Publications: 2023


Clarke, C., Hall, M., Mittal, G., Yu, Y., Sajeev, S., Mars, J. & Chen, M., 'Rule By Example: Harnessing Logical Rules for Explainable Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1, pp. 364–376
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Clayton, J., Donovan, C. & Macdonald, S.J., 'Domestic colonisation: The centrality of the home in experiences of home-takeovers and hate relationships' (2023), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers [online]
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Clevenger, S., Kelley, S., & Ratajczak, K. (Eds.), 'Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience (1st edition)' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Coester, M. & Rothenburg, J., 'Bias crimes in Court – the consideration of racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic or other inhumane aims and motives according to Section 46 (2) sentence 2 of the German Criminal Code in determining punishment | Vorurteilskriminalität vor Gericht – die Berücksichtigung von rassistischen, fremdenfeindlichen, antisemitischen oder sonstigen menschenverachtenden Zielen und Beweggründen gem. § 46 Abs. 2 S. 2 StGB im Rahmen der Strafzumessung' (2023), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform [online]
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Cohen, S., Presil, D., Katz, O., Arbili, O., Messica, S. & Rokach, L., 'Enhancing social network hate detection using back translation and GPT-3 augmentations during training and test-time' (2023), Information Fusion, 99, 101887
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'The harm in hate speech and in Holocaust denial' (2023), in J. Steel & J. Petley (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Freedom of Expression and Censorship (pp. 195–207), London: Routledge
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Cole, D.G., Orsuwan, M. & Sam, A.A., 'Violence and Hate Crimes on Campus: Uncovering the Mystique' (2023), in M.C. Terrell & J.F.L. Jackson (Eds.) Creating and Maintaining Safe College Campuses: A Sourcebook for Evaluating and Enhancing Safety Programs (pp. 34–57), New York: Routledge
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Collard, M., 'Hate in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic: dehumanisation as a side effect; re-humanisation as a remedy' (2023), Crime, Law and Social Change [online]
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Collins, J., 'Mobilising Extremism in Times of Change: Analysing the UK’s Far-Right Online Content During the Pandemic' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Conti, M., Pajola, L. & Tricomi, P.P., 'Turning captchas against humanity: Captcha-based attacks in online social media' (2023), Online Social Networks and Media, 36, 100252
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Cordón, P., Mata, J., Pachón, V. & Domínguez, J.L., 'I2C-UHU at CLEF-2023 EXIST task: Leveraging Ensembling Language Models to Detect Multilingual Sexism in Social Media' (2023), Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2023), pp. 901-907
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Corizzo, R., Lewis, N., Damasceno, L.P., Shafer, A., Cavalcante, C.C. & Boukouvalas, Z., 'Multimodal One-class Learning for Malicious Online Content Detection' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023, pp. 2146–2151
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Corral, A., De Coninck, D., Mertens, S. & d’Haenens, L., 'Gauging the Media Discourse and the Roots of Islamophobia Awareness in Spain' (2023), Religions, 14(8), 1019
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Corry, G., Bell, S., Byers, S., Storey, E. & Fairmichael, R., 'Reducing sectarianism and hate at the grassroots' (2023), in H. Desivilya Syna & G. Corry (Eds) Track III Actions: Transforming Protracted Political Conflicts from the Bottom-up (pp. 83-105), Berlin: De Gruyter
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Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J. & da Silva, B.M., 'IN[The Hate Booth]: a Gamified Installation to Counteract Hate Speech' (2023), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 479 LNICST, pp. 161-173
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Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J. & Mendes da Silva, B., 'The Enredo Game-Installation: A Proposal to Counter Hate Speech Online' (2023), in N. Martins & D. Brandão (Eds.) Springer Series in Design and Innovation (Vol. 27) (pp. 307-320), Cham: Springer
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Costello, M., Hawdon, J., Reichelmann, A.V., Oksanen, A. Blaya, C., Llorent, V.J., Räsänen, P. & Zych, I., 'Defending Others Online: The Influence of Observing Formal and Informal Social Control on One’s Willingness to Defend Cyberhate Victims' (2023), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(15), 6506
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Costello, M., Vishwamitra, N., Liao, S., Cheng, L., Luo, F. & Hu, H., 'COVID-19 and Sinophobia: Detecting Warning Signs of Radicalization on Twitter and Reddit' (2023), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), pp. 546–553
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Cousens, C., 'Solving the Authority Problem: Why We Won’t Debate You, Bro' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Cover, R., 'Identity and Digital Communication: Concepts, Theories, Practices' (2023), London: Routledge
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Cowls, J. & Ma, C., 'The Internet’s Town Square? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Parler’s “Past Imaginary”' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(2)
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Criss, S., Nguyen, T.T., Michaels, E.K., Gee, G.C., Kiang, M.V., Nguyen, Q.C., Norton, S., Titherington, E., Nguyen, L., Yardi, I., Kim, M., Thai, N., Shepherd, A. & Kennedy, C.J., 'Solidarity and strife after the Atlanta spa shootings: A mixed methods study characterizing Twitter discussions by qualitative analysis and machine learning' (2023), Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 952069
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Crowley, J.P., Denes, A., Bleakley, A., Webber, K.T., Geary, D., DelGreco, M., Whitt, J., Guest, C. & Hamlin, E., 'The longitudinal influence of supportive messages on stress reactivity and general well-being for LGBTQ+ recipients of hate speech: Comparing the relative effects of verbal person-centered and autonomy support' (2023), Communication Monographs [online]
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Cuenca, A.G., 'Politics and hate speech: authoritarianism is back | Política y discurso de odio: el autoritarismo está de vuelta' (2023), Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho, (49), pp. 576–586
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Cuevas-Cerveró, A., Colmenero-Ruiz, M.-J. & Martínez-Ávila, D., 'Critical information literacy as a form of information activism' (2023), Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(6), 102786
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Curry, A.C., Attanasio, G., Nozza, D. & Hovy, D., 'MilaNLP at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Ensembling Domain-Adapted and Regularized Pretrained Language Models for Robust Sexism Detection' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 2067–2074
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Czaja, M.P., Kraus, C.K., Phyo, S., Olivieri, P., Mederos, D.R., Puente, I., Mohammed, S., Berkeley, R.P., Slattery, D., Gildea, T.H., Hardman, C., Palmer, B., Whitmill, M.L., Aluyen, U., Pinnow, J.M., Young, A., Eastin, C.D., Kester, N.M., Works, K.R., Pfeffer, A.N., Keller, A.W., Tobias, A., Li, B., Yorkgitis, B., Saadat, S. & Langdorf, M.I., 'Nonfatal Injuries Sustained in Mass Shootings in the US, 2012-2019: Injury Diagnosis Matrix, Incident Context, and Public Health Considerations' (2023), Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 24(3), pp. 552–565
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Dalavi, S., Nivelkar, T., Patil, S., Sawant, A. & Aylani, A., 'Comparative Analysis of Vectorization Techniques and Machine Learning Models for Hate Speech Detection' (2023), 2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications, GCITC 2023
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Dalavi, S., Nivelkar, T., Patil, S., Sawant, A. & Vanwari, P., 'Enhancing Hate Speech Detection through Emoji-based Classification using Bi-LSTM and GloVe Embeddings' (2023), 2023 6th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology, ICAST 2023, pp. 506–511
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Damčević, K., '“Ready for the Homeland” in Croatian media: Commemorations, victory, and foundation | [„Kodumaa eest valmis“Horvaatia meedias. Mälestamine, võit ja vundament]' (2023), Sign Systems Studies, 51(1), pp. 36-72
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Dancygier, R., 'Hate crime supporters are found across age, gender, and income groups and are susceptible to violent political appeals' (2023), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(7), e2212757120
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Daniel, R., Satyanarayana Murthy, T., Kumari, C.D.V.P., Laxmi, L.E., Ishak, M.K., Hadjouni, M. & Mostafa, S.M., 'Ensemble Learning with Tournament Selected Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Cyberbullying Detection on Social Media' (2023), IEEE Access [online]
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Daouadi, K.E., Boualleg, Y. & Guehairia, O., 'Deep Random Forest and AraBert for Hate Speech Detection from Arabic Tweets' (2023), Journal of Universal Computer Science, 29(11), pp. 1319–1335
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Darmawan, M.A., William Boentoro, N., Surya, K.C. & Sutoyo, R., 'Experiments on IndoBERT Implementation for Detecting Multi-Label Hate Speech with Data Resampling through Synonym Replacement Method' (2023), 8th International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering: Empowering Computing, Analytics, and Engineering Through Digital Innovation, ICRAIE 2023
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Das, M., 'Classification of Different Participating Entities in the Rise of Hateful Content in Social Media' (2023), WSDM 2023 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, pp. 1212-1213
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Das, M., Barman, S. & Chatterjee, S., 'hate-alert@LT-EDI-2023: Hope Speech Detection Using Transformer-Based Models' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 250–256
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Dato, A.G., 'The European Union against regime propaganda | L’Unione europea contro la propaganda di regime' (2023), Ceridap, 2023(4), pp. 24–46
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Davani, A.M., Atari, M., Kennedy, B. & Dehghani, M., 'Hate Speech Classifiers Learn Normative Social Stereotypes' (2023), Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 11, pp. 300-319
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Davidson, J.C., 'Gender/sexuality: Performing the intersection: Camp and the Cat Lady' (2023), in J. Chin Davidson & A. Jones (Eds.) A Companion to Contemporary Art in a Global Framework (pp. 267–279), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell
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Davis, P. & Branscomb, R., 'Reactive Memories of 1776' (2023), Communication and Democracy [online]
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Dawidczyk, A. & Jurczak, J., 'Hate Speech in Political Discourse in 2015-2021 as a Determinant of Poland’s Internal and External Security' (2023), Democracy and Security [online]
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De Cauwer, H., Granholm, F., Khorram-Manesh, A., Barten, D.G, Tin, D., Mortelmans, L.J., Somville, F. & Ciottone, G.R., 'An Epidemiological Analysis of Terrorist Attacks in the Nordic and Baltic Countries from 1970 through 2020' (2023), Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [online]
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de Felice, G. & Tutal, N., 'Violence and Capacity to Hate' (2023), Healthcare (Switzerland), 11(4), 573
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De Gregorio, G. & Stremlau, N., 'Inequalities and content moderation' (2023), Global Policy [online]
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De la Peña Sarracén, G.L. & Rosso, P., 'Systematic keyword and bias analyses in hate speech detection' (2023), Information Processing and Management, 60(5), 103433
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De Leo, A. & Russo, E., 'Define and Tackle Hate Speech: The Experience of Social Workers in Italy' (2023), Informing Science, 26, pp. 115–134
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de Maiti, K.P., Franza, J. & Fišer, D., 'Haters in the spotlight Gender and socially unacceptable Facebook comments' (2023), Internet Pragmatics, 6(2), pp. 173–196
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de Mata, F.B., 'Probative peculiarities of hate speech on the Internet: identification of radical polarization indicators using algorithmic systems | Particularidades probatorias del discurso de odio en Internet: identificación de indicadores de polarización radical mediante sistemas algorítmicos' (2023), Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, 2023(39)
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de Oliveira, A.B., de Souza Baptista, C., Firmino, A.A. & de Paiva, A.C., 'Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection' (2023), International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS – Proceedings, 1, pp. 374-384
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de Oteyza, M.O.G. & Marcos, I.C., 'Tweets on migrants during the election campaigns in the Community of Madrid' (2023), Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico), 2023
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