Publications: 2003
Antonopoulos, G.A., 'Ethnic and racial minorities and the police: A review of the literature' (2003), Police Journal, 76(3), pp.222-246
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Baehr, A.R., 'A feminist liberal approach to hate crime legislation' (2003), Journal of Social Philosophy, 34(1), pp.134-152
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Bannenberg, B., 'Materialsammlung: Hasskriminalität: Ein Überblick aus kriminologischer Sicht [Material collection: Hate crime]' (2003), Bonn: Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention (DFK)
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Baum, S.K., 'Becoming evil: How ordinary people commit genocide and mass killing' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp. 103-104
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Baum, S.K., 'The Pope against the Jews: The Vatican’s role in the rise of modern Anti-Semitism' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp. 105-106
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Bocij, P. & McFarlane, L., 'Cyberstalking: The technology of hate' (2003), Police Journal, 76(3), pp.204-221
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Brennan, F., 'Punishing Islamophobic hostility: Are any lessons to be learned from racially hostile crimes?' (2003), Journal of Civil Liberties, 8(1), pp.28-50
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Brooks, J., Remtulla, T. & Steinberg, A., 'Youth hate crimes: Identification, prevention, and intervention' (2003), American Journal of Psychiatry, 160(5), pp.979-989
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Burney, E., 'Using the law on racially aggravated offences' (2003), Criminal Law Review, Jan, pp.28-36
Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J., 'An ‘invisible’ problem? Uncovering the nature of racist victimisation in rural Suffolk' (2003), International Review of Victimology, 10(1), pp.1-17
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Chakraborti, N., Garland, J. & Keetley, K., 'Responding to racist incidents in Wellingborough and East Northamptonshire: An assessment of agency practice and victim satisfaction' (2003), Leicester: PRCI
Court, D., 'Direct work with racially motivated offenders' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(1), pp.52-58
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Craig‐Henderson, K. & Sloan, L.R., 'After the hate: Helping psychologists help victims of racist hate crime' (2003), Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 10(4), pp.481-490
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Dittman, R., 'Policing hate crime from victim to challenger: A transgendered perspective' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(3), pp.282-288
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Dixon, L. & Court, D., 'Developing good practice with racially motivated offenders' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(2), pp.149-153
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Dunbar, E., 'Symbolic, relational, and ideological signifiers of bias-motivated offenders: Toward a strategy of assessment' (2003), American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 73(2), pp.203-211
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Edge, P.W., 'Extending hate crime to religion' (2003), Journal of Civil Liberties, 8(1), pp.5-27
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Ehrlich, H.J., Larcom, B.E.K. & Purvis, R.D., 'The traumatic effects of ethnoviolence' (2003), in B. Perry (Ed.), Hate and bias crime: A reader (pp.153-168), New York: Routledge
Eisenberg, M.E., Neumark-Sztainer, D. & Story, M., 'Associations of weight-based teasing and emotional well-being among adolescents' (2003), Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 157(8), pp.733-738
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Faulkner, E., 'Researching anti-gay/lesbian violence in Canada: Methodological and definitional issues' (2003), International Journal of Comparative Criminology, 3(3), pp.149-174
Garland, J. & Chakraborti, N., 'Under-researched and overlooked: An exploration of the attitudes of rural minority ethnic communities towards crime, community safety and the criminal justice system' (2003), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 29(3), pp.563-572
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Garland, J. & Chakraborti, N., 'Countryside alliance? An assessment of multi-agency responses to racism in rural Suffolk' (2003), Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, 5(2), pp.61-67
Gerstenfeld, P.B., 'Hate crimes: Causes, controls, and controversies' (2003), USA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Getty, E., 'Building peace in Northern Ireland: Christian reconcilers in an economy of hate' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2 (1), pp. 47-62
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Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B., 'The new antisemitism debate: Background and context' (2003), in Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B. (eds.) (2003) A new antisemitism?: Debating Judeophobia in 21st century Britain. London: Profile.
Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B., 'Globalized Judeophobia and its ramifications for British Society' (2003), in Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B. (eds.) (2003) A new antisemitism?: Debating Judeophobia in 21st century Britain. London: Profile.
Iganski, P. & Kosmin, B. (eds.), 'A new Antisemitism?: Debating Judeophobia in 21st century Britain' (2003), London: Profile.
Jacobs, J., 'The emergence and implications of American hate crime jurisprudence' (2003), in Perry, B. (ed.), Hate and Bias Crime: A Reader. New York: Routledge.
Jarman, N. & Tennant, A., 'An acceptable prejudice? Homophobic violence and harassment in Northern Ireland, Belfast' (2003), Institute for Conflict Research.
Jenness, V., 'Engendering hate crime policy: Gender, the “Dilemma of Difference,” and the creation of legal subjects' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp. 73-97
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Jenness, V., 'Engendering hate crime policy: Gender, the “dilemma of difference,” and the creation of legal subjects' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp.73-97
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Jepson, P., 'Say ‘no’ to race hate material – A counter-message approach' (2003), Journal of Civil Liberties, 8(3), pp.151-170
Jeremy, A., 'Religious offences' (2003), Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 7(33), pp.127-142
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Johnson, S.D. & Byers, B.D., 'Attitudes toward hate crime laws' (2003), Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(3), pp.227-235
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Jones, J.L., 'The hate crimes debate in Utah' (2003), Hinckley Journal of Politics, 4, pp.49-56
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McDevitt, J. & Williamson, J., 'Hate crimes directed at gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered victims' (2003), International Handbook of Violence Research, pp.801-815
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McGhee, D., 'Joined-up government, “community safety” and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender “active citizens”' (2003), Critical Social Policy, 23(3), pp.345-374
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Mcveigh, R., Welch, R. & Bjarnason, T., 'Hate crime reporting as a successful social movement outcome' (2003), American Sociological Review, 68(6), pp.843-867
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New South Wales Attorney General’s Department, '‘You shouldn’t have to hide to be safe’: A report on homophobic hostilities and violence against gay men and lesbians in New South Wales' (2003)
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Perry, B., 'Where do we go from here? Researching hate crime' (2003), Internet Journal of Criminology
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Perry, B. (ed.), 'Hate and bias crime: A reader' (2003), New York: Routledge.
Power, C., 'Irish Travellers: Ethnicity, racism and pre-sentence reports' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(3), pp.252-266
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Rayburn, N.R., Earleywine, M. & Davison, G.C., 'Base rates of hate crime victimization among college students' (2003), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(10), pp.1209-1221
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Recker Rayburn, N., Earleywine, M. & Davison, G.C., 'An investigation of base rates of anti-gay hate crimes using the unmatched-count technique' (2003), Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 6(2), pp.137-152
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Recker Rayburn, N., Mendoza, M. & Davidson, G.C., 'Bystanders’ perceptions of perpetrators and victims of hate crime: An investigation using the person perception paradigm' (2003), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(9), pp.1055-1074
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Rose, S.M., 'Community interventions concerning Homophobic violence and partner violence against Lesbians' (2003), Journal of Lesbian Studies, 7(4), pp.125-139
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Rumney, P., 'The British experience of racist hate speech regulation: A lesson for First Amendment absolutists?' (2003), Common Law World Review, 32(2), pp.117-160
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Strobl, R. Lobermeier, O. & Böttger, A., 'Verunsicherung und Vertrauensverlust bei Minderheiten durch stellvertretende und kollektive Viktimisierungen' (2003), Journal of Conflict and Violence Research, 5(1), pp.29-48
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Swahn, M. H., Mahendra, R. R., Paulozzi, L. J., Winston, R. L., Shelley, G. A., Taliano, J., Frazier, L. & Saul, J. R., 'Violent attacks on Middle Easterners in the United States during the month following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks' (2003), Injury Prevention, 9(2), pp.187-189
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Tsesis, A., 'Contextualizing bias crimes: A social and theoretical perspective' (2003), Law & Social Inquiry, 28, pp.315-340
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