Publications: O

O'Brien, M.L., 'Migration as an adaptive response to ethnic nationalism in Russia' (2018), Migration Studies, 6(2), pp.187-204
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O'Brien, M., 'The coming of the storm: moral panics, social media and regulation in the QAnon era' (2022), Information and Communications Technology Law [online]
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O'Brien, K.S., Hunter, J.A., Halberstadt, J. & Anderson, J., 'Body image and explicit and implicit anti-fat attitudes: The mediating role of physical appearance comparisons' (2007), Body Image, 4(3), pp.249-256
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O'Brien, M., Dempsey, B. & Higgins, M., 'Experiences and outcomes of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller women in pregnancy: a scoping review protocol' (2022), BMJ open, 12(7), pp. e057788
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O'Callaghan, P., 'Dealing with difference' (1993), Policing Issues and Practice Journal, 1(1), 22

O'Connor, W. & Molloy, D., '‘Hidden in plain sight’: Homelessness among lesbian and gay youth' (2001), National Centre for Social Research, in collaboration with Stonewall Housing Association.
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O'Curry, S., 'Combating racist hate: An NGO perspective' (2017), in A. Haynes, J. Schweppe, & S. Taylor (Eds.), Critical perspectives on hate crime (pp.301-309). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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O'Donnell, P. & Simons, L., 'Australians against racism: Testimonies from the anti-Apartheid movement' (1995), Pluto Press

O'Keefe, K.B., 'Protecting the homeless under vulnerable victim sentencing guidelines: An alternative to inclusion in hate crime laws' (2010), William and Mary Law Review, 52(1), pp.301-326
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O'Nions, H., 'Narratives of social inclusion in the context of roma school segregation' (2015), Social Inclusion, 3(5), pp.103-114
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O'Sullivan, A., 'Same-sex marriage and the Irish Constitution' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.477-492
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Oakes, R., Oakeley, A.K. & Goke-Pariola, R., 'The victimization and disparate treatment of racial and ethnic minorities' (2021), in R. Blasdell, L. Krieger-Sample & M. Kilburn (Eds.) Invisible Victims and the Pursuit of Justice: Analyzing Frequently Victimized Yet Rarely Discussed Populations (pp. 353-382), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Obermaier, M., 'Youth on standby? Explaining adolescent and young adult bystanders’ intervention against online hate speech' (2022), New Media and Society [online]
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Obermaier, M., 'Occupational Hazards: Individual and Professional Factors of Why Journalists Become Victims of Online Hate Speech' (2023), Journalism Studies [online]
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Obermaier, M. & Schmuck, D., 'Youths as targets: Factors of online hate speech victimization among adolescents and young adults' (2022), Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 27(4), zmac012
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Obermaier, M., Schmuck, D. & Saleem, M., 'I’ll be there for you? Effects of Islamophobic online hate speech and counter speech on Muslim in-group bystanders’ intention to intervene' (2021), New Media and Society [online]
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Obiora, H.C., Aboh, S.C. & Dioka, B.O., 'Critical discourse analysis of selected Nigerian political hate speeches' (2021), Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(3), pp. 494-500
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Oboler, A. & Casanovas, P., 'The Web of Data’s Role in Legal Ecosystems to Address Violent Extremism Fuelled by Hate Speech in Social Media' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13048 LNAI, pp. 230-246
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Obst, M., 'Not in the mood for gender and feminism. Exploring affect and expertise through Spanish anti-gender movements' (2024), Women's Studies International Forum, 104, 102892
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Ocampo, N., Cabrio, E. & Villata, S., 'Playing the Part of the Sharp Bully: Generating Adversarial Examples for Implicit Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 2758–2772
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Ocampo, N., Sviridova, E., Cabrio, E. & Villata, S., 'An In-depth Analysis of Implicit and Subtle Hate Speech Messages' (2023), EACL 2023 - 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 1989-2005
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Odeku, K.O. & Kgaphola, J., 'Combating Weaponisation of Social Media Fostering Hate Speech in South Africa' (2023), Journal of African Films and Diaspora Studies, 6(2), pp. 59–74
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ODIHR, 'Hate crime against people with disabilities' (2017), OSCE
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Ogbonna, S. & Okafo, A.C., 'An Analysis of Newspapers’ Coverage of Hate Speech in Nigeria' (2020), in M. N. Ndlela & W. Mano (Eds.) Social Media and Elections in Africa, Volume 2 (pp. 201-222). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Ogden, C., 'Disability' (2014), in Atkinson, R. (Ed.) Shades of Deviance: A Primer on Crime, Deviance and Social Harm. Routledge.

Ogden, C.A., 'Disability hate crime' (2016), in K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, J. Turner (Eds.) A companion to crime, harm and victimisation, Bristol: Policy Press, pp.51-53

Ogilvie, E. & Lynch, M., 'Gender, race, class, and crime in Australia' (2002), in Graycar, A. & Grabosky, P. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Australian Criminology. Cambridge University Press.

Ogwezzy-Ndisika, A. O., Faustino, B. A. & Okechukwu Amakoh, K., 'Curbing hatred: The ethnic diehards’ agitations and 2015 presidential election campaign in Nigeria' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 233-253
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Oh, D.C., 'Reflexive racialization and discursive affect with the #VeryAsian Hashtag' (2023), Asian Journal of Communication [online]
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Okely, J., 'Recycled (mis)representations: Gypsies, Travellers or Roma treated as objects, rarely subjects' (2014), People, Place and Policy, 8(1), pp.65-85
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Okolie, A.-M., Enyiazu, C. & Nnamani, K.E., 'Campaign propaganda, electoral outcome and the dynamics of governance in the post-2015 presidential election in Nigeria' (2021), Cogent Social Sciences, 7(1), 1922180
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Okpala, E., Cheng, L., Mbwambo, N. & Luo, F., 'AAEBERT: Debiasing BERT-based Hate Speech Detection Models via Adversarial Learning' (2022), Proceedings - 21st IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2022, pp. 1606-1612
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Okten, A>, 'On Commemorating Hrant Dink: Affective Nationalism, Hate Speech, and Digital News Media Users' (2022), Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly [online]
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Oliveira, E., Oliveira, L. & Baldi, V., 'Analysis of Cyberaggression in Social Networks Involving Students and University Environments' (2024), Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 35, pp. 287–300
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Oliveira, L. & Azevedo, J., 'Using Social Media Categorical Reactions as a Gateway to Identify Hate Speech in COVID-19 News' (2023), SN Computer Science, 4(1), 11
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Oliver, P. & Lusted, J., 'Discrimination cases in grass-roots sport: Comparing Australian and English experiences' (2015), Sport in Society, 18(5), pp.529-542
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Oliver, P., Lim, C., Matthews, M.C. & Hanna, A., 'Black Protests in the United States, 1994 to 2010' (2022), Sociological Science, 9, pp. 275-312
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Ollagnier, A., Cabrio, E. & Villata, S., 'Unsupervised fine-grained hate speech target community detection and characterisation on social media' (2023), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 13(1), 58
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Ollagnier, A., Cabrio, E. & Villata, S., 'Harnessing Bullying Traces to Enhance Bullying Participant Role Identification in Multi-Party Chats' (2023), Proceedings of the International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS, 36
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Ollagnier, A., Cabrio, E., Villata, S. & Blaya, C., 'CyberAgressionAdo-v1: a Dataset of Annotated Online Aggressions in French Collected through a Role-playing Game' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 867-875
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Ollagnier, A., Cabrio, E., Villata, S. & Tonelli, S., 'BiRDy: Bullying Role Detection in Multi-Party Chats' (2023), Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023, 37, pp. 16464–16466
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Olmos-Alcaraz, A., 'Islamophobia and Twitter: The Political Discourse of the Extreme Right in Spain and Its Impact on the Public' (2023), Religions, 14(4), 506
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Olofinbiyi, S.A., 'Anti-immigrant Violence and Xenophobia in South Africa: Untreated Malady and Potential Snag for National Development' (2022), Insight on Africa [online]
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Olson, S.M., Muñoz, E.G., Solis, E.C. & Bradford, H.M., 'Mitigating Weight Bias in the Clinical Setting: A New Approach to Care' (2023), Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health [online]
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Olzak, S., 'The political context of competition: Lynching and urban racial violence' (1990), Social Forces, 69(2), pp.395-421
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Omar, A. & Hashem, M.E., 'An Evaluation of the Automatic Detection of Hate Speech in Social Media Networks' (2022), International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(2), pp. 228-233
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Omar, A., Mahmoud, T.M., & Abd-El-Hafeez, T., 'Comparative Performance of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Arabic Hate Speech Detection in OSNs' (2020), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1153 AISC, pp. 247-257
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Omar, M. & Mohaisen, D., 'Making Adversarially-Trained Language Models Forget with Model Retraining: A Case Study on Hate Speech Detection' (2022), WWW 2022 - Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, pp. 887-893
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Ombui, E., Karani, M. & Muchemi, L., 'Annotation Framework for Hate Speech Identification in Tweets: Case Study of Tweets During Kenyan Elections' (2019), 2019 IST-Africa Week Conference [online]
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Ombui, E., Muchemi, L. & Wagacha, P., 'Hate Speech Detection in Code-switched Text Messages' (2019), 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, ISMSIT 2019 – Proceedings, 8932845
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