Publications: Hate crime models


Abel, R.L., 'How Autocrats Abuse Power: Resistance to Trump and Trumpism' (2024), London: Routledge
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Abuín-Vences, N., Cuesta-Cambra, U., Niño-González, J.-I. & Bengochea-González, C., 'Hate speech analysis as a function of ideology: Emotional and cognitive effects | [Análisis del discurso de odio en función de la ideología: Efectos emocionales y cognitivos]' (2022), Comunicar, 30(71), pp. 1-11
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Adejumo-Ayibiowu, O.D., 'The ultimate other versus the inferior other: an Afrocentric analysis of ethnic-stereotyping and Afrophobia' (2023), African Identities [online]
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Agarwal, V., Joglekar, S., Young, A.P. & Sastry, N., 'GraphNLI: A Graph-based Natural Language Inference Model for Polarity Prediction in Online Debates' (2022), WWW 2022 - Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022, pp. 2729-2737
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Aguerri, J.C. & Miró-Llinares, F., 'Offensive and hateful communication or programmed disinformation? An analysis of the characteristics and discourse of the #ExposeBillGates conspiracy event | ¿Comunicación ofensiva y de odio o desinformación programada? Un análisis de las características y discurso del evento conspiranoico #ExposeBillGates' (2023), Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, (37)
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Ahmad, N., Lilienthal, G. & Asmad, A.B., 'The Impact of social media on UK Hate Crime: A Brief Study' (2023), IBIMA Business Review, 2023, 989773
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Ahmanideen, G. & Iner, D., 'The interaction between online and offline Islamophobia and anti-mosque campaigns: The literature review with a case study from an anti-mosque social media page' (2023), Sociology Compass [online]
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Aho, J., 'Maelstrom: Christian dominionism and far-right insurgence' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Akhtar, Z., 'Hate crimes and the law: Introducing caste hatred as a public order offence' (2021), New Journal of European Criminal Law, 12(2), pp. 166-183
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Akiba, D., Lopez, A.S.V. & Hirano, M., 'The nature of anti-Asian American xenophobia during the coronavirus pandemic: A preliminary exploration into envy as a key motivator of hate' (2021), Behavioral Sciences, 11(11), 158
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Akintande, O.J., 'Algorithmic Bias: When stigmatization becomes a perception: The stigmatized become endangered' (2023), AIES 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, pp. 966–971
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Al-Mahrouky, M.M., 'Hate Crimes and Freedom of Speech' (2023), Migration Letters, 20(S1), pp. 1013–1019
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Alcántara-Plá, M., 'Understanding emotions in hate speech: A methodology for discourse analysis' (2024), Discourse and Society [online]
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Alden, H.L. & Parker, K.F., 'Gender role ideology, Homophobia and hate crime: Linking attitudes to macro-level anti-gay and Lesbian hate crimes' (2005), Deviant Behavior, 26(4), pp.321-343
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Alexandra, L.A. & Satria, A., 'Identifying Hate Speech Trends and Prevention in Indonesia: A Cross-Case Comparison' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect [online]
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Alharthi, R., 'Recognizing Hate-prone Characteristics of Online Hate Speech Targets' (2021), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 153-155
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Alharthi, R., Alharthi, R., Shekhar, R. & Zubiaga, A., 'Target-Oriented Investigation of Online Abusive Attacks: A Dataset and Analysis' (2023), IEEE Access, 11, pp. 64114–64127
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Ali, N., Fleisher, W. & Erickson, J., 'Psychiatrists’ and psychiatry residents’ attitudes toward transgender people' (2016), Academic Psychiatry, 40(2), pp.268-273
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Alić, S., 'The Mindlessness of Hate Speech – Biological and Cultural Dimension | [Bezumlje govora mržnje – biološka i kulturna dimenzija]' (2021), Filozofska Istrazivanja, 41(4), pp. 719-736
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Aljasir, S., 'Effect of online civic intervention and online disinhibition on online hate speech among digital media users' (2023), Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 13(4), e202344
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Alkiviadou, N., 'Liberating Expression: Contemporary European Challenges' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Allinson, R.E., 'Unmasking color racism' (2021), Dialogue and Universalism, 31(1), pp. 41-68
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Almeida, P., Pereira, J. & Candido, D., 'Online hate speech on social media in Portugal: extremism or structural racism?' (2024), Social Identities [online]
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Alorainy, W., Burnap, P., Liu, H., Williams, M. & Giommoni, L., 'Disrupting networks of hate: characterising hateful networks and removing critical nodes' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 27
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Alsultany, E., 'How Hate Crime Laws Perpetuate Anti-Muslim Racism' (2021), Meridians, 20(2), pp. 414-442
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Álvarez-Benjumea, A., 'Uncovering hidden opinions: social norms and the expression of xenophobic attitudes' (2023), European Sociological Review, 39(3), pp. 449-463
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Ancell, A., 'Corporate Counterspeech' (2022), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Aporbo, R.J., 'Sociopragmatic Analysis of Filipino Celebrities ‟Posts and Fans‟ Comments' (2023), World Journal of English Language, 13(5), pp. 544–558
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Arayankalam, J., Soral, P., Khan, A., Krishnan, S. & Bose, I., 'Does centralization of online content regulation affect political hate speech in a country? A public choice perspective' (2024), Information and Management, 61(2), 103919
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Archakis, A. & Tsakona, V. (Eds.), 'Exploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between antiracist and racist discourse' (2024), Pragmatics & Beyond Series, 341, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
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Arenal Lora, L., 'Limitations and scope of the responsibility of internet service provider companies. Meta and incitement to genocide of Rohingya case | Limitaciones y alcance de la responsabilidad de las empresas proveedoras de servicios en el discurso de odio online. El caso de Meta en la incitación al genocidio rohingya' (2023), Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, 15(2), pp. 141–166
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Armas, Á.D. & Anttila, S., 'Hate speech as a means of argumentative exclusion | El discurso de odio como medio para la exclusión argumentativa' (2024), Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentacion, 2024(1), pp. 68–79
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Arnold, R., 'Systematic racist violence in Russia between ‘hate crime’ and ‘ethnic conflict’' (2015), Theoretical Criminology, 19(2), pp.239-256
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Ashley, J., Nisen, N., Lasrado, R. & Nivelkar, M., 'Hate Detection for Social Media Text with User Alert System' (2022), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 894 LNEE, pp. 279-289
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Ashraf, N., Mahmood, D., Obaidat, M.A., Ahmed, G. & Akhunzada, A., 'Criminal Behavior Identification Using Social Media Forensics' (2022), Electronics (Switzerland), 11(19), 3162
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Aßmann, A., 'Bildung and radical violence: Essay on political radicalization processes as a field of Philosophy of Education | [Bildung und radikale Gewalt: Essay über politische Radikalisierungsprozesse als bildungstheoretisches Themenfeld]' (2020), Zeitschrift fur Praktische Philosophie, 7(2), pp. 67-90
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Asogwa, N.U. & Onwuama, M.E., 'Hate Speech and Authentic Personhood: Unveiling the Truth' (2021), SAGE Open, 11(1)
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Atari, M., Davani, A.M., Kogon, D., Kennedy, B., Ani Saxena, N., Anderson, I. & Dehghani, M., 'Morally Homogeneous Networks and Radicalism' (2021), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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Attir, M.O., 'The role of armed conflict in developing a subculture of hate and its consequences: Empirical findings from Libya' (2021), Contemporary Arab Affairs, 14(2), pp. 62-76
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Auethavornpipat, R., 'Hate Speech and Discrimination as Mundane Violence against Rohingya Refugees during covid-19' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect [online]
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Badar, M. & Florijančič, P., 'Assessing Incitement to Hatred as a Crime Against Humanity of Persecution' (2019), International Journal of Human Rights [online]
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Baguso, G.N., Santiago-Rodriguez, E., Gyamerah, A.O., Wilson, E.C., Chung, C., McFarland, W. & Wesson, P., 'Mental Distress and Use of Stimulants: Analysis of a Longitudinal Cohort of Transgender Women' (2023), LGBT health, 10(3), pp. 228-236
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Baider, F., 'Covert Hate Speech, Conspiracy Theory and Anti-semitism: Linguistic Analysis Versus Legal Judgement' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Baider, F. & Anaxagorou, C., 'Evaluating Hate speech: A sociolinguistic and bio signal experiment' (2022), Studii de Lingvistica, 12(2), pp. 263-296
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Baider, F. & Constantinou, M., 'Covert Hate Speech: A Contrastive Study of Greek and Greek Cypriot Online Discussions With an Emphasis on Irony' (2020), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 8(2), pp. 262-287
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Bailey, C.M., 'The Evolution of Anti-Blackness in the American South: How Slavery and Segregation Perpetuates the Victimization of Black People' (2022), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Baishya, A.K., 'Violent spectating: Hindutva music and audio-visualizations of hate and terror in Digital India' (2022), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies [online]
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Baker, D.J. & Britton, T., 'Hate Crimes and Black College Student Enrollment' (2024), Education Finance and Policy, 19(2), pp. 187–217
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Bakken, T., 'Liberty and equality through freedom of expression: The human rights questions behind ‘hate crime’ laws' (2000), The International Journal of Human Rights, 4(2), pp.1-12
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Balbon, N., '“Why Do People Hate You, Mommy?” Militarized Masculinities and Women in Postwar Kosovar Politics' (2023), Journal of Women, Politics and Policy [online]
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