Publications: Feminism and hate crime


Afshar, H., 'Can I see your hair? Choice, agency and attitudes: The dilemma of faith and feminism for Muslim women who cover' (2008), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), pp.411-427
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Albelda, J.S. & Infantes, A.T., 'The Socio-ideological Basis of Misogynistic Hate Speech: A quantitative reading of Valencian men | A base ideológico-social do discurso de ódio misógino: uma leitura quantitativa dos homens valencianos' (2023), Ex Aequo, (48), pp. 107–124
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Angelari, M., 'Hate crime statutes: A promising tool for fighting violence against women' (1994), American University Journal of Gender and the Law, (2), pp.63-105
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ardson-Self, L., 'Woman-Hating: On Misogyny, Sexism, and Hate Speech' (2018), Hypatia 33(2), pp. 256-272
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Ault, A., 'When it happens to men, it’s “hate” and “a crime”' (1997), Journal of Poverty, 1(1), pp.49-63
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Bacon, H., 'Embodying a Different Word about Fat: The Need for Critical Feminist Theologies of Fat Liberation' (2023), Religions, 14(6), 696
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Baehr, A.R., 'A feminist liberal approach to hate crime legislation' (2003), Journal of Social Philosophy, 34(1), pp.134-152
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Balderston, S., 'Victimized again? Intersectionality and injustice in disabled women’s lives after hate crime and rape' (2013), Advances in Gender Research, 18, pp.17-51
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Barát, E., 'Paradoxes of the Right-Wing Sexual/Gender Politics in Hungary: Right-Wing Populism and the Ban of Gender Studies' (2022), Global Queer Politics, pp. 173-199
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Barcellona, M., 'Incel violence as a new terrorism threat: A brief investigation between Alt-Right and Manosphere dimensions' (2022), Sortuz, 11(2), pp. 170-186
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Berger-Correa, B., Ringrose, J., Xie, X. & Cambazoglu, I., 'Mapping affective circuits of a Twitter trolling attack against feminist arts-based pedagogy during the COVID-19 global pandemic' (2022), International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education [online]
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Bjork-James, S. & Barla, J., 'A Climate of Misogyny: Gender, Politics of Ignorance, and Climate Change Denial–An Interview with Katharine Hayhoe' (2022), Australian Feminist Studies [online]
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Blanco-Alfonso, I., Rodríguez-Fernández, L. & Arce-García, S., 'Polarization and hate speech with gender bias associated with politics: analysis of interactions on Twitter | [Polarización y discurso de odio con sesgo de género asociado a la política: análisis de las interacciones en Twitter]' (2022), Revista de Comunicacion, 21(2), pp. 33-50
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Boyle, K. & Berridge, S. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence' (2023), London: Routledge
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Chan, E., 'Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, Hate Speech, and Terrorism: A Risk Assessment on the Rise of the Incel Rebellion in Canada' (2022), Violence Against Women [online]
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Chen, K., 'Including gender in bias crime statutes: Feminist and evolutionary perspectives' (1997), William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law, 3(1), pp.277-328
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Cohen-Almagor, R., 'Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism' (2021), New York & Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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Dej, E. & Kilty, J., '“Die alone, old, and let the cat eat your face”: anti-feminist backlash and academic cyber-harassment' (2023), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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del Olmo Campillo, G., 'Uncomfortable feminisms: The figure of the killjoy by Sara Ahmed' (2024), Asparkia, 44
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Dickel, V. & Evolvi, G., '“Victims of feminism”: exploring networked misogyny and #MeToo in the manosphere' (2022), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Dilkes, J., 'Rule 1: Remember the human. A socio-cognitive discourse study of a Reddit forum banned for promoting hate based on identity' (2023), Discourse and Society [online]
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Döring, N. & Mohseni, M.R., 'Fail Videos and Related Video Comments on YouTube: A Case of Sexualization of Women and Gendered Hate Speech?' (2019), Communication Research Reports, 36(3), pp. 254-264
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Döring, N. & Schumann-Doermer, C., 'Publicly Sharing Personal Abortion Experiences: Between Empowerment and Disempowerment | Öffentliches Sprechen über persönliche Abtreibungserfahrungen: Zwischen Empowerment und Disempowerment' (2023), Zeitschrift fur Sexualforschung, 36(4), pp. 223–232
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Dragotto, F., Giomi, E. & Melchiorre, S.M., 'Putting Women Back in Their Place. Reflections on Slut-Shaming, The Case Asia Argento and Twitter in Italy' (2020), International Review of Sociology [online]
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Durántez-Stolle, P., Martínez-Sanz, R., Piñeiro-Otero, T. & Gómez-García, S., 'Feminism as a polarizing axis of the political conversation on Twitter: the case of #IreneMonteroDimision | El feminismo como eje polarizador de la conversación política en Twitter. El caso de #IreneMonteroDimision' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(6), e320607
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Elliot, P., 'Engaging trans debates on gender variance: A feminist analysis' (2009), Sexualities, 12(1), pp.5-32
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Engstrand, Å.-K., 'Managing the manosphere: The limits of responsibility for government social media adoption' (2024), Government Information Quarterly, 41(1), 101909
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Eslen-Ziya, H., 'Establishing networked misogyny as a counter movement: The analysis of the online anti-Istanbul convention presence' (2022), Convergence [online]
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Esposito, E. & KhosraviNik, M. (Eds.), 'Discourse in the Digital Age: Social Media, Power, and Society' (2023), London: Routledge
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Faniyi, O., 'Unpredictable digital intimacies and virtual backstabbing: the feminist coalition’s political effect in Nigeria' (2024), Communication, Culture and Critique, 17(2), pp. 137–145
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Gallagher, M. & Vega Montiel, A. (Eds.), 'The Handbook of Gender, Communication, and Women’s Human Rights' (2023), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell
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Gill, K. & Mason-Bish, H., 'Addressing violence against women as a form of hate crime: Limitations and possibilities' (2013), Feminist Review, 105(1), pp.1-20
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guizzo, G. & Alldred, P., 'Tackling Gender-Related Violence: How Can Theory Inform International Professional Education Projects?' (2024), Social Sciences, 13(1), 61
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Guntarik, O. & Grieve-Williams, V. (Eds.), 'From Sit-Ins to #revolutions: Media and the Changing Nature of Protests' (2024), New York: Bloomsbury
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Hardaker, C. & McGlashan, M., '“Real men don’t hate women”: Twitter rape threats and group identity' (2015), Journal of Pragmatics, 91, pp.80-93
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Hart, G., Huber, A. & Littler, M., '“Boys who hate girls, who hate boys, who hate girls”: A quantitative exploration of the relationship between misogyny, socio-political outlook, and support for violence in Europe' (2023), in E. Orofino & W. Allchorn (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism: Groups, Perspectives and New Debates (pp. 51-65), London: Routledge
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Hodge, J.P, 'Gendered hate: Exploring gender in hate crime law' (2011), Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press


Iturriaga, N., Panofsky, A. & Dasgupta, K., 'Feminist retroviruses to white Sharia: Gender “science fan fiction” on 4Chan' (2024), Public Understanding of Science [online]
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Kadiwal, L., 'Critical feminist resistance to the politics of hate in India' (2023), Globalisation, Societies and Education [online]
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Khosravi Ooryad, S., 'Alt-right and authoritarian memetic alliances: global mediations of hate within the rising Farsi manosphere on Iranian social media' (2023), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Khosravi-Ooryad, S., 'Memeing back at misogyny: emerging meme-feminism, visual tactics, and aesthetic world-building on Iranian social media' (2024), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Lacalle, C., 'The Otherless Other: The Misogyny Passions of Spanish Manosphere | [The Otherless Other: Las Pasiones Misóginas De La Manosfera Española]' (2023), Signa, 32, pp. 41-53
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Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B. & Vicent-Ibáñez, M., 'Misogyny and the construction of toxic masculinity in the Spanish Manosphere (' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(2), e320215
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Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B., Vicent-Ibáñez, M. & Narvaiza, S., '‘Seals’, ‘bitches’, ‘vixens’, and other zoomorphic insults: the animalisation of women as an expression of misogyny in the Spanish Manosphere' (2024), Cogent Arts and Humanities, 11(1), 2298056
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Lacalle, C., Jiménez, V.M. & Hernández, D.E., 'The Anti-Feminism of The Spanish Radical-Right on Twitter Around 8m | [EL ANTIFEMINISMO DE LA ULTRADERECHA ESPAÑOLA EN TWITTER EN TORNO AL 8M]' (2023), Prisma Social, 40, pp. 358-376
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Libby, C., 'Sympathy, Fear, Hate Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism and Evangelical Christianity' (2022), Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9(3), pp. 425-442
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Lindsay, A., 'Swallowing the Black Pill: Involuntary Celibates’ (Incels) Anti-Feminism within Digital Society' (2022), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 11(1), pp. 210-224
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Lo, B., 'Anti-Asian Violence and Abolition Feminism as Asian American Feminist Praxis' (2023), Feminist Formations, 35(1), pp. 221–239
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Loewen Walker, R., 'Call it misogyny' (2022), Feminist Theory [online]
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Marolla-Gajardo, J. & Castellví-Mata, J., 'Transform hate speech in education from gender perspectives. Conceptions of Chilean teachers through a case study' (2023), Frontiers in Education, 8, 1267690
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