Publications: W

Walpurga Koll, M.K., 'Hate crime legislation versus the legacy of Lynch Law in the U.S.: The struggle against a biased popular justice' (2009), Legal Narratives, pp.77-100
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Walsh, C. & Townsin, L., 'Border-crossing pedagogy to disrupt LGBTIQ+ bullying and violence in schools' (2018), English in Australia, 53(2), pp.18-27
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Walsh, D., '‘He taught me to hate myself’: the pastoral care of gay Christians in Anglican churches' (2024), Practical Theology [online]
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Walter, Venessa, 'Online Troll Attacks on Events to Combat Antisemitism in Germany A Case Study.' (2020)
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Walter, A.T., 'Slovakia the Politics of Hate: Islamophobia and Christianity in the 2016 Parliamentary Elections' (2018), Religiski-Filozofiski Raksti, 24, pp. 39-59
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Walter, N., Billard, T.J. & Murphy, S.T., 'On the boundaries of framing terrorism: Guilt, victimization, and the 2016 Orlando shooting' (2017), Mass Communication and Society [online], pp.1-20
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Walters, M.A., 'Hate crime and restorative justice: Exploring causes, repairing harms' (2014), Clarendon Studies in Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Walters, M.A., 'Hate crime in the UK: Promoting the values of dignity and respect for young victims through restorative justice' (2012), in Gavrielides, T. (ed.) (2012) Rights & Restoration within youth justice. Whitby, Ontario: de Sitter Publications.

Walters, M.A., 'Sexual orientation discrimination in the European Union: The framework directive and the continuing influence of the European Parliament' (2007), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 8(4). pp.263-293
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Walters, M.A., 'Readdressing hate crime: Synthesizing law, punishment, and restorative justice' (2018), in T. Brudholm & B. Schepelern Johansen (Eds), Hate, politics, law: Critical perspectives on combating hate (Chapter 7). New York, NY: Oxford University Press

Walters, M.A., 'Criminalising Hate: Law as Social Justice Liberalism' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Walters, M, 'Hate crimes in Australia: Introducing punishment enhancers' (2005), 29 Criminal Law Journal 201-216
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Walters, M.A., 'Conceptualizing ‘hostility’ for hate crime law: Minding ‘the minutiae’ when interpreting section 28(1)(a) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998' (2014), Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 34(1), pp.47-74
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Walters, M.A., 'Restorative approaches to working with hate crime offenders' (2014), in Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J. (eds.) (2014) Hate Crimes. Policy Press.

Walters, Mark, 'Criminalising hate law as social justice liberalism.' (2020)
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Walters, M.A., 'Why the Rochdale Gang should have been sentenced as ‘hate crime’ offenders' (2013), Criminal Law Review, 2, pp.131-144
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Walters, M.A. , 'A general theories of hate crime? Strain, doing difference and self control' (2011), Critical Criminology, 19(4), pp.313-330
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Walters, M.A., 'Repairing the harms of hate crime: A restorative justice approach' (2014), in Hall, N., Corb, A., Giannasi, P. & Grieve, J. (eds.) (2014) The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime. London: Routledge

Walters, M., 'Readdressing hate crime: Synthesizing law, punishment and restorative justice' (2016), Hate, Politics, Law, Oxford University Press, Forthcoming
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Walters, M.A., 'Hate crimes in Australia: Introducing punishment enhancers' (2005), Criminal Law Journal, 29(4), pp.201-216
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Walters, M.A., 'The Cronulla Riots: Exposing the problem with Australia’s anti-vilification laws' (2006), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp.165-169
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Walters, M.A., 'Changing the criminal law to combat racially motivated violence' (2007), in Keyzer, P. (ed.) Racism, Religious Intolerance and the Law. Broadway NSW: Halstead Press.

Walters, M.A., 'Challenging orthodoxy: Towards a restorative approach to combating the globalization of hate' (2016), in J. Schweppe & M.A. Walters, The globalization of hate: Internationalizing hate crime? (pp.294-313), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Walters, M., Brown, R. with Wiedlitzka, S., 'Preventing hate crime: Emerging practices and recommendations for the effective management of criminal justice interventions' (2016), Project Report. Sussex Crime Research Centre, Sussex, UK
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Walters, M.A. & Brown, R. with Wiedlitzka, S., 'Causes and motivations of hate crime' (2016), Equality and Human Rights Commission, Research report 102
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Walters, M.A. & Hoyle, C., 'Exploring the everyday world of hate victimization through community mediation' (2012), International Review of Victimology, 18(1), pp.7-24
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Walters, M.A. & Hoyle, C., 'Healing harms and engendering tolerance: The promise of restorative justice for hate crime' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Walters, M.A. & Turnath, J., 'Gender ‘hostility’, rape, and the hate crime paradigm' (2014), The Modern Law Review, 77(4), pp.563-596
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Walters, M.A., Owusu-Bempah, A. & Wiedlitzka, S., 'Hate crime and the “justice gap”: The case for law reform' (2018), Criminal Law Review, 12, pp.961-986

Walters, M.A., Paterson, J., Brown, R. & McDonnell, L., 'Hate crimes against trans people: Assessing emotions, behaviors, and attitudes toward criminal justice agencies' (2017), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online], pp.1-31
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Walters, M.A., Paterson, J., McDonnell, L. & Brown, R., 'Group identity, empathy and shared suffering: Understanding the ‘community’ impacts of anti-LGBT and Islamophobic hate crimes' (2019), International Review of Victimology
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Walters, M.A., Paterson, J.L. & Brown, R., 'Enhancing Punishment or Repairing Harms? Perceptions of Sentencing Hate Crimes Amongst Members of a Commonly Targeted Victim Group' (2021), British Journal of Criminology, 61(1), pp. 61-84
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Walters, M.A., Wiedlitzka, S. & Owusu-Bempah, A. with Goodall, K., 'Hate crime and the legal process: Options for law reform' (2017), Project Report, University of Sussex
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Walther, J.B., 'Social media and online hate' (2022), Current Opinion in Psychology, 45, 101298
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Walther, C.S. & Embrick, D.G.T., 'White trash and white supremacy: An analysis of the James Byrd Jr. and Matthew Shepard hate crimes' (2017), in R. Thompson-Miller & K. Ducey (Edss), Systemic Racism (pp.237-260). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan
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Walther, S. & McCoy, A., 'US Extremism on Telegram: Fueling Disinformation, Conspiracy Theories, and Accelerationism' (2021), Perspectives on Terrorism, 15(2), pp. 100-124
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Waltman, M., 'Qanon’s Ideology of Hate: As a Catalyst for Negative Transformation in Families and Close Relationships' (2023), in R.C. Diggs & T.J. Socha (Eds.) Family Communication and Cultural Transformation: (Re)Awakening Legacies of Equality, Social Justice, Freedom, and Hope (pp. 57-76), New York: Routledge
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Walton, S., 'One Nation Under Attack: Color-Blind Racism, Racialization, and White Victimhood in a Case of Organized Islamophobia' (2024), Sociological Quarterly [online]
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Wamser, R., Sager, J.C., Walker, H.E. & Richardson, J., 'An Investigation of the Associations Between Trauma Exposure, Racial Stereotypes, and Racist Beliefs' (2023), Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy [online]
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Wang, L., 'Recognizing opportunistic bias crimes' (2000), Boston University Law Review, 80(5), pp.1399-1435
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Wang, S., 'Hate Crime Analysis based on Artificial Intelligence Methods' (2021), E3S Web of Conferences, 251, 01062
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Wang, L., 'The transforming power of “hate”: Social cognition theory and the harms of bias-related crime' (1997), Southern California Law Review, 71, pp.47-135
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Wang, L., 'Hate crime and everyday discrimination: Influences of and on the social context' (2002), Rutgers Race & Review, 4, pp.1-13
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Wang, C., Day, M. & Wu, C., 'Political Hate Speech Detection and Lexicon Building: A Study in Taiwan' (2022), IEEE Access [online]
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Wang, C.-S., Yang, H.-L., Li, B.-Y. & Chen, H.-Y., 'Can Generative AI Eliminate Speech Harms? A Study on Detection of Abusive and Hate Speech during the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia, ICCE-Asia 2023
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Wang, H., Hee, M.S., Awal, M.R., Choo, K.T.W. & Lee, R.K.-W., 'Evaluating GPT-3 Generated Explanations for Hateful Content Moderation' (2023), IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023, pp. 6255–6263
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Wang, H.M., Bulat, B., Fujimoto, S. & Frey, S., 'Governing for Free: Rule Process Effects on Reddit Moderator Motivations' (2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1655 CCIS, pp. 97-105
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Wang, J., 'Deep Neural Networks for Detecting Hate Speech' (2022), 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Computer Application, ICDSCA 2022, pp. 768-772
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Wang, L.-I., 'Reframing Hate' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 112(4), pp. 847-873
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Wang, P. & Catalano, T., '‘Chinese virus’: A critical discourse analysis of anti-Asian racist discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2023), Journal of Language and Discrimination, 7(1), pp. 26-51
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