Publications: Antisemitic hate crime


Scheitle, C., Mabute-Louie, B., Ferguson, J., Hawkins, E. & Ecklund, E.H., 'Fear of Religious Hate Crime Victimization and the Residual Effects of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia' (2023), Social Forces, 101(4), pp. 2059-2086
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Schilling, C.L., 'The therapized antisemite: The myth of psychology and the evasion of responsibility' (2024), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
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Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, 'Government response to Home Affairs Committee report: “Anti-Semitism in the UK”' (2016)
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Seijbel, J., van Sterkenburg, J. & Oonk, G., 'Expressing rivalry online: antisemitic rhetoric among Dutch football supporters on Twitter' (2022), Soccer and Society [online]
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Seijbel, J., van Sterkenburg, J. & Spaaij, R., 'Online Football-Related Antisemitism in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Method Analysis of the Dutch Twittersphere' (2022), American Behavioral Scientist [online]
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Staetsky, L.D., 'Antisemitism in contemporary Great Britain: A study of attitudes towards Jews and Israel' (2017), Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR)
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Staetsky, L.D. & Boyd, J., 'The exceptional case? Perceptions and experiences of Antisemitism among Jews in the United Kingdom' (2014), Institute for Jewish Policy Research.
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Stoppacher, T., 'A time of upheaval in an anti-Semitic environment – the representation of the Jewish population in Austria in the parliamentary debates from 1917-1919' (2016), Jewish Culture and History, 17(3), pp.217-232
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Sundberg, K.W., Mitchell, L.M. & Levinson, D., 'Health, Religiosity and Hatred: A Study of the Impacts of COVID-19 on World Jewry' (2022), Journal of Religion and Health [online]
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Szejnmann, C.-C.W., Mills, G., Griffiths, J. & Niven, B., 'Diversity and difference. Changing people’s attitudes and behaviours through a school and community based Holocaust education project' (2018), in C.-C.W. Szejnmann, P. Cowan & J. Griffiths (Eds.), Holocaust education in primary schools in the twenty-first century. The Holocaust and its contexts (pp.145-164). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
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Tainturier, B., de Dampierre, C. & Cardon, D., 'Measuring the anti-Semitic imprint on YouTube │ Mesurer l’empreinte antisémite sur YouTube' (2023), BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 160(1), pp. 71–98
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Tal, D. & Gordon, A., 'Antisemitism and Islamophobia: What does a bibliometric study reveal' (2018), Scientometrics
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Tartakoff, L.Y., 'Synagogues, cemeteries, and frontiers: Anti-Semitism in Switzerland' (2017), Society, 54(1), pp.56-63
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The European Network Against Racism, 'Antisemitism in Europe: Recent developments' (2017)
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Trujillo, M., Gruppi, M., Buntain, C. & Horne, B.D., 'What Is BitChute?: Characterizing the “FreeSpeech” Alternative to YouTube' (2020), Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2020, pp. 139-140
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Tworek, H.J.S., 'Fighting Hate with Speech Law: Media and German Visions of Democracy' (2021), Journal of Holocaust Research, 35(2), pp. 106-122
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UNESCO, OSCE & ODIHR, 'Addressing Anti-Semitism through education – Guidelines for policymakers' (2018)
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Van Schenck, R., 'Deplatforming “the people”: media populism, racial capitalism, and the regulation of online reactionary networks' (2023), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Vergani, M., Goodhardt, D., Link, R., Adamczyk A., Freilich, J.D. & Chermak, S., 'When and How Does Anti-Semitism Occur? the Different Trigger Mechanisms Associated with Different Types of Criminal and Non-Criminal Hate Incidents' (2021),
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Vernikoff, L., Morvay, J.K. & Kolman, J., 'Where Is Antisemitism in Teacher Preparation? An Exploration of the Perspectives and Practices of Equity-Oriented Teacher Educators' (2022), Equity and Excellence in Education [online]
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Von Sikorski, C. & Merz, P., 'No-go zone for Jews? Examining how news on anti-Semitic attacks increases victim blaming' (2023), Communications [online]
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Waller, J., 'Perpetrators of genocide: An explanatory model of extraordinary human evil' (2002), Journal of Hate Studies, 1 (1), pp. 5-22
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Weaver, S., 'A rhetoric discourse analysis of online anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic jokes' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.483-499
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Weitzman, M., Williams, R.J. & Wald, J. (Eds.), 'The Routledge History of Antisemitism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Whine, M., 'Can the European agencies combat Antisemitism effectively?' (2018), Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs [online], pp.1-11
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Whine, M., 'The Community Security Trust – Best practice in combating antisemitic hate' (2011), Journal of Hate Studies, 9(1), pp. 113-126
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Whine, M., 'Applying the working definition of Antisemitism' (2018), Justice, 61, pp.9-16
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Whine, M., 'Countering Holocaust Denial in the Twenty-First Century' (2020), Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs [online]
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Whine, M., 'Combating Antisemitism in Europe' (2014), Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 8(1), pp.81-94
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Whine, M., 'Improving legal and other protections for Europe’s Jews' (2017), Justice, 59
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White, R.S., 'Antisemitism: A psychoanalytic theory' (2023), International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies [online]
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Wieviorka, M., 'Europe facing evil: Xenophobia, racism, Anti-Semitism and terrorism' (2018), in M. Castells, O. Bouin, J. Caraça, G. Cardoso, J. Thompson & M. Wieviorka, Europe's crisis (Chapter 9). Cambridge: Polity Press.

Wigerfelt, A. & Wigerfelt, B., 'Media images and experiences of being a Jew in the Swedish city of Malmö' (2016), SAGE Open, 6(1), pp.1-14
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Wodak, R., 'The Radical Right and Antisemitism' (2018), In J. Rydgren (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right (pp.61-85). New York, NY: Oxford University Press

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