Publications: Religion and hate crime


Byers, B., Crider, B.W. & Biggers, G.K., 'Bias crime motivation: A study of hate crime and offender neutralization techniques used against the Amish' (1999), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 15(1), pp.78-96
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Byers, B.D. & Crider, B.W., 'Hate crimes against the Amish: A qualitative analysis of bias motivation using routine activities theory' (2002), Deviant Behavior, 23(2), pp.115-148
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Byers, B.D., & Jones, J.A., 'The impact of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on anti-Islamic hate crime' (2007), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 5(1), pp.43-56
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Byrd, M.Y. & Scott, C.L. (Eds.), 'Diversity in the Workforce: Current Issues and Emerging Trends' (2024), New York: Routledge
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Campos Zamora, F.J., 'Is There a Right to Blaspheme? On Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech | [¿Existe un Derecho a Blasfemar? Sobre Libertad de Expresión y Discurso del Odio]' (2020), Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofia del Derecho, (41), pp. 281-295
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Carr, J., 'Experiences of Islamophobia: Living with racism in the neoliberal era' (2015), Routledge
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Carr, J. & Haynes, A., 'A clash of racialisations: The policing of ‘race’ and of anti-Muslim racism in Ireland' (2015), Critical Sociology January, 41, pp.21-40
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Celik, S., 'Experiences of internet users regarding cyberhate' (2019), Information Technology and People [online]
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Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J., 'Hate crime: Impact, causes and responses' (2009), UK: SAGE Publications

Chana, S., 'Working towards a better understanding of Islamophobia' (2020), British Journal of Community Justice, 16(2-3), pp. 72-91
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Cheng, W., Ickes, W. & Kenworthy, J., 'The phenomenon of hate crimes in the United States' (2013), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(4), pp.761-794
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Cinar, O.H., 'Brexit and its Implications on the Freedom of Religion and Belief in the UK' (2022), International Journal of Religion, 3(1), pp. 37–48
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Clark, J.W., Cramer, R.J., Percosky, A., Rufino, K.A., Miller, R.S. & Johnson, S.M., 'Juror perceptions of African American- and Arabic-named victims' (2013), Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 20(5), pp.781-794
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Coester, M., 'Commentary: Right-wing extremism and bias crime in Germany' (2010), Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 8(1), pp.49-69
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'JS Mill’s boundaries of freedom of expression: A critique' (2017), Philosophy [online], pp.1-44
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'The Republic, Secularism and Security: France versus the Burqa and the Niqab' (2022), Cham: Springer
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Cohen-Almagor, R, 'Facebook and Holocaust denial' (2016), 57, pp.10-16
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Between speech and terror: The Charlie Hebdo Affair' (2016)
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Cole, M., 'A Plethora of ‘suitable enemies’: British racism at the dawn of the twenty-first century' (2009), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(9), pp.1671-1685
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Considine, C., 'The racialization of Islam in the United States: Islamophobia, hate crimes, and “flying while brown”' (2017), Religions, 8(165), pp.1-19
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Cox, C., 'Addressing anti-semitism in social work education' (2021), Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work [online]
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Cramphorn, C., 'Faith and prejudice: Sectarianism as hate crime' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.12-13
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Culpeper, J., Iganski, P. & Sweiry, A., 'Linguistic impoliteness and religiously aggravated hate crime in England and Wales' (2017), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 5(1), pp. 1-29
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Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.), 'Faces of hate: Hate crime in Australia' (1997), Sydney: Hawkins Press.

Curthoys, A., 'The volatility of racism in Australia' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.


Daou, A.M., 'Common Public Life Values: A Roadmap to Inclusivity and Understanding – the Case of Lebanon' (2022), International Journal of Asian Christianity, 5(1), pp. 23-44
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Daudi, I., 'Islamophobia and the west: The making of a violent civilization' (2022), London: Routledge
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Decker, O., West, D., Kiess, J. & Brähler, E. (Eds.), 'The Dynamics of Right-Wing Extremism within German Society: Escape into Authoritarianism' (2022), London: Routledge
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Del Mar Moreno Mozos, M., 'Gender hate speech in the public discourse of religious leaders | El discurso de odio por razón de género en los pronunciamientos públicos de jerarcas religiosos' (2023), Revista de Derecho Politico, (118), pp. 229–260
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Dombo, E.A., 'Speaking out against hate speech and actions through social work research' (2021), Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 40(2), pp. 109-110
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Duggan, M., 'Sectarianism and hate crime in Northern Ireland' (2014), in Hall, N., Corb, A., Giannasi, P. & Grieve, J. (2014) The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime. London: Routledge

Dunn, K.M., Klocker, N. & Salabay, T., 'Contemporary racism and Islamophobia in Australia: Racializing religion' (2007), Ethnicities, 7(4), pp.564-589
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E Silva, W.P., 'Argumentation in hate speech on Facebook: A contributive categorization to forensic linguistics and computational linguistics | [Argumentação em discursos de ódio no Facebook: Uma categorização contributiva à linguística forense e à linguística computacional]' (2021), Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 29(4), pp. 2367-2395
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Earle, C., 'Good Muslims, bad Muslims, and the nation: The “Ground Zero Mosque” and the problem with tolerance' (2015), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies, pp.1-18
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ECRI Secretariat, 'European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Albania' (2015), (fifth monitoring cycle)
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ECRI Secretariat, 'European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Hungary' (2015), (fifth monitoring cycle), Council of Europe.
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ECRI Secretariat, 'European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Poland' (2015), (fifth monitoring cycle), Council of Europe.
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Edge, P.W., 'Extending hate crime to religion' (2003), Journal of Civil Liberties, 8(1), pp.5-27
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Edge, P.W., 'Oppositional religious speech: Understanding hate preaching' (2018), Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 20(3), pp.278-289
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Ellison, G., 'Sending out a message: Hate crime in Northern Ireland' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.10-11
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Ensari, N. & Riggio, R.E., 'Muslimophobia: Overcoming religious discrimination and exclusion in the workplace' (2023), in J. Barnes, M.J. Stevens, B.Z. Ekelund & K. Perham-Lippman (Eds.) Inclusive Leadership: Equity and Belonging in Our Communities (pp. 221–232), Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing
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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 'Antisemitism – Overview of data available in the European Union 2004-2014' (2015)
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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 'EU survey of Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism' (2013)
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Evolvi, G., '#Islamexit: inter-group antagonism on Twitter' (2019), Information, Communication & Society, 22:3, pp.386-401
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Eze, C., 'Transcultural affinity: Thoughts on the emergent cosmopolitan imagination in South Africa' (2015), Journal of African Cultural Studies, 27(2), pp.216-228
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Fahad, A., Mustafa, S.E. & Luqman, M., 'Religious-Political Discussion on Instagram and WhatsApp and Perception of Religion among Youths in Delhi' (2023), Journal of Asian and African Studies [online]
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Feinberg, A.K., 'Homeland Violence and Diaspora Insecurity: An Analysis of Israel and American Jewry' (2019), Politics and Religion [online]

Fox, J., 'Do Religion Clauses in Constitutions Predict Government-Based Discrimination against Religious Minorities?' (2023), Religions, 14(1), 92
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Fraser, D., 'Memory, murder and justice: Holocaust denial and the “scholarship” of hate' (1997), in Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Sydney: Hawkins Press.

Fuchs, S., 'Truth clashes: caste atrocities, false cases, and the limits of hate crime law in North India' (2024), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute [online]
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