Publications: 2023


Kumari, N. & Singh, R., '“You Are Unique, The Way You Are”: Policing the “Fat Female Body” in Fanney Khan' (2023), Kemanusiaan, 30(1), pp. 19-33
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Kumari, V., Memon, K., Aslam, B. & Chowdhry, B.S., 'An Effective Approach for Violence Detection using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing' (2023), IMTIC 2023 - 7th International Multi-Topic ICT Conference 2023: AI Convergence towards Sustainable Communications
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Kumbale, S., Singh, S., Poornalatha, G. & Singh, S., 'BREE-HD: A Transformer-Based Model to Identify Threats on Twitter' (2023), IEEE Access [online]
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Küntzel, M., 'Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War against Israel and the Aftershocks of World War II' (2023), London: Routledge
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Kurginova, D.Yu., Myrikova, A.V. & Shirinyants, A.A., 'From Love to Hate… to the genealogy of American Russophobia | «ОТ ЛЮБВИ ДО НЕНАВИСТИ…» К ГЕНЕАЛОГИИ АМЕРИКАНСКОЙ РУСОФОБИИ' (2023), Dialog so Vremenem, (83), pp. 262–277
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Kushneruk, S.L., 'Xenophobia as Factor of Ideological World-Modeling in Digital Communication | Ксенофобия как фактор идеологического миромоделирования в цифровой коммуникации' (2023), Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023, 16(6), pp. 871–883
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Kusuma, J.F. & Chowanda, A., 'Indonesian Hate Speech Detection Using IndoBERTweet and BiLSTM on Twitter' (2023), International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 7(3), pp. 773–780
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Kwarteng, J., Burel, G., Third, A., Farrell, T. & Fernandez, M., 'Understanding Misogynoir: A Study of Annotators’ Perspectives' (2023), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 271-282
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Laaksonen, S.-M., Pääkkönen, J. & Öhman, E., 'From hate speech recognition to happiness indexing: Critical issues in datafication of emotion in text mining' (2023), in S. Lindgren (Ed.) Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 631–641), Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Labiano Juangarcía, R., Azurmendi Adarraga, A. & Novoa Jaso, M.F., 'The Constructive Role of the Media in Hate Speech Controversies: The Valtònyc and Hasél Cases' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Lacalle, C., 'The Otherless Other: The Misogyny Passions of Spanish Manosphere | [The Otherless Other: Las Pasiones Misóginas De La Manosfera Española]' (2023), Signa, 32, pp. 41-53
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Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B. & Vicent-Ibáñez, M., 'Misogyny and the construction of toxic masculinity in the Spanish Manosphere (' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(2), e320215
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Lacalle, C., Jiménez, V.M. & Hernández, D.E., 'The Anti-Feminism of The Spanish Radical-Right on Twitter Around 8m | [EL ANTIFEMINISMO DE LA ULTRADERECHA ESPAÑOLA EN TWITTER EN TORNO AL 8M]' (2023), Prisma Social, 40, pp. 358-376
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LaFreniere Tamez, H.D., Anastasio, N. & Perliger, A., 'Explaining the Rise of Antisemitism in the United States' (2023), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Lahby, M., Khan Pathan, A.-S., & Maleh, Y. (Eds.), 'Combatting Cyberbullying in Digital Media with Artificial Intelligence (1st ed.)' (2023), New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC
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Lai, A., 'In Defense of Free Speech in Universities: A Study of Three Jurisdictions' (2023), Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press
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Lala, C. & Dwivedi, P., 'Hate Speech Detection Network Using LSTM' (2023), 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2023
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Lam, M., 'Viral videos to combat viral vitriol: methodological considerations for ethical engagement' (2023), International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education [online]
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Lammerts, P., Lippmann, P., Hsu, Y.-C., Casati, F. & Yang, J., 'How do you feel? Measuring User-Perceived Value for Rejecting Machine Decisions in Hate Speech Detection' (2023), AIES 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, pp. 834–844
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Lande, K., Ponnusamy, R., Kumaresan, P.K. & Chakravarthi, B.R., 'KaustubhSharedTask@LT-EDI 2023: Homophobia-Transphobia Detection in Social Media Comments with NLPAUG-driven Data Augmentation' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 71–77
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Lantz, B., Malcom, Z.T. & Wenger, M.R., 'The Consequences of Hate Crime Victimization: Considering Prejudicial Attitudes as an Outcome of Interracial Bias-Motivated Conflict' (2023), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Laryš, M., '“White Jihad” and “White Sharia”: Jihadism as an Instrument of Intra-Extremist Outbidding among Right-Wing Extremists' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Lau, S.B., Bersamira, C.S., Lee, Y.J. & Yamauchi, J., 'Asian American social workers’ experiences and perspectives on anti-Asian hate' (2023), Journal of Social Work [online]
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Le, T., Ye, Y., Hu, Y. & Lee, D., 'CrypText: Database and Interactive Toolkit of Human-Written Text Perturbations in the Wild' (2023), Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, 2023, pp. 3639–3642
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Lee, J.J. & Lee, J., '#StopAsianHate on TikTok: Asian/American Women’s Space-Making for Spearheading Counter-Narratives and Forming an Ad Hoc Asian Community' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(1)
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Lee, M., Park, I.Y., Park, M., Tran, P.K., Cozier, Y.C. & Hahm, H.C., 'COVID-19-Related Racial Discrimination during Lockdown and Its Impact on Asian American Women' (2023), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(16), 6546
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Lee, N., Jung, C. & Oh, A., 'Hate Speech Classifiers are Culturally Insensitive' (2023), Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP at EACL, C3NLP 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 35–46
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Lee, S., 'Older Asian Adults with Limited English Proficiency and Racism Through the Lens of Asian Human Service Workers' (2023), Journal of Gerontological Social Work [online]
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Lee, S., Choi, J. & Ahn, C., 'Hate prompts participation: Examining the dynamic relationship between affective polarization and political participation' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Lee, S., Jung, D., Park, C., Lee, S. & Lim, H., 'Alternative Speech: Complementary Method to Counter-Narrative for Better Discourse' (2023), IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW, pp. 1438–1442
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Lee, Y.J., Lau, S.B., Bersamira, C.S. & Yamauchi, J., 'Anti-Asian Racism and COVID-19 Impact on Older Adults: The Voices of Social Workers' (2023), Journal of Gerontological Social Work [online]
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Lenardič, J. & Pahor De Maiti, K., 'Grammatical and Pragmatic Aspects of Slovenian Modality in Socially Unacceptable Facebook Comments | Slovnični in pragmatični vidiki naklonskosti v slovenščini v družbeno nesprejemljivih komentarjih na Facebooku' (2023), Slovenscina 2.0, 11(1), pp. 33–68
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Leo, C.O., Santoso, B.J. & Pratomo, B.A., 'Enhancing Hate Speech Detection for Social Media Moderation: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation, ICAMIMIA 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 960–964
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Lepoutre, M., 'Discursive optimism defended' (2023), Politics, Philosophy and Economics [online]
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Lepoutre, M., Vilar-Lluch, S., Borg, E. & Hansen, N., 'What is Hate Speech? The Case for a Corpus Approach' (2023), Criminal Law and Philosophy [online]
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Lettieri, J., Logie, K. & Paccione-Frometa, J., 'Noise Complaints and Land Rezoning as a Predictor of Hate Crimes in a New York City Borough' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Levy, A., Galinsky, A., Nguyen, C.Q., Saguy, T., Ikizer, E.G. & Dovidio, J.F., 'Ingroup love, outgroup hate, and the gateway group effect: Comparing the direct and indirect impact of dual versus single identification' (2023), PloS one, 18(8), e0287631
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Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B., Baczkowska, A., Dontcheva-Navrátilová, O., Liebeskind, C., Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė G., Zitnik, S., Trojszczak, M., Povolná, R., Selmistraitis, L., Utka, A. & Gudelis, D., 'LLOD schema for Simplified Offensive Language Taxonomy in multilingual detection and applications' (2023), Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 19(2), pp. 301–324
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Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B., Bączkowska, A., Liebeskind, C., Valunaite Oleskeviciene, G. & Žitnik, S., 'An integrated explicit and implicit offensive language taxonomy' (2023), Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 19(1), pp. 7–48
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Li, Z., Hu, G. & Li, Q., 'Impact of Social Identity Complexity in Unfair Events on Intergroup Bias in Third-Party Fairness Maintenance' (2023), Behavioral Sciences, 13(6), 456
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Liern, G.R., '“Democratic memory” versus ideological freedom: retrospective militant democracy │ “Memoria democrática” versus libertad ideológica: la democracia militante retrospectiva' (2023), Revista de Derecho Politico, (118), pp. 121–143
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Liguori, J.B. & Spanierman, L.B., 'Outsider Women: Understanding Women’s Roles in White Supremacist Deradicalization' (2023), Journal for Deradicalization, (37), pp. 41–71
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Lilleker, D. & Pérez‐Escolar, M., 'Demonising Migrants in Contexts of Extremism: Analysis of Hate Speech in UK and Spain' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 127-137
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Lintang Kusuma, M., Al-Bashabsheh, Z., Albashabsheh, N., Parker, M. & Muturi, N., 'Examining weight stigmatization toward obese individuals among nutrition and dietetic students using the attribution theory' (2023), Indian Journal of Public Health, 67(3), pp. 415–421
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Liu, C., Liu, C.-C., Ammigan, R. & Kaplowitz, M.D., '“Why Do They Hate Us?”: Learning from the Racialized Experiences of Chinese International Students in the United States during COVID-19' (2023), Journal of Underrepresented and Minority Progress, 7(2), pp. 83–105
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Liu, H., 'From Model Minority to Yellow Peril: The Shifting Narratives of Asian International Students' (2023), Journal of International Students, 13(1), pp. 79-84
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Liu, J.L., Cheong, Y., Wang, C., Cheah, C.S.L., Ma, R. & Zhang, X., 'The Voices of Chinese American Parents During COVID-19: Recommendations for Addressing Anti-Asian Racism and Supporting Adolescents in School' (2023), Asian American Journal of Psychology [online]
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Liu, L., '“Virtual Ethnic Town Hall”: WeChat and Suburban Chinese Migrants’ Multidirectional Activism' (2023), Journal of American Ethnic History, 42(3), pp. 5-39
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Liu, L., Xu, D., Zhao, P., Zeng, D.D., Hu, P.J.-H., Zhang, Q., Luo, Y. & Cao, Z., 'A cross-lingual transfer learning method for online COVID-19-related hate speech detection' (2023), Expert Systems with Applications, 234, 121031
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Liu, M., Anastasio, N., LeFreniere, H. & Perliger, A., 'Public Health Crisis and Hate Crimes: Deciphering the Proliferation of Anti-Asian Violence in the US before and during COVID-19' (2023), Perspectives on Terrorism, 17(2), pp. 30–59
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