Publications: Hate crime offenders


Adams, K.K.J., 'A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Hate Speech Go Down: Sugar-Coating in White Nationalist Recruitment Speech' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Aho, J., 'Maelstrom: Christian dominionism and far-right insurgence' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Amaka, C.E., 'Causes of violent youth radicalization: Nigeria’s persisting security challenge' (2020), Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 2020(special issue 3), pp. 80-100
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Atari, M., Davani, A.M., Kogon, D., Kennedy, B., Ani Saxena, N., Anderson, I. & Dehghani, M., 'Morally Homogeneous Networks and Radicalism' (2021), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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Barcellona, M., 'Incel violence as a new terrorism threat: A brief investigation between Alt-Right and Manosphere dimensions' (2022), Sortuz, 11(2), pp. 170-186
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Barna, I., 'The genealogy of social hatred' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Battersby, J. & Ball, R., 'Christchurch in the Context of New Zealand Terrorism and Right Wing Extremism' (2019), Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism [online]
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Baum, S.K., 'Becoming evil: How ordinary people commit genocide and mass killing' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp. 103-104
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Benton, B., Peterka-Benton, D., 'Hating in Plain Sight: The Hatejacking of Brands by Extremist Groups' (2019), Public Relations Inquiry [online]
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Berberich, J. & Laube, M., 'Shifts in perpetrator groups commiting arson hate crimes? | [Struktureller Wandel rechts motivierter Brandstiftungstäter∗innen?]' (2022), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 105(1), pp. 35-49
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Bjørgo, T. & Mareš, M., 'Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities' (2019), Abingdon: Routledge
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Blee, K., 'Positioning hate' (2004), Journal of Hate Studies, 3(1), pp. 95-105
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Bovet, A. & Grindrod, P., 'Organization and evolution of the UK far-right network on Telegram' (2022), Applied Network Science, 7(1), 76
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Braune, J., 'Void and idol: A critical theory analysis of the neo-fascist “Alt-Right”' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 11-37
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Britt, B.C., 'Sex Sells Terrorism: How Sexual Appeals in Fringe Online Communities Contribute to Self-Radicalization' (2023), Social Science Computer Review [online]
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Brogaard, B., 'Hatred: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion' (2020), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Byers, B., Crider, B.W. & Biggers, G.K., 'Bias crime motivation: A study of hate crime and offender neutralization techniques used against the Amish' (1999), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 15(1), pp.78-96
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Canbay, P., 'Predicting discriminative personality profile of haters from digital texts' (2024), Knowledge-Based Systems, 287, 111460
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Chakraborti, N., 'Future developments for hate crime thinking: Who, what and why?' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.), Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions. Devon: Willan Publishing

Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J. , 'Responding to hate crime: The case for connecting policy and research' (2014), Bristol: Policy Press

Chan, E., 'Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, Hate Speech, and Terrorism: A Risk Assessment on the Rise of the Incel Rebellion in Canada' (2022), Violence Against Women [online]
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Chávez-García, M., 'The Architects of Hate: Garrett Hardin and Cordelia S. May’s Fight for Immigration Restriction and Eugenics in the Name of the Environment' (2023), Journal of American Ethnic History, 43(1), pp. 88–117
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Cole, D.G., Orsuwan, M. & Sam, A.A., 'Violence and Hate Crimes on Campus: Uncovering the Mystique' (2023), in M.C. Terrell & J.F.L. Jackson (Eds.) Creating and Maintaining Safe College Campuses: A Sourcebook for Evaluating and Enhancing Safety Programs (pp. 34–57), New York: Routledge
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Commission for Countering Extremism, 'COVID-19: How Hateful Extremists are Exploiting the Pandemic' (2020), Commission for Countering Extremism Policy Paper (9 July 2020) [online]
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Cornelli, R., 'Dehumanization and Hate Policies | [Pregiudizi, Stereotipi E Potere. Alle Origini Delle Pratiche Di Disumanizzazione E Delle Politiche Dell’Odio]' (2019), Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, 13(3), pp. 206-216
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Cousens, C., 'Solving the Authority Problem: Why We Won’t Debate You, Bro' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Cramer, R.J., Kehn, A., Sorby, M., Nobles M.R., Long M.M., Marsden J., Deitle C., Griffin S.M., King A., Smart, S. & Fording, R.C., 'Development and Psychometric Properties of the Hate-Motivated Behavior Checklist (HMBC)' (2021), Criminal Justice and Behavior [online]
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Dancygier, R., 'Hate crime supporters are found across age, gender, and income groups and are susceptible to violent political appeals' (2023), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(7), e2212757120
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Davis, E., 'Race hate crime and the criminal justice response' (2020), British Journal of Community Justice, 16(2-3), pp. 92-102
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Davison, J., 'The politics of hate: Ultranationalist and fundamentalist tactics and goals' (2006), Journal of Hate Studies, 5(1), pp. 37-61
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de Felice, G. & Tutal, N., 'Violence and Capacity to Hate' (2023), Healthcare (Switzerland), 11(4), 573
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de Lint, W. & Praino, R., 'Does Martialization Contribute to Australia’s Right-Wing Extremism? Implications of an Analysis of the General Social Survey' (2022), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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de Roos, M.S., Veldhuizen-Ochodničanová, L. & Hanna, A., 'The Angry Echo Chamber: A Study of Extremist and Emotional Language Changes in Incel Communities Over Time' (2024), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Dentice, D., '“So much for Darwin” – An analysis of Stormfront discussions on race' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 133-156
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Dentice, D., & Bugg, D., 'Fighting for the right to be white: A case study in white racial identity' (2014), Journal of Hate Studies, 12(1), pp. 101-128
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Diab, A., Jagdagdorj, B.-E., Ng, L.H.X., Lin, Y.-R. & Yoder, M.M., 'Online to Offline Crossover of White Supremacist Propaganda' (2023), ACM Web Conference 2023 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023, pp. 1308-1316
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Dunbar, E., 'Symbolic, relational, and ideological signifiers of bias-motivated offenders: Toward a strategy of assessment' (2003), American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 73(2), pp.203-211
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Dunbar, E., 'Defending the indefensible: A critique and analysis of psycholegal defense arguments of hate crime perpetrators' (1999), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 15, pp.64-77
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Eggers, A. & Hobbs, J., 'Combatting the financing of hate groups' (2022), Journal of Money Laundering Control [online]
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Fakuade, D., 'Far-Right Movements in the COVID-19 Era' (2023), in E. Akıllı, B. Güneş & A. Gökbel (Eds.) Diplomacy, Society and the COVID-19 Challenge (pp. 29–38), London: Routledge
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Fangen, K. & Holter, C.R., 'The Battle for Truth: How Online Newspaper Commenters Defend Their Censored Expressions' (2019), Poetics, 101423 [online]
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Farrell, A. & Lockwood, S., 'Addressing Hate Crime in the 21st Century: Trends, Threats, and Opportunities for Intervention' (2023), Annual Review of Criminology, 6, pp. 107-130
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Fischer, J.M.K. & Farren, D., 'Narratives of Masculine Victimhood and Right-Wing Extremist Attitudes among Young People: Validation and Application of a Scale to Measure Masculist Feelings of Threat | [Männliche Opfernarrative und rechtsextreme Einstellungen bei jungen Menschen: Validierung und Anwendung eines Instrumentes zur Erfassung maskulistischer Bedrohungsgefühle]' (2023), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform [online]
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Fontanesi, L., Cosi, G., Crosta, A.D., Verrocchio, M.C., Jannini, E.A. & Ciocca, G., 'Involuntary Celibate (Incel): validation of the Incel Trait Scale (ITS) in the Italian male population' (2022), Journal of Psychopathology, 28(3), pp. 113-119
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Frischlich, L., Schatto-Eckrodt, T., Boberg, S. & Wintterlin, F., 'Roots of incivility: How personality, media use, and online experiences shape uncivil participation' (2021), Media and Communication, 9(1), pp. 195-208
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Fröhlich, W., Ganser, C. & Köhler, E., 'Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit in Bayern' (2016), Forschungsbericht des Instituts für Soziologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Gaudette, T., Scrivens, R. & Venkatesh, V., 'Disengaged but Still Radical? Pathways Out of Violent Right-Wing Extremism' (2022), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Gil, D.D. & Lopez, A.F., 'Violent urban gangs. Main perpetrators in hate crimes' (2017), in M. Elósegui & Hermida, C. (Eds.), Racial justice, policies and courts' legal reasoning in Europe (pp.131-153). Springer International Publishing
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Goetz, J., '‘Patriotism is not just a Man’s Thing’: Right-wing Extremist Gender Policies within the so-called Identitarian Movement' (2022), Journal of Modern European History, 20(3), pp. 389-406
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Greene, P. & Defibaugh, S., 'Why can’t we be friends? Conflict and alignment within the Alt-Right' (2022), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 10(2), pp. 269-287
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