Publications: Media and hate crime


Buoncompagni, G., 'The Perception of Anti-Semitic Hatred in the Italian Media and Justice System' (2023), Fieldwork in Religion, 18(2), pp. 184–199
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Caldevilla-Domínguez, D., Barrientos-Báez, A. & Padilla-Castillo, G., 'Dilemmas Between Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech: Russophobia on Facebook and Instagram in the Spanish Media' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 147-159
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Cámara, M., 'Hate Speech. An Installation and Three Hypotheses | Discurso de ódio. Uma instalação e três hipóteses' (2023), Cuadernos de Literatura, 27
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Cameron-Gardos, P., 'The brotherhood of hate: Hyper-masculinity, same-sex desire and far-right identity in Brotherhood' (2022), DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, 9(2), pp. 41–53
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Capewell, C., Ralph, S. & Bonnett, L., 'The continuing violence towards disabled people' (2015), Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
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Carlson, C.R. & Terry, C., 'The Devil’s in the Details: How Countries’ Defamation Laws Can (and Can’t) Combat Hate Speech' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Celuch, M., Latikka, R., Oksa, R. & Oksanen, A., 'Online Harassment and Hate Among Media Professionals: Reactions to One’s Own and Others’ Victimization' (2023), Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly [online]
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Charitidis, P., Doropoulos, S., Vologiannidis, S., Papastergiou, I. & Karakeva, S., 'Towards Countering Hate Speech Against Journalists on Social Media' (2020), Online Social Networks and Media, 17, 100071
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Chiluwa, I., Taiwo, R. & Ajiboye, E., 'Hate Speech and Political Media Discourse in Nigeria: The Case of the Indigenous People of Biafra' (2020), International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 16(2), pp. 191-212
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Chovanec, J., '‘Re-educating the Roma? You must be joking..’: Racism and prejudice in online discussion' (2021), Discourse and Society, 32(2), pp. 156-174
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Cisneros, J.D. & Nakayama, T.K., 'New media, old racisms: Twitter, Miss America, and cultural logics of race' (2015), Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 8(2), pp.108-127
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Civila, S., Romero-Rodríguez, L.M. & Aguaded, I., 'Symbolic-discursive violence and new media: An epistemological perspective' (2021), Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 13(1), pp. 43-61
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Clevenger, S., Kelley, S., & Ratajczak, K. (Eds.), 'Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience (1st edition)' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Coatney, C., 'Don’t feed the trolls? Emerging journalism practices for fighting anti-Semitism' (2021), Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, 13(1), pp. 62-78
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Cockbain, E. & Tufail, W., 'Failing Victims, Fuelling Hate: Challenging the Harms of the ‘Muslim Grooming Gangs’ Narrative' (2019), Race and Class [online]
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Collins, R.E., 'The construction of race and crime in Canadian print media: A 30-year analysis' (2014), Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14(1), pp.77-99
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Colomb, W. & Damphousse, K., 'Examination of newspaper coverage of hate crimes: A moral panic perspective' (2004), American Journal of Criminal Justice, 28(2), pp.147-163
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Corral, A., De Coninck, D., Mertens, S. & d’Haenens, L., 'Gauging the Media Discourse and the Roots of Islamophobia Awareness in Spain' (2023), Religions, 14(8), 1019
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Cowls, J. & Ma, C., 'The Internet’s Town Square? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Parler’s “Past Imaginary”' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(2)
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Crichlow, W. & Lauricella, S., 'An analysis of anti-Black crime reporting in Toronto: Evidence from news frames and critical race theory' (2018), in M. Bhatia, S. Poynting & W. Tufail (Eds), Media, Crime and Racism. Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture (pp.301-316). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Damčević, K., '“Ready for the Homeland” in Croatian media: Commemorations, victory, and foundation | [„Kodumaa eest valmis“Horvaatia meedias. Mälestamine, võit ja vundament]' (2023), Sign Systems Studies, 51(1), pp. 36-72
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Daudi, I., 'Islamophobia and the west: The making of a violent civilization' (2022), London: Routledge
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de Bartolomé Rincón, I.M. & Martín, B.R., 'Analysis of Media Discourse and Social Audiences on Refugees in the Conflict in Ukraine' (2022), Tripodos, (53), pp. 1–16
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De Bartolomé Rincón, I.M. & Rivera-Martín, B., 'Hate speech against the LGTBIQ+ community and its representation in Veneno series | [DISCURSO DE ODIO CONTRA EL COLECTIVO LGTBIQ: REPRESENTACIÓN EN LA SERIE VENENO]' (2022), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 9
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de Frutos, S.V., 'A Sinophobia Analysis of Hate and Offensive Speeches against the Chinese Collective on Twitter: From Implicit to Explicit Cultural Rejection | Discurso odioso e ofensivo na rede social Twitter à comunidade chinesa Análise da sinofobia: da rejeição cultural encoberta à explícita' (2024), Anuario Electronico de Estudios en Comunicacion Social Disertaciones, 17(1)
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del Olmo Campillo, G., 'Uncomfortable feminisms: The figure of the killjoy by Sara Ahmed' (2024), Asparkia, 44
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Di Nubila, K., Ballesteros-herencia, C.A., Etura, D. & Martín-jiménez, V., 'Technopopulism and Politainment in Brazil: Bolsonaro Government’s Weekly YouTube Broadcasts' (2023), Media and Communication, 11(2), pp. 137-147
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Dias, T., 'Limits on Information Operations Under International Law' (2023), International Conference on Cyber Conflict, CYCON, 2023-May, pp. 345–363
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Domínguez-Armas, Á., Soria-Ruiz, A. & Lewiński, M., 'Provocative Insinuations as Hate Speech: Argumentative Functions of Mentioning Ethnicity in Headlines' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Dori-Hacohen, S. & Hale, S.A., 'Information Ecosystem Threats in Minoritized Communities: Challenges, Open Problems and Research Directions' (2022), SIGIR 2022 - Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 3384-3385
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Dorđević, J.P., 'The Sociocognitive Dimension of Hate Speech in Readers’ Comments on Serbian News Websites' (2020), Discourse, Context and Media, 33
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Dosser, M., 'When Puppies start to hate: the revanchist nostalgia of the Hugo Awards’ PuppyGate controversy' (2023), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies [online]
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Dunbar, E. & Molina, A., 'Opposition to the legitimacy of hate crime laws: The role of argument acceptance, knowledge, individual differences, and peer influence' (2004), Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 4(1), pp.91-113
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Dunn, K.M., Klocker, N. & Salabay, T., 'Contemporary racism and Islamophobia in Australia: Racializing religion' (2007), Ethnicities, 7(4), pp.564-589
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Ehrlich, H.J., 'Hate crimes and ethnoviolence: The history, current affairs, and future of discrimination in America' (2009), Boulder, CO: Westview Press

Enli, G., 'Populism as “Truth”: How Mediated Authenticity Strengthens the Populist Message' (2024), International Journal of Press/Politics [online]
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Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), 'Race rights in the UK – Submission to the UN Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination in advance of the public examination of the UK’s implementation of ICERD' (2016)
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Farquharson, K. & Marjoribanks, T., 'Representing Australia: Race, the media and cricket' (2006), Journal of Sociology, 42(1), pp.25-41
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Fernández Villanueva, C. & Bayarri Toscano, G., 'Legitimation of hate and political violence through memetic images: The Bolsonaro campaign' (2021), Communication and Society, 34(2), pp. 449-468
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Ferron, I., 'Dark and Violent Language: A Linguistic Analysis of Hate Speech in 19th Century Germany Based on the Works of Ernst Moritz Arndt, Otto Böckel and Wilhelm Marr | Dunkle und gewaltvolle Sprache: Eine linguistische Analyse der Hassrede in Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts anhand der Werke von Ernst Moritz Arndt, Otto Böckel und Wilhelm Marr' (2023), Aussiger Beitrage, 17, pp. 13–32
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Foody, K.M., 'Muslims in the American media: From texts to affects' (2018), Journal of Islamic Studies [online]
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Frías-Vázquez, M. & Arcila, C., 'Hate Speech Against Central American Immigrants in Mexico: Analysis of Xenophobia and Racism in Politicians, Media and Citizens’' (2019), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 956-960
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Fuentes, A.S., 'Awakening Hate, Perpetuating Oppressions: The Influence Of Mass Media In Criminal Politics About Gender Based Violences | [Despertando Odios, Perpetuando Opresiones: La Influencia De Los Medios De Comunicación En La Política Criminal De Las Violencias De Género]' (2022), Asparkia, (40), pp. 261-280
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Gallagher, M. & Vega Montiel, A. (Eds.), 'The Handbook of Gender, Communication, and Women’s Human Rights' (2023), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell
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Galpin, C. & Vernon, P., 'Post-truth politics as discursive violence: Online abuse, the public sphere and the figure of ‘the expert’' (2023), British Journal of Politics and International Relations [online]
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Gammon, T. & Phan, A.N.Q., 'Too black to be The Little Mermaid? Backlash against Disney’s 2023 The Little Mermaid–continuity of racism, white skin preference and hate content in Vietnam' (2024), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Garrett, R., 'Home is where the hate is: gender, race, class and the domestic abuse plotline in fiction and on screen' (2023), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Garz, M. & Szucs, F., 'Algorithmic selection and supply of political news on Facebook' (2023), Information Economics and Policy, 62, 101020
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Gashi, A. & Amanyraouf, S., 'Political Communication in (Post)Conflict Societies. The case of Kosovo | Comunicación política en sociedades postconflicto: el caso de Kosovo' (2023), Revista UNISCI, 2023(63), pp. 103–117
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Gerke, A.E., 'Monsters or Men?: Guillermo del Toro’s Allegories of American Othering in The Shape of Water' (2024), in P. Barba Guerrero & M. Fernández Jiménez (Eds.) American Literature Readings in the 21st Century (Part F1728) (pp. 147–169), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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