Publications: 2010


Al-Hakim, M., 'Making room for hate crime legislation in liberal societies' (2010), Criminal Law and Philosophy, 4(3), pp.341-358
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Albrecht, B., 'Multicultural challenges for restorative justice: Mediators’ experiences from Norway and Finland' (2010), Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime, 11, pp.3-24
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Almack, K., Seymour, J. & Bellamy, G., 'Exploring the impact of sexual orientation on experiences and concerns about end of life care and on bereavement for lesbian, gay and bisexual older people' (2010), Sociology, 44(5), pp.908-924
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Asquith, N., 'Verbal and textual hostility in context' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Ata, R.N. & Thompson, J.K., 'Weight bias in the media: A review of recent research' (2010), Obesity Facts, 3(1), pp.41-46
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Babacan, H., Pyke, J., Bhathal, A., Gil, G.K., Grossman, M. & Bertone, S., 'The community safety of international students in Melbourne: A scoping study' (2010), Institute for Community, Ethnicity and Policy Alternatives (ICEPA), Victoria University.
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Balderston, S. & Roebuck, E., 'Empowering people to tackle hate crime: Trans women and disabled people working together with victim services in North East England' (2010), Equality and Human Rights Commission, Gay Advice Darlington and Durham Victim Support & Vision Sense.
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Berard, T. J., 'Hate crimes and their criminalization' (2010), in M. Peyrot & S. L. Burns (Eds.), New Approaches to Social Problems Treatment (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy) (Vol. 17, pp. 15-40), Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Berman, A. & Robinson, S., 'Speaking out: Stopping homophobic and transphobic abuse in Queensland' (2010), Brisbane: Australian Academic Press

Bronitt, S. & McSherry, B., 'Public order' (2010), in Principles of Criminal Law (3rd ed.). Thomson Reuters.
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Carels, R.A. & Musher-Eizenman, D.R., 'Individual differences and weight bias: Do people with an anti-fat bias have a pro-thin bias?' (2010), Body Image, 7(3), pp.143-148
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Chakraborti, N., 'Crimes against the ‘Other’: Conceptual, operational and empirical challenges for hate studies' (2010), Journal of Hate Studies, 8(1), pp.9-28
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Chakraborti, N., 'Beyond ‘passive Apartheid’? Developing policy and research agendas on rural racism' (2010), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(3), pp.501-517
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Chakraborti, N., 'Future developments for hate crime thinking: Who, what and why?' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.), Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions. Devon: Willan Publishing

Chakraborti, N., 'Hate crime: Concepts, policy and future directions' (2010), Devon: Willan Publishing

Chakraborti, N. & Garland, J., 'Hate crime' (2010), in DeKeseredy, W. & Dragiewicz, M. (eds.) (2010) The Handbook of Critical Criminology. New York: Routledge.

Christmann, K. & Wong, K., 'Hate crime victims and hate crime reporting: Some impertinent questions' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Coester, M., 'Commentary: Right-wing extremism and bias crime in Germany' (2010), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 8(1), pp.49-69
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Cook-Daniels, L. & Munson, M., 'Sexual violence, elder abuse, and sexuality of transgender adults, age 50+: Results of three surveys' (2010), Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 6(2), pp.142-177
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Cramer, R.J., Chandler, J.F. & Wakeman, E.E., 'Blame attribution as a moderator of perceptions of sexual orientation-based hate crimes' (2010), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25(5), pp.848-862
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Cronin, A. & King, A., 'Power, inequality and identification: Exploring diversity and intersectionality amongst older LGB adults ' (2010), Sociology, 44(5), pp.876-892
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Department of Justice (Victoria), 'Hate crime review: Review of identity motivated hate crime (Consultation issues)' (2010)

Dixon, L., 'Tackling hate by driving diversity: A New Labour success story?' (2010), Probation Journal, 57(3), pp.314-321
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Drobnicki, J.A., 'Holocaust-denial literature: A sixth bibliography' (2010), Journal of Hate Studies, 8(1), pp. 103-129
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Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee, Parliament of Victoria, 'Parliament of Victoria, Inquiry into strategies to reduce assaults in public places in Victoria – Final report' (2010)

Duggan, M., 'Homophobic hate crime in Northern Ireland' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing


Ellis, T. & Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2010), in Brown, J. & Campbell, E. (eds.) (2010) Cambridge Handbook of Forensic Psychology. Cambridge University Press.

Eppinga, J., 'Forgiveness: The key to self-healing – An Interview with Eva Mozes-Kor' (2010), Journal of Hate Studies, 8(1), pp. 133-141
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Gadd, D., 'Racial aggravation or aggravating racism: Overcoming the disjunction between legal and subjective realities' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Garland, J., 'The victimisation of goths and the boundaries of hate crime' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Garland, J., '‘It’s a Mosher just been banged for no reason’: Assessing targeted violence against Goths and the parameters of hate crime' (2010), International Review of Victimology, 17(2), pp.159-177
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Hall, N., 'Law enforcement and hate crime: Theoretical perspectives on the complexities of policing ‘hatred’' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Hall, N., 'Hate crime offending and victimisation: Some considerations for public protection' (2010), in Nash, M. & Williams, A. (eds.), Handbook of Public Protection. Willan Publishing.

Holland, B., 'Racial profiling and a punitive exclusionary rule' (2010), Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review, 20
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Housee, S., 'ʼTo veil or not to veilʼ: Students speak out against Islam(ophobia) in class' (2010), Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 2(3)
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Iganski, P., 'Hate crime' (2010), in Brookman, F., Maguire, M., Pierpoint, H. & Bennett, T. (2010) Handbook on Crime. Cullompton: Willan.


Lieberman, M., 'Hate crime laws: Punishment to fit the crime: A response to Jesse Larner' (2010), Dissent, 57(3), pp.81-84
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Lumeng, J.C., Forrest, P., Appugliese, D.P., Kaciroti, N. Corwyn, R.F. & Bradley, R.H., 'Weight status as a predictor of being bullied in third through sixth grades' (2010), Pediatrics, 125(6), pp.e1301-1307
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Mason, G., 'Violence against Indian students in Australia: A question of dignity' (2010), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 21(3), pp.461-466
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Mason, G., 'R v. Gouros: Interpreting motivation under Victoria’s new hate crime laws' (2010), Criminal Law Journal, 34(5), pp.323-327
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Mason-Bish, H., 'Future challenges for hate crime policy: Lessons from the past' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

McCormack, M. & Anderson, E., '‘It’s just not acceptable any more’: The erosion of homophobia and the softening of masculinity at an English Sixth Form ' (2010), Sociology, 44(5), pp.843-859
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McDevitt, J., Levin, J. & Bennett, S., 'Hate crime offenders' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

McGhee, D., 'From hate to ‘prevent’: Community safety and counter-terrorism' (2010), in Chakraborti, N. (ed.) (2010) Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions, Devon: Willan Publishing

Meaney, G.J. & Rye, B.J., 'Gendered egos: Attitude functions and gender as predictors of homonegativity' (2010), Journal of Homosexuality, 57(10), pp.1274-1302
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Meyer, D., 'Evaluating the severity of hate-motivated violence: Intersectional differences among LGBT hate crime victims' (2010), Sociology, 44(5), pp.980-995
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Monro, S., 'Sexuality, space and intersectionality: The case of lesbian, gay and bisexual equalities initiatives in UK local government ' (2010), Sociology, 44(5), pp.996-1010
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O'Keefe, K.B., 'Protecting the homeless under vulnerable victim sentencing guidelines: An alternative to inclusion in hate crime laws' (2010), William and Mary Law Review, 52(1), pp.301-326
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Otis, M.D. & Skinner, W.F., 'The prevalence of victimization and its effect on mental well-being among lesbian and gay people' (2010), Journal of Homosexuality, 30(3), pp.93-121
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O’Nions, H., 'What lies beneath: Exploring links between asylum policy and hate crime in the UK' (2010), Liverpool Law Review, 31(3), pp.233-257
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