Publications: G

Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'Transforming symbolic law into organizational action: Hate crime policy and law enforcement practice' (2008), Social Forces, 87(1), pp.501-527
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Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'Examining the boundaries of hate crime law: Disabilities and the “dilemma of difference”' (2001), The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-), 91(3), pp.653-598
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Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'The reconstitution of law in local settings: Agency discretion, ambiguity and a surplus of law in the policing of hate crime' (2005), Law & Society Review, 39(4), pp.893-941
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Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'The birth and maturation of hate crime policy in the United States ' (2001), American Behavioral Scientist, 45(4), pp.668-696
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Grattet, R., Jenness, V. & Curry, T.R., 'The homogenization and differentiation of hate crime law in the United States, 1978 to 1995: Innovation and diffusion in the criminalization of bigotry' (1998), American Sociological Review, 63(2), pp.286-307
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Gray, A., 'Racial vilification and freedom of speech in Australia and elsewhere' (2012), Common Law World Review, 41(2), pp.167-195
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Gray, C. & Hansen, K., 'Did Covid-19 Lead to an Increase in Hate Crimes Toward Chinese People in London?' (2021), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice [online]
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Greason, D., 'Australia’s racist far-right' (1997), in Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Sydney: Hawkins Press.

Greason, D., '“Look mum, no shirt”: Media representations of young Nazis' (1997), in Bessant, J. & Hill, R. (eds.) Youth, Crime and the Media: Media Representation of and Reaction to Young People in relation to Law and Order. ACYS Publishing.

Green, B.C., 'Homosexual signification: A moral construct in social contexts' (2005), Journal of Homosexuality, 49(2), pp.119-134
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Green, D.P. & Rich, A., 'White supremacist activity and crossburnings in North Carolina' (1998), Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 14(3), pp.263-282
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Green, D.P. & Spry, A.D., 'Hate crime research: Design and measurement strategies for improving causal inference' (2014), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 30(3), pp.228-246
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Green, D.P., Glaser, J. & Rich, A., 'From lynching to gay bashing: The elusive connection between economic conditions and hate crime' (1998), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75(1), pp.82-92
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Green, D.P., McFalls, L.H. & Smith, J.K., 'Hate crime: An emergent research agenda' (2001), Annual Review of Sociology, 27, 479-504
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Green, D.P., Strolovitch, D.Z. & Wong, J.S., 'Defended neighbourhoods, integration, and racially motivated crime' (1998), American Journal of Sociology, 104(2), pp.372-403
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Green, P., Strolovitch, Z., Wong, S. & Bailey, W., 'Measuring gay populations and antigay hate crime' (2001), Social Science Quarterly, 82(2), pp.281-296
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Greenberg, S.J., 'The Massachusetts Hate Crime Reporting Act of 1990: Great expectations yet unfulfilled?' (1996), New England Law Review, 31, pp.103-158
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Greene, P. & Defibaugh, S., 'Why can’t we be friends? Conflict and alignment within the Alt-Right' (2022), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 10(2), pp. 269-287
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Greenland, H., 'On the road to prejudice' (1995), Feb 4-5 Australian Magazine 22

Greenland, K., West, K. & van Laar, C., 'Definitional boundaries of discrimination: Tools for deciding what constitutes discrimination (and what doesn’t)' (2022), Journal of Applied Social Psychology [online]
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Greenwald, A.G. & Newkirk, T., 'Roles for Implicit Bias Science in Antidiscrimination Law' (2024), Daedalus, 153(1), pp. 174–192
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Greenwald, A.G. & Pettigrew, T.F., 'With malice toward none and charity for some: Ingroup favouritism enables discrimination' (2014), American Psychologist, 69(7), pp.669-684
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Greif, G.L., 'Long-term interracial and interethnic marriages: What can be learned about how spouses deal with negativity from others' (2023), Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work [online]
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Gresh, A., 'Trump and Netanyahu’s failed Palestine sell-out: ‘A hate plan, not a peace plan’' (2023), in L.A. Lambert & M. Elayah (Eds.) The Post-American Middle East: How the World Changed Where the War on Terror Failed (pp. 211–217), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Gretenkort, T., 'The semiotics of consensus: Impact of network topology on communication strategies in Spanish language interaction networks' (2023), Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag
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Grewal, I., 'Racial sovereignty and ‘shooter’ violence: Oak Creek massacre, normative citizenship and the state' (2013), Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, 9(2), pp.187-197
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Griffin, R., 'New school speech regulation as a regulatory strategy against hate speech on social media: The case of Germany’s NetzDG' (2022), Telecommunications Policy, 46(9), 102411
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Griffin, J., 'Anti-lesbian/gay violence in schools' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

Griffith, G., 'Sedition, incitement and vilification: Issues in the current debate, Briefing Paper No. 1/06' (2006), NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service.
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Griffiths, L.J., Wolke, D., Page, A.S. & Horwood, J.P., 'Obesity and bullying: Different effects for boys and girls' (2006), Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91(2), pp.121-125
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Grigoryan, L., Seo, S., Simunovic, D. & Hofmann, W., 'Helping the ingroup versus harming the outgroup: Evidence from morality-based groups' (2023), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 105, 104436
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Grillo, R., '‘Saltdean can’t cope’: Protests against asylum-seekers in an English seaside suburb' (2005), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(2), pp.235-260
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Grimes, J.N., 'Hate, conflict, and public space: Stand your ground laws and potential immunity for hate crimes' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 83-104
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Grolman, E., Binyamini, H., Shabtai, A., Elovici, Y., Morikawa, I. & Shimizu, T., 'HateVersarial: Adversarial Attack Against Hate Speech Detection Algorithms on Twitter' (2022), UMAP2022 - Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, pp. 143-152
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Groma, J., 'Preventing and combating hate crimes: Modern approach' (2018), SHS Web Conferences, 51, (6th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference)
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Groß, E., Dreißigacker, A. & Riesner, L. , 'Victimization by Hate Crime – A first representative survey of the dark field in Lower Saxony and in Schleswig-Holstein' (2018), Knowledge Creates Democracy - Open Access Series of the IDZ
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Grosholz, J.M. & Pieri, Z.P., '“A Skinhead at Heart with a Hate-Filled Mind”: Understanding the Themes Present in the White Power Music Scene' (2020), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Grossman, A., 'Homosexual men (and lesbian men) in a heterosexual genre: Three gangster films from Hong Kong' (2000), Journal of Homosexuality, 39(3-4), pp.237-271
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Grotti, L. & Quick, P., 'BERTicelli at HaSpeeDe 3: Fine-tuning and Cross-validating Large Language Models for Hate Speech Detection' (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3473
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Grover, A., Arora, N. & Sharma, P., 'Social commerce and metaverse in a new virtual world: Exploring women’s adoption intentions' (2023), in A. Singh, S. Sharma, A. Singh, M. Unanoglu & S. Taneja (Eds.) Cultural Marketing and Metaverse for Consumer Engagement (pp. 262–286), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Gruenewald, J., 'Are anti-LGBT homicides in the United States unique?' (2012), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(18), pp.3601-3623
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Gruenewald, J. & Allison, K., 'Examining differences in bias homicide across victim groups' (2018), Crime and Delinquency, 64(3), pp.316-341
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Gruenewald, J. & Kelley, K., 'Exploring Anti-LGBT Homicide by Mode of Victim Selection' (2014), Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 41(9), pp.1130-1152
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Grundy, T., 'Love, Hate and the Leader: A Fascist Childhood' (2023), London: Routledge
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Gruzd, A., Mai, P. & Soares, F.B., 'From Trolling to Cyberbullying: Using Machine Learning and Network Analysis to Study Anti-Social Behavior on Social Media' (2023), HT 2023 - The 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 52
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Gualda, E., 'Metaphors of invasion: Imagining Europe as endangered by Islamisation' (2021), in A. Önnerfors & A. Krouwel (Eds.) Europe: Continent of Conspiracies: Conspiracy Theories in and about Europe (pp. 54-75), London: Routledge
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Gudumotu, C.E., Nukala, S.R., Reddy, K., Konduri, A. & Gireesh, C., 'A Survey on Deep Learning Models to Detect Hate Speech and Bullying in Social Media' (2023), Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 231, pp. 27–44
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Guercio, N.L., 'Group Pejoratives and Hate Speech | [Peyorativos de Grupo Y Discurso de Odio*]' (2021), Kriterion (Brazil), 62(150), pp. 747-776
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Gui, J., Kono, S., He, Y. & Noels, K.A., 'Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Leisure and Academics of Chinese International Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Leisure Sciences [online]
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Guichard, A., 'Hate crime in cyberspace: The challenges of substantive criminal law' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.201-234
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