Publications: Disablist hate crime


Alhaboby, Z. A., al-Khateeb, H. M., Barnes, J. & Short, E., 'The language is disgusting and they refer to my disability’: The cyberharassment of disabled people' (2016), Disability & Society, 31(8), pp.1138-1143
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Alhaboby, Z., Barnes, J., Evans, H. & Short, E. , 'Challenges facing online research: Experiences from research concerning cyber-victimisation of people with disabilities' (2017), Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 11(1), pp.1-16
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Alhaboby, Z.A., Al-Khateeb, H.M., Barnes, J., Jahankhani H., Pitchford M., Conradie, L. & Short, E., 'Cyber-Disability Hate Cases in the UK: The Documentation by the Police and Potential Barriers to Reporting' (2021), Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, pp. 123-133
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Alhaboby, Z.A., Barnes, J., Evans, H. & Short, E., 'Cybervictimization of Adults With Long-term Conditions: Cross-sectional Study' (2023), Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e39933
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Balderston, S., 'Victimized again? Intersectionality and injustice in disabled women’s lives after hate crime and rape' (2013), Advances in Gender Research, 18, pp.17-51
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Balderston, S. & Roebuck, E., 'Empowering people to tackle hate crime: Trans women and disabled people working together with victim services in North East England' (2010), Equality and Human Rights Commission, Gay Advice Darlington and Durham Victim Support & Vision Sense.
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Barber, C., 'Disability discrimination should not be tolerated' (2012), British Journal of Nursing, 21(22), p.1302
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Beadle-Brown, J., Richardson, L., Guest, C., Malovic, A., Bradshaw, J. & Himmerich, J., 'Living in fear: Better outcomes for people with learning disabilities and autism' (2014), Canterbury: Tizard Centre, University of Kent.
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Bennett, A., 'Livestreamed hate crime against disabled man prompts national outrage' (2017), Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 9(4), pp.47-52
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Bones, P.D.C., 'Perceptions of vulnerability: A target characteristics approach to disability, gender, and victimization' (2012), Deviant Behaviour, 34(9), pp.727-750
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Brereton, S., 'Living in a different world: Joint review of disability hate crime' (2013), Probation Journal, 60(3), pp.345-346
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Bufkin, J.L., 'Bias crime as gendered behavior' (1999), Social Justice, 26(1), pp.155-176
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Burch, L., '‘We shouldn’t be told to shut up, we should be told we can speak out’: Reflections on using arts-based methods to research disability hate crime' (2021), Qualitative Social Work [online]
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Burch, L., '‘You are a parasite on the productive classes’: Online disablist hate speech in austere times' (2017), Disability & Society [online], pp.1-24
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Burch, L., '‘I haven’t got anywhere safe’: disabled people’s experiences of hate and violence within the home' (2023), Social and Cultural Geography [online]
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Byrd, M.Y. & Scott, C.L. (Eds.), 'Diversity in the Workforce: Current Issues and Emerging Trends' (2024), New York: Routledge
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Capewell, C., Ralph, S. & Bonnett, L., 'The continuing violence towards disabled people' (2015), Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
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Carr, S., Holley, J., Hafford-Letchfield, T. & Faulkner, A., 'Mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and hostility and help-seeking in the UK: A scoping review' (2017), Global Mental Health, 4
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Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J., 'Hate crime: Impact, causes and responses' (2009), UK: SAGE Publications

Chaplin, E. & Mukhopadhyay, S., 'ASD and hate crime' (2017), Advances in Autism
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Chaplin, E. & Mukhopadhyay, S., 'Autism spectrum disorder and hate crime' (2018), Advances in Autism, 4(1), pp.30-36
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Clement, S., Brohan, E., Sayce, L., Pool, J. & Thornicroft, G., 'Disability hate crime and targeted violence and hostility: A mental health and discrimination perspective' (2011), Journal of Mental Health, 20(3), pp.219-225
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Coleman, N. & Sykes, W., 'Crime and disabled people: Measures of disability-related harassment' (2016), Equality and Human Rights Commission, Research report 103
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Cranmer, S., 'Disabled Children’s Recreational Uses of Digital Technologies in the Context of Children’s Digital Rights' (2024), in A.E. Beckett & A.-M. Callus (Eds.) The Lives of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities (pp. 105–125), London: Routledge
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Criminal Justice Joint Inspection, 'Living in a different world: Joint review of disability hate crime' (2013), London: HMCPSI, HMIC, HMI Probation
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Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, Police Scotland, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, Scottish Prison Service, Scottish Legal Aid Board, The Law Society of Scotland & The Scottish Government, 'Criminal justice disability project – Final report' (2018)
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Deal, M., 'Aversive Disablism: Subtle prejudice toward disabled people' (2007), Disability and Society, 22(1), pp.93-107
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Díaz-Faes, D.A., Codina, M. & Pereda, N., 'Experiences of Bias Victimization Among People With Intellectual Disabilities' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Digranes, E., 'Disabled justice: A qualitative case study on barriers to registration of disability hate crime within the Norwegian criminal justice system' (2016)
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Disability Rights Commission, 'Hate crime against disabled people in Scotland: A survey report' (2004)
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Do Nascimento Souza, K., Vicente Silva, A., Ferreira, R. & Do Espírito Santo, T.B., '“For us who are black, everything is more difficult”. Cartography of a black woman in psychological distress | “Pra nós que somos negras, tudo é mais difícil”. Cartografia de uma mulher negra em sofrimento psíquico' (2023), Physis, 33, e33070
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Doherty, G., 'Do mates hate? A framing of the theoretical position of mate crime and an assessment of its practical impact' (2015), Journal of Adult Protection, 17(5), pp.296-307
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Doherty, G., 'Prejudice, Friendship and the Abuse of Disabled People: An Exploration Into the Concept of Exploitative Familiarity (‘Mate Crime’)' (2017), Disability and Society [online]
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Edwards, C., 'Pathologising the victim: Law and the construction of people with disabilities as victims of crime in Ireland' (2014), Disability & Society, 29(5), pp.685-698
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Emerson, E., 'Book review (Disability, hate crime and violence)' (2014), Disability & Society, 29(3), pp.495-496

Emerson, E. & Roulstone, A, 'Developing an evidence base for violent and disablist hate crime in Britain: Findings from the Life Opportunities Survey' (2014), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(17), pp.3086-3104
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Equality and Human Rights Commission, 'Hidden in plain sight: Inquiry into disability-related harassment' (2011)
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Erasmus, N., 'Age discrimination in critical care triage in South Africa: The law and the allocation of scarce health resources in the COVID-19 pandemic' (2020), South African Medical Journal, 110(12), pp. 1172-1175
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Farpón, C.R. & Carrión, N.N., 'An analysis of the viral challenge “A scholarship for sorrow” and its impact on the group of people with disabilities | Las redes sociales como espacios de representación: Un análisis del reto viral “Una beca por pena” y su impacto en el colectivo de personas con discapacidad' (2024), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 30(1), pp. 223–232
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Forster, S. & Pearson, A., '“Bullies Tend to Be Obvious”: Autistic Adults Perceptions of Friendship and the Concept of ‘Mate Crime’' (2019), Disability and Society [online]
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García-Prieto, V., Bonilla-Del-río, M. & Figuereo-Benítez, J.C., 'Disability, hate speech and social media: video replies to haters on TikTok | Discapacidad, discursos de odio y redes sociales: video-respuestas a los haters en TikTok' (2024), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2024(82), pp. 1–21
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Garland, J., 'Difficulties in defining hate crime victimization' (2012), International Review of Victimology, 18(1), pp.25-37
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Gillen, S., 'Targets of hate crime' (2007), Community Care, 1692, pp.28-29

Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'Examining the boundaries of hate crime law: Disabilities and the “dilemma of difference”' (2001), The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-), 91(3), pp.653-598
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Habrat, D., 'Protection of human dignity as a basis for penalization of hate speech against people with disabilities in polish criminal law | [Ochrona godności człowieka jako podstawa penalizacji mowy nienawiści wobec osób z niepełnosprawnosciami w polskim prawie karnym]' (2021), Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 30(4), pp. 259-279
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Hall, E., 'A critical geography of disability hate crime' (2018), Area [online], pp.1-8
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Hall, E., 'Enhancing Police Scotland’s response to disability hate crime' (2017), Scottish Institute for Policing Research, Annual Report for 2016, pp.31-32
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Hall, E. & Bates, E., 'Hatescape? A relational geography of disability hate crime, exclusion and belonging in the city' (2019), Geoforum
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Hall, E., Clayton, J. & Donovan, C. (Eds.), 'Landscapes of Hate: Tracing Spaces, Relations and Responses' (2022), Bristol: Bristol University Press
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Hall, K. & Gorman, S., 'Hate crime: An activist physical disability perspective' (2017), in A. Haynes, J. Schweppe, & S. Taylor (Eds.), Critical perspectives on hate crime (pp.243-251). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
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