Publications: Weight bias


Ashmore, J.A., Friedman, K.E., Reichmann, S.K. & Musante, G.J., 'Weight-based stigmatization, psychological distress, & binge eating behavior among obese treatment-seeking adults' (2008), Eating Behaviors, 9(2), pp.203-209
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Ata, R.N. & Thompson, J.K., 'Weight bias in the media: A review of recent research' (2010), Obesity Facts, 3(1), pp.41-46
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Bacon, H., 'Embodying a Different Word about Fat: The Need for Critical Feminist Theologies of Fat Liberation' (2023), Religions, 14(6), 696
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Bailey, K.A., Griffin, M., Lopez, K.J., Fayyaz, N., Habib, S. & Leighton, J., '(Re)claiming subversive spaces on TikTok: the complexities of body activisms within physical activity cultures' (2024), Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health [online]
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Bennett, B.L. & Puhl, R.M., 'Diabetes stigma and weight stigma among physicians treating type 2 diabetes: Overlapping patterns of bias' (2023), Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 202, 110827
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Boots, C.E., Gloff, M., Lustik, S.J. & Vitek, W., 'Addressing weight bias in reproductive medicine: a call to revisit body mass index restrictions for in vitro fertilization treatment' (2024), Fertility and Sterility [online]
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Bradford, H.M., Puhl, R.M., Phillippi, J.C., Dietrich, M.S. & Neal, J.L., 'Weight Bias Among Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives: Findings From a National Sample' (2024), Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health [online]
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Brownstone, L.M., Kelly, D.A., Harrop, E.N., Norling, H.N., Palazzolo, L.P., Wright, O. & Tiede, E., 'Healing from weight stigma in community: A thematic analysis of a group intervention for large-bodied individuals' (2023), Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), 60(4), pp. 455–466
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Burmeister, J.M., Kiefner, A.E., Carels, R.A. & Musher-Eizenman, D.R., 'Weight bias in graduate school admissions' (2013), Obesity, 21(5), pp.918-920
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Byrd, R., Dolbier, C., Whited, M. & Carels, R.A., 'The Role of Weight Stigma in Health Care Avoidance and Mistrust Among Pregnant Women' (2023), Stigma and Health [online]
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Carels, R.A. & Musher-Eizenman, D.R., 'Individual differences and weight bias: Do people with an anti-fat bias have a pro-thin bias?' (2010), Body Image, 7(3), pp.143-148
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Carels, R.A., Jansen, E., Shonrock, A.T., Miller, J.C. & Mansour, L., 'Weight bias and judgments of sexual assault scenarios: It is not all about weight' (2023), Stigma and Health [online]
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Carniel, G.P., Diercks, M.S. & Jung, N.M., 'The story of a fat black woman: daily life, affectivity and sexuality | A história de uma mulher negra e gorda: cotidiano, afetividade e sexualidade' (2023), Physis, 33, e33028
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Chen, E.Y., Bocchieri-Ricciardi, L.E., Munoz, D., Fischer, S., Katterman, S., Roehrig, M., Dymek-Valentine, M., Alverdy, J.C. & Le Grange, D., 'Depressed mood in class III obesity predicted by weight-related stigma' (2007), Obesity Surgery, 17(5), pp.669-671
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Coltman-Patel, T., '(Mis)Representing Weight and Obesity in the British Press: Fear, Divisiveness, Shame and Stigma' (2023), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Côté, M., Forouhar, V., Edache, I.Y. & Alberga, A.S., 'Weight bias among Canadians: Associations with sociodemographics, BMI and body image constructs' (2024), Social Science and Medicine, 354, 11706
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Dimitrov Ulian, M., Fernandez Unsain, R., Rocha Franco, R., Aurélio Santo, M., Brewis, A., Trainer, S., SturtzSreetharan, C., Wutich, A., Gualano, B. & Baeza Scagliusi, F., 'Weight stigma after bariatric surgery: A qualitative study with Brazilian women' (2023), PloS one, 18(7), e0287822
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Ding. V.J. & Stillman, J.A., 'An empirical investigation of discrimination against overweight female job applicants in New Zealand' (2005), New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 34(3), pp.139-148
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Dunham, M., 'Obesity bias awareness decreases nursing students’ bias toward patients with obesity' (2024), Nursing, 54(2), pp. 56–60
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Eichenberg, T.B., Parikh, S., Cox, J., Doshi, D., Padilla-Register, M. & DallaPiazza, M., 'An Educational Session for Medical Students Exploring Weight Bias in Clinical Care Through the Lens of Body Diversity' (2023), MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources, 19, pp. 11342
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Eisenberg, M.E., Neumark-Sztainer, D. & Story, M., 'Associations of weight-based teasing and emotional well-being among adolescents' (2003), Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 157(8), pp.733-738
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Falkner, N.H., French, S.A., Jeffery, R.W., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Sherwood, N.E. & Morton, N., 'Mistreatment due to weight: Prevalence and sources of perceived mistreatment in women and men' (1999), Obesity Research, 7(6), pp.572-576
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Forouhar, V., Edache, I.Y., Salas, X.R. & Alberga, A.S., 'Weight bias internalization and beliefs about the causes of obesity among the Canadian public' (2023), BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1621
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Giel, K.E., Zipfel, S., Alizadeh, M., Schaffeler, N., Zahn, C., Wessel, D., Hesse, F.W., Thiel, S. & Thiel, A., 'Stigmatization of obese individuals by human resource professionals: An experimental study' (2012), BMC Public Health, 12(1), pp
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Griffiths, L.J., Wolke, D., Page, A.S. & Horwood, J.P., 'Obesity and bullying: Different effects for boys and girls' (2006), Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91(2), pp.121-125
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Harris, M.B., Harris, R.J. & Bochner, S., 'Fat, four-eyed, and female: Stereotypes of obesity, glasses, and gender' (1982), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 12(6), pp.503-516
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Hatzenbuehler, M.L., Keyes, K.M. & Hasin, D.S., 'Associations between perceived weight discrimination and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in the general population' (2009), Obesity, 17(11), pp.2033-2039
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Hayden-Wade, H.A., Stein, R.I., Ghaderi, A., Saelens, B.E., Zabinski, M.F. & Wilfley, D.E., 'Prevalence, characteristics, and correlates of teasing experiences among overweight children vs. non-overweight peers' (2005), Obesity Research, 13(6), pp.1381-1392
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Heidebrecht, C., Fierheller, D., Martel, S., Andrews, A., Hollahan, A., Griffin, L., Meerai, S., Lock, R., Nabavian, H., D’Silva, C., Friedman, M. & Zenlea, I., 'Raising awareness of anti-fat stigma in healthcare through lived experience education: a continuing professional development pilot study' (2024), BMC Medical Education, 24(1), 64
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Himes, S.M. & Thompson, J.K., 'Fat stigmatization in television shows and movies: A content analysis' (2007), Obesity, 15(3), pp.712-718
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Jayawickrama, R.S., Hill, B., O’Connor, M., Flint, S.W., Hemmingsson, E. & Lawrence, B.J., 'Assessing Explicit Weight Bias Among Australian Health Care Students: Suitability of the Beliefs About Obese Persons Scale (BAOP) and the Antifat Attitudes Questionnaire (AFA)' (2023), Stigma and Health [online]
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Joy, P. & Davies, A., 'Compassionately fat: an autotheoretical exploration of queer bodies' (2024), Fat Studies [online]
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Kamiński, M., Wieczorek, T., Kręgielska-Narożna, M. & Bogdański, P., 'Tweeting about fatphobia and body shaming: A retrospective infodemiological study' (2024), Nutrition, 125, 112497
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Keery, H., Boutelle, K., Van Den Berg, P. & Thompson, J.K., 'The impact of appearance-related teasing by family members' (2005), Journal of Adolescent Health, 37(2), pp.120-127
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Kost, C., Jamie, K. & Mohr, E., '“Whatever I said didn’t register with her”: medical fatphobia and interactional and relational disconnect in healthcare encounters' (2024), Frontiers in Sociology, 9, 1303919
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Krukowski, R.A., Smith West, D., Philyaw Perez, A., Bursac, Z., Phillips, M.M. & Raczynski, J.M., 'Overweight children, weight-based teasing and academic performance' (2009), International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 4(4), pp.274-280
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Kumari, N. & Singh, R., '“You Are Unique, The Way You Are”: Policing the “Fat Female Body” in Fanney Khan' (2023), Kemanusiaan, 30(1), pp. 19-33
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Larkin, J.C. & Pines, H.A., 'No fat persons need apply: Experimental studies of the overweight stereotype and hiring preference' (1979), Work and Occupations, 6(3), pp.312-327
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Letouze, P. & Mendes, D.B., 'Positive Semiotics Construction: The Intersectionality of Fat Black Women, from Fatphobia, Through Fat Appraisal to Fat Praise' (2024), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Lewis, T.T., Kravitz, H.M., Janssen, I. & Powell, L.H., 'Self-reported experiences of discrimination and visceral fat in middle-aged African-American and caucasian women' (2011), American Journal of Epidemiology, 173(11), pp.1223-1231
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Lintang Kusuma, M., Al-Bashabsheh, Z., Albashabsheh, N., Parker, M. & Muturi, N., 'Examining weight stigmatization toward obese individuals among nutrition and dietetic students using the attribution theory' (2023), Indian Journal of Public Health, 67(3), pp. 415–421
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Lucibello, K.M., Goldfield, G.S., Alberga, A.S., Leatherdale, S.T. & Patte, K.A., 'Exploring the association between internalized weight bias and mental health among Canadian adolescents' (2024), Pediatric Obesity [online]
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Lumeng, J.C., Forrest, P., Appugliese, D.P., Kaciroti, N. Corwyn, R.F. & Bradley, R.H., 'Weight status as a predictor of being bullied in third through sixth grades' (2010), Pediatrics, 125(6), pp.e1301-1307
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Maddox, G.L., Back, K.W. & Liederman, V.R., 'Overweight as social deviance and disability' (1968), Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 9(4), pp.287-298
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Maranto, C.L. & Fraedrich Stenoien, A., 'Weight discrimination: A multidisciplinary analysis' (2000), Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 12(1), pp.9-24
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McCormack, L.A., Laska, M.N., Gray, C., Veblen-Mortenson, S., Barr-Anderson, D. & Story, M., 'Weight-related teasing in a racially diverse sample of sixth-grade children' (2011), Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 111(3), pp.431-436
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Meidert, U., Dönnges, G., Bucher, T., Wieber, F. & Gerber-Grote, A., 'Unconscious Bias among Health Professionals: A Scoping Review' (2023), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(16), 6569
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Mollow, A., 'Hunger Always Wins: Contesting the Medicalization of Fat Bodies' (2022), in J.M. Reynolds & C. Wieseler (Eds.) The Disability Bioethics Reader (pp. 254-262), New York: Routledge
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O'Brien, K.S., Hunter, J.A., Halberstadt, J. & Anderson, J., 'Body image and explicit and implicit anti-fat attitudes: The mediating role of physical appearance comparisons' (2007), Body Image, 4(3), pp.249-256
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Olson, S.M., Muñoz, E.G., Solis, E.C. & Bradford, H.M., 'Mitigating Weight Bias in the Clinical Setting: A New Approach to Care' (2023), Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health [online]
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