Publications: G

Garz, M. & Szucs, F., 'Algorithmic selection and supply of political news on Facebook' (2023), Information Economics and Policy, 62, 101020
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Gashi, A. & Amanyraouf, S., 'Political Communication in (Post)Conflict Societies. The case of Kosovo | Comunicación política en sociedades postconflicto: el caso de Kosovo' (2023), Revista UNISCI, 2023(63), pp. 103–117
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Gasparetto, H.L., Pedroso, F.T. & de Oliveira, R.S., 'Fake news, hate speech, and digital activism: social movements of demonetization, legal challenges, and reflections on the sleeping giants Brazil case | [Fake news, discursos de ódio e ativismo digital: movimentos sociais de desmonetização, desafios jurídicos e reflexões sobre o case sleeping giants Brasil]' (2022), Revista Brasileira de Politicas Publicas, 12(3), pp. 180-198
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Gaston, S., 'Far-right extremism in the populist age – Briefing paper' (2017), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Demos
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GATE Hertfordshire , 'Recognise, report, resolve – Everyday hatred against GRT communities' (2018), Goldsmiths, University of London
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Gatehouse, C., Wood, M., Briggs, J., Pickles, J. & Lawson, S., 'Troubling vulnerability: Designing with LGBT young people’s ambivalence towards hate crime reporting' (2017), CHI 2018 - 2018 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 21st - 26th April 2018, Montréal, Canada
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Gates, T.G. & Sniatecki, J.L., 'Tolerating transphobia in substance abuse counseling: Perceptions of trainees' (2016), Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance, pp.1-17
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Gaudet, M., 'Police-reported hate crime in Canada, 2016' (2018), Statistics Canada
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Gaudette, T., Scrivens, R. & Venkatesh, V., 'Disengaged but Still Radical? Pathways Out of Violent Right-Wing Extremism' (2022), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Gaumer, C.P., 'Punishment for prejudice: A commentary on the constitutionality and utility of state statutory responses to the problem of hate crimes' (1994), South Dakota Law Review, 39, pp.1-48
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Gaurav, A., Gupta, B.B., Chui, K.T., Arya, V. & Chaurasia, P., 'Deep Learning Based Hate Speech Detection on Twitter' (2023), IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin, ICCE-Berlin
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Gautam, A.K. & Bansal, A., 'Automatic Cyberstalking Detection on Twitter in Real-Time using Hybrid Approach' (2023), International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 15(1), pp. 58-72
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Gavrielides, T., 'Conceptualising and contextualising restorative justice for hate crimes' (2012), CrimSoc: The Journal of Social Criminology, 1(1)
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Gavrielides, T., 'Contextualizing restorative justice for hate crime' (2012), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(18), pp.3624-3643
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Gavrielides, T., 'The Victims’ Directive and what victims want from restorative justice' (2017), Victims & Offenders, 12(1), pp.21-42
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Gawu, D.A. & Mensah, R.O., 'Balancing the Freedom of Expression, Right to Information and Use of Social Media in Ghana' (2022), in M.E. Addadzi-Koom, M. Addaney & L.A. Nkansah (Eds.) Democratic Governance, Law, and Development in Africa: Pragmatism, Experiments, and Prospects (pp. 121–145), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (NSW) and Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project, 'The off our backs report: A study into anti-lesbian violence' (1992)

Gay Men and Lesbians Against Discrimination (GLAD), 'Not a day goes by: Report on the GLAD survey into discrimination and violence against lesbians and gay men in Victoria' (1994)

Gayathri, T., Mahalakshmi, K., Shilpa, M., Jayanthi, M.G. & Kannadaguli, P., 'Comparison of Hate Speech Identification in Kannada Language Using ML and DL Models' (2023), 2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications, GCITC 2023
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Gałczyńska, A., '“… protect me, Lord, from contempt, protect me from hatred, God”. When Words Express Contempt | [„… chroń mnie panie od pogardy, przed nienawiścią strzeż mnie boże”. Kiedy słowa wyrażają pogardę]' (2023), Respectus Philologicus, 43(48), pp. 11-13
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Gde Bagus Janardana Abasan, I. & Setiawan, E.B., 'Empowering hate speech detection: leveraging linguistic richness and deep learning' (2024), Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 13(2), pp. 1371–1382
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Gee, K.A., Cooc, N. & Yu, P., 'Hate Speech Against Asian American Youth: Pre-Pandemic Trends and The Role of School Factors' (2024), Journal of Youth and Adolescence [online]
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Geisler, K.R., Enomoto, C.E. & Djaba, T., 'Hate Crimes and Minority-Owned Businesses' (2019), Review of Black Political Economy, 46(1), pp. 3-21
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Gelber, K., 'Hate crimes: Public policy implications of the inclusion of gender' (2000), Australian Journal of Political Science, 35(2), pp.275-289
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Gelber, K., 'Implementing racial anti-vilification laws in New South Wales: 1988-1998: A study' (2000), Australian Journal of Public Administration, 59(1), pp.13-23
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Gelber, K., 'Speaking back: The free speech versus hate speech debate' (2002), John Benjamins Publishing.

Gelber, K., 'The problem: An example of racial anti-vilification laws in practice, 1989-1998' (2002), in Speaking Back: The Free Speech Versus Hate Speech Debate. John Benjamins Publishing.

Gelber, K., 'Hate speech in Australia: Emerging questions' (2005), University of New South Wales Law Journal, 28(3), pp.861-867
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Gelber, K., 'Hate speech and the Australian legal and political landscape' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

Gelber, K., 'The false analogy between vilification and sedition' (2009), Melbourne University Law Review, 33(1), pp.270-291
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Gelber, K., 'Incitement to hatred and countering terrorism: Policy confusion in the UK and Australia' (2018), Parliamentary Affairs, 71, pp.28-49
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Gelber, K., 'Differentiating hate speech: a systemic discrimination approach' (2019), Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
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Gelber, K., 'Free speech, religious freedom and vilification in Australia' (2023), Australian Journal of Political Science [online]
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Gelber, K., 'Terrorist-Extremist Speech and Hate Speech: Understanding the Similarities and Differences' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Gelber, K. & McNamara, L., 'Evidencing the harms of hate speech' (2015), Social Identities, pp.1-18
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Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.), 'Hate speech and freedom of speech in Australia' (2007), The Federation Press.

Gelber, K., , '‘Terrorist-Extremist Speech and Hate Speech: Understanding the Similarities and Differences’' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Geldenhuys, J. & Kelly-Louw, M., 'Demystifying hate speech under the PEPUDA' (2020), Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, pp. 1-50
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Geldenhuys, J. & Kelly-Louw, M., 'Hate Speech and Racist Slurs in the South African Context: Where to Start?' (2020), Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, pp. 1-46
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Gellman, S., '“Brother, you can’t go to jail for what you’re thinking”: Motives, effects, and “hate crime” laws' (1992), Criminal Justice Ethics, 11(2), pp.24-29
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Gellman, S.B. & Lawrence, F.M., 'Agreeing to agree: A proponent and opponent of hate crime laws reach for common ground' (2004), Harvard Journal on Legislation, 41(2), pp.421-448
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Gemiharto, I. & Sukaesih, 'The Phenomenon of Internet Trolling and the Spreading of Hate Speech on Social Media' (2020), International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(1), pp. 510-517
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Genc, E. & Baptist, J., 'Discrimination Against Muslims in the USA and Couple Interactions: An Actor–Partner Interdependence Model' (2023), Journal of Religion and Health [online]
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Gentles, J., 'A legal remedy for sexual injustice' (1995), Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 5, p.65-77
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George, A., 'The gay (?) victim on trial: Discourses of sexual division in the courtroom' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

George, A., 'Hate crimes against lesbians and gay men in New South Wales: Accumulated knowledge of victimisation via five reports' (2008), (Paper presented at the Law and Society Association Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Conference –‘W(h)ither Human Rights?’, University of Sydney, 10-12 December 2008)

George, A. & Tomsen, S., 'The criminal justice response to gay killings: Research findings' (1997), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 9(1), pp.56-70
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George, A. & Tomsen, S., 'More on gay killings' (1998), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 9(3), pp.332-334
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George, C., 'Hate spin: The manufacture of religious offense and its threat to democracy' (2016), Cambridge, United States of America: MIT Press

Georgiades, S., 'The dire straits of homelessness: Dramatic echoes and creative propositions from the field' (2015), Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 25(6), pp.630-642
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