Publications: I

Iacoviello, V., Kulich, C. & Spears, R., 'A normative perspective of discrimination in the minimal group paradigm: Does it apply to both Ingroup love and outgroup hate?' (2023), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104514
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Iannelli, L. & Marino, G., 'Participation in Problematic News Cycles on Social Media and Instant Messaging Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic the Impact of News Use, Political Discussion, and Ideological Extremism' (2022), Comunicazione Politica, 23(3), pp. 381-402
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Ibañez, M., Sapinit, R., Reyes, L.A., Hussien, M., Imperial, J.M. & Rodriguez, R., 'Audio-Based Hate Speech Classification from Online Short-Form Videos' (2021), 2021 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, IALP 2021, pp. 72-77
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Ibrahim, M.A., Arifin, S. & Purwanto, E.S., 'Exploring Data Augmentation for Gender-Based Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Journal of Computer Science, 19(10), pp. 1222–1230
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Ibrahim, M.A., Sagala, N.T.M., Arifin, S., Nariswari, R., Murnaka, N.P. & Prasetyo, P.W., 'Separating Hate Speech from Abusive Language on Indonesian Twitter' (2022), 2022 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications, ICoDSA 2022, pp. 187-191
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Ibrahim, V., Bakar, J.A., Harun, N.H. & Abdulateef, A.F., 'A word cloud model based on hate speech in an online social media environment' (2021), Baghdad Science Journal, 18, pp. 937-946
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Ibrahim, Y.M., Essameldin, R. & Darwish, S.M., 'An Adaptive Hate Speech Detection Approach Using Neutrosophic Neural Networks for Social Media Forensics' (2024), Computers, Materials and Continua, 79(1), pp. 243–262
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Ibrahim, Y.M., Essameldin, R. & Saad, S.M., 'Social Media Forensics: An Adaptive Cyberbullying-Related Hate Speech Detection Approach Based on Neural Networks With Uncertainty' (2024), IEEE Access, 12, pp. 59474–59484
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Ibrohim, M.O. & Budi, I., 'Hate speech and abusive language detection in Indonesian social media: Progress and challenges' (2023), Heliyon, 9(8), e18647
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Ibrohim, M.O. & Budi, I., 'Translated vs Non-Translated Method for Multilingual Hate Speech Identification in Twitter' (2019), International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(4), pp. 1116-1123
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Ibrohim, M.O., Setiadi, M.A. & Budi, I., 'Identification of Hate Speech and Abusive Language on Indonesian Twitter Using the Word2vec, Part of Speech and Emoji Features' (2019), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 18, 1-5
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ICCA Combating Antisemitism, 'Task force on internet hate: Report and recommendations of the co-chairs' (2013)
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Idham, S.Y., Mugair, S.K., Baagbah, S.Y.S., Feng, H., Husseiny, F.A. & Saab, J., 'The Use and Exposure of Hate Speech Among Students: A Discourse Analysis Study' (2023), Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13(12), pp. 3087–3096
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Idriss, M.M., 'Religion and the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001' (2002), Criminal Law Review, Nov, pp.890-911
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Ieracitano, F., Balenzano, C., Girardi, S., Gemmano, C.G. & Comunello, F., 'Online Hate Speech as a Moral Issue: Exploring Moral Reasoning of Young Italian Users on Social Network Sites' (2023), Social Science Computer Review [online]
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Iganski, P., 'How hate hurts' (2002), in Csepeli, G. & Orkeny, A. (2002) Hate and politics. Budapest: Minoritas Alapitvany Kisebbsegkutato, Intezet.

Iganski, P., 'Introduction: The problem of hate crimes and hate crime laws' (2002), in Iganski, P. & Burney, E. (2002) The hate debate: should hate be punished as a crime? London: Profile.

Iganski, P., 'Hate crimes hurt more, but should they be more harshly punished?' (2002), The Hate Debate. London: Profile.

Iganski, P., 'Legislating morality and competing ‘rights’: Legal instruments against racism and antisemitism in the European Union' (1999), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 3(25), pp.509-516
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Iganski, P., 'Migrant labour and racism' (1997), in Spybey, T. (ed.) (1997) Britain in Europe: an introduction to Sociology. London: Routledge.

Iganski, P., 'Legislating against hate: Outlawing racism and Antisemitism in Britain' (1999), Critical Social Policy, 19(1), pp.129-141
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Iganski, P., 'Hate crimes hurt more' (2001), American Behavioral Scientist, 45(4), pp.626-638
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Iganski, P., 'Understanding the needs of persons who experience homophobic or transphobic violence or harassment: The impact of hate crime' (2016), Warsaw: Campaign Against Homophobia
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Iganski, P., 'Potrzeby osób pokrzywdzonych homofobiczną lub transfobiczną przemocą – Wpływ przestępstw z nienawiści' (2016), Warszawa: Kampania Przeciw Homofobii
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Iganski, P., 'Civil Courage as a Communicative Act. Countering the Harms of Hate Violence' (2020), Pragmatics & Society, 11(2), pp. 316-335
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Iganski, P., 'The hate debate: Should hate be punished as a crime' (2002), London: Profile Books

Iganski, P., 'Why make ‘hate’ a crime?' (1999), Critical Social Policy, 60, pp.386-395
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Iganski, P., '‘Hate crime’ and the city' (2008), University of Bristol: Policy Press

Iganski, P., 'Civil Courage as a Communicative Act: Countering the Harms of Hate Violence' (2020), Pragmatics and Society, 11(2), pp. 316-335
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Iganski, P., 'Europe' (2014), in Grant, P. (ed.) State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2014. London: Minority Rights Group International.
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Iganski, P., 'Too few Jews to count? Police monitoring of hate crime against Jews in the United Kingdom' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.232-245
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Iganski, P., '‘Antisemitism’ and anti-Jewish hatred: Conceptual, political and legal challenges' (2013), in Phillips, C. & Webster, C. (2013) New directions in race, ethnicity and crime. Routledge.

Iganski, P., 'Hate crime: Taking stock: Programmes for offenders of hate' (2012), Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
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Iganski, P., 'Racist violence in Europe' (2011), Brussels: European Network Against Racism
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Iganski, P., 'Hate crime' (2010), in Brookman, F., Maguire, M., Pierpoint, H. & Bennett, T. (2010) Handbook on Crime. Cullompton: Willan.

Iganski, P., 'Conceptualising anti-Jewish hate crime' (2009), in Perry, B. (ed.) The victims of hate crime. Westport CT: Praeger.

Iganski, P., 'The banality of anti-Jewish “hate crime”' (2009), in Blazak, R. & Perry, B. (2009) in Hate Crime Offenders. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers.

Iganski, P., 'An agnostic view of ‘faith hate’ crime' (2009), Safer Communities, 4(8), pp.51-59
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Iganski, P., 'Hate crimes. The consequences of hate crimes.' (2009), Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

Iganski, P., 'Multi-agency working and victims of race hate crime' (2008), in Goodey, J. & Aromaa, K. (eds.) (2008) Hate crime: papers from the 2006 and 2007 Stockholm Criminology Symposiums. Helsinki: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, Affiliated with the United Nations.

Iganski, P., 'Criminal law and the routine activity of ‘hate crime’' (2008), Liverpool Law Review, 1(29), pp.1-17
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Iganski, P., 'Evaluation of the London–wide Race Hate Crime Forum as a model of good practice between statutory criminal justice agencies and voluntary sector non-governmental organisations' (2007), London: London Probation Servicce.
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Iganski, P., 'Free to speak, free to hate?' (2006), Routledge: Rights: Sociological Perspectives.

Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B., 'The new antisemitism debate: Background and context' (2003), in Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B. (eds.) (2003) A new antisemitism?: Debating Judeophobia in 21st century Britain. London: Profile.

Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B., 'Globalized Judeophobia and its ramifications for British Society' (2003), in Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B. (eds.) (2003) A new antisemitism?: Debating Judeophobia in 21st century Britain. London: Profile.

Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B. (eds.), 'A new Antisemitism?: Debating Judeophobia in 21st century Britain' (2003), London: Profile.

Iganski, P. & Lagou, S., 'Hate crimes hurt some more than others: Implications for the just sentencing of offenders' (2015), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(10), pp.1696-1718
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Iganski, P. & Lagou, S., 'The personal injuries of ‘hate crime’' (2014), in Hall, N., Corb, A., Giannasi, P. & Grieve, J. (2014) The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime. London: Routledge

Iganski, P. & Lagou, S., 'How hate crimes hurt more: Evidence from the British Crime Survey' (2009), in Iganski, P. & Perry, B. (2009) The consequences of hate crime. Westport CT: Praeger.

Iganski, P. & Levin, J., 'Hate crime: A global perspective' (2015), New York: Routledge.

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