Publications: Hate crime victimisation


Aa, S. van der, Claessen, J. & Hofmann, R., 'Special Need of Victims of Hate Crime Regarding Criminal Proceedings and Victim Support [Speciale Behoefte van Slachtoffers van Hate Crime Ten Aanzien van Het Strafproces en de Slachtofferhulp]' (2020), Maastricht University - Faculty of Law
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Abeyta, S. & Cuevas, C.A., 'An Introductory Examination on the Differences Between Frequentist and Bayesian Multiple Regression Using Real-World Data on Bias-Based Victimization Among Latinx Adults' (2022), Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy [online]
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Aggarwal, P., Szkody, E., Kapoulea, E., Daniel, K., Bootes, K., Boland, J., Washburn, J. & Peterman, A., 'International students’ experiences in graduate programs during COVID-19 and recent sociopolitical climate in the USA' (2023), Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education [online]
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Agrawal, P., Yusuf, Y., Pasha, O., Ali, S.H., Ziad, H. & Hyder, A.A., 'Interpersonal Stranger Violence and American Muslims: An Exploratory Study of Lived Experiences and Coping Strategies' (2019), Global Bioethics, 30(1), pp. 28-42
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Ahmed, N., Quinn, S.C., Limaye, R.J. & Khan, S., 'From Interpersonal Violence to Institutionalized Discrimination: Documenting and Assessing the Impact of Islamophobia on Muslim Americans' (2021), Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 15(2), 119
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Ahn, J.-H. & Park, H., 'Dealing With Hate Speech: Voices From Young Koreans Living in Japan' (2019), Asian Journal of Social Science, 47(6), pp. 677-700
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Al-Rawi, A. & Kim, T., 'Journalists’ Views and Management of Dark Participation' (2023), Communication Studies [online]
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Albrecht, H.-J., 'Germany' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.113-138). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Aldamen, Y., 'Xenophobia and Hate Speech towards Refugees on Social Media: Reinforcing Causes, Negative Effects, Defense and Response Mechanisms against That Speech' (2023), Societies, 13(4), 83
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Alhaboby, Z.A., Al-Khateeb, H.M., Barnes, J., Jahankhani H., Pitchford M., Conradie, L. & Short, E., 'Cyber-Disability Hate Cases in the UK: The Documentation by the Police and Potential Barriers to Reporting' (2021), Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, pp. 123-133
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Alhaboby, Z.A., Barnes, J., Evans, H. & Short, E., 'Cybervictimization of Adults With Long-term Conditions: Cross-sectional Study' (2023), Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e39933
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Ali, N., Fleisher, W. & Erickson, J., 'Psychiatrists’ and psychiatry residents’ attitudes toward transgender people' (2016), Academic Psychiatry, 40(2), pp.268-273
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Allen, C., 'Contemporary Experiences of Islamophobia in Today’s United Kingdom: Findings from Ten Small-Scale Studies' (2021), Insight Turkey, 23(2), pp. 107-127
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Allen, C., 'Everyday experiences of Islamophobia in university spaces: A qualitative study in the United Kingdom' (2023), Education, Citizenship and Social Justice [online]
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Allison, K. & Harris, C.T., 'Predicting bias homicide across victim groups: A county-level analysis' (2018), Social Science Research [online]
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Allwood, M., Ghafoori, B., Salgado, C., Slobodin O., Kreither J., Waelde L.C., Larrondo, P. & Ramos, N., 'Identity-based hate and violence as trauma: Current research, clinical implications, and advocacy in a globally connected world' (2021), Journal of Traumatic Stress [online]
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Amaral, I., Poleac, G. & Basílio-Simões, R., 'Technology gap and other tensions in social support and legal procedures: stakeholders’ perceptions of online violence against women during the Covid-19 pandemic' (2022), Profesional de la Informacion, 31(4), e310413
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Amnesty International UK, 'Tackling hate crime in the UK: A background briefing paper from Amnesty International UK' (2017), London: The Human Rights Action Centre
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Andersson, M., Ivert, A.K. & Mellgren, C., 'When there is more than one motive: A study on self-reported hate crime victimization among Swedish university students' (2017), International Review of Victimology [online], pp.1-15
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Angelari, M., 'Hate crime statutes: A promising tool for fighting violence against women' (1994), American University Journal of Gender and the Law, (2), pp.63-105
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Arnold, R., 'Systematic racist violence in Russia between ‘hate crime’ and ‘ethnic conflict’' (2015), Theoretical Criminology, 19(2), pp.239-256
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Atak, K., 'Racist Victimization, Legal Estrangement and Resentful Reliance on the Police in Sweden' (2021), Social and Legal Studies [online]
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Atak, K., '‘Inappropriate but Not Crime?’ Policing Racial Hatred in Sweden' (2017), Nordic Journal of Criminology [online]
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Atikuzzaman, M. & Akter, S., 'Hate speech in social media: personal experiences and perceptions of university students in Bangladesh' (2022), Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication [online]
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Atreya, A., Menezes, R.G. & Nepal, S., 'The tragic consequence of false honour: Understanding the phenomenon of “honour-killings” and its legal implications in Nepal' (2023), Medico-Legal Journal [online]
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Awan, I. & Zempi, I., 'The affinity between online and offline anti-Muslim hate crime: Dynamics and impacts' (2016), Aggression and Violent Behavior, 27, pp.1-8
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Aytar, E. & Bodor, P., 'Coping strategies among an intersectional group: Muslim women in Hungary' (2021), Intersections East European Journal of Society and Politics, 7(4), pp. 52-69
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Baboolal, A.A., '(Under)cover and Uncovered: Muslim Women’s Resistance to Islamophobic Violence' (2023), Victims and Offenders [online]
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Bacchus, E.C., D'Angelo, A.B. & Grov, C., 'Experiences of police-related stress among a U.S. national cohort of gay and bisexual men' (2023), American Journal of Community Psychology [online]
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Baguso, G.N., Santiago-Rodriguez, E., Gyamerah, A.O., Wilson, E.C., Chung, C., McFarland, W. & Wesson, P., 'Mental Distress and Use of Stimulants: Analysis of a Longitudinal Cohort of Transgender Women' (2023), LGBT health, 10(3), pp. 228-236
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Bajpai, G.S., Pal, G., Singh, T. & Tambe, A., 'Hate Crime in India: Understanding Nuanced Discrimination Against North-Eastern Population' (2023), Cham: Springer
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Bakalis, C., 'The victims of hate crime and the principles of the criminal law' (2017), Legal Studies [online], p.1-21
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Balabantaray, S.R., 'Coronavirus Pandemic and Construction of False Narratives: Politics of Health (Hate) and Religious Hatred/ Hate Crimes in India | [Pandemia de coronavirus y construcción de narrativas falsas: políticas de salud (odio) y odio religioso/crímenes de odio en la India]' (2022), Sociologia y Tecnociencia, 12(2), pp. 307-322
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Barão da Silva, G., Sbaraini Fontes, G. & Marques, F.P.J., 'Risks and Resilience in the Case of Brazilian Female Journalists: How Women Perceive Violence Against Media Professionals and Cope with its Effects' (2022), Journalism Studies [online]
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Barnes, A., & Ephross, P. H., 'The impact of hate violence on victims: Emotional and behavioral responses to attacks' (1994), Social Work, 39(3), pp.247-251

Barrientos, J., Saiz, J.L., Cárdenas-Castro, M., Guzmán-González, M., Avilés, B., Lovera, L. & Espinoza-Tapia, R., 'Research on coping with stress due to prejudice in transgender people: Some neglected aspects and new ideas' (2023), in R.A. Chaparro & R.L. Abreu (Eds.) LGBTQ+ Affirmative Psychological Interventions: A Latine/x Perspective (pp. 95–111), Cham: Springer
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Bassioni, R. & Langrehr, K., 'Effects of Religious Discrimination and Fear for Safety on Life Satisfaction for Muslim Americans' (2021), Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 15(1)
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Begun, S. & Kattari, S.K., 'Conforming for survival: Associations between transgender visual conformity/passing and homelessness experiences' (2016), Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 28(1), pp.54-66
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Bell, J.G. & Perry, B., 'Outside looking in: The community impacts of anti-lesbian, gay, and bisexual hate crime' (2015), Journal of Homosexuality, 62(1), pp.98-120
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Benedi Lahuerta, S. & Iusmen, I., 'EU Nationals’ Vulnerability in the Context of Brexit: The Case of Polish Nationals' (2020), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies [online]
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Benier, K., 'The neighborhood context of hate crime: A comparison of violent and property offenses using rare events modeling' (2016), Violence and Victims, 32(4), pp.584-608
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Benier, K., 'Understanding hate: Hate crime in Brisbane neighbourhoods' (2021), in R. Wickes & L. Mazerolle (Eds.) Handbook for Counselors Serving Students with Gifts and Talents: Development, Relationships, School Issues, and Counseling Needs/Interventions (pp. 47-62), London: Routledge
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Benier, K., Wickes, R. & Higginson, A., 'Ethnic hate crime in Australia: Diversity and change in the neighbourhood context' (2016), British Journal of Criminology, 56(3), pp.479-496
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Benzirgan, B., 'The problematization of hate crime legislation in Turkey: The re-emergence of legitimate victims' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.142-156), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Berrill, K.T., 'Antigay violence and victimization in the United States: An overview' (1992), Herek, G.M. & Berrill, K. (eds.), 'Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men' (1992), USA: Sage Publications

Berrill, K.T. & Herek, G.M., 'Documenting the victimization of lesbians and gay men: Methodological issues' (1992), Herek, G.M. & Berrill, K. (eds.), 'Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men' (1992), USA: Sage Publications

Berrill, K.T. & Herek, G.M., 'Primary and secondary victimization in antigay hate crimes: Official response and public policy' (1992), Herek, G.M. & Berrill, K. (eds.), 'Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men' (1992), USA: Sage Publications

Bersamira, C.S., Lau, S.B., Lee, Y.J. & Yamauchi, J., 'Anti-Asian Hate’s Impact on Asian American Social Workers: Implications for Professional Training and Education' (2024), Social Work (United States), 69(2), pp. 117–124
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Birkett, M., Newcomb, M.E. & Mustanski, B., 'Does it get better? a longitudinal analysis of psychological distress and victimization in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth' (2015), Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(3), pp.280-285
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Bjørgo, T. & Mareš, M., 'Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities' (2019), Abingdon: Routledge
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