Publications: L

Laaksonen, S.-M., Pääkkönen, J. & Öhman, E., 'From hate speech recognition to happiness indexing: Critical issues in datafication of emotion in text mining' (2023), in S. Lindgren (Ed.) Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 631–641), Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Labanauskas, L., 'Racially motivated hate crimes and incidents against immigrants in Lithuania | [Rasistiniai išpuoliai, neapykantos nusikaltimai ir incidentai prieš imigrantus Lietuvoje]' (2020), Filosofija, Sociologija, 31(4), pp. 283-290
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Labiano Juangarcía, R., Azurmendi Adarraga, A. & Novoa Jaso, M.F., 'The Constructive Role of the Media in Hate Speech Controversies: The Valtònyc and Hasél Cases' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Lacalle, C., 'The Otherless Other: The Misogyny Passions of Spanish Manosphere | [The Otherless Other: Las Pasiones Misóginas De La Manosfera Española]' (2023), Signa, 32, pp. 41-53
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Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B. & Vicent-Ibáñez, M., 'Misogyny and the construction of toxic masculinity in the Spanish Manosphere (' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(2), e320215
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Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B., Vicent-Ibáñez, M. & Narvaiza, S., '‘Seals’, ‘bitches’, ‘vixens’, and other zoomorphic insults: the animalisation of women as an expression of misogyny in the Spanish Manosphere' (2024), Cogent Arts and Humanities, 11(1), 2298056
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Lacalle, C., Jiménez, V.M. & Hernández, D.E., 'The Anti-Feminism of The Spanish Radical-Right on Twitter Around 8m | [EL ANTIFEMINISMO DE LA ULTRADERECHA ESPAÑOLA EN TWITTER EN TORNO AL 8M]' (2023), Prisma Social, 40, pp. 358-376
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Lacey, I., 'Free speech and the right to freedom from racial vilification' (1993), Civil Liberty, 151, 5

Lacko, I., 'Hate crime trauma and pain: Affiliation, becoming and in-Betweenness in The Laramie Project' (2018), Literary Studies and Humanity, 10(1), pp.28-33
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LaFreniere Tamez, H.D., Anastasio, N. & Perliger, A., 'Explaining the Rise of Antisemitism in the United States' (2023), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Lahby, M., Khan Pathan, A.-S., & Maleh, Y. (Eds.), 'Combatting Cyberbullying in Digital Media with Artificial Intelligence (1st ed.)' (2023), New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC
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Lai, A., 'In Defense of Free Speech in Universities: A Study of Three Jurisdictions' (2023), Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press
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Lai, M., Stranisci, M.A., Bosco, C., Damiano, R. & Patti, V., 'Analysing Moral Beliefs for Detecting Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13390 LNCS, pp. 149-161
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Lajevardi, N. & Oskooii, K.A.R., 'Old-fashioned racism, contemporary Islamophobia, and the isolation of Muslim Americans in the age of Trump' (2018), Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics [online]
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Lal, V., 'Implications of American Islamophobia' (2015), Economic and Political Weekly, 50(51), pp.12-14
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Lala, C. & Dwivedi, P., 'Hate Speech Detection Network Using LSTM' (2023), 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2023
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Lalić, V. & Đurić, S., 'Policing hate crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina' (2017), Policing and Society [online], pp.1-19
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Lam, M., 'Viral videos to combat viral vitriol: methodological considerations for ethical engagement' (2023), International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education [online]
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Lamartine, C. & Henriques, C.F., 'Ladies in Red: An analysis of legal measures to combat political gender violence in Brazil and Portugal | [Ladies in Red: Une analyse des mesures légales de lutte contre la violence politique de genre au Brésil et au Portugal]' (2021), Ex Aequo, (44), pp. 93-109
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Lambert, E.G., Ventura, L.A., Hall, D.E. & Cluse-Tolar, T., 'College students’ views on gay and lesbian issues' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 50(4), pp.1-30
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Lamble, S., 'Queer Necropolitics and the Expanding Carceral State: Interrogating Sexual Investments in Punishment' (2013), Law and Critique, 24(3), pp.229-253
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Lammerts, P., Lippmann, P., Hsu, Y.-C., Casati, F. & Yang, J., 'How do you feel? Measuring User-Perceived Value for Rejecting Machine Decisions in Hate Speech Detection' (2023), AIES 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, pp. 834–844
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Lamond, I.R., 'The challenge of articulating human rights at an LGBT ‘mega-event’: a personal reflection on Sao Paulo Pride 2017' (2017), Leisure Studies [online], pp.1-13
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Lamontagne, E., d’Elbée, M., Ross, M.W., Carroll, A., du Plessis, A. & Loures, L., 'A socioecological measurement of homophobia for all countries and its public health impact' (2018), European Journal of Public Health [online]
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Landa, D.E., and New South Wales Office of the Ombudsman, 'Public interest in releasing the Ombudsman’s report on the allegations of police bias against Asian students: Report to the Honourable T A Griffiths MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services' (1993)

Lande, K., Ponnusamy, R., Kumaresan, P.K. & Chakravarthi, B.R., 'KaustubhSharedTask@LT-EDI 2023: Homophobia-Transphobia Detection in Social Media Comments with NLPAUG-driven Data Augmentation' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 71–77
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Landman, R.A., '“A counterfeit friendship”: Mate crime and people with learning disabilities' (2014), Journal of Adult Protection, 16(6), pp.355-366
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Landry, A.P., Ihm, E. & Schooler, J.W., 'Hated but still human: Metadehumanization leads to greater hostility than metaprejudice' (2021), Group Processes and Intergroup Relations [online]
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Lang, K., 'Vorurteilskriminalität – Eine Untersuchung vorurteilsmotivierter Taten im Strafrecht und deren Verfolgung durch Polizei, Staatsanwaltschaft und Gerichte' (2015), Nomos
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Lang, K. , 'Protection of Human Rights or “Conservative Justice” – The Persecution of Hate Crime by Authorities and Justice' (2018), Knowledge Creates Democracy - Open Access Series of the IDZ
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Langarita, J.A., Sadurní, N., Caballero, A.D. & Carbó, P.A., 'From zero to hero: A transnational perspective on countering anti-LGBT hate crime in Europe' (2018), in P. Godzisz & G. Viggiani (Eds.). Running through hurdles: Obstacles in the access to justice for victims of anti-LGBTI hate crimes (pp. 291-314). Warsaw: Lambda Warsaw Association.
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Lange, A., Mayerhofer, K., Porat, D. & Schiffman, L.H. (Eds.), 'Confronting antisemitism in modern media, the legal and political worlds (Volume 5 of An End to Antisemitism!)' (2021), Berlin: De Gruyter
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Lanning, R., 'Irrationalism: The Foundation of Hate Propaganda' (2012), Journal of Hate Studies, 10(1), pp. 49-71
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Lantos, D. & Molenberghs, P., 'The neuroscience of intergroup threat and violence' (2021), Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 131, pp. 77-87
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Lantz, B., 'Women who commit hate-motivated violence: Advancing a gendered understanding of hate crime' (2021), Social Science Research, 102682 [online]
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Lantz, B. & Kim, J., 'Hate Crimes Hurt More, but So Do Co-Offenders: Separating the Influence of Co-Offending and Bias on Hate-Motivated Physical Injury' (2018), Criminal Justice and Behaviour [online]

Lantz, B. & Kim, J., 'Hate crimes hurt more, but so do co-offenders: Separating the influence of co-offending and bias on hate-motivated physical injury' (2018), Criminal Justice and Behavior [online]
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Lantz, B. & Wenger, M.R., 'Anti-Asian Xenophobia, Hate Crime Victimization, and Fear of Victimization During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Lantz, B. & Wenger, M.R., 'Are Asian Victims Less Likely to Report Hate Crime Victimization to the Police? Implications for Research and Policy in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2021), Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Lantz, B., Gladfelter, A.S. & Ruback, R.B., 'Stereotypical hate crimes and criminal justice processing: A multi-dataset comparison of bias crime arrest patterns by offender and victim race' (2017), Justice Quarterly [online], pp.1-32
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Lantz, B., Malcom, Z.T. & Wenger, M.R., 'The Consequences of Hate Crime Victimization: Considering Prejudicial Attitudes as an Outcome of Interracial Bias-Motivated Conflict' (2023), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Lantz, B., Vanden Bosch, M., Wenger, M.R. & Malcom, Z.T., 'Punishing Hate: Examining Individual Variation in Support for Hate Crime Laws' (2024), Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Lantz, B., Wenger, M.R. & Malcom, Z.T., 'Severity matters: The moderating effect of offense severity in predicting racial differences in reporting of bias and nonbias victimization to the police' (2022), Law and human behavior, 46(1), pp. 15-29
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Lantz, B., Wenger, M.R. & Mills, J.M., 'Fear, Political Legitimization, and Racism: Examining Anti-Asian Xenophobia During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2022), Race and Justice [online]
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Larkin, J.C. & Pines, H.A., 'No fat persons need apply: Experimental studies of the overweight stereotype and hiring preference' (1979), Work and Occupations, 6(3), pp.312-327
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Larsen, A.G., 'Boundaries of Legitimate Debate: Right-wing Extremism in Norwegian News Media in the Decade after the July 22, 2011 Attacks' (2021), Perspectives on Terrorism, 15(3), pp. 96-108
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Larsson, G. & Stjernholm, S., 'Islamophobia in Sweden: Muslim advocacy and hate-crime statistics' (2016), in D. Pratt & R. Woodlock (Eds.), Fear of Muslims?, Boundaries of religious freedom: Regulating religion in diverse societies 3, pp. 153-166
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Laryš, M., '“White Jihad” and “White Sharia”: Jihadism as an Instrument of Intra-Extremist Outbidding among Right-Wing Extremists' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Last, M., 'Online Propaganda Detection' (2023), in L. Rokach, O. Maimon & E. Shmueli (Eds.) Machine Learning for Data Science Handbook: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, Third Edition (pp. 703–719), Cham: Springer
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Laster, K. & Taylor, V.L., 'Law for our multicultural society?: No worries' (1995), in Selby, H. (ed.), Tomorrow's Law 210

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