Publications: LGBTQI hate crime


Adam, B.D., 'Theorizing homophobia' (1998), Sexualities, 1(4), pp.387-404
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Alamgir, A., '“We are struggling to seek justice”: a study of the criminal justice system and transgender experiences in Pakistan' (2024), International Journal of Transgender Health [online]
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Alden, H.L. & Parker, K.F., 'Gender role ideology, Homophobia and hate crime: Linking attitudes to macro-level anti-gay and Lesbian hate crimes' (2005), Deviant Behavior, 26(4), pp.321-343
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Alkiviadou, N. & Belavusau, U., 'Rien que des mots: Counteracting homophobic speech in European and U.S. law' (2021), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law [online]
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Almack, K., Seymour, J. & Bellamy, G., 'Exploring the impact of sexual orientation on experiences and concerns about end of life care and on bereavement for lesbian, gay and bisexual older people' (2010), Sociology, 44(5), pp.908-924
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Altunbulak, A., 'Reimagining queer film festival as a counterpublic space. A case study of Turkey’s Pink Life Queerfest' (2021), Ekphrasis, 25(1), pp. 143-155
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American Bar Association, Long J.T. & Kelly, C.L., 'Justice Works: Framework for Enhanced Responses to Bias-Motivated Violence Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression' (2019), ABA
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Anderson, R. & Fetner, T., 'Cohort differences in tolerance of homosexuality: Attitudinal changes in Canada and the United States 1981-2000' (2008), Public Opinion Quarterly, 72(2), pp.311-330
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Andresen, W.C., 'Research Note: Comparing the Gay and Trans Panic Defenses' (2021), Women and Criminal Justice [online]
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Andrew, M., 'Look West' (2005), Police Review, 113.5854, pp.20-21

Antjoule, N., '10. Tackling biphobia: A guide for safety services' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '2. Diary sheets: Guidance on keeping a written record of hate crime' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '3. Hate crime laws: A guide for LGBT people' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '6. Financial assistance schemes: Help for LGBT people experiencing hate crime' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '8. Training toolkit on LGBT hate crime' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '9. LGBT hate crime quality standard: A service improvement tool for organisations' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '12. Complaints to statutory agencies: A guide for advice workers' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '13. Understanding hate crime statistics: A guide for organisations' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., '16. Commissioning LGBT hate crime services: A guide for organisations' (2016), National LGBT Hate Crime Partnership
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Antjoule, N., 'The hate crime report 2016 – Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in the UK' (2016), Galop
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Antjoule, N. & Stray, M., 'Pride and prejudice: Anti-LGBT hate crime in the United Kingdom' (2018), in P. Godzisz & G. Viggiani (Eds.). Running through hurdles: Obstacles in the access to justice for victims of anti-LGBTI hate crimes (pp. 269-287). Warsaw: Lambda Warsaw Association.
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Arce-García, S. & Menéndez-Menéndez, M.-I., 'Inflaming public debate: a methodology to determine origin and characteristics of hate speech about sexual and gender diversity on Twitter' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(1), e320106
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Arcila-Calderón, C., Amores, J.J., Sánchez-Holgado, P. & Blanco-Herrero, D., 'Using shallow and deep learning to automatically detect hate motivated by gender and sexual orientation on Twitter in Spanish' (2021), Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 5(10), 63
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Arora, S. & Kumar, K.J. (Eds.), 'Media Narratives and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Asian Experience' (2023), London: Routledge India
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Asbi, Malik, R., Kurniawati, J. & Nasution, L.N., 'Muslims Acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Indonesia' (2024), Pharos Journal of Theology, 105(2), pp. 1–14
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Ashiru, A.M., 'Recognition of the rights of the sexual minorities in Nigeria: Interrogating the laws towards developing a paradigm shift' (2022), in A.E. Arimoro (Ed.) Global Perspectives on the LGBT Community and Non-Discrimination (pp. 184-209), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Asquith, N., 'Responding to heterosexist hate: A gender critique of coalitionist strategies in NSW' (2001), Women Against Violence, 11(43)
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Asquith, N. & Grant, B., 'A profile of the lesbian and gay anti-violence project' (1995)

Asquith, N.L. & Fox, C.A., 'No place like home: Intrafamilial hate crime against gay men and lesbians' (2016), in Ball, M., Crofts, T. & Dwyer, A. (eds.) Queering Criminology, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.163-182
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Assimakopoulos, S. & Muskat, R.V., 'Xenophobic and homophobic attitudes in online news portal comments in Malta' (2018), Xjenza Online, 6, pp.25-40
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Atkinson-Phillips, A., 'Commemorating a rape: Mary’s Place 1997 and 2010' (2018), Outskirts: Feminisms along the edge, 38, pp.1-17
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Ault, A., 'When it happens to men, it’s “hate” and “a crime”' (1997), Journal of Poverty, 1(1), pp.49-63
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Auten, T. & Matta, J., 'Retweeting Twitter Hate Speech After Musk Acquisition' (2024), Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1144 SCI, pp. 265–276
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Axelson, R., 'State-sponsored hatred and persecution on the grounds of sexual orientation: The role of international criminal law' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.277-293), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Bacchus, E.C., D'Angelo, A.B. & Grov, C., 'Experiences of police-related stress among a U.S. national cohort of gay and bisexual men' (2023), American Journal of Community Psychology [online]
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Bachmann, C. & Gooch, B., 'LGBT in Britain: Hate crime and discrimination' (2017), Stonewall & YouGov
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Baguso, G.N., Santiago-Rodriguez, E., Gyamerah, A.O., Wilson, E.C., Chung, C., McFarland, W. & Wesson, P., 'Mental Distress and Use of Stimulants: Analysis of a Longitudinal Cohort of Transgender Women' (2023), LGBT health, 10(3), pp. 228-236
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Baider, F., '‘Go to hell fucking faggots, may you die!’ framing the LGBT subject in online comments' (2018), Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14(1), pp.69–92
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Bailey, K.A., Griffin, M., Lopez, K.J., Fayyaz, N., Habib, S. & Leighton, J., '(Re)claiming subversive spaces on TikTok: the complexities of body activisms within physical activity cultures' (2024), Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health [online]
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Baird, B., 'Putting police on notice: A South Australian case study' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.), Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

Baird, B., Mason, K. &Purcell, I., 'Lesbians, gay men and the police in South Australia: Strategies for change' (1994), (Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on Victimology, Adelaide, 21-26 August 1994)

Balaji, M.J. & Chinmaya, H.S., 'A Study on Sentimental Analysis, Homophobia-Transphobia Detection for Dravidian Languages' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3395, pp. 138-146
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Balestrery, J.E., 'Learning about a child’s gay or lesbian sexual orientation: Parental concerns about societal rejection, loss of loved ones, and child well being' (2012), Journal of Homosexuality, 59(5), pp.633-655
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Balsam, K.F., 'Traumatic victimization in the lives of lesbian and bisexual women: A contextual approach' (2014), in Hughes, T., Smith, C. & Dan, A. (Eds.) Mental Health Issues for Sexual Minority Women: Redefining Women's Mental Health

Baptista Silva, A., Malta, M., da Silva, C.M.F.P., Kalume, C.C, Filha, I.G.A., LeGrand, S. & Whetten, K., 'The Dandarah App: An mHealth Platform to Tackle Violence and Discrimination of Sexual and Gender Minority Persons Living in Brazil' (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1)
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Barrett, C., Whyte, C., Comfort, J., Lyons, A. & Crameri, P., 'Social connection, relationships and older lesbian and gay people' (2015), Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 30(1), pp.131-142
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Barrett-Fox, R., 'Comic, tragic, and burlesque Burkean responses to hate: Notes from counterprotests of antigay pickets' (2020), Contention, 6(1), pp. 23-48
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Barrett-Fox, R., 'Comic, tragic, and Burlesque Burkean responses to hate: Notes from counterprotests of antigay picket' (2018), Contention, 6(1), pp. 23-48
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Barrientos, J., Saiz, J.L., Cárdenas-Castro, M., Guzmán-González, M., Avilés, B., Lovera, L. & Espinoza-Tapia, R., 'Research on coping with stress due to prejudice in transgender people: Some neglected aspects and new ideas' (2023), in R.A. Chaparro & R.L. Abreu (Eds.) LGBTQ+ Affirmative Psychological Interventions: A Latine/x Perspective (pp. 95–111), Cham: Springer
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Bartle, E.E., 'Lesbians and hate crimes' (2000), Journal of Poverty, 4(4), pp.23-43
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