Publications: V

Vachuska, K. & Brudvig, J., 'Discourse from #The Real UW: What tweets say about racial concerns at a predominately white institution' (2018), Social Sciences, 7(21), pp.1-13
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Vadesara, A., Tanna, P. & Joshi, H., 'Hate Speech Detection: A Bird’s-Eye View' (2021), Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 52, pp. 225-231
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Vaidhegi, D., Priya, M., Rajalakshmi, S., Angel Deborah, S. & Mirnalinee, T.T., 'SSNTech2@LT-EDI-RANLP-2023: Homophobia/Transphobia Detection in Social Media Comments Using Linear Classification Techniques' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 166–171
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Vaidya, A., Nagar, S. & Nanavati, A.A., 'Analysing the Spread of Toxicity on Twitter' (2024), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 118–126
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Vaidya, A., Nagar, S. & Nanavati, A.A., 'Forecasting the Spread of Toxicity on Twitter' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence, CogMI 2023, pp. 209–217
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Valcarcel, A.S., Fernández, E.G. & Ranea-Triviño, B., 'Perceptions, experiences, and positions on gender violence in social media. Results of a survey of Andalusian young people | Percepções, experiências e posicionamentos sobre a violência de gênero nas redes sociais. Resultados de uma pesquisa com jovens Andaluzes' (2024), Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico), (21), e8676
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Valcore, J.L., 'Sexual orientation in state hate crime laws: Exploring social construction and criminal law' (2017), Journal of Homosexuality [online]
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Valcore, J., Asquith, N.L. & Rodgers, J., '“We’re led by stupid people”: Exploring Trump’s use of denigrating and deprecating speech to promote hatred and violence' (2023), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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Valcore, J., Rodgers, J. & Asquith, N.L., '“We Will Build a Great Wall”: Domination, Criminalization, and Expatriation in Trump Campaign and Rally Speeches' (2020), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 9(4), pp. 1-16
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Valcore, J.L. & Buckler, K., 'An Act of Terror and an Act of Hate: National Elite and Populace Newspaper Framing of Pulse Nightclub Shooting' (2020), Criminal Justice Studies [online]
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Valcore, J.L. & Dodge, M., 'How hate crime legislation shapes gay and lesbian target groups: An analysis of social construction, law, and policy' (2016), Criminal Justice Policy Review [online],
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Vale, M. & Matos, M., 'How can cyberhate victimization and perpetration be understood? Towards a psychological approach' (2023), in N. Mateus-Coelho & M. Cruz-Cunha (Eds.) Contemporary Challenges for Cyber Security and Data Privacy (pp. 130–150), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Valencia-García, L.D. (Ed), 'Far-Right Revisionism and the End of History: Alt/Histories' (2020), New York: Routledge
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Valenzuela-García, N., Maldonado-Guzmán, D.J., García-Pérez, A. & Del-Real, C., 'Too Lucky to Be a Victim? An Exploratory Study of Online Harassment and Hate Messages Faced by Social Media Influencers' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Valeri, R.M. & Borgeson, K. (Eds.), 'Hate crimes: Victims, motivations and typologies' (2018), Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press
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Valeri, R.M. & Borgeson, K. (Eds.), 'Terrorism in America' (2018), New York, NY: Routledge
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Valerio, L.M., 'Hate messages towards the LGTBIQ + community: Instagram profiles of the Spanish press analysis during “Pride Week” | [Mensajes de odio hacia la comunidad LGTBIQ+: análisis de los perfiles de Instagram de la prensa española durante la “Semana del Orgullo”]' (2022), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2022(80), pp. 363-388
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Valerio, L.M. & Soria, A.M.M., 'Influencers and hate messages: Young people and consumption of self-censored content | [Influencers y mensajes de odio: Jóvenes y consumo de contenidos autocensurados]' (2021), Prisma Social, 34, pp. 4-39
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Valiente Martínez, F., 'Redressing the harm caused by hate speech | [El resarcimiento de los daños causados por el discurso del odio]' (2022), Isegoria, (67), e08
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Valier, C., 'Punishment as a hate crime' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.30-31
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Valk, F., de Jonge, L. & Nanninga, P., 'The Regional Face of Extremism: A Case Study of the Northern Netherlands' (2023), Journal for Deradicalization, (35), pp. 76–106
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Valle-Cano, G.D., Quijano-Sánchez, L., Liberatore, F. & Gómez, J., 'SocialHaterBERT: A dichotomous approach for automatically detecting hate speech on Twitter through textual analysis and user profiles' (2023), Expert Systems with Applications, 216, 119446
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Vallini, A., 'Criminalizing Hate Speech to Avert Collective Violence? Working Hypotheses About the Offence of “Racist Propaganda” | [Criminalizzare L’Hate Speech per Scongiurare la Collective Violence? Ipotesi di Lavoro Intorno al Reato di “Propaganda Razzista”]' (2020), Studi sulla Questione Criminale, 15(1), pp. 33-64
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Van Coller, H., 'Freedom of expression: Blasphemy and the prohibition against religious hate speech | [Vryheid van uitdrukking: Godslastering en die verbod op godsdienstige haatspraak]' (2021), Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 61(1), pp. 87-106
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Van de Ven, P., 'Comparisons among homophobic reactions of undergraduates, high school students and young offenders' (1994), Journal of Sex Research, 31(2), pp.117-124
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van der Puil, R., Spahn, A. & Royakkers, L., 'Which Democratic Way to Go? Using Democracy Theories in Social Media Design' (2023), International Journal of Technoethics, 14(1)
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Van Dyke, N. & Tester, G., 'Dangerous climates: Factors associated with variation in racist hate crimes on college campuses' (2014), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 30(3), pp.290-309
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Van Dyke, N., Soule, S.A. & Widom, R., 'The politics of hate: Explaining variation in the incidence of anti-gay hate crime' (2001), Research in Political Sociology, The Politics of Social Inequality, 9, pp.33-56
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van Geel, M., Vedder, P. & Tanilon, J., 'Are overweight and obese youths more often bullied by their peers? A meta-analysis on the correlation between weight status and bullying' (2014), International Journal of Obesity, 38(10), pp.1263-1267
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Van Hout, M.C., Kaima, R., Mhango, V. & Mariniello, T., 'Moving beyond the politization of same-sex sexuality and leveraging right to health to counter inter-personal sexual violence and HIV in Malawi’s prisons' (2022), Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 3, 100103
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Van Houtven, E., Acquah, S.B., Obermaier, M., Saleem, M. & Schmuck, D., '‘You Got My Back?’ Severity and Counter-Speech in Online Hate Speech Toward Minority Groups' (2024), Media Psychology [online]
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Van Kesteren, J., 'Assessing the risk and prevalence of hate crime victimization in Western Europe' (2016), International Review of Victimology, 22(2), pp.139-160
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van Reyk, P., 'Homophobia, hate and violence against lesbians and gays in NSW: An overview of some studies' (1996), in Sumner, C. et al, International Victimology: Selected Papers from the 8th International Symposium: Proceedings of a Symposium held 21-26 August 1994, Adelaide (1996) 87

van Reyk, P., 'Homophobia, hate and violence against lesbians and gays in NSW: A community responds' (1994), Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on Victimology, Adelaide, 21-26 August 1994

Van Schenck, R., 'Deplatforming “the people”: media populism, racial capitalism, and the regulation of online reactionary networks' (2023), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Van Sluytman, L., Spikes, P., Nandi, V., Van Tieu, H., Frye, V., Patterson, J. & Koblin, B., 'Ties that bind: Community attachment and the experience of discrimination among Black men who have sex with men' (2015), Culture, Health and Sexuality, pp.1-14
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van Spanje, J. & Azrout, R., 'The plight of the discredited: Electoral effects of stigmatizing and prosecuting an anti-immigration politician' (2021), Acta Politica [online]
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Van Wyk, H., & Nel, J.A., 'The role of organized psychology in inspiring hope and preventing hate victimization: Recommendations from a South African hate and bias monitoring initiative' (2023), Journal of Hate Studies, 18(1), pp. 16–30
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Vanetik, N. & Mimoun, E., 'Detection of Racist Language in French Tweets' (2022), Information (Switzerland), 13(7), 318
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Vantin, S., 'The prism of equality. From legal feminist critiques to the Digital Era' (2021), Women's Studies International Forum, 86, 102469
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Vara-Miguel, A., Martínez-Costa, M.P., Sánchez-García, P. & Novoa-Jaso, M.F., 'Critical Dimensions in the Proliferation and Mitigation of Disinformation: A Delphi Study | Dimensiones críticas en la proliferación y mitigación de la desinformación: un estudio Delphi' (2024), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 30(2), pp. 281–293
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Varade, R.S. & Pathak, V.B., 'Detection of Hate Speech in Hinglish Language' (2020), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1101, pp. 265-276
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Varela, N., 'History of reference texts in the construction of feminist discourse in the 21st century as a strategy against its media devaluation | Historia de los textos de referencia en la construcción del discurso feminista del siglo XXI como estrategia frente a su devaluación mediática' (2023), Historia y Comunicacion Social, 28(2), pp. 317–326
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Vargas, F., Carvalho, I., Góes, F., Pardo, T.A.S. & Benevenuto, F., 'HateBR: A Large Expert Annotated Corpus of Brazilian Instagram Comments for Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 7174-7183
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Vargas, F., Góes, F., Carvalho, I., Benevenuto, F. & Pardo, T.A.S., 'Contextual-Lexicon Approach for Abusive Language Detection' (2021), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP, pp. 1438-1447
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Vartanian, L.R. & Shaprow, J.G., 'Effects of weight stigma on exercise motivation and behavior: A preliminary investigation among college-aged females' (2008), Journal of Health Psychology, 13(1), pp.131-138
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Vasconcelos, R.M., Araújo, E., Silva, M. & Campinho, L., 'Transnational Higher Education: Diversity as Challenge' (2023), Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2023
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Vashistha, N. & Zubiaga, A., 'Online multilingual hate speech detection: Experimenting with Hindi and English social media' (2021), Information (Switzerland), 12(1),5, pp. 1-16
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Vasilenko, E., 'Online hate speech in Belarus: Highlighting the topical issues' (2021), Zeitschrift fur Slawistik, 66(4), pp. 558-577
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Vasist, P.N., Chatterjee, D. & Krishnan, S., 'The Polarizing Impact of Political Disinformation and Hate Speech: A Cross-country Configural Narrative' (2023), Information Systems Frontiers [online]
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