Publications: 2009
Amjad, N. & Wood, A.M., 'Identifying and changing the normative beliefs about aggression which lead young Muslim adults to join extremist anti-Semitic groups in Pakistan' (2009), Aggressive Behavior, 35(6), pp.514-519
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Ardill, A. & Wardle, B., 'Firebombs and Ferguson: A review of hate crime laws as applied to child sex offenders' (2009), Alternative Law Journal, 34(4), pp.257-259
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Asquith, N., 'The harms of verbal and textual hatred' (2009), in Perry, B. (ed.), Hate crimes: The consequences of hate crime Volume 2. Praeger Publishers.
Baas, M., 'Curry bashing: Racism, violence and alien space invaders' (2009), Economic & Political Weekly, 44(34), pp.37-42
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Brennan, F., 'Legislating against internet race hate' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.123-153
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Brennan, F., ' Laws uncritical engagement' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.75-78
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Canfield-Davis, K., Gardiner, M. E., & Joki, R. A., 'Social justice leadership in action: The case of Tony Stewar' (2009), Journal of Hate Studies, 7(1), pp. 77-98
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Chakraborti, N., 'A glass half full? Assessing progress in the policing of hate crime' (2009), Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 3(2), pp.1-8
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Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J., 'Hate crime: Impact, causes and responses' (2009), UK: SAGE Publications
Chan, P.C.W., 'Protection of sexual minorities since Stonewall: Their lives, struggles, sufferings, love, and hope' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.129-141
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Chan, P.C.W., 'Psychosocial implications of homophobic bullying in schools: A review and directions for legal research and the legal process' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.143-175
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Chan, P.C.W., 'Shared values of Singapore: Sexual minority rights as Singaporean value' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.279-305
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Cole, M., 'A Plethora of ‘suitable enemies’: British racism at the dawn of the twenty-first century' (2009), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(9), pp.1671-1685
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Collins, J. & Reid, C., 'Minority youth, crime, conflict, and belonging in Australia' (2009), Journal of International Migration and Integration, 10(4), pp.377-391
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Cowdery, N., 'Review of law of vilification: Criminal aspects' (2009), Hate Crime and Vilification Law Roundtable, Sydney Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, 28 August 2009.
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Crown Prosecution Service, 'Hate crime report 2008-2009' (2009)
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Dharmapala, D., Garoupa, N. & McAdams Richard, H., 'Belief in a just world, blaming the victim, and hate crime statutes' (2009), Review of Law & Economics, 5(1), pp.311-345
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Dixon, J., Biggs, S., Tinker, A., Stevens, M. & Lee, L., 'Abuse, neglect and lack of dignity in the institutional care of older people' (2009), National Centre for Social Research and King's College London, prepared for the Department of Health and Comic Relief.
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Ehrlich, H.J., 'Hate crimes and ethnoviolence: The history, current affairs, and future of discrimination in America' (2009), Boulder, CO: Westview Press
Elliot, P., 'Engaging trans debates on gender variance: A feminist analysis' (2009), Sexualities, 12(1), pp.5-32
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European Commission against Racism and Intolerance [ECRI], 'ECRI Report on Germany (fourth monitoring cycle)' (2009), Strasbourg: Council of Europe
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Faulkner, E., 'Lesbian, -gay, -bisexual, and -transgendered victimization in Canada and the United States: A comparative study' (2009), in Perry, B. (ed.) Volume 3: Victims of Hate Crime: A Five Volume Set. Praeger: Westport, Connecticut: London.
Freeman, S. M., 'Improving the policing and prosecution of hate crimes' (2009), Anti Defamation League [ADL]
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Friedman, L. J., Hurh, E., Manganelli, N. & Wessler, S., 'School-based anti-hate initiatives' (2009), in B. Perry & F. M. Lawrence (Eds.), Hate crimes: Responding to hate crimes (Vol. 5, pp. 167-192), Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers
Gadd, D., 'Aggravating racism and elusive motivation' (2009), British Journal of Criminology, 49(6), pp.755-771
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Garland, J. & Chakraborti, N., 'Identity, ‘Otherness’ and the impact of racist victimisation in the English countryside' (2009), in Iganski, P. (ed.) The Consequences of Hate Crime. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood.
Gelber, K., 'The false analogy between vilification and sedition' (2009), Melbourne University Law Review, 33(1), pp.270-291
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Glaser, E.M., 'Is there a neurobiology of hate?' (2009), Journal of Hate Studies, 7(1), pp. 7-19
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Gold, D. & Cowan, K., 'Mapping LGBT Westminster: Investigating the needs and experiences of LGBT people in Westminster' (2009), A report commissioned by Westminster City Council.
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Goodall, K., 'Challenging hate speech: Incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.211-232
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Grattet, R., 'The urban ecology of bias crime: A study of disorganized and defended neighborhoods' (2009), Social Problems, 56(1), pp.132-150
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Guichard, A., 'Hate crime in cyberspace: The challenges of substantive criminal law' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.201-234
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Hall, N., 'Policing racist hate crime: Policy, practice, and experience' (2009), in Bhui, H. (ed.), Race and Criminal Justice. SAGE Publications.
Hall, N., Grieve, J. & Savage, S. (eds.), 'Policing and the legacy of Lawrence' (2009), Willan Publishing.
Harris, C., Rowbotham, J. & Stevenson, K., 'Truth, law and hate in the virtual marketplace of ideas: perspectives on the regulation of Internet content' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.155-184
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Hatzenbuehler, M.L., Keyes, K.M. & Hasin, D.S., 'Associations between perceived weight discrimination and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in the general population' (2009), Obesity, 17(11), pp.2033-2039
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Heinze, E., 'Cumulative jurisprudence and human rights: The example of sexual minorities and hate speech' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.193-209
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Henry, J.S., 'Beyond free speech: Novel approaches to hate on the Internet in the United States' (2009), Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), pp.235-251
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Herek, G.M., 'Hate crimes and stigma-related experiences among sexual minority adults in the United States: Prevalence estimates from a national probability sample' (2009), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24(1), pp.54-74
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Herek, G.M., Gillis, J.R. & Cogan, J.C., 'Internalized stigma among sexual minority adults: Insights from a social psychological perspective' (2009), Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(1), pp.32-43
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Hipp, J.R., Tita, G.E., & Boggess, L.N., 'Intergroup and intragroup violence: Is violent crime an expression of group conflict or social disorganisation' (2009), Criminology, 47(2), pp.521–564
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Iganski, P., 'Conceptualising anti-Jewish hate crime' (2009), in Perry, B. (ed.) The victims of hate crime. Westport CT: Praeger.
Iganski, P., 'The banality of anti-Jewish “hate crime”' (2009), in Blazak, R. & Perry, B. (2009) in Hate Crime Offenders. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers.
Iganski, P., 'An agnostic view of ‘faith hate’ crime' (2009), Safer Communities, 4(8), pp.51-59
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Iganski, P., 'Hate crimes. The consequences of hate crimes.' (2009), Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
Iganski, P. & Lagou, S., 'How hate crimes hurt more: Evidence from the British Crime Survey' (2009), in Iganski, P. & Perry, B. (2009) The consequences of hate crime. Westport CT: Praeger.
Iganski, P. & Sweiry, A., 'Understanding and addressing the ‘Nazi-card’: Intervening against antisemitic discourse' (2009), London: EISCA
Jacobs, S.L., 'Revisiting hateful science: The Nazi “contribution” to the journey of antisemitism' (2009), Journal of Hate Studies, 7(1), pp. 47-75
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Kaplan, P.J., 'Nihilism and mistaken identity: (Self) hate crime in the believer' (2009), Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 16(1), pp.63-80
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Kelley, P. & Paterson, S., 'Filling in the blanks: LGBT hate crime in London' (2009), Galop.
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