Publications: Z

Zafrilla, P.J.P., 'The Aristotelian paradox: How expressive speeches animalize public debate | [La paradoja aristotélica: cómo los discursos expresivos animalizan el debate público]' (2022), Isegoria, (67), e03
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Zaghouani, W., Mubarak, H. & Rafiul Biswas, M., 'So Hateful! Building a Multi-Label Hate Speech Annotated Arabic Dataset' (2024), 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings, pp. 15044–15055
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Zagrodzki, M., 'The police and the Roma community in Hungary' (2013), in Tomita, M. (2013) Fourth International Conference on Psycho-Social Perspectives in the Quasi-Coercive Treatment of Offenders: Social Control and Vulnerable Groups.

Zahrah, F., Nurse, J.R.C. & Goldsmith, M., 'A Comparison of Online Hate on Reddit and 4chan: A Case Study of the 2020 US Election' (2022), Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 1797-1800
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Zaidi, Z., Chow, C.J., Han, H., Zaidi, S.K.R. & Razack, S., 'Asian Conscientization: Reflections on the Experiences of Asian Faculty in Academic Medicine' (2023), Teaching and Learning in Medicine [online]
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Zainiddinov, H., 'Racial and ethnic differences in perceptions of discrimination among Muslim Americans' (2016), Ethnic and Racial Studies, p.1-21
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Zainuddin, N., Selamat, A. & Ibrahim, R., 'Twitter hate aspect extraction using association analysis and dictionary-based approach' (2017), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 297, pp. 641-651
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Zainuddin, N., Selamat, A. & Ibrahim, R., 'Discovering Hate Sentiment within Twitter Data through Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis' (2020), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1447(1), 012056
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Zainuddin, N., Selamat, A. & Ibrahim, R., 'Hate Crime on Twitter: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Approach' (2019), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 318, pp. 284-297
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Zainuddin, N., Selamat, A. & Ibrahim, R., 'Twitter feature selection and classification using Support Vector Machine for aspect-based sentiment analysis' (2016), Trends in Applied Knowledge-Based Systems and Data Science, 9799 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), pp.269-279
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Zait, A., 'Approaching hate speech through behavioral education – suggested systemic perspective' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 1-5
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Zakrison, T.L., Milian Valdés, D. & Muntaner, C., 'Social Violence, Structural Violence, Hate, and the Trauma Surgeon' (2019), International Journal of Health Services [online]
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Zamora-Martínez, P., Gascón-Vera, P. & Gómez-García, S., 'The Hate Speech Towards the Female Candidates for the Community of Madrid 2023, Gender Bias, and Virulence | O Discurso de Ódio contra as Candidatas para a Comunidade de Madri 2023, Viés de Gênero e Virulência' (2024), Icono14, 22(1), e2079
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Zamorano Llena, C., Stier, J. & Gray, B. (Eds.), 'Crisis and the Culture of Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Europe' (2023), London: Routledge
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Zampieri, M., Ranasinghe, T., Chaudhari, M., Gaikwad, S., Krishna, P., Nene, M. & Paygude, S., 'Predicting the type and target of offensive social media posts in Marathi' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 77
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Zampieri, N., Illina, I. & Fohr, D., 'Multiword Expression Features for Automatic Hate Speech Detection' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12801 LNCS, pp. 156-164
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Zampieri, N., Ramisch, C., Illina, I. & Fohr, D., 'Identification of Multiword Expressions in Tweets for Hate Speech Detection' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 202-210
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Zamri, N.A.K., Amin, F.M., Ab Aziz, A.A., Mohammad, N., Mohamad Noh, L.M., Sah Allam, S.N., Ridzuan, A.R. & Mohideen, R.S., 'Coronavirus exacerbates xenophobia: Consciousness of Twitter posting during the pandemic' (2021), SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research, 2021(Special Issue), pp. 67-82
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Zamri, N.A.K., Mohamad Nasir, N.A., Hassim, M.N. & Ramli, S.M., 'Digital hate speech and othering: The construction of hate speech from Malaysian perspectives' (2023), Cogent Arts and Humanities, 10(1), 2229089
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Zanghellini, A., 'Jurisprudential foundations for anti-vilification laws: The relevance of speech act and Foucauldian theory' (2003), Melbourne University Law Review, 27(2), pp.458-487
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Zannettou, S., Elsherief, M., Belding, E., Nilizadeh, S. & Stringhini, G., 'Measuring and Characterizing Hate Speech on News Websites' (2020), WebSci 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, pp. 125-134
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Zapata Rozo, A., Campo-Archbold, A., Díaz-López, D., Gray, I., Pastor-Galindo, J., Nespoli, P., Gómez Mármol, F. & McCoy, D., 'Cyber democracy in the digital age: Characterizing hate networks in the 2022 US midterm elections' (2024), Information Fusion, 110, 102459
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Zapata, J. & Deroy, O., 'Ordinary citizens are more severe towards verbal than nonverbal hate-motivated incidents with identical consequences' (2023), Scientific Reports, 13(1), 7126
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Zapata, J., Sulik, J., von Wulffen, C. & Deroy, O., 'Bystanders’ collective responses set the norm against hate speech' (2024), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 335
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Zapata-Jiménez, M.A., 'Ismophobia: A Reflection on Hate Today. Challenges in Latin America | Ismofobia: una reflexión sobre el odio en la actualidad. Desafíos en América Latina' (2024), Revista Guillermo de Ockham, 22(1), pp. 171–186
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Zaykowski, H., 'Racial disparities in hate crime reporting' (2010), VIolence and Victims, 25(3), pp.378-394
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Zaytoon, H.A.R. , 'Caricature images for religious profiling: A multimodal analysis of Islamophobia in selected press images' (2017), Anglica: An International Journal of English Studies, 26(2), pp.185-224
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Zee, J., 'Surface and Retreat: The China Virus in Three Lunar Years' (2023), English Language Notes, 61(1), pp. 30-39
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Zeller, M.C. & Vaughan, M., 'Proscribing Right-Wing Extremist Organizations in Europe: Variations, Trends, and Prospects' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Zeller, M.H., Reiter-Purtill, J. & Ramey, C., 'Negative peer perceptions of obese children in the classroom environment' (2008), Obesity, 16(4), pp.755-762
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Zellerer, E., 'Restorative justice in Indigenous communities: Critical issues in confronting violence against women' (1999), International Review of Victimology, 6, pp.345-358
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Zempi, I., 'Negotiating constructions of insider and outsider status in research with veiled muslim women victims of Islamophobic hate crime' (2016), Sociological Research Online, 21(4), Article number 8
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Zempi, Irene, 'Tackling religion based hate crime on campus.' (2020)
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Zempi, I., 'Veiled Muslim Women’s Responses to Experiences of Gendered Islamophobia in the UK' (2019), International Review of Victimology [online]
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Zempi, I., 'Responding to the needs of victims of Islamophobia' (2014), in Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J. (2014) Responding to hate crime: the case for connecting policy and research. Bristol: Policy Press.

Zempi, I., 'The lived experiences of veiled Muslim women as ‘undeserving’ victims of Islamophobia' (2018), in M. Duggan (Ed.), Revisiting the 'ideal victim': Developments in critical victimology (pp.63-82). Bristol: Policy Press.
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Zempi, I., 'Nottinghamshire Police: Experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) police officers as victims of hate crimes/incidents (externally) and of bias and prejudice (internally)' (2020), Nottingham Trent University & the Office of Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner
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Zempi, I., 'Covered in stigma? Exploring the impacts of Islamophobic hate crime on veiled Muslim women globally' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.111-125), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Zempi, I. & Awan, I., 'The Routledge International Handbook of Islamophobia' (2019), Routledge
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Zempi, I. & Chakraborti, N., 'Islamophobia, victimisation and the veil' (2014), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Zempi, I. & Chakraborti, N., 'Criminalising oppression or reinforcing oppression? The implications of Veil Ban Laws for Muslim women in the West' (2013), Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 64(1), pp.63-74
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Zempi, I. & Chakraborti, N., 'The veil under attack: Gendered dimensions of Islamophobic victimisation' (2012), International Review of Victimology, 18(3), pp.269-284
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Zempi, I. & Chakraborti, N., '‘They make us feel like we’re a virus’: The multiple impacts of Islamophobic hostility towards veiled Muslim women' (2015), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(3), pp.44-56
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Zempi, I. & Smith, J. (Eds.), 'Misogyny as Hate Crime' (2021), London: Routledge
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Zhang, E., 'Deep learning for hate speech detection' (2022), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12163, 1216346
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Zhang, C., 'Perceiving racial hate crimes: a power-relation perspective' (2022), Journal of Experimental Criminology [online]
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Zhang, A. & Ong, C., '“We Are Bulletproof”: The Transcultural Power of Fandom in #StopAsianHate' (2024), Sociological Inquiry [online]
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Zhang, C., Abdul-Mageed, M. & Jawahar, G., 'Contrastive Learning of Sociopragmatic Meaning in Social Media' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 2405–2439
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Zhang, E., Hyun, S., Yip, T., Hahm, H.C. & Liu, C.H., 'Learning about discrimination during childhood: Implications for racial trauma among Asians and Asian Americans during the pandemic' (2022), Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 77, 103250
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Zhang, J., 'A neurocomputational variable on welfare tradeoffs explains the function and form of cyberaggression' (2023), Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 1034564
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