Publications: 2023


Hagen, S. & de Zeeuw, D., 'Based and confused: Tracing the political connotations of a memetic phrase across the web' (2023), Big Data and Society, 10(1)
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Hagerlid, M., '“If you dress like a whore you have to accept being treated like one”: An Interview Study About Women’s Experiences of Misogynistic Hate Crime' (2023), Critical Criminology [online]
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Hagerlid, M. & Granström, G., 'Hate Crime Investigation and Sentencing in Sweden: What Have We Learned in the Past 20 Years?' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Haider, F., Dipty, I., Rahman, F., Assaduzzaman, M. & Sohel, A., 'Social Media Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning Approach' (2023), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 673, pp. 218–229
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Halim, S.M.D., Irtiza, S., Hu, Y., Khan, L. & Thuraisingham, B., 'WokeGPT: Improving Counterspeech Generation Against Online Hate Speech by Intelligently Augmenting Datasets Using a Novel Metric' (2023), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2023
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Hall, J.J., 'Moderating hate on the Internet in Japan: The anonymous campaign against Japanese right-wing hate speech' (2023), in V. Frangville, T. Kellner & F. Ponjaert (Eds.) National Identity and Millennials in Northeast Asia: Power and Contestations in the Digital Age (pp. 148–165), London: Routledge
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Halpin, M., Richard, N., Preston, K., Gosse, M. & Maguire, F., 'Men who hate women: The misogyny of involuntarily celibate men' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Hamad, N., Jarrar, M., Khalilia, M. & Nashif, N., 'Offensive Hebrew Corpus and Detection using BERT' (2023), Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA
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Hamza, M.A., Alshahrani, H.J., Tarmissi, K., Yafoz, A., Aziz, A.S.S., Mahzari, M., Zamani, A.S. & Yaseen, I., 'Improved Attentive Recurrent Network for Applied Linguistics-Based Offensive Speech Detection' (2023), Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 47(2), pp. 1691–1707
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Hamzah, S., Mohd, M. & Zakaria, L.Q., 'Detection of Online Hate Comments Based on Feature Embedding and Deep Learning' (2023), 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences: Discovering Technological Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, AiDAS 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 239–244
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Han, C., Seering, J., Kumar, D., Hancock, J.T. & Durumeric, Z., 'Hate Raids on Twitch: Echoes of the Past, New Modalities, and Implications for Platform Governance' (2023), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 133
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Haner, M., Sloan, M.M., Pickett, J.T., Cullen, F.T. & O'Neill, V., 'How politics constrain the public’s understanding of terrorism' (2023), Social Forces, 102(1), pp. 157–179
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Hangya, V. & Fraser, A., 'LMU at HaSpeeDe3: Multi-Dataset Training for Cross-Domain Hate Speech Detection' (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3473
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Hanssen, U. & Woo, E.H., 'Hate on the Bookshelves: Explaining the Phenomenon of Anti-Korean Hate Books in Japan' (2023), Social Science Japan Journal, 26(1), pp. 27–46
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Haq, T. & Isa, N.A.N.M., 'Discourse, Law and Digital Communication: Unraveling the Hate Speech in Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s Case of Religious Blasphemy' (2023), Journal of Indonesian Islam, 17(2), pp. 376–402
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Haque, M.M. & Khan, N.B., 'Rape as a tool of political mobilisation: The experience of Indian Muslim | [La violación como herramienta de movilización política: la experiencia Musulmana en la India]' (2023), Human Geography (United Kingdom) [online]
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Harby, A.A. & Zulkernine, F., 'A Comparative Analysis of Graph Neural Networks for Fake News Detection' (2023), Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2023, pp. 1215–1222
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Hardy, J., 'Thematic analysis of in-group and out-group debates in an online right-wing extremist community' (2023), Research and Politics, 10(1)
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Harish, D., Manimaran, M., Jayashakthi, V.P. & Alamelu, M., 'Automatic Detection of Cyberbullying on Social Media Using Machine Learning' (2023), 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation, ICAECA 2023
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Hart, G., Huber, A. & Littler, M., '“Boys who hate girls, who hate boys, who hate girls”: A quantitative exploration of the relationship between misogyny, socio-political outlook, and support for violence in Europe' (2023), in E. Orofino & W. Allchorn (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism: Groups, Perspectives and New Debates (pp. 51-65), London: Routledge
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Hassan, F., Bouchekif, A. & Aransa, W., 'FiRC at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Fine-grained Classification of Online Sexism Content using DeBERTa' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 1824–1832
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Hatano, A., 'Regulating Online Hate Speech through the Prism of Human Rights Law: The Potential of Localised Content Moderation' (2023), Australian Year Book of International Law, 41(1), pp. 127–156
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Haughton, M., Fernandes, A.B.P. & Verstraete, P., 'Theatre, Performance and Commemoration: Staging Crisis, Memory and Nationhood' (2023), New York: Bloomsbury
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Hawdon, J., Reichelmann, A., Costello, M., Llorent, V.J., Räsänen, P., Zych, I., Oksanen, A. & Blaya, C., 'Measuring Hate: Does a Definition Affect Self-Reported Levels of Perpetration and Exposure to Online Hate in Surveys?' (2023), Social Science Computer Review [online]
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Hayaty, M., Laksito, A.D. & Adi, S., 'Hate speech detection on Indonesian text using word embedding method-global vector' (2023), IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 12(4), pp. 1928–1937
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Haynes, A., Schweppe, J. & Garland, J., 'The production of hate crime victim status: Discourses of normalisation and the experiences of LGBT community members' (2023), Criminology and Criminal Justice [online]
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Hecker, P., 'Resistance Through Nonperformance: Atheism and Nonreligion in Turkey' (2023), Religion and Society, 14, pp. 140–153
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Hedhli, M. & Kboubi, F., 'CNN-BiLSTM Model for Arabic Dialect Identification' (2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1864 CCIS, pp. 213–225
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Hegde, A., Kavya, G., Coelho, S. & Shashirekha, H.L., 'MUCS@LT-EDI2023: Homophobic/Transphobic Content Detection in Social Media Text using mBERT' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 287–294
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Hellman, J.A., 'The U.S.-Mexican Border and Music as a “Border Crosser”' (2023), Latin American Perspectives [online]
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Helm, B.W., 'Hate, Identification, and Othering' (2023), American Philosophical Quarterly, 60(3), pp. 289–310
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Hennessy Garza, R., Cho, Y., Hlavka, H., Weinhardt, L., Yasin, T., Smith, S., Adler, K., Otto, K. & Florsheim, P., 'A Multi-Topic Bystander Intervention Program for Upper-Level Undergraduate Students: Outcomes in Sexual Violence, Racism, and High-Risk Alcohol Situations' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Herel, D., Cisneros, H. & Mikolov, T., 'Preserving Semantics in Textual Adversarial Attacks' (2023), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 372, pp. 1036–1043
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Heritage, F., 'Positionality in a Contemptuous Time: Ethical Considerations and Discussions on Researching Language, Gender, and Sexuality' (2023), Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 71(3), pp. 341–351
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Hernandez, J.M., Charmaraman, L. & Schaefer, H.S., 'Conceptualizing the Role of Racial–Ethnic Identity in U.S. Adolescent Social Technology Use and Well-Being' (2023), Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 9(3), pp. 199–215
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Hernando, J.A.A., Homont, L.P.P. & Fernández, C.H., 'Analysis of the Parliamentary Discourse of Vox during the XIV Legislature: Ccrispation, Polarization, and National-Populism | [Análisis del discurso parlamentario de VOX en la XIV Legislatura: crispación, polarización y nacionalpopulismo]' (2023), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 29(1), pp. 1-14
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Hickman, M., 'Protagonists of terror: the role of ludology and narrative in conceptualising extremist violence' (2023), Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression [online]
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Hidayat, M.F. & Setiawan, E.B., 'Feature Expansion with GloVe for Hate Speech Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) Methods on Twitter' (2023), Proceeding - COMNETSAT 2023: IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite, pp. 213–218
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Hidayatullah, A.F., Kalinaki, K., Aslam, M.M., Zakari, R.Y. & Shafik, W., 'Fine-Tuning BERT-Based Models for Negative Content Identification on Indonesian Tweets' (2023), ICITDA 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications
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Higuchi, N., 'Logics of Strategic Racism in the Anti-Hate Speech Law Era: Analyzing the Discourse Against Zainichi Koreans in Japanese Right-Wing TV Programs' (2023), Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 36(2), pp. 443–464
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Hilal, A.M., Hashim, A.H.A., Mohamed, H.G., Alharbi, L.A., Nour, M.K., Mohamed, A., Almasoud, A.S. & Motwakel, A., 'Spotted Hyena Optimizer with Deep Learning Driven Cybersecurity for Social Networks' (2023), Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 45(2), pp. 2033-2047
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Hilte, L., Markov, I., Ljubešić, N., Fišer, D. & Daelemans, W., 'Who are the haters? A corpus-based demographic analysis of authors of hate speech' (2023), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6, 986890
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Hirose, K., Kim, H. & Kohno, M., 'A survey inquiry into behavioral foundations of hate speech regulations: Evidence from Japan' (2023), Japanese Journal of Political Science, 24(1), pp. 101-117
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Hmimssa, A., 'Citizenship under Pressure: Mapping Debates over Religious Freedom in the Second Decade in Quebec' (2023), Journal of Canadian Studies, 57(1), pp. 114-135
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Ho, I.K. & Çabuk, K., 'The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review' (2023), Ethnicity and Health [online]
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Hoang, P.G., Luu, C.D., Tran, K.Q., Nguyen, K.V. & Nguyen, N.L.-T., 'ViHOS: Hate Speech Spans Detection for Vietnamese' (2023), EACL 2023 - 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 652-669
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Hobbs, W., Lajevardi, N., Li, X. & Lucas, C., 'From Anti-Muslim to Anti-Jewish: Target Substitution on Fringe Social Media Platforms and the Persistence of Online and Offline Hate' (2023), Political Behavior [online]
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Hoeken, S., Spliethoff, S., Schwandt, S., Zarrieß, S. & Alaçam, Ö., 'Towards Detecting Lexical Change of Hate Speech in Historical Data' (2023), LChange 2023 - 4th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023, Proceedings, pp. 100–111
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Hoeken, S., Zarrieß, S. & Alaçam, Ö., 'Identifying Slurs and Lexical Hate Speech via Light-Weight Dimension Projection in Embedding Space' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 278–289
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Hoeksema, B., 'A Republican Approach to Jerkish Speech on Online Platforms' (2023), Topoi [online]
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