Publications: H

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J.W., 'Bias-Based Cyberbullying Among Early Adolescents: Associations With Cognitive and Affective Empathy' (2022), Journal of Early Adolescence [online]
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Hines, S., 'Transforming gender: Transgender practices of identity, intimacy and care' (2007), Bristol: The Policy Press

Hipp, J.R., Tita, G.E., & Boggess, L.N., 'Intergroup and intragroup violence: Is violent crime an expression of group conflict or social disorganisation' (2009), Criminology, 47(2), pp.521–564
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Hiro, D., 'Black British, White British: A history of race relations in Britain ' (1992), London: Paladin

Hirose, K., Kim, H. & Kohno, M., 'A survey inquiry into behavioral foundations of hate speech regulations: Evidence from Japan' (2023), Japanese Journal of Political Science, 24(1), pp. 101-117
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Hirschberger, B. & Voges, K. (Eds.), 'Religious freedom and populism: The appropriation of a human right and how to counter it' (2024), Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
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Hirschberger, G., Kende, A. & Weinstein, S., 'Defensive representations of an uncomfortable history: The case of Hungary and the Holocaust' (2016), International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 55, pp.32-43
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Hirschler, S., 'Migrants' (2014), in Atkinson, R. (Ed.) Shades of Deviance: A Primer on Crime, Deviance and Social Harm. Routledge.

Hirst, A. & Rinne, S., 'Pilot evaluation of Kumon Y’all befriending project' (2017), Equality and Human Rights Commission
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HM Government, 'Action Against Hate: The UK Government’s plan for tackling hate crime – ‘two years on’' (2018)
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Hmimssa, A., 'Citizenship under Pressure: Mapping Debates over Religious Freedom in the Second Decade in Quebec' (2023), Journal of Canadian Studies, 57(1), pp. 114-135
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Ho, L.S.L., 'Substantive penal crime legislation: Toward defining constitutional guidelines following the R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul and Wisconsin v. Mitchell decisions' (1994), Santa Clara Law Review, 34, pp.711-764
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Ho, I.K. & Çabuk, K., 'The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review' (2023), Ethnicity and Health [online]
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Hoang, P.G., Luu, C.D., Tran, K.Q., Nguyen, K.V. & Nguyen, N.L.-T., 'ViHOS: Hate Speech Spans Detection for Vietnamese' (2023), EACL 2023 - 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 652-669
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Hoang, S.N., Nguyen, B., Nguyen, N.P., Luu, S.T., Phan, H.T. & Nguyen, H.D., 'Enhanced Task-based Knowledge for Lexicon-based Approach in Vietnamese Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Proceedings - International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, KSE, 2022-October
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Hobbs, W., Lajevardi, N., Li, X. & Lucas, C., 'From Anti-Muslim to Anti-Jewish: Target Substitution on Fringe Social Media Platforms and the Persistence of Online and Offline Hate' (2023), Political Behavior [online]
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Hochmann, T., 'Hate speech online: the government as regulator and as speaker' (2022), Journal of Media Law [online]
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Hodge, J.P, 'Gendered hate: Exploring gender in hate crime law' (2011), Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press

Hodge, D.R. & Boddie, S.C., 'Anti-Semitism in the United States: An Overview and Strategies to Create a More Socially Just Society' (2021), Social work, 66(2), pp. 128-138
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Hodge, D.R. & Boddie, S.C., 'Are Practitioners Equipped to Work With and Advocate for Members of the American Jewish Community? An Analysis of Discourse-Shaping Periodicals' (2021), Families in Society [online]
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Hodge, David R. , 'Spiritual microaggressions: Understanding the subtle messages that foster religious discrimination' (2019), Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work
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Hodge, E. & Hallgrimsdottir, H., 'Networks of Hate: The Alt-right, “Troll Culture”, and the Cultural Geography of Social Movement Spaces Online' (2019), Journal of Borderlands Studies
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Hodwitz, O. & Massingale, K., 'Rhetoric and hate crimes: Examining the public response to the Trump narrative' (2021), Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression [online]
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Hoehl, S., 'Neo-Nazism and the right-wing movement in Germany: Should offenders be punished severely?' (1995), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 7(1), pp.94-98
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Hoeken, S., Spliethoff, S., Schwandt, S., Zarrieß, S. & Alaçam, Ö., 'Towards Detecting Lexical Change of Hate Speech in Historical Data' (2023), LChange 2023 - 4th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023, Proceedings, pp. 100–111
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Hoeken, S., Zarrieß, S. & Alaçam, Ö., 'Identifying Slurs and Lexical Hate Speech via Light-Weight Dimension Projection in Embedding Space' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 278–289
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Hoeksema, B., 'A Republican Approach to Jerkish Speech on Online Platforms' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Hoerst, C. & Drury, J., 'Social norms misperception among voters in the 2020 US presidential election' (2021), Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy [online]
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Hoffarth, B., 'Sexist Hate Speech as Subjectivation: Challenges in Media Education' (2022), in P. Bettinger (Ed.) Palgrave Studies in Educational Media (pp. 69-86), Cham: Palgrave Pivot
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Hoffarth, M.R. & Hodson, G., 'Is subjective ambivalence toward gays a modern form of bias?' (2014), Personality and Individual Differences, 69(Oct), pp.75-80
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Hoffman, A.J., 'Understanding conflict and the role of community development: Is building a peaceful society within our reach?' (2017), Aggression and Violent Behavior, 37, pp. 63-70
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Hoffman, A.J., '‘Community service activities reducing hate crimes and extremism: A “green intervention” approach’' (2019), Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community [online]
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Hoffman, B., Ware, J. & Shapiro, E., 'Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence' (2020), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Hoffmann, J. & Kruschwitz, U., 'UR NLP @ HaSpeeDe 2 at EVALITA 2020: Towards robust hate speech detection with contextual embeddings' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2765
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Hofmann, D.C., Trofimuk, B., Perry, S. & Hyslop-Margison, C., 'An exploration of right-wing extremist incidents in Atlantic Canada' (2021), Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide [online]
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Hogg, R., 'Review essay: Criminology, violence and the nation state' (1998), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 9(3), pp.335-340
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Hoggard, L.S., Byrd, C.M. & Sellers, R.M., 'The lagged effects of racial discrimination on depressive symptomology and interactions with racial identity' (2015), Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(2), pp.216-225
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Hoggard, L.S., Hill, L.K., Gray, D.L. & Sellers, R.M., 'Capturing the cardiac effects of racial discrimination: Do the effects “keep going”?' (2014), International Journal of Psychophysiology,
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Hohl, A., Choi, M., Yellow Horse, A.J., Medina, R.M., Wan, N. & Wen, M., 'Spatial Distribution of Hateful Tweets Against Asians and Asian Americans During the COVID-19 Pandemic, November 2019 to May 2020' (2022), American Journal of Public Health, 112(4), pp. 646-649
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Holdaway, S., 'The registration of Black and Asian officers from the police service' (1993), London: Home Office

Holdaway, S. & O’Neill, M., 'Institutional racism after Macpherson: An analysis of police views' (2006), Policing and Society, 16(4), pp.349-369
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Holder, E., 'The Convergence of Hate: An Analysis of UCR–NCVS Hate Crime Trends, 2003 to 2020' (2022), Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Holder, E., 'Revisiting the Harm of Hate: A Quasi-Experimental Approach Using the National Crime Victimization Survey' (2024), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Holder, E., Edwards, B. & Osborne, D., 'An Exploratory Study on the Structural and Demographic Predictors of Hate Crime Across the Rural-Urban Divide' (2022), Victims and Offenders [online]
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Holland, B., 'Race and ambivalent criminal procedure remedies' (2011), Gonzaga Law Review, 47(2), pp. 341-364
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Holland, B., 'Racial profiling and a punitive exclusionary rule' (2010), Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review, 20
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Holland-Muter, S., 'Outside the safety zone: An agenda for research on gender-based violence targeting lesbian and bisexual women in South Africa' (2012), Braamfontein: MaThoko’s Books.
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Hollinsworth, D., 'Race and racism in Australia' (1998), Social Science Press.

Hollomotz, A., 'Disability, oppression and violence: Towards a sociological explanation' (2012), Sociology, 47(3), pp.477-493
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Holroyd, J., 'Implicit racial bias and the anatomy of institutional racism' (2015), Criminal Justice Matters, 101(1), pp.30-32
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