Publications: G

Gongane, V.U., Munot, M.V. & Anuse, A.D., 'A survey of explainable AI techniques for detection of fake news and hate speech on social media platforms' (2024), Journal of Computational Social Science [online]
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Gongane, V.U., Munot, M.V. & Anuse, A.D., 'Detection and moderation of detrimental content on social media platforms: current status and future directions' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 129
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González, A.D., 'Hate Speech in Audiovisual Communication | El Discurso Del Odio En La Comunicación Audiovisual' (2023), Revista General de Derecho Administrativo, 2023(64), 426426
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González, S.G., 'Necropolitics and hate speech. Anti-immigration sentiment, vulnerability and symbolic violence | [Necropolítica y discursos de odio. Sentimiento antinmigración, vulnerabilidad y violencia simbólica]' (2022), Isegoria, (67), e07
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González-Baquero, W., Amores, J.J. & Arcila-Calderón, C., 'From Belief to Hate. An Analysis of the Beliefs That Support the Hate Speech Towards Migrants and Refugees Spread on Twitter from the Theory of Reasoned Action' (2022), Tripodos, (53)
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González-Baquero, W., Amores, J.J. & Arcila-Calderón, C., 'The Conversation around Islam on Twitter: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about the Muslim Community in Spain since 2015' (2023), Religions, 14(6), 724
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González-Esteban, J.-L., Lopez-Rico, C.M., Morales-Pino, L. & Sabater-Quinto, F., 'Intensification of Hate Speech, Based on the Conversation Generated on TikTok during the Escalation of the War in the Middle East in 2023' (2024), Social Sciences, 13(1), 49
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Goodall, K., 'Incitement to religious hatred: All talk and no substance?' (2007), Modern Law Review, 70(1), pp.89-113
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Goodall, K., 'Challenging hate speech: Incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.211-232
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Goodall, K., 'Conceptualising ‘racism’ in criminal law' (2013), Legal Studies, 33(2), pp.214-238
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Goodall, K. & Walters, M., 'Legislating to Address Hate Crimes against the LGBT Community in the Commonwealth' (2019), Equality and Justice Alliance
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Goodey, J., 'Racist violence in Europe: Challenges for official data collection' (2007), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(4), pp.570-589
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Goodey, J., 'Hate crime and victimisation' (2016), in K. Corteen, S. Morley, P. Taylor, J. Turner (Eds.) A companion to crime, harm and victimisation, Bristol: Policy Press, pp.91-93

Goodman, S. & Locke, A., 'Supporting and challenging hate in an online discussion of a controversial refugee policy' (2024), Discourse Studies [online]
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Goosey, S., 'Ageism as a Hate Crime: The Case for Extending Aggravated Offences to Protect Age Groups' (2021), Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 41(3), pp. 612-637
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Gordon, S.L., 'Understanding Xenophobic Hate Crime in South Africa' (2020), Journal of Public Affairs, e2076 [online]
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Gordon, Iñigo, 'Main findings on a case-by-case review following the irruption of gender in hate crime legislation.' (2020)
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Gordon, S., 'Citizens’ Preferences for Tackling Xenophobic Violence in an African Context: A South African Case Study' (2021), Peace and Conflict, 28(1), pp. 63-73
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Online hate and the contentious case of stirring up hatred offences' (2023), Oñati Socio-Legal Series [online]
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Hate crimes and cyberhate. Reviewing the possibilities of criminal speech filtering through Articles 22.4 and 510 of the Spanish Criminal Code [Delitos de odio y ciberodio. Una revisión acerca de las posibilidades de filtrado penal del discurso a través de los arts. 22.4 y 510.3 CP]' (2023), Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Online hate and the contentious case of stirring up hatred offences' (2023), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13(5), pp. 1734–1755
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Gordon, A.R. & Meyer, I.H., 'Gender nonconformity as a target of prejudice, discrimination, and violence against LGB individuals' (2008), Journal of LGBT Health Research, 3(3), pp.55-71

Gordon, S.L., 'Interweaving xenophobia and racism in South Africa: the impact of racial discrimination on anti-immigrant hate violence among people of colour' (2022), South African Journal of Psychology [online]
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Gorenc, N., 'Hate speech or free speech: an ethical dilemma?' (2022), International Review of Sociology [online]
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Gorman, C.S. & Culcasi, K., 'Invasion and colonization: Islamophobia and anti-refugee sentiment in West Virginia' (2020), Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space [online]
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Gorosarri González, M., 'Frames of sexist violence: A comparative study with news reports about crime with victims (1996-2016) | [Encuadres de la violencia machista: Estudio comparativo de las noticias sobre delitos con víctimas (1996-2016)]' (2021), Doxa Comunicacion, 2021(32), pp. 75-94
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Gorostiza, J.-M.L., 'Incitement to Hatred (Article 510 Spanish Criminal Code): Quo Vadis | [EL DELITO DE INCITACIÓN AL ODIO (ARTÍCULO 510 CP): QUO VADIS]' (2021), Azafea, 23, pp. 57-81
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Górska, E. & Juzaszek, A., 'The “Other” in Court: Islam and Muslims in Polish Judicial Opinions Published Online' (2023), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Górska, P. & Tausch, N., 'People or Ideology? Social Conservatism and Intergroup Contact Moderate Heterosexuals’ Responses to a State-sponsored Anti-LGBT Campaign' (2022), Sexuality Research and Social Policy [online]
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Gostkova, D., Kostyuk, M. & Kunts, E., 'Legal Problems of Using ‘Extremist Motives’ in Crimes Against Life and Health' (2018), Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 9(3), pp.949-955
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Goswami, A., Rawat, A., Tongaria, S. & Jhingran, S., 'Detection of hate speech in multi-modal social post' (2023), in A. Dagur, K. Singh, P.S. Mehra & D.K. Shukla (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security - Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security, ICABCS 2023 (1st Edition) (pp. 331-336), London: CRC Press
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Goswami, A., Rawat, A., Tongaria, S. & Jhingran, S., 'Detection of hate speech in multi-modal social post' (2023), in A. Dagur, K. Singh, P. S. Mehra & D.K. Shukla (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security: Volume 1 (pp. 331–336), London: CRC Press
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Gould, R.R., 'Is the ‘hate’ in hate speech the ‘hate’ in hate crime? Waldron and Dworkin on political legitimacy' (2019), Jurisprudence
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Gould, E.D. & Klor, E.F., 'The long-run effect of 9/11: Terrorism, backlash, and the assimilation of Muslim immigrants in the West' (2015), Economic Journal
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Gover, A.R., Harper, S.B. & Langton, L., 'Anti-Asian Hate Crime During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Reproduction of Inequality' (2020), American Journal of Criminal Justice [online]
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Govers, J., Feldman, P., Dant, A. & Patros, P., 'Prompt-GAN–Customisable Hate Speech and Extremist Datasets via Radicalised Neural Language Models' (2023), ICCAI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 9th International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 515–522
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Govind, R., Garg, N. & Carter, L., 'Selling hope versus hate: the impact of partisan social media messaging on social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2023), European Journal of Marketing [online]
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Grabowski, W., 'From speech acts to extraordinary measures – securitization and hybrid warfare in Iran Israel relations | [Od “aktu mowy” do uzycia nadzwyczajnych srodków – sekurytyzac ja i wojna hybrydowa w stosunkach Iransko-Izraelskich]' (2022), Przeglad Strategiczny, (15), pp. 143-15
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Gracia-Calandín, J. & Suárez-Montoya, L., 'The eradication of hate speech on social media: a systematic review' (2023), Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society [online]
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Graff, A., 'Jewish Perversion as Strategy of Domination: The anti-Semitic Subtext of Anti-gender Discourse' (2022), Journal of Modern European History, 20(3), pp. 423-439
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Graham, D. & Boyd, J., 'Understanding Antisemitic hate crimes: Do the experiences, perceptions and behaviours of Jews vary by gender, age and religiosity?' (2017), jpr
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Graham, Y. & Purver, M. (Eds.), 'Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024' (2024), EACL 2024 - 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (March 2024), St. Julian’s, Malta
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Gramigna, R., 'Inside Facebook’s semiosphere. How social media influence digital hate and fuel cyber-polarization' (2022), Social Semiotics, 32(5), pp. 606-633
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Grange, K., 'What’s the future for planning in a time of democratic retreat, white supremacy and silence' (2023), European Planning Studies [online]
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Grannis, E. J. , 'Words and fighting freestyle: The constitutionality of penalty enhancement for bias crimes' (1993), Columbia Law Review, 93(1), pp.178-230
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Granström, G. & Aström, K., 'Lifecycle of a hate crime – Country report for Sweden' (2017), Umeå University
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Grassie, G., 'Control of content on social media – Technology as judge, jury and executioner?' (2017), Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 12(7), pp.533-534
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Grasso, B., La Gatta, V., Moscato, V. & Sperlì, G., 'KERMIT: Knowledge-EmpoweRed Model In harmful meme detection' (2024), Information Fusion, 106, 102269
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Grasso, J.C., Jenness, V. & Vogler, S., 'Understanding the context for police avoidance: the impact of sexual identity, police legitimacy and legal cynicism on willingness to report hate crime' (2023), Current Issues in Criminal Justice [online]
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Grattet, R., 'The urban ecology of bias crime: A study of disorganized and defended neighborhoods' (2009), Social Problems, 56(1), pp.132-150
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