Publications: Religion and hate crime


Samson, M.G.M., 'Protecting Religious Liberties? Security Concerns at Places of Worship in Chicago' (2020), Geoforum [online]
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Sande, N. & Maforo, B., 'Hate Speech as a Politico-Religious Tool in Contemporary Zimbabwe' (2022), Journal of Religion in Africa, 1(4), pp. 1-16
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Sanjurjo, V.A., 'Can hateful religious speech for reasons of gender, orientation and sexual identity be considered a hate crime? | [¿Es el discurso religioso odioso por razones de género, orientación e identidad sexual un discurso de odio?]' (2021), Revista de Derecho Politico, (112), pp. 175-214
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Sarre, R., 'Religious violence: An international reflection' (1991), Criminology Australia, 3(1), 22

Scheitle, C.P., 'Crimes occurring at places of worship: An analysis of 2012 newspaper reports' (2016), International Review of Victimology, 22(1), pp.65-74
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Scheitle, C.P., 'Religious congregations’ experiences with, fears of, and preparations for crime: Results from a national survey' (2018), Review of Religious Research, 60(1), pp.95-113
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Scheitle, C., Mabute-Louie, B., Ferguson, J., Hawkins, E. & Ecklund, E.H., 'Fear of Religious Hate Crime Victimization and the Residual Effects of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia' (2023), Social Forces, 101(4), pp. 2059-2086
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Scheitle, C.P. & Hansmann, M., 'Religion-related hate crimes: Data, trends, and limitations' (2017), Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion [online]
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Sembiring, W.M., Subhilhar, Kusmanto, H. & Ridho, H., 'The Politicization of Religion and Polarization of Hate in the 2018 North Sumatra Regional Head Election Indonesia' (2023), Pharos Journal of Theology, 104(3)
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Senbel, S., Seigel, C. & Bryan, E., 'Word Frequency Analysis of Community Reaction to Religious Violence on Social Media' (2021), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 283, pp. 626-633
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Serna, F.J.A., 'The legal protection of religious sentiments on the Internet. Freedom of speech vs hate speech | [LA PROTECCIÓN JURÍDICA DE LOS SENTIMIENTOS RELIGIOSOS EN INTERNET LA LIBERTAD DE EXPRESIÓN FRENTE AL DISCURSO DEL ODIO]' (2023), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 10
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Sharif, M.Z., Truong, M., Alam, O., Dunn K., Nelson J., Kavanagh A., Paradies, Y. & Priest, N., 'The association between experiences of religious discrimination, social-emotional and sleep outcomes among youth in Australia' (2021), SSM - Population Health, 15, 100883
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Shuhufi, M., Fatmawati, Qadaruddin, M., Basyir, J., Yunus, M.M. & Nur, N.M., 'Islamic Law and Social Media: Analyzing the Fatwa of Indonesian Ulama Council Regarding Interaction on Digital Platforms' (2022), Samarah, 6(2), pp. 823-843
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Singh, J., 'Desire, patriotism, and Sikh subjectivity' (2017), Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory [online], pp. 1-14
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Singh, J., 'Memory, invisibility, and the Oak Creek Gurdwara massacre: A Sikh American perspective of the ‘post-racial’ US' (2013), Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, 9(2), pp.215-225
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Soule, S.A. & Van Dyke, N., 'Black Church Arson in the United States, 1989-1996' (1999), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 22(4), pp.724-742
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Soyer, F., 'Faith, culture and fear: Comparing Islamophobia in early modern Spain and twenty-first-century Europe' (2014), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.399-416
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Spalek, B., 'Communities, identities and crime' (2008), Bristol: The Policy Press.

Spalek, B., 'Hate crimes against British Muslims in the aftermath of September 11th' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.20-21
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Staetsky, L.D. & Boyd, J., 'The exceptional case? Perceptions and experiences of Antisemitism among Jews in the United Kingdom' (2014), Institute for Jewish Policy Research.
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Stein, A. & Salime, Z., 'Manufacturing Islamophobia: Rightwing pseudo-documentaries and the paranoid style' (2015), Journal of Communication Inquiry, 39(4), pp.378-396
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Stern, F.L., 'A New Witch-Hunt: LGBTQIA+ State Persecution by Brazil’s Christian Far-Right' (2024), International Journal of Latin American Religions [online]
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Stewart, J., 'Anti-Muslim Hate Speech and Displacement Narratives: Case Studies From Sri Lanka and Australia' (2019), Australian Journal of Social Issues [online]
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Stockhammer, N. (Ed.), 'Routledge Handbook of Transnational Terrorism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Suvidutt, M.S. & Tomer, A., 'Religious Hate Speech Vs Peaceful Co-Existence: A Socio-Legal Review' (2022), Journal of Dharma, 47(4), pp. 473-492
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Syed, J. & Ali, F., 'A Pyramid of Hate Perspective on Religious Bias, Discrimination and Violence' (2020), Journal of Business Ethics [online]
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Syeed, N., 'Decolonizing the Body, Pedagogies, and Anti-Asian Hate' (2023), Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 39(2), pp. 123–126
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Taras, R., '‘Islamophobia never stands still’: Race, religion, and culture' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.417-433
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Trujillo-Fernández, F.R., Gallardo-Camacho, J. & Alonso, A.J., 'Masking violent content with religious symbology in jihadist videos: a case study of the terrorist organization Jabhat al Nusrah on YouTube | Enmascaramiento de contenidos violentos con simbología religiosa en vídeos yihadistas: estudio del mensaje de la organización terrorista Jabhat al Nusrah en YouTube' (2024), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 30(1), pp. 247–262
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U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 'Poland 2014 international religious freedom report' (2016), in Poland: Conditions, Issues, and Foreign Relations (pp.63-72)
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Ukah, A., 'Apocalyptic homophobia: Freedom of religious expression, hate speech, and the Pentecostal discourse on same-sex relations in Africa' (2021), Journal of Law and Religion, 36(1), pp. 72-91
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Van Coller, H., 'Freedom of expression: Blasphemy and the prohibition against religious hate speech | [Vryheid van uitdrukking: Godslastering en die verbod op godsdienstige haatspraak]' (2021), Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 61(1), pp. 87-106
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Völker, T., 'How terrorist attacks distort public debates: a comparative study of right-wing and Islamist extremism' (2023), Journal of European Public Policy [online]
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Von Sikorski, C. & Merz, P., 'No-go zone for Jews? Examining how news on anti-Semitic attacks increases victim blaming' (2023), Communications [online]
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Vrielink, J., '‘Islamophobia’ and the law: Belgian hate speech legislation and the wilful destruction of the Koran' (2014), International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 14(1), pp.54-65
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Walfield, S.M., Socia, K.M. & Powers, R.A., 'Religious motivated hate crimes: Reporting to law enforcement and case outcomes' (2017), American Journal of Criminal Justice, 42(1), pp.148-169
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Walfield, S.M., Socia, K.M. & Powers, R.A., 'Religious motivated hate crimes: Reporting to law enforcement and case outcomes' (2016), American Journal of Criminal Justice [online]
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Walsh, D., '‘He taught me to hate myself’: the pastoral care of gay Christians in Anglican churches' (2024), Practical Theology [online]
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Walter, A.T., 'Slovakia the Politics of Hate: Islamophobia and Christianity in the 2016 Parliamentary Elections' (2018), Religiski-Filozofiski Raksti, 24, pp. 39-59
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Walters, M.A., 'Conceptualizing ‘hostility’ for hate crime law: Minding ‘the minutiae’ when interpreting section 28(1)(a) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998' (2014), Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 34(1), pp.47-74
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Walters, M.A., 'Why the Rochdale Gang should have been sentenced as ‘hate crime’ offenders' (2013), Criminal Law Review, 2, pp.131-144
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Ward, K. , 'The role of the Anglican and Catholic churches in Uganda in public discourse on homosexuality and ethics' (2015), Journal of Eastern African Studies, 9(1), pp.127-144
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Weaver, S., 'A rhetoric discourse analysis of online anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic jokes' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.483-499
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Weitzman, M., Williams, R.J. & Wald, J. (Eds.), 'The Routledge History of Antisemitism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Whine, M., 'Combating Antisemitism in Europe' (2014), Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 8(1), pp.81-94
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White, R.S., 'Antisemitism: A psychoanalytic theory' (2023), International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies [online]
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Wigerfelt, A. & Wigerfelt, B., 'Media images and experiences of being a Jew in the Swedish city of Malmö' (2016), SAGE Open, 6(1), pp.1-14
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Wijaya, A., Suwendi & Syamsuddin, S., 'Observing Islam with ethics: From hatred theology to religious ethics' (2021), Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies, 9(1), pp. 175-208
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Williams, M.L., Sutherland, A., Roy-Chowdhury, V., Loke, T., Cullen, A., Sloan, L., Burnap, P. & Giannasi, P., 'The Effect of the Brexit Vote on the Variation in Race and Religious Hate Crimes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland' (2023), British Journal of Criminology, 63(4), pp. 1003–1023
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Williams, R., 'Is Violence Critique?' (2022), Religions, 13(11), 1111
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