Publications: W

Whine, M., 'Cooperation between criminal justice agencies and civil society in combating hate crime' (2019), Crime, Law and Social Change, 71(3), pp 275-289
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White, R., 'Ethnic diversity and differential policing in Australia: The good, the bad and the ugly' (2009), Journal of International Migration and Integration, 10(4), pp.359-375
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White, V., 'Multicultural perspectives of crime and safety' (2000), Australian Institute of Criminology.
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White, R., 'Immigration, nationalism and anti-Asian racism' (1997), in Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Sydney: Hawkins Press.

White, R., 'Hate crime politics' (2002), Theoretical Criminology, 6(4), pp.499-502
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White, R. & Habibis, D., 'Ethnicity and crime' (2005), in White, R. & Habibis, D. (eds.) Crime and Society. Oxford University Press Australia and New Zealand.

White, R. & Habibis, D., 'Violent crime' (2005), in White, R. & Habibis, D. (eds.) Crime and Society. Oxford University Press Australia and New Zealand.

White, R., & Perrone, S., 'Racism, ethnicity and hate crime' (2001), Communal/Plural, 9(2), pp.161-181
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White, R.S., 'Antisemitism: A psychoanalytic theory' (2023), International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies [online]
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Whitfield, C., Liu, Y. & Anwar, M., 'Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Determinants of Health Issues of Marginalized Black and Asian Communities: A Social Media Analysis Empowered by Natural Language Processing' (2024), Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities [online]
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Whitten, S., '‘Recognition, Authority Relations, and Rejecting Hate Speech’' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Whitten, S., 'A Republican Conception of Counterspeech' (2023), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Whitton, S. W., Newcomb, M. E., Messinger, A. M., Byck, G., & Mustanski, B., 'A Longitudinal Study of IPV Victimization Among Sexual Minority Youth' (2019), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(5), pp.912–945
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Wich, M., Mosca, E., Gorniak, A., Hingerl, J. & Groh, G., 'Explainable Abusive Language Classification Leveraging User and Network Data' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12979 LNAI, pp. 481-496
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Wich, M., Widmer, C., Hagerer, G. & Groh, G., 'Investigating Annotator Bias in Abusive Language Datasets' (2021), International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP, pp. 1515-1525
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Wichgers, L., Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J., 'Trial and Error: Hate Speech Prosecution and Its (Unintended) Effects on Democratic Support' (2020), Acta Politica [online]
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Wickes, R. L., Pickering, S., Mason, G., Maher, J. M. & McCulloch, J., 'From hate to prejudice: Does the new terminology of prejudice motivated crime change perceptions and reporting actions?' (2015), British Journal of Criminology, azv041
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Wickes, R., Sydes, M., Benier, K. & Higginson, A. , '“Seeing” hate crime in the community: Do resident perceptions of hate crime align with self-reported victimization?' (2016), Crime & Delinquency [online]
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Wickes, R.L., Pickering, S., Mason, G., Maher, J.M. & McCulloch, J., 'From hate to prejudice: Does the new terminology of prejudice motivated crime change perceptions and reporting actions?' (2016), British Journal of Criminology, 56(2), pp.239-255
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Wickramaarachchi, W.A.K.M., Subasinghe, S.S., Wijerathna, K.K.R.T., Athukorala, A.S.U., Abeywardhana, L. & Karunasena, A., 'Identifying False Content and Hate Speech in Sinhala YouTube Videos by Analyzing the Audio' (2023), ICAC 2023 - 5th International Conference on Advancements in Computing: Technological Innovation for a Sustainable Economy, Proceedings, pp. 364–369
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Wieczorkowski, J. & Suwińska, A., 'Automatic Hate Speech Detection Methods as a Tool Supporting a Sustainable Society and Economy' (2024), in E. Ziemba & J. Wątróbski (Eds.) Adoption of Emerging Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability (pp. 242–264), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
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Wiedemann, G., Schmidt, J.-H., Rau, J., Münch, F.V. & Kessling, P., 'Telegram and the Political Public Sphere Introduction to a Special Issue | Telegram in der politischen Öffentlichkeit Zur Einführung in das Themenheft' (2023), Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 71(3-4), pp. 207–211
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Wiederhold, B.K., 'Putting the Toothpaste Back in the Tube: Against Online Hate Speech' (2023), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), pp. 458–459
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Wiedlitzka, S., 'Risk Factors for Victimization and the Impact of Victim Status on Perceptions of Police Legitimacy in Australia' (2020), Victims & Offenders [online]
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Wiedlitzka, S., 'Hate crime legislation' (2016), In Beth M. Huebner (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology, New York: Oxford University Press
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Wiedlitzka, Susann, 'Platform of hate – 8Chan and the aftermath of ‘IRL’ attacks.' (2020)
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Wiedlitzka, S., Mazerolle, L., Fay-Ramirez, S. & Miles-Johnson, T., 'Perceptions of police legitimacy and citizen decisions to report hate crime incidents in Australia' (2018), International Journal For Crime, Justice And Social Democracy, 7(2), pp.91-106
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Wiedlitzka, S., Prati, G., Brown, R., Smith, J. & Walters, M.A., 'Hate in Word and Deed: The Temporal Association Between Online and Offline Islamophobia' (2021), Journal of Quantitative Criminology [online]
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Wieland, J., 'Peer-on-peer hate crime and hate-motivated incidents involving children in California’s public schools: Contemporary issues in prevalence, response and prevention' (2007), U.C. Davis Journal of Juvenile Law and Policy, 11(2), pp.235-269
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Wiener, R.L. & Richter, E., 'Symbolic hate: Intention to intimidate, political ideology, and group association' (2008), Law and Human Behaviour, 32(6), pp.463-475
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Wieviorka, M., 'Europe facing evil: Xenophobia, racism, Anti-Semitism and terrorism' (2018), in M. Castells, O. Bouin, J. Caraça, G. Cardoso, J. Thompson & M. Wieviorka, Europe's crisis (Chapter 9). Cambridge: Polity Press.

Wigerfelt, A. & Wigerfelt, B., 'Media images and experiences of being a Jew in the Swedish city of Malmö' (2016), SAGE Open, 6(1), pp.1-14
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Wigerfelt, A. & Wigerfelt, B., 'A challenge to multiculturalism: Everyday racism and hate crime in a small Swedish town' (2014), ONES: The Journal of Multicultural Society, 5(2), pp.48-75
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Wigerfelt, A., Wigerfelt, B. & Dahlstrand, K., 'Online hate crime – Social norms and the legal system' (2015), Quaestio Iuris, 8(3), pp.1859-1878
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Wigerfelt, B. & Wigerfelt, A., 'Anti-Gypsyism in Sweden: Roma’s and travellers’ experiences of bias-motivated crime' (2015), Internet Journal of Criminology, ISSN 2045 6743
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Wigerfelt, B., Wigerfelt, A. & Kiiskinen, J., 'When colour matters: Policing and hate crime' (2014), Social Inclusion, 2(1), pp.1-11
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Wijaya, A., Suwendi & Syamsuddin, S., 'Observing Islam with ethics: From hatred theology to religious ethics' (2021), Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies, 9(1), pp. 175-208
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Wikandiputra, A., Afiahayati & Sutanto, V.M., 'Identifying Hate Speech in Bahasa Indonesia Along with Lexicon-Based Features and Synonym-Based Query Expansion' (2022), ICIC Express Letters, 16(8), pp. 811-818
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Wilhelm, C. & Schulz-Tomančok, A., 'Predicting user engagement with anti-gender, homophobic and sexist social media posts–a choice-based conjoint study in Hungary and Germany' (2023), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Wilhelm, C., Joeckel, S. & Ziegler, I., 'Reporting Hate Comments: Investigating the Effects of Deviance Characteristics, Neutralization Strategies, and Users’ Moral Orientation’' (2019), Communication Research [online]
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Wilhelmsen, F., 'When the medium is not the message' (2022), Fascism [online]
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Wilhelmsen, F., 'Heroic Pasts and Anticipated Futures: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of History of the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity' (2021), Politics, Religion and Ideology [online]
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Wilken, D., 'Disability Hate Crime: Experiences of Everyday Hostility on Public Transport' (2020), London: Palgrave Pivot
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Wilkins-Laflamme, 'Islamophobia in Canada: Measuring the realities of negative attitudes toward Muslims and religious discrimination' (2018), Canadian Review of Sociology, 55(1), pp.86–110
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Wilkinson, W.W. & Peters, C.S., 'Evaluations of antigay hate crimes and hate crime legislation: Independent and differentially predicted' (2017), Journal of Homosexuality [online], pp.1-32
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William, P., Gade, R., Chaudhari, R.E., Pawar, A.B. & Jawale, M.A., 'Machine Learning based Automatic Hate Speech Recognition System' (2022), International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems, ICSCDS 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 315-318
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Williams, C., 'Racial vilification: The great debate' (1995), Civil Liberty, 161, 4

Williams, D.J., Arntfield, M., Schaal, K. & Vincent, J., 'Wanting sex and willing to kill: Examining demographic and cognitive characteristics of violent “involuntary celibates”' (2021), Behavioral Sciences and the Law [online]
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Williams, D.R. & Mohammed, S.A., 'Discrimination and racial disparities in health: Evidence and needed research' (2009), Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 32(1), pp.20-47
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Williams, M. & Tregidga, J., 'The All Wales Hate Crime Project' (2014), Cardiff: Race Equality First
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