Publications: Antisemitic hate crime


Koss, M.D. & Greenblatt, D., 'Building a community of allies and upstanders: Using The Assignment to disrupt hate, bias and antisemitism' (2023), English Teaching [online]
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Küntzel, M., 'Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War against Israel and the Aftershocks of World War II' (2023), London: Routledge
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Kushner, T., 'Anti-Semitism in Britain: Continuity and the absence of a resurgence?' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.434-449
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LaFreniere Tamez, H.D., Anastasio, N. & Perliger, A., 'Explaining the Rise of Antisemitism in the United States' (2023), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Lange, A., Mayerhofer, K., Porat, D. & Schiffman, L.H. (Eds.), 'Confronting antisemitism in modern media, the legal and political worlds (Volume 5 of An End to Antisemitism!)' (2021), Berlin: De Gruyter
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Leets, L., 'Experiencing hate speech: Perceptions and responses to Anti-Semitism and Antigay speech' (2002), Journal of Social Issues, 58(2), pp.341-361
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Liebe, U., Hundeshagen, C., Beyer, H. & Cramon-Taubadel, S.V., 'Context effects and the temporal stability of stated preferences' (2016), Social Science Research, 60, pp.135-147
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Lucassen, L. & Stremmelaar, A., 'Antisemitism and Immigration in Western Europe Today: is there a connection? The case of the Netherlands' (2018), Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), Berlin & Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London
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Mandal, M. & Das, P. (Eds.), 'Holocaust vs. Popular Culture: Interrogating Incompatibility and Universalization' (2023), London: Routledge
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Mann, B., 'A Look at Religious-Based Hate Crimes' (2021), Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
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Martiniello, M. & Sacco, M., 'Antisemitism and immigration in Western Europe today: Is there a connection? The case of Belgium' (2018), Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), Berlin & Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London
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Mayer, N. & Druez, E., 'Antisemitism and immigration in Western Europe today: Is there a connection? The case of France' (2018), Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), Berlin & Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London
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McCarthy, K., 'Discussing Auschwitz, scholarly integrity and governmental revisionism: A case study in academic intimidation' (2016), Journal of Hate Studies, 13(1), pp. 85-113
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McIlroy-Young, R., Anderson, A., 'From “Welcome New Gabbers” to the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting: The Evolution of Gab' (2019), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2019, pp. 651-654
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McKinney, S.J., 'The need for dialogue in the strategies to combat Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in contemporary Scotland' (2017), in R. Race (Eds) Advancing Multicultural Dialogues in Education (pp.177-194). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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McNamara, L., 'History, memory and judgment: Holocaust denial, the history wars and law’s problems with the past' (2004), Sydney Law Review, 26(3), pp.353-394
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Meer, N., 'Racialization and religion: Race, culture and difference in the study of antisemitism and Islamophobia' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.385-398
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Mestrum, N. & van der Bas, P., 'Monitor antisemitische incidenten in Nederland 2017' (2018), CIDI - Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israel
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Metz, A., 'Leopoldo Lugones and the Jews: The contradictions of Argentine nationalism' (1992), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 15(1), pp.36-60
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Milanović, A., 'Antisemitism Online: History’s Oldest Hatred and New Media Challenges | [Antisemitizam onlajn: najstarija mržnja u istoriji i novi medijski izazovi]' (2022), Filozofija i Drustvo, 33(3), pp. 567-582
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Mills, C.E., 'A Common Target: Anti-Jewish Hate Crime in New York City Communities, 1995-2010' (2020), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Moses, A.D., 'Paranoia and partisanship: Genocide studies, Holocaust historiography, and the ‘apocalyptic conjuncture’' (2011), The Historical Journal, 54(2), pp.553-583
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Motta, G., 'Nationalism and Anti-Semitism in an Independent Romania' (2019), Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 8(2), pp. 14-26
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Musial, B., 'Jewish resistance in Poland’s Eastern borderlands during the Second World War, 1939-1941' (2006), Patterns of Prejudice, 38(4), pp.371-382
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Nemes, I., 'Antisemitic hostility' (1997), in Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. & Tomsen, S. (eds.) Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Sydney: Hawkins Press.


Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 'Understanding Anti-Semitic hate crimes and addressing the security needs of Jewish communities: A practical guide' (2017)
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Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 'Words into action to address anti-Semitism' (2016), OSCE ODIHR
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OSCE, 'Seminar: Turning words into action to address anti-Semitism, intolerance and discrimination' (2016), Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
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OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), 'Holocaust Memorial Days: An overview of remembrance and education in the OSCE region' (2018)
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Ozalp, S., Williams, M.L., Burnap, P., Liu, H. & Mostafa, M., 'Antisemitism on Twitter: Collective Efficacy and the Role of Community Organisations in Challenging Online Hate Speech' (2020), Social Media and Society, 6(2)
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Paci, D., 'Public Historians, Social Media, and Hate Speech: The French Case' (2022), in A. Schwan & T. Thomson (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Digital and Public Humanities (pp. 481-499), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Parfitt, T., 'Hybrid Hate: Jews, Blacks, and the Question of Race' (2020), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Pawlikowski, J.T., 'Religion as hatred: Antisemitism as a case study' (2004), Journal of Hate Studies, 3(1), pp. 37-48
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Phillips, J., 'South African Human Rights Commission obo South African Jewish Board of Deputies v Masuku: The rejection of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition' (2023), South African Journal on Human Rights [online]
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Pittinsky, T.L., 'Backtalk: Educate, don’t erase' (2022), Phi Delta Kappan, 104(2), pp. 66-67
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Porat, D. (Ed.), 'Kantor Center Antisemitism Report 2016' (2016), Tel Aviv University
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Poulton, E., 'Towards understanding: Antisemitism and the contested uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football' (2016), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(11), pp.1981-2001
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Poulton, E., '“What have 6 million dead people got to do with football?”: How Anglo-Jewish football supporters experience and respond to antisemitism and “banter”' (2023), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Poulton, E. & Durell, O., 'Uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fandom: A case study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club' (2016), International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51(6), pp.715-734
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Priego, A., 'The European strategy against anti-Semitism and support for Jewish life. EU reaction to neo anti-Semitism | [La estrategia europea contra el antisemitismo y apoyo a la vida judía. La reacción de la UE al neo-antisemitismo]' (2022), Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, (67), pp. 95-135
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Rabrenovic, G., 'Introduction: Responding to hate violence: New challenges and solutions' (2007), American Behavioral Scientist, 51(2), pp.143-148
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Rajal, E., 'Education Against Antisemitism? Possibilities and Limitations for Antisemitism-Critical Educational Work [Mit Bildung Gegen Antisemitismus? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen Antisemitismuskritischer Bildungsarbeit]' (2018), SWS–Rundschau, 58(2), pp. 132-152
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Rathje, J., 'Driven by Conspiracies: The Justification of Violence among “Reichsbürger” and Other Conspiracy-Ideological Sovereignists in Contemporary Germany' (2022), Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(6), pp. 49-61
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Renshaw, D., 'Prejudice and paranoia: A comparative study of antisemitism and Sinophobia in turn-of-the-century Britain' (2016), Patterns of Prejudice, 50(1), pp.38-60
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Rich, D., 'Global antisemitism' (2014), in Hall, N., Corb, A., Giannasi, P. & Grieve, J. (eds.) (2014) The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime. London: Routledge

Rodriguez, M.L., 'Research ethics and evolving perspectives in holocaust studies: A riveting exploration of the quicksands in shoah research' (2024), in J. Chowdhury, K. Vadevelu, Z. Hatta, M. Ashraf, & A. Bhaumik (Eds.) Reviving and Re-Writing Ethics in Social Research for Commoning the Community (pp. 126–138), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Rose, S., 'Developing solvability strategies for anti-Semitic and Islamophobic crime; An exploratory analysis' (2017), Selwyn College, Master's Thesis

Rose, S., 'From Antisemitism to anti-Muslim racism: The evolving face of the far-right in Poland' (2017), London: Faith Matters
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Rosenfeld , A.H., 'The longest hatred renewed: A tribute to Robert Wistrich' (2017), Antisemitism Studies, 1(1), pp.1-14
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Samson, M.G.M., 'White Noise and Unnecessary Evil: Balancing Security and Community in Synagogues' (2021), Contemporary Jewry [online]
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