Publications: W

Woods, F.A. & Ruscher, J.B., 'Viral sticks, virtual stones: addressing anonymous hate speech online' (2021), Patterns of Prejudice [online]
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Woolf, L. M. & Hulsizer, M. R., 'Intra-and inter-religious hate and violence: A Psychosocial mode' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp. 5-25
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Woolf, L.M. & Hulsizer, M.R., 'Intra- and inter-religious hate and violence: A psychosocial model' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp.5-25
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Workneh, T.W., 'Ethiopia’s Hate Speech Predicament: Seeking Antidotes Beyond a Legislative Response' (2020), African Journalism Studies [online]
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Worthen, M.G.F., 'Hetero-cis–normativity and the gendering of transphobia' (2016), International Journal of Transgenderism, 17(1), pp.31-57
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Wortley, S. & Owusu-bempah, A., 'Unequal before the law: Immigrant and racial minority perceptions of the Canadian criminal justice system' (2009), Journal of International Migration and Integration, 10(4), pp.447-473
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Wotherspoon, G., '“This nest of perverts”: Policing male homosexuality in Cold War Australia' (1990)

Wright, H., 'The mythology of “freedom of speech”: Bullwhips or just bull?' (1995), Polemic, 6(1), 8

Wright, B., 'Hate crimes: The problems, policies and legislation in the United Kingdom, Europe, America and Australia' (2010), London: Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations [CEMVO]

Wright, D.M., 'Sourcing paint smears: A hate crime highlights the utility of the Paint Data Query (PDQ) database' (2012), Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 45(2), pp.79-88
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Wright, M.F., Wachs, S. & Gámez-Guadix, M., 'Youths’ coping with cyberhate: Roles of parental mediation and family support | [Jóvenes ante el ciberodio: El rol de la mediación parental y el apoyo familiar]' (2021), Comunicar, 29(67), 111852
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Wu, Y., 'Race/ethnicity and perceptions of the police: A comparison of White, Black, Asian and Hispanic Americans' (2014), Policing and Society, 24(2), pp.135-157
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Wu, C.S. & Bhandary, U., 'Detection of Hate Speech in Videos Using Machine Learning' (2020), Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2020, 9458005, pp. 585-590
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Wu, D.J., Syropoulos, S., Rivera-Rodriguez, A. & Dasgupta, N., 'From model minority to yellow peril: How threat perceptions and disgust predict anti-Asian prejudice during COVID-19' (2023), Social and Personality Psychology Compass [online]
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Wu, J., Zhang, C., Liu, Z., Zhang, E., Wilson, S. & Zhang, C., 'GraphBERT: Bridging Graph and Text for Malicious Behavior Detection on Social Media' (2022), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, 2022-November, pp. 548-557
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Wu, L. & Nguyen, N., 'From Yellow Peril to Model Minority and Back to Yellow Peril' (2022), AERA Open, 8
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Wu, Q. & Semaan, B., 'How Do You Quantify How Racist Something Is?: Color-Blind Moderation in Decentralized Governance' (2023), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW2), 3610030
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Wu, X.-K., Zhao, T.-F., Lu, L. & Chen, W.-N., 'Predicting the Hate: A GSTM Model based on COVID-19 Hate Speech Datasets' (2022), Information Processing and Management, 59(4), 102998
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Wu, Y., Klahm, C.F. IV & Atoui, N., 'Fear of crime among Arab Americans in a culture of fear' (2016), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online], p.1-20
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Wu, Y., Smith, B.W. & Sun, I.Y., 'Race/ethnicity and perceptions of police bias: The case of Chinese immigrants' (2013), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 11(1-2), pp.71-92

Wullach, T., Adler, A. & Minkov, E., 'Fight Fire with Fire: Fine-tuning Hate Detectors using Large Samples of Generated Hate Speech' (2021), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Findings of ACL: EMNLP 2021, pp. 4699-4705
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Wullach, T., Adler, A. & Minkov, E.M., 'Towards Hate Speech Detection at Large via Deep Generative Modeling' (2020), IEEE Internet Computing [online]
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Wypych, M. & Bilewicz, M., 'Psychological toll of hate speech: The role of acculturation stress in the effects of exposure to ethnic slurs on mental health among Ukrainian immigrants in Poland' (2022), Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology [online]
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