Publications: U

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 'Poland 2014 human rights report' (2016), in Poland: Conditions, Issues, and Foreign Relations (pp.25-62)
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U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 'Poland 2014 international religious freedom report' (2016), in Poland: Conditions, Issues, and Foreign Relations (pp.63-72)
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Udanor, C. & Anyanwu, C.C., 'Combating the Challenges of Social Media Hate Speech in a Polarized Society: A Twitter Ego Lexalytics Approach' (2019), Data Technologies and Applications, 53(4), pp. 501-527
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Uhrich, C.L., 'Hate crime legislation: A policy analysis' (1999), Houston Law Review, 36(4), pp.1467-1529
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Ukah, A., 'Apocalyptic homophobia: Freedom of religious expression, hate speech, and the Pentecostal discourse on same-sex relations in Africa' (2021), Journal of Law and Religion, 36(1), pp. 72-91
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Ullmann, S. & Tomalin, M., 'Quarantining Online Hate Speech: Technical and Ethical Perspectives' (2019), Ethics and Information Technology [online]
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Ullmann, S. & Tomalin, M. (Eds.), 'Counterspeech: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Countering Dangerous Speech' (2023), London: Routledge
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Uluşan, O. & Özejder, İ., 'Faking the war: fake posts on Turkish social media during the Russia–Ukraine war' (2024), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 891
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Umbreit, M. S., Lewis, T., & Burns, H., 'A community response to 9/11 hate crime: Restorative justice through dialogue' (2003), Contemporary Justice Review, 6(4), pp.383-391
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Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B., & Vos, B., 'The impact of victim-offender mediation: Two decades of research' (2001), Federal Probation, 65(3), pp.29-35
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Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B., & Vos, B., 'Community peacemaking project: Responding to hate crimes, hate incidents, intolerance, and violence through restorative justice dialogue' (2002), Minnesota: Center for Restorative Justice

UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Public Authorities, '2020 Report on Hate Incidents in the Basque Country' (2021), UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Public Authorities at University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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UNESCO, OSCE & ODIHR, 'Addressing Anti-Semitism through education – Guidelines for policymakers' (2018)
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United Nations, 'International convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination: Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination' (2005), 66th sess, 1685th and 1686th mtg, UN Doc CERD/C/AUS/CO/14
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University of Sarajevo, 'Conference proceedings: Conference on hate crimes in South-East Europe' (2017), Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, 8 November 2016
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University of Western Sydney, 'Challenging racism: The Anti-Racism Research Project' (2011)
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Unlu, A. & Kotonen, T., 'Online polarization and identity politics: An analysis of Facebook discourse on Muslim and LGBTQ+ communities in Finland' (2024), Scandinavian Political Studies [online]
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Unlu, A. & Yilmaz, K., 'Online Terrorism Studies: Analysis of the Literature' (2022), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Unlu, A., Truong, S. & Kotonen, T., 'Mapping the terrain of hate: identifying and analyzing online communities and political parties engaged in hate speech against Muslims and LGBTQ+ communities' (2024), International Journal of Data Science and Analytics [online]
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Upadhyaya, A. & Chandra, J., 'Spotting Flares: The Vital Signs of the Viral Spread of Tweets Made During Communal Incidents' (2022), ACM Transactions on the Web, 16(4), 3550357
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Uršič, E.D. & Jurak, A.P., 'Media Literacy, active citizenship and sustainable democracy: a case study of Slovenia' (2023), Politics in Central Europe, 19(s1), pp. 393–407
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Usman & Quadri, S.M.K., 'Encoder/Decoder Transformer-Based Framework to Detect Hate Speech from Tweets' (2023), in B. Alam & M. Alam (Eds.) Intelligent Data Analytics, IoT, and Blockchain (pp. 195–207), New York: Auerbach Publications
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Uszkiewicz, E., 'Anomalies in the application of law related to hate crimes' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Utami, E., Rini, Iskandar, A.F. & Raharjo, S., 'Multi-Label Classification of Indonesian Hate Speech Detection Using One-vs-All Method' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 5th International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering: Applying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Global Challenges During Pandemic Era, ICITISEE 2021, pp. 78-82
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Utku, A., Can, U. & Aslan, S., 'Detection of hateful twitter users with graph convolutional network model' (2023), Earth Science Informatics [online]
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Uviller, H.R., 'Making it worse: ‘Hate’ as an aggravating factor in criminal conduct' (2000), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23(4), pp.761-767
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Uwalaka, T. & Amadi, A.F., '“When One Finger Picks Oil, It Reaches Others”: An Examination of Nigerian Journalists’ Perspective on Motivations for Online Harassment' (2024), African Journalism Studies [online]
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Uyheng, J. & Carley, K.M., 'Characterizing network dynamics of online hate communities around the COVID-19 pandemic' (2021), Applied Network Science, 6(1), 20
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Uyheng, J. & Carley, K.M., 'Online hate in the Philippines: the role of narratives and networks' (2023), International Review of Law, Computers and Technology [online]
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Uyheng, J., Bellutta, D. & Carley, K.M., 'Bots Amplify and Redirect Hate Speech in Online Discourse About Racism During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), Social Media and Society, 8(3)
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Uyheng, J., Moffitt, J.D. & Carley, K.M., 'The language and targets of online trolling: A psycholinguistic approach for social cybersecurity' (2022), Information Processing and Management, 59(5), 103012
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Uysal, M.S., Hoerst, C., Stathi, S. & Kessler, T., 'Populism Predicts Sympathy for Attacks Against Asylum Seekers Through National Pride and Moral Justification of Political Violence' (2023), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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