Publications: 2008


Abu-Ras, W. & Abu-Bader, S.H., 'The impact of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the well-being of Arab Americans in New York City' (2008), Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 3(2), pp.217-239

Afshar, H., 'Can I see your hair? Choice, agency and attitudes: The dilemma of faith and feminism for Muslim women who cover' (2008), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), pp.411-427
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Albrecht, H.-J., 'Germany' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.113-138). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Anderson, R. & Fetner, T., 'Cohort differences in tolerance of homosexuality: Attitudinal changes in Canada and the United States 1981-2000' (2008), Public Opinion Quarterly, 72(2), pp.311-330
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Ashmore, J.A., Friedman, K.E., Reichmann, S.K. & Musante, G.J., 'Weight-based stigmatization, psychological distress, & binge eating behavior among obese treatment-seeking adults' (2008), Eating Behaviors, 9(2), pp.203-209
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Asquith, N., 'Race riots on the beach: A case for criminalising hate speech?' (2008), Paper presented at the British Criminology Conference, Huddersfield.
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Bauermeister, J.A., Morales, M., Seda, G. & Gonzalez-Rivera, M., 'Sexual prejudice among Puerto Rican young adults' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 53(4), pp.135-161
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Blackwell, C.W., 'Belief in the ‘free choice’ model of homosexuality: A correlate of homophobia in registered nurses' (2008), Journal of LGBT Health Research, 3(3), pp.31-40

Bleich, E. & Hart, R.K., 'Quantifying hate: The evolution of German approaches to measuring ‘hate crime’' (2008), German Politics, 17(1), pp.63-80
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Body-Gendrot, S., 'France' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.89-112). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Burn, S.M., Kadlec, K. & Rexer, R., 'Effects of subtle heterosexism on gays, lesbians, and bisexuals' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 49(2), pp.23-28
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Coester, M., 'Hate crimes: Das Konzept der hate crimes aus den USA unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland' (2008), Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1st ed.)
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Colic-Peisker, V. & Tilbury, F., 'Being Black in Australia: A case study of intergroup relations' (2008), Race and Class, 49(4), pp.38-56
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Crown Prosecution Service, 'Hate crime report 2007-2008' (2008)
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Dick, S., 'Homophobic hate crime: The Gay British Crime Survey 2008' (2008), London: Stonewall.
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Douglas Elliott, R. & Bonauto, M., 'Sexual orientation and gender identity in North America' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 48(3-4), pp.91-106
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Fenwick, M., 'Japan' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.169-184). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.


George, A., 'Hate crimes against lesbians and gay men in New South Wales: Accumulated knowledge of victimisation via five reports' (2008), (Paper presented at the Law and Society Association Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Conference –‘W(h)ither Human Rights?’, University of Sydney, 10-12 December 2008)

Gillespie, W., 'Thirty-five years after Stonewall: An exploratory study of satisfaction with police among gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons at the 34th annual Atlanta Pride Festival' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 55(4), pp.619-647
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Gordon, A.R. & Meyer, I.H., 'Gender nonconformity as a target of prejudice, discrimination, and violence against LGB individuals' (2008), Journal of LGBT Health Research, 3(3), pp.55-71

Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'Transforming symbolic law into organizational action: Hate crime policy and law enforcement practice' (2008), Social Forces, 87(1), pp.501-527
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Haggerty, B.P., 'Hate crime law & social contention: A comparison of non-governmental knowledge practices in Canada & the United States' (2008), Ph.D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia
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Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2008), in Newburn, T. & Neyroud, P. (eds.), Dictionary of Policing. Willan Publishing.

Hall, N., 'Making sense of numbers: The social construction of hate crime in London and New York City' (2008), in Goodey, J. & Aromaa, K. (eds.) (2008) Hate Crime: papers from the 2006 and 2007 Stockholm Criminology Symposiums. Criminal Justice Press.

Henry, J.S., 'Hate crime' (2008), Contemporary Justice Review, 11(3), pp.293-295

Herzog, H., Sharon, S. & Leykin, I., 'Racism and the politics of signification: Israeli public discourse on racism towards Palestinian citizens' (2008), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(6), pp.1091-1109
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Hill, J.M., 'The effects of sexual orientation in the courtroom: A double standard' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 39(2), pp.93-111
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Human Rights First, '2008 Hate Crime Survey overview' (2008)
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Iganski, P., '‘Hate crime’ and the city' (2008), University of Bristol: Policy Press

Iganski, P., 'Multi-agency working and victims of race hate crime' (2008), in Goodey, J. & Aromaa, K. (eds.) (2008) Hate crime: papers from the 2006 and 2007 Stockholm Criminology Symposiums. Helsinki: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, Affiliated with the United Nations.

Iganski, P., 'Criminal law and the routine activity of ‘hate crime’' (2008), Liverpool Law Review, 1(29), pp.1-17
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Kaplan, M.B., 'Hate crime and the privatization of political responsibility: Protecting queer citizens in the United States?' (2008), Liverpool Law Review, 29(1), pp.37-50
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Kerbaj, R., 'Jewish groups want hate crimes squad' (2008), The Australian, March 11 2008.
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Kyriakides, C., 'Third Way anti-racism: A contextual constructionist approach' (2008), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(3), pp.592-610
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Lambert, E.G., Ventura, L.A., Hall, D.E. & Cluse-Tolar, T., 'College students’ views on gay and lesbian issues' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 50(4), pp.1-30
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Lawrence, F.M., 'The evolving federal role in bias crime law enforcement and the Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007' (2008), Stanford Law & Policy Review, 19(2), pp.251-282
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Lindsay, T. & Danner, S., 'Accepting the unacceptable: The concept of acceptance in work with the perpetrators of hate crime' (2008), European Journal of Social Work, 11(1), pp.43-56
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Lyons, C.J., 'Individual perceptions and the social construction of hate crimes: A factorial survey' (2008), The Social Science Journal, 45(1), pp.107-131
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Lyons, C.J., 'Defending turf: Racial demographics and hate crime against Blacks and Whites' (2008), Social Forces, 87(1), pp.357-385
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Marshall, I.H. & Farrell, A., 'United States of America' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp.185-208). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Mason, G., 'Hate crime' (2008), in Anthony, T. & Cunneen, C. (2008) The Critical Criminology Companion. Hawkins Press.

McNeill, D., '‘Black magic’, nationalism and race in Australian football' (2008), Race & Class, 49(4), pp.22-37
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Mitchell, M. Howarth, C., Kotecha, M. & Creegan, C., 'Sexual orientation research review: A comprehensive review of evidence up to 2008' (2008), National Centre for Social Research and Equality and Human Rights Commission. Research Report 34
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Morewitz, S.J., 'Hate crimes' (2008), Death Threats and Violence, pp.102-118
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Muraca, K. & Bartholomew, T. P., 'The relationship between community attitudes and recent racial vilification laws in Victoria Australia: A comparison of a legal and extra-legal classification model' (2008), Internet Journal of Criminology.
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Njoh, A.J., 'The segregated city in British and French colonial Africa' (2008), Race & Class, 49(4), pp.87-95
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Norris, D., 'Are laws proscribing incitement to religious hatred compatible with freedom of speech?' (2008), UCL Human Rights Review, 1(1), pp.102-117
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Ortiz-Hernandez, L. & Granados-Cosme, J.A., 'Violence against bisexuals, gays and lesbians in Mexico City' (2008), Journal of Homosexuality, 50(4), pp.113-140
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O’Connell, R., 'ANM bomb plot man gets parole' (2008), The West Australian (Perth), 25 April 2008


Parks, G.S. & Jones, S. E., '“Nigger”: A critical race realist analysis of the N-word within hate crimes law' (2008), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 98(4), pp.1305-1352
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