Publications: Media and hate crime


Abhijit, M., 'Dial H for hatred: Did Independent conclude too soon it is hate crime?' (2017), Journal of Global Communication, 10(1), pp.1-9
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Abondo Ndo, W.S., 'Digital Shifts and Ethno-Political Dynamics: Examining Event and Actor Designation in the Cameroon Boko Haram Terrorism Conflict through Print and Online Platforms' (2024), Journalism and Media, 5(1), pp. 359–381
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Aguilera-Carnerero, C. & Tegal, M., 'Multimodal Islamophobia: Gendered stereotypes in memes' (2023), Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 16(2), pp. 201–222
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Akande, A. (Ed.), 'Globalization, Human Rights and Populism: Reimagining People, Power and Places' (2023), Cham: Springer
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Al Ghamdi, M.A., Bhatti, M.S., Saeed, A., Gillani, Z. & Almotiri, S.H., 'A fusion of BERT, machine learning and manual approach for fake news detection' (2023), Multimedia Tools and Applications [online]
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Al-Rawi, A., Siddiqi, M. & Al-Musalli, A., 'Abusive Metajournalistic Discourse Towards Journalists on Social Media' (2024), Journalism Studies [online]
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Alcacer-Guirao, R. & Fouce, H., 'Toxic emotions in the new public sphere: Media controversies and hate discourse | [Emociones tóxicas en la nueva esfera pública: Controversias mediáticas y discurso del odio]' (2021), Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, 11(2), pp. 123-135
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Ali, I., Asif, M., Hamid, I., Sawar, M.U., Khan, F.A. & Ghadi, Y., 'A word embedding technique for sentiment analysis of social media to understand the relationship between Islamophobic incidents and media portrayal of Muslim communities' (2022), PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e838
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Altaa, M. & Al-Rawashdeh, A.L., 'The social responsibility of television in the dissemination of a culture of tolerance and rejection of hatred (Applied Study on a Sample of the UAE Society 2019-2020)' (2021), Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 48(2), pp. 85-102
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Amores, J.J., Arcila-Calderón, C. & Blanco-Herrero, D., 'Evolution of negative visual frames of immigrants and refugees in the main media of Southern Europe' (2020), Profesional de la Informacion, 29(6), e290624, pp. 1-21
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Anderson, L., 'Countering Islamophobic media representations: The potential role of peace journalism' (2015), Global Media and Communication, 11(3) pp.255-270
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Ang, D., 'The Birth of a Nation: Media and Racial Hate' (2023), American Economic Review, 113(6), pp. 1424–1460
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Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW, 'Race for the headlines: Racism and media discourse' (2001), Sydney

Antón, R.R. & Baptista, C., 'Journalists as Targets of Hate Speech from Iberian Radical Right on Twitter | [Los periodistas como objetivo de los discursos de odio de la derecha radical ibérica en Twitter]' (2022), IC Revista Cientifica de Informacion y Comunicacion, 19, pp. 619-646
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Anwar, S. & Giglietto, F., 'Facebook reactions in the context of politics and social issues: a systematic literature review' (2024), Frontiers in Sociology, 9, 1379265
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Aondover, E.M., 'Media Outlook of Hate Speech in the 2015 and 2019 General Elections in Nigeria' (2024), Rotura: Journal of Communication, Culture and Arts, 4(1), pp. 50–63
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Arce-García, S., Said-Hung, E. & Montero-Díaz, J., 'Unmasking coordinated hate: Analysing hate speech on Spanish digital news media' (2024), New Media and Society [online]
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Arora, S. & Kumar, K.J. (Eds.), 'Media Narratives and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Asian Experience' (2023), London: Routledge India
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Asquith, N., 'Race riots on the beach: A case for criminalising hate speech?' (2008), Paper presented at the British Criminology Conference, Huddersfield.
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Ata, R.N. & Thompson, J.K., 'Weight bias in the media: A review of recent research' (2010), Obesity Facts, 3(1), pp.41-46
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Awan, I., 'Islamophobia and twitter: A typology of online hate against muslims on social media' (2014), Policy and Internet, 6(2), pp.133-150
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Awan, I. & Issa, I., '‘Certainly the Muslim is the very devil incarnation’: Islamophobia and The Merchant of Venice' (2018), The Muslim World, 108(3), pp.367-386
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Awan, I. & Rahman, M., 'Portrayal of Muslims following the murders of Lee Rigby in Woolwich and Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham: A content analysis of UK newspapers' (2016), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, pp.1-16
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Aydin, Z., Fuess, A., Sunier, T. & Vázquez, A.G., 'The web of hate: Fragmentation of media authority and its link to right-wing populism and cyber Islamophobia' (2021), Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 37(3), pp. 231-243
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Baird, R., 'The reporting of hate crime' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.28-29
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Balabantaray, S.R., 'Coronavirus Pandemic and Construction of False Narratives: Politics of Health (Hate) and Religious Hatred/ Hate Crimes in India | [Pandemia de coronavirus y construcción de narrativas falsas: políticas de salud (odio) y odio religioso/crímenes de odio en la India]' (2022), Sociologia y Tecnociencia, 12(2), pp. 307-322
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Baldi, V. & Gala, A., 'Antibodies against the culture of mistrust: The return of science and prudence to the media agenda | [Anticorpos à cultura da desconfiança: O regresso da ciência e da prudência na agenda mediática]' (2021), Observatorio, Circum-navegando as repercussões socio-mediáticas do contexto pandémico, pp. 96-114
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Barão da Silva, G., Sbaraini Fontes, G. & Marques, F.P.J., 'Risks and Resilience in the Case of Brazilian Female Journalists: How Women Perceive Violence Against Media Professionals and Cope with its Effects' (2022), Journalism Studies [online]
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Becker, A.B., 'Sacha Baron Cohen, Anti-Semitism, and Borat: Using Advocacy and Irony to Speak Out Against Hate' (2021), Society [online]
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Becker, M.J., Ascone, L. & Troschke, H., 'Antisemitic comments on Facebook pages of leading British, French, and German media outlets' (2022), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 339
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Berdón-Prieto, P., Herrero-Izquierdo, J. & Reguero-Sanz, I., 'Political polarization and politainment: Methodology for analyzing crypto hate speech on TikTok | Polarización política y politainment: metodología de análisis del criptodiscurso de odio en TikTok' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(6), e320601
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Berg, J., Fagerholm, A. & Strandberg, K., 'Quality User-Generated Content? A Case Study of the Quality of Online News Comments on the Site of Finnish Public Service Broadcaster Yle' (2024), Journalism Practice [online]
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Bernal, V., 'Crazy, stupid, lying, traitors: Eritrean politics and extreme speech online' (2023), Anthropological Quarterly, 96(4), pp. 651–682
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Berry, M., 'Translation, Disinformation, and Wuhan Diary: Anatomy of a Transpacific Cyber Campaign' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Beshara, R.K., 'Charlie Hebdo: Differences in corporate and alternative media coverage' (2018), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs [online], pp.1-7
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Bhat, P., 'Coping with Hate: Exploring Indian Journalists’ Responses to Online Harassment' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Bhat, P. & Chadha, K., 'The Mob, the State and Harassment of Journalists via Twitter in India' (2022), Digital Journalism [online]
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Bhatia, M., Poynting, S. & Tufail, W. (Eds), 'Media, crime and racism' (2018), Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Bhattacharyya, R. (Ed.), 'Genocides and Xenophobia in South Asia and Beyond: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Known, Lesser-known and Unknown Crime of Crimes' (2023), London: Routledge India
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Binny, M., 'Tracing the Contours of Hate Speech in India in the Pandemic Year: The Curious Case of Online Hate Speech against Muslims and Dalits During the Pandemic' (2022), Contemporary Voice of Dalit [online]
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Birk, M., Gill, H. & Heer, K., 'De-Islamizing Sikhaphobia: Deconstructing structural racism in Wisconsin gurdwara shooting 10/12' (2015), Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 10(2), pp.97-106
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Blanco-Castilla, E., Fernández-Torres, M.-J. & Cano-Galindo, J., 'Disinformation and hate speech toward female sports journalists' (2022), Profesional de la Informacion, 31(6), e310613
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Blanco‐Herrero, D., Splendore, S. & Alonso, M.O., 'Southern European Journalists’ Perceptions of Discursive Menaces in the Age of (Online) Delegitimization' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 210-220
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Bodroghkozy, A., 'Making #Charlottesville: Media from Civil Rights to Unite the Right' (2023), Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press
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Bonaut, J., Vicent-Ibáñez, M. & Antonia Paz-Rebollo, M., 'Sports Journalists and Readers: Journalism and User Incivility' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Bonnette-Bailey, L.M. & Gayles, J.I. (Eds.), 'Black Popular Culture and Social Justice: Beyond the Culture' (2023), London: Routledge
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Borenstein, E., '‘Everybody Hates Russia: On the Uses of Conspiracy Theory under Putin' (2022), Social Research, 89(3), pp. 811-829
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Boucher, G., 'The Lyric Poetry of the Authoritarian Personality: Reading America First!' (2024), Arcadia, 59(1), pp. 1–22
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Bourou, M., '“Diversity is a code word. And what it means is white genocide!” The cinematic representation of neofascist rhetoric in four dramatic race-related films' (2022), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 10(1), pp. 219-239
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Bouzerdan, C. & Whitten-Woodring, J., 'Killings in context: An analysis of the news framing of femicide' (2018), Human Rights Review, 19(2), pp.211–228
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