpretable Approach to Hateful Meme Detection' (2021), ICMI 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, pp. 723-727
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Desiani, A., Adrezo, M., Kresnawati, E.S., Ermatita, Akbar, M. & Hasibuan, M.S., 'Back Translation-EDA and Transformer for Hate Speech Classification in Indonesian' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information Systems, ICIMCIS 2023, pp. 611–616
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Devakumar, D., Selvarajah, S., Abubakar, I., Kim, S.-S., McKee, M., Sabharwal, N.S., Saini, A., Shannon, G., White, A.I.R. & Achiume, E.T., 'Racism, xenophobia, discrimination, and the determination of health' (2022), Lancet (London, England), 400(10368), pp. 2097-2108
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Deveci, C. & Nur Binbuğa Kınık, B., 'Nationalist bias in Turkish official discourse on hate speech: a Rawlsian criticism' (2019), Turkish Studies, 20:1, pp.26-48
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Devi, B., Shankar, V.G., Srivastava, S., Nigam, K. & Narang, L., 'Racist Tweets-based Sentiment Analysis Using Individual and Ensemble Classifiers' (2021), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 179 LNNS, pp. 555-567
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Devi, G.M., 'A pragmatic approach for hate speech detection through applying machine learning' (2023), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2724, 020012
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Devi, M.D. & Saharia, N., 'Misogynous Text Classification Using SVM and LSTM' (2021), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1367, pp. 336-348
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Devi, V.S., Kannimuthu, S. & Madasamy, A.K., 'The Effect of Phrase Vector Embedding in Explainable Hierarchical Attention-Based Tamil Code-Mixed Hate Speech and Intent Detection' (2024), IEEE Access, 12, pp. 11316–11329
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Devine, D., 'Discrete Events and Hate Crimes: The Causal Role of the Brexit Referendum' (2020), Social Science Quarterly [online]
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Devís-Devís, J., Pereira-García, S., Valencia-Peris, A., Fuentes-Miguel, J., López-Cañada, E. & Pérez-Samaniego, V., 'Harassment patterns and risk profile in Spanish Trans persons' (2016), Journal of Homosexuality [online]
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Devyatkin, D., Smirnov, I., Solovyev, F., Suvorova, M. & Chepovskiy, A., 'Extremist Text Detection in Social Web' (2019), Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2019 - Proceedings of the International Conferences on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2019, Connected Smart Cities 2019 and Web Based Communities and Social Media 2019, pp. 344-350
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Dewani, A., Memon, M.A. & Bhatti, S., 'Cyberbullying detection: advanced preprocessing techniques & deep learning architecture for Roman Urdu data' (2021), Journal of Big Data, 8(1), 160
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Dewani, A., Memon, M.A., Bhatti, S., Sulaiman, A., Hamdi, M., Alshahrani, A., Alghamdi, A. & Shaikh, A., 'Detection of Cyberbullying Patterns in Low Resource Colloquial Roman Urdu Microtext using Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Ensemble Techniques' (2023), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(4), 2062
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Dhamija, T., Anjum & Katarya, R., 'Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Detection of Online Hate Speech' (2021), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 509-520
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Dhanani, L.Y., LaPalme, M.L., Pham, C.T. & Hall, T.K., 'The Burden of Hate: How Nonwork Discrimination Experienced During the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Asian American Employees' (2022), Journal of Business and Psychology [online]
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Dhankhar, A., Prakash, A. & Juneja, S., 'Feature Extraction from Text using Grasshopper optimization algorithm for identifying hate speech' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communication and Information Technology, ICAICCIT 2023, pp. 494–498
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Dhankhar, A., Prakash, A., Juneja, S. & Prakash, S., 'A Survey on Multi-Modal Hate Speech Detection' (2023), IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, R10-HTC, pp. 225–230
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Dhanya, L.K. & Balakrishnan, K., 'Comparative Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms in Detecting Offensive Speech in Malayalam-English Code-Mixed Data' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 427, pp. 687-696
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