Publications: Q

Qayyum, H., Ikram, M., Zhao, B.Z.H., Wood, I.D., Kourtellis, N. & Kaafar, M.A., 'Exploring the Distinctive Tweeting Patterns of Toxic Twitter Users' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023, pp. 3624–3633
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Qian, J., Bethke, A., Liu, Y., Belding, E. & Wang, W.Y., 'A Benchmark Dataset for Learning to Intervene in Online Hate Speech' (2019), EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 - 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 4755-4764
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Qian, J., ElSherief, M., Belding, E. & Wang, W.Y., 'Learning to Decipher Hate Symbols' (2019), NAACL HLT 2019 - 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies - Proceedings of the Conference, 1, pp. 3006-3015
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Qiu, L., Qiao, D., Tan, B.C.Y. & Whinston, A.B., 'Leading the Horse to Water? Investigating the Impact of Ride-Hailing Services on Hate Crimes' (2024), Production and Operations Management, 33(1), pp. 342–363
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Quadros, P., 'Dissimulacro-resimulation: opportunities of the culture of hate in the post-truth era of Brazil' (2018), Media & Journalism: a journal of the Center for Media Research and Journalism, 32(18)
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Quandt, T., Klapproth, J. & Frischlich, L., 'Dark social media participation and well-being' (2022), Current Opinion in Psychology, 45, 101284
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Quarmby, K., 'Getting away with murder: Disabled people’s experiences of hate crime in the UK' (2008), London: SCOPE.
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Quattrociocchi, A., Etta, G., Avalle, M., Cinelli, M. & Quattrociocchi, W., 'Reliability of News and Toxicity in Twitter Conversations' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13618 LNCS, pp. 245-256
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Quent, M. & Schulz, P., 'Rechtsextremismus in lokalen Kontexten: Vier vergleichende Fallstudien' (2015), VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Quent, M., Geschke, G. & Peinelt, E., 'Die haben uns nicht ernst genommen: Eine Studie zu Erfahrungen von Betroffenen rechter Gewalt mit der Polizei' (2014), ezra - mobile Beratung für Opfer rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt
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Quillian, L., 'Prejudice as a response to perceived group threat: Population composition and anti-immigrant and racial prejudice in Europe' (1995), American Sociological Review, 60(4), pp.586-611
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Quinn, K., 'Romper stomper: Violence for violence’s sake, or movie with a message?' (1997), in Bessant, J. & Hill, R. (eds.) Youth, Crime and the Media: Media Representation of and Reaction to Young People in relation to Law and Order. ACYS Publishing.

Quinn, E.A., Skinner-Dorkenoo, A.L. & Wages, J.E., 'Affective disgust predicts blame for gay male homicide victims' (2021), Journal of Applied Social Psychology [online]
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Quist, R.M. & Wiegand, D.M., 'Attributions of hate: The media’s causal attributions of a homophobic murder' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.93-107
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Quoc Tran, K., Trong Nguyen, A., Hoang, P.G., Luu, C.D., Do, T.-H. & Van Nguyen, K., 'Vietnamese hate and offensive detection using PhoBERT-CNN and social media streaming data' (2022), Neural Computing and Applications [online]
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Quraishi, M., 'Muslims and crime: A comparative study' (2005), Aldershot: Ashgate

Qureshi, K.A. & Sabih, M., 'Un-Compromised Credibility: Social Media Based Multi-Class Hate Speech Classification for Text' (2021), IEEE Access, 9, 9503413, pp. 109465-109477
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Qureshi, M.D.M., Qureshi, M.A. & Rashwan, W., 'Toward Inclusive Online Environments: Counterfactual-Inspired XAI for Detecting and Interpreting Hateful and Offensive Tweets' (2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1903 CCIS, pp. 97–119
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