Publications: M

Marston Danner, A., 'Bias crimes and crimes against humanity: Culpability in context' (2002), Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 6(1), pp.389-450
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Martella, A. & Pavan, E., '“We hate her.. and you too”: Polarized intersectionality in Italy throughout changing political scenarios' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Martin, B., 'Urban warfare' (1998), 117(6148) Bulletin 26

Martín Guardado, S., 'Disinformation, hate and polarization in the digital environment: segregation of the public sphere and effects on democracy | DESINFORMACIÓN, ODIO Y POLARIZACIÓN EN EL ENTORNO DIGITAL: SEGREGACIÓN DE LA ESFERA PÚBLICA Y EFECTOS SOBRE LA DEMOCRACIA' (2023), Revista de Estudios en Derecho a la Informacion, 2023(15), pp. 3–30
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Martin, D., 'The Left Behind: Precarity, Place and Racial Identity in the Contemporary ‘Serious Drama’' (2023), Journal of British Cinema and Television, 20(1), pp. 1-24
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Martin, S.E., 'Police and the production of hate crimes: Continuity and change in one jurisdiction' (1999), Police Quarterly, 2(4), pp.417-437
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Martin, S.E., 'Investigating hate crimes: Case characteristics and law enforcement responses' (1996), Justice Quarterly, 13(3), pp.455-448
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Martín-Gascón, B., 'The voices of Twitter: The continuous construction of feminist and antifeminist discourse' (2024), in E.J. Jiménez-Navarro & L.M. Martínez Serrano (Eds.) Where Gender and Corpora Meet: New Insights into Discourse Analysis (pp. 63–87), Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag
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Martin-Gutierrez, S., Robles Morales, J.M., Torcal, M., Losada, J.C. & Benito, R.M., 'In-party love spreads more efficiently than out-party hate in online communities' (2024), Scientific Reports, 14(1), 15700
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Martínez Ruiz, R., 'Overcoming Psychic Trauma and Hate Speech: On Performativity and Its Healing Power' (2020), Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology [online]
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Martínez, C.A., van Prooijen, J.-W. & Van Lange, P.A.M., 'A threat-based hate model: How symbolic and realistic threats underlie hate and aggression' (2022), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 103, 104393
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Martínez, C.A., van Prooijen, J.-W. & Van Lange, P.A.M., 'The Hateful People: Populist Attitudes Predict Interpersonal and Intergroup Hate' (2022), Social Psychological and Personality Science [online]
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Martinez, J.M. & Cagle, M.C., 'Reexamining Confederate symbols displayed on flags and monuments in public spaces: Two fallacies in the heritage versus hate debate' (2022), Social Science Quarterly [online]
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Martinez, R. Jr., Hollis, M.E. & Stowell, J.I. (Eds.), 'The handbook of race and crime' (2018), (Chapter 4), Wiley Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Martínez-Bacaicoa, J., Real-Brioso, N., Mateos-Pérez, E. & Gámez-Guadix, M., 'The role of gender and sexism in the moral disengagement mechanisms of technology-facilitated sexual violence' (2024), Computers in Human Behavior, 152, 108060
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Martínez-Corcuera, R., Ginesta, X. & Frigola-Reig, J., 'Towards Normalization of Women’s Football in Spanish Sports Journalism: Analysis of 2021 UEFA Women’s Champions League Final Broadcasts' (2023), Communication and Sport [online]
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Martínez-Guzmán, A., 'Masculine subjectivities and necropolitics: Precarization and violence at the Mexican margins' (2022), in V. Walkerdine (Ed.) Neoliberalism and Subjectivity in Latin America (pp. 11-31), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Martínez-Sanz, R., Durántez-Stolle, P. & Simón-Astudillo, I., 'Memes as hate speech: Violence, humour and criticism around the image of Irene Montero | Los memes como discurso de odio Violencia, humor y crítica en torno a la imagen de Irene Montero' (2024), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 16(2), pp. 1–16
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Martiniello, M. & Sacco, M., 'Antisemitism and immigration in Western Europe today: Is there a connection? The case of Belgium' (2018), Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), Berlin & Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London
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Martins, M., 'News media representation on EU immigration before Brexit: The ‘Euro-Ripper’ case' (2021), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 11
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Martins, A.C.L., 'Hate Speech in Social Networks and Recognition of the Other: The M. Case | [Discurso de Ódio em Redes Sociais e Reconhecimento do Outro: O Caso M.]' (2019), Revista Direito GV, 15(1)
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Maruenda-Bataller, S., Mercé, L., Castellano Ortolà, E. (Eds.), 'Discourse, gender, and violence: Insights from news and social media texts' (2024), Lausanne, Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang
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Marusek, S., 'Inventing terrorists: The nexus of intelligence and Islamophobia' (2017), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online], pp.1-23
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Marvasti, J.A. & Power, A., 'The psychology of hate and hate crimes: The story of those who refused to hate' (2017), American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 35(1), pp.33-51

Marvin Jones, D., 'The Presumption: Race and Injustice in the United States' (2024), New York: Bloomsbury
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Marzetti, H., Chandler, A., Jordan, A. & Oaten, A., 'The politics of LGBT+ suicide and suicide prevention in the UK: risk, responsibility and rhetoric' (2023), Culture, Health and Sexuality [online]
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Mas Grau, J., Langarita, J.A., Montserrat, C. & Viggiani, G., 'Exploring alternatives to the hate crimes model. Perceptions of civil society organizations regarding the application of restorative justice for bias-motivated crimes' (2024), Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice [online]
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Masadeh, M., Davanager, H.J. & Muaad, A.Y., 'A Novel Machine Learning-based Framework for Detecting Religious Arabic Hatred Speech in Social Networks' (2022), International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(9), pp. 767-776
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Mascitti, M., 'Dogwhistles and Audience Design: A New Definition' (2023), Manuscrito, 46(3), e-2022-0071-R3
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Mason, G., 'Blue Lives Matter and Hate Crime Law' (2020), Race and Justice [online]
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Mason, G., 'Violence against lesbians and gay men' (1993), Australian Institute of Criminology: Violence Prevention Today No 2.
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Mason, G., 'Hate crime: Homophobia as an example' (1995), Criminology Aotearoa/New Zealand, 4, 10

Mason, G., '‘Are you a boy or a girl?’: Heterosexism and verbal hostility' (1996), Sumner, C. et al, International Victimology: Selected Papers from the 8th International Symposium: Proceedings of a Symposium held 21-26 August 1994, Adelaide (1996) 91

Mason, G., 'Boundaries of sexuality: Lesbian experience and feminist discourse on violence against women' (1997), Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 7, pp.41-60
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Mason, G., 'Heterosexed violence: Typicality and ambiguity' (1997), in Mason, G. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press.

Mason, G., 'Marking sexual desire' (1997), in Cook, S. & Bessant, J. (eds), Australian Women's Experiences of Violence. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Mason, G., 'Sexuality and violence: Questions of difference' (1997), in Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Sydney: Hawkins Press.

Mason, G., 'Managing safety' (2000), in Brass, K., Byron, J. & Walker, R. (eds.), Anatomies of Violence. Australia: Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sydney

Mason, G., 'A picture of hate crime: Racial and homophobic harassment in the United Kingdom' (2005), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 17(1), pp.79
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Mason, G., 'Not our kind of hate crime' (2001), Law and Critique, 12(3), pp.253-278
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Mason, G., 'Body maps: Envisaging homophobia, violence and safety' (2001), Social and Legal Studies, 10(1), pp.23-44
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Mason, G., 'The spectacle of violence: Homophobia, gender and knowledge' (2002), United Kingdom: Routledge.

Mason, G., 'Hate crime and the image of the stranger' (2005), British Journal of Criminology, 45(6), pp.837-859
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Mason, G., 'Being hated: Stranger or familiar?' (2005), Social and Legal Studies, 14(4), pp.585-605
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Mason, G., 'Hate crime as a moral category: Lessons from the Snowtown case' (2007), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 40(3), pp.249-271
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Mason, G., 'The reconstruction of hate language' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

Mason, G., 'Hate crime' (2008), in Anthony, T. & Cunneen, C. (2008) The Critical Criminology Companion. Hawkins Press.

Mason, G., 'Prejudice and paedophilia in hate crime laws: Dunn v R' (2009), Alternative Law Journal, 34(4), pp.253-256
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Mason, G., '2009 J.V. Barry Memorial Lecture: The penal politics of hatred' (2009), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 42(3), pp.275-286
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Mason, G., 'Hate crime laws in Australia: Are they achieving their goals?' (2009), Criminal Law Journal, 33(6), 326-341

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