Publications: Immigration and hate crime


Abel, R.L., 'How Autocrats Abuse Power: Resistance to Trump and Trumpism' (2024), London: Routledge
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Adejumo-Ayibiowu, O.D., 'The ultimate other versus the inferior other: an Afrocentric analysis of ethnic-stereotyping and Afrophobia' (2023), African Identities [online]
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Aggarwal, P., Szkody, E., Kapoulea, E., Daniel, K., Bootes, K., Boland, J., Washburn, J. & Peterman, A., 'International students’ experiences in graduate programs during COVID-19 and recent sociopolitical climate in the USA' (2023), Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education [online]
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Alcaraz, A.O., 'Political discourse on migration on Twitter during the Ceuta «migration crisis» (2021): From political correctness to hate speech | El discurso político sobre las migraciones en Twitter durante la «crisis migratoria» de Ceuta (2021): De la corrección política al discurso del odio' (2023), Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion, 31, pp. 13–30
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Álvarez-Benjumea, A., 'Uncovering hidden opinions: social norms and the expression of xenophobic attitudes' (2023), European Sociological Review, 39(3), pp. 449-463
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Amores, J.J., Arcila-Calderón, C. & Blanco-Herrero, D., 'Evolution of negative visual frames of immigrants and refugees in the main media of Southern Europe' (2020), Profesional de la Informacion, 29(6), e290624, pp. 1-21
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Amrute, S., 'Immigrant Sensibilities in Tech Worlds: Sensing Hate, Capturing Dissensus' (2020), Cultural Anthropology, 35(3), pp. 374-403
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Archakis, A. & Tsakona, V. (Eds.), 'Exploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between antiracist and racist discourse' (2024), Pragmatics & Beyond Series, 341, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
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Arcila-Calderón, C., Amores, J.J., Sánchez-Holgado, P., Vrysis, L., Vryzas, N. & Oller Alonso, M., 'How to Detect Online Hate towards Migrants and Refugees? Developing and Evaluating a Classifier of Racist and Xenophobic Hate Speech Using Shallow and Deep Learning' (2022), Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(20), 13094
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Arcila-Calderón, C., Sánchez-Holgado, P., Quintana-Moreno, C., Amores, J.-J. & Blanco-Herrero, D., 'Hate speech and social acceptance of migrants in Europe: Analysis of tweets with geolocation | [Discurso de odio y aceptación social hacia migrantes en Europa: Análisis de tuits con geolocalización]' (2022), Comunicar, 30(71), pp. 1-13
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Arrocha, W., 'Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070: Targeting the other1 and generating discourses and practices of discrimination and hate' (2011), Journal of Hate Studies, 9(1), pp. 65-92
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Arrocha, W.F., 'Reclaiming Justice and eliminating inequality through compassionate migration: The relentless struggle of migrants living in the shadows' (2013), Journal of Hate Studies, 11(1), pp. 85-118
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Arrocha, W., 'Combating xenophobia and hate through compassionate migration: the present struggle of irregular migrants escaping fear and extreme poverty' (2019), Crime, Law and Social Change, 71(3), pp 245–260
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Assimakopoulos, S. & Muskat, R.V., 'Xenophobic and homophobic attitudes in online news portal comments in Malta' (2018), Xjenza Online, 6, pp.25-40
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Beasley, C. & Papadelos, P. (Eds.), 'Living Legacies of Social Injustice: Power, Time and Social Change' (2023), London: Routledge
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Benedi Lahuerta, S. & Iusmen, I., 'EU Nationals’ Vulnerability in the Context of Brexit: The Case of Polish Nationals' (2020), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies [online]
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Berek, M., 'Antisemitism and immigration in Western Europe today: Is there a connection? The case of Germany' (2018), Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), Berlin & Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London
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Bhattacharyya, R. (Ed.), 'Genocides and Xenophobia in South Asia and Beyond: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Known, Lesser-known and Unknown Crime of Crimes' (2023), London: Routledge India
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Bjørgo, T. & Mareš, M., 'Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities' (2019), Abingdon: Routledge
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Blanco-Herrero, D. & Calderón, C.A., 'Spread and Reception of Fake News Promoting Hate Speech Against Migrants and Refugees in Social Media: Research Plan for the Doctoral Programme Education in the Knowledge Society' (2019), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 949-955
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Bloodsworth-Lugo, M.K. & Lugo-Lugo, C.R., 'The medicalisation of threats, immigration as contagion, and White supremacy in an age of terror' (2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online]
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Bochorishvili, N., 'Global migration, discrimination, and the internationalization of higher education' (2023), in E. Alaverdov & M.W. Bari (Eds.) Handbook of Research on the Regulation of the Modern Global Migration and Economic Crisis (pp. 277-292), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Bonhomme, M. & Alfaro, A., '‘The filthy people’: Racism in digital spaces during Covid-19 in the context of South–South migration' (2022), International Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(3-4), pp. 404-427
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Borges, G. M., Guerreiro, A., & Pina, M. (Eds.), 'Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization' (2024), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Borges, G. M., Guerreiro, A., & Pina, M. (Eds.), 'Modern Insights and Strategies in Victimology' (2024), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Breazu, P., 'Entitlement Racism on YouTube: White injury—the licence to Humiliate Roma migrants in the UK' (2023), Discourse, Context and Media, 55, 100718
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Buoncompagni, G. & D’ambrosi, L., 'Hate Speech Towards Migrants' (2020), in G. La Rocca & J. Martínez-Torvisco (Eds.) Technological and Digital Risk: Research Issues. Peter Lang Publishers
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Calderón, C.A., de la Vega, G. & Herrero, D.B., 'Topic Modeling and Characterization of Hate Speech Against Immigrants on Twitter Around the Emergence of a Far-Right Party in Spain' (2020), Social Sciences, 9(11),188, pp. 1-19
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Cameron-Gardos, P., 'The brotherhood of hate: Hyper-masculinity, same-sex desire and far-right identity in Brotherhood' (2022), DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, 9(2), pp. 41–53
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Carballo Rodríguez, F.M., 'Civility as a horizon for democracy in Étienne Balibar | La civilidad como horizonte para la democracia en Étienne Balibar' (2023), Isegoria, 68, e11
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Carter-Thuillier, B., Gallardo-Fuentes, F., Moreno-Doña, A. & Beltrán-Véliz, J., 'Immigration, racism, and social justice: What is the role for schools during the COVID-19 pandemic? | [ImigraÇÃo, racismo e justiÇa social: Qual o papel da escola diante da pandemia COVID-19?]' (2021), Interciencia, 46(6), pp. 280-286
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Castro, R.F., 'Busting the Bandito Boyz: Militarism, masculinity, and the hunting of undocumented persons in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands' (2007), Journal of Hate Studies, 6(1), pp. 7-30
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Cattin, T., Molina-Villegas, A., Fuentes-Carrera, J. & Siordia, O.S., 'The Geopolitical Repercussions of US Anti-immigrant Rhetoric on Mexican Online Speech About Migration: A Transdisciplinary Approach' (2022), Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp. 41-51
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Chávez-García, M., 'The Architects of Hate: Garrett Hardin and Cordelia S. May’s Fight for Immigration Restriction and Eugenics in the Name of the Environment' (2023), Journal of American Ethnic History, 43(1), pp. 88–117
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Chen, G., 'Hidden Geographies: Migration, Intersectionality, and Social Justice in a Global Contemporaneous Space' (2023), Professional Geographer, 75(1), pp. 131-137
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Chen, Y., Sack, H. & Alam, M., 'Analyzing social media for measuring public attitudes toward controversies and their driving factors: a case study of migration' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 135
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Chitrakar, R., 'Threat perception in online anti-migrant speech: A Slovene case study' (2020), Slovenscina 2.0, 8(1), pp. 66-91
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Choe, D., 'Challenges in psychological wellbeing for Korean newcomer immigrant adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2024), Current Psychology [online]
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Close, C.M., Bosqui, T., O'Reilly, D., Donnelly, M. & Kouvonen, A., 'Migrant mental health and representation in routine administrative registers' (2018), International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 14(1), pp.82-95
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Cole, M., 'Theresa May, the Hostile Environment and Public Pedagogies of Hate and Threat: The Case for a Future Without Borders' (2019), London: Routledge
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Costello, M., Restifo, S.J. & Hawdon, J., 'Viewing anti-immigrant hate online: An application of routine activity and Social Structure-Social Learning Theory' (2021), Computers in Human Behavior, 124, 106927
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Cuenca, A.G., 'Politics and hate speech: authoritarianism is back | Política y discurso de odio: el autoritarismo está de vuelta' (2023), Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho, (49), pp. 576–586
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Czymara, C.S. & Gorodzeisky, A., 'Hostility on Twitter in the aftermath of terror attacks' (2024), Journal of Computational Social Science [online]
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Dalle Carbonare, M., Promod, P. & Komath, D., 'Maxillofacial Trauma in Ethnic Minorities: Has Brexit Promoted an Increase in Violence and Discrimination?' (2020), British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [online]
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Daniels, C., DiMaggio, P., Mora, G.C. & Shepherd, H., 'Has Pandemic Threat Stoked Xenophobia? How COVID-19 Influences California Voters’ Attitudes toward Diversity and Immigration' (2021), Sociological Forum [online]
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De Borja Navarro, F. & Yeh, A., 'The Dangerous Discourse of “Us” vs. “Them:” Spain’s VOX Discursive Practices' (2022), Journal of Nationalism Memory and Language Politics, 16(2), pp. 211-233
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De Cauwer, H., Granholm, F., Khorram-Manesh, A., Barten, D.G, Tin, D., Mortelmans, L.J., Somville, F. & Ciottone, G.R., 'An Epidemiological Analysis of Terrorist Attacks in the Nordic and Baltic Countries from 1970 through 2020' (2023), Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [online]
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de Frutos, S.V., 'A Sinophobia Analysis of Hate and Offensive Speeches against the Chinese Collective on Twitter: From Implicit to Explicit Cultural Rejection | Discurso odioso e ofensivo na rede social Twitter à comunidade chinesa Análise da sinofobia: da rejeição cultural encoberta à explícita' (2024), Anuario Electronico de Estudios en Comunicacion Social Disertaciones, 17(1)
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de Oteyza, M.O.G. & Marcos, I.C., 'Tweets on migrants during the election campaigns in the Community of Madrid' (2023), Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico), 2023
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Denti, D. & Faggian, A., 'Welcome to the Punch. Local exposure to refugees and hate events in Italy' (2023), Annals of Regional Science [online]
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