Publications: Sports and hate crime


Achondo, L., 'Musical Messaging: The Social and Anti-Social Affordances of WhatsApp in the Football Culture of the Latin American Southern Cone' (2022), Twentieth-Century Music, 19(3), pp. 517-536
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Aguerri, J.C., Santisteban, M. & Miró-Llinares, F., 'The Enemy Hates Best? Toxicity in League of Legends and Its Content Moderation Implications' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Alsagheer, D., Mansourifar, H., Dehshibi, M.M. & Shi, W., 'Detecting Hate Speech Against Athletes in Social Media' (2022), 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications, IDSTA 2022, pp. 75-81
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Blanco-Castilla, E., Fernández-Torres, M.-J. & Cano-Galindo, J., 'Disinformation and hate speech toward female sports journalists' (2022), Profesional de la Informacion, 31(6), e310613
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Bonaut, J., Vicent-Ibáñez, M. & Antonia Paz-Rebollo, M., 'Sports Journalists and Readers: Journalism and User Incivility' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Bradley, J.M., 'Sectarianism, anti-sectarianism and Scottish football' (2015), Sport in Society, 18(5), pp.588-603
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Burch, L.M., Fielding-Lloyd, B. & Hayday, E.J., '‘Get back to the kitchen, cos u talk s*** on tv’: gendered online abuse and trigger events in sport' (2023), European Sport Management Quarterly [online]
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Burdsey, D. & Gorman, S., 'When Adam met Rio: Conversations on racism, anti-racism and multiculturalism in the Australian Football League and English Premier League' (2015), Sport in Society, 18(5), pp.577-587
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Cleland, J. & Macdonald, C., 'Social media, digital technology, and masculinity in sport' (2022), in J. Sanderson (Ed.) Sport, Social Media, and Digital Technology (Research in the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 15) (pp. 49-66), Bingley: Emerald Publishing
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Deng, J., 'Race, gender and MMA fandom–imagining Asian masculinities in the online forum of the UFC fan club' (2022), Sport in Society [online]
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Evans, P., 'Football and Homosexually Themed Banter: The Disconnect between Positive Social Attitudes toward Gay People and the Use of Homophobic Language' (2024), International Journal of Sport and Society, 15(1), pp. 95–122
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Fletcher, A., 'Black Gamer’s Refuge: Finding Community within the Magic Circle of Whiteness' (2022), in E. Costa, P.G. Lange, N. Haynes & J. Sinanan (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology (pp. 368-378), London: Routledge
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Frommel, J., Mandryk, R.L. & Klarkowski, M., 'Challenges to Combating Toxicity and Harassment in Multiplayer Games: Involving the HCI Games Research Community' (2022), CHI PLAY 2022 - Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, pp. 263-265
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Gardiner, S., 'Disciplinary provisions for hate speech in football: Comparative perspectives' (2015), Sport in Society, 18(5), pp.552-564
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Hadzifejzovic, H., Morell, C., Scholberg, T., Perry, B., Jama, A., Obrien, D., McCalpin, K., McKenzie, A., Uribe-Quevedo, A., Hogue, A., Ripley, J. & Sposato, R., 'Development of a Safe Gaming and Anti-Hate Serious Game' (2023), 2023 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference, GEM 2023
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Hinchliffe, S., Marcinkiewicz, A., Curtice, J. & Ormston, R., 'Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2014: Public attitudes to sectarianism in Scotland' (2015), Scottish Government Social Research
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Huang, Y., Gao, Y. & Yang, J., '“Guarding Our National Volleyball Sheroes Against Social Media Malice”: Exploring the Rejection-Identification Process Among Chinese Women’s National Volleyball Team Fans' (2024), Communication and Sport [online]
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Kassing, J.W., Utley, I.D. & Kiourkas, S.M., '“Kicking hate out of our game”: San Diego Loyal Soccer Club’s stand against racism and homophobia' (2023), in T.L. Rentner & D.P. Burns (Eds.) Social Issues in Sport Communication: You Make the Call (pp. 75-85), New York: Routledge
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Kavanagh, E., Litchfield, C. & Osborne, J., 'Social media, digital technology and athlete abuse' (2022), in J. Sanderson (Ed.) Sport, Social Media, and Digital Technology (Research in the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 15) (pp. 185-204), Bingley: Emerald Publishing
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Kearns, C., Sinclair, G., Black, J., Doidge, M., Fletcher, T., Kilvington, D., Liston, K., Lynn, T. & Rosati, P., 'A Scoping Review of Research on Online Hate and Sport' (2022), Communication and Sport [online]
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Kick It Out & Forza Football, 'Racism in football' (2018)
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Kilvington, D. & Price, J., 'From backstage to frontstage: Exploring football and the growing problem of online abuse' (2019), in S. Lawrence & G. Crawford (Eds.), Digital football cultures: Fandom, identities and resistance (Chapter 5). Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge
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Klutse, E.K., Nuamah-Amoabeng, S., Lyu, H. & Luo, J., 'Dismantling Hate: Understanding Hate Speech Trends Against NBA Athletes' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14161 LNCS, pp. 74–84
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Kocielnik, R., Li, Z., Kann, C., Sambrano, D., Morrier, J., Linegar, M., Taylor, C., Kim, M., Naqvie, N., Soltani, F., Dehpanah, A., Cahill, G., Anandkumar, A. & Alvarez, R.M., 'Challenges in moderating disruptive player behavior in online competitive action games' (2024), Frontiers in Computer Science, 6, 1283735
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Kondor, K. & Littler, M. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Handbook of Far-Right Extremism in Europe (1st edition)' (2023), London: Routledge
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Martínez-Corcuera, R., Ginesta, X. & Frigola-Reig, J., 'Towards Normalization of Women’s Football in Spanish Sports Journalism: Analysis of 2021 UEFA Women’s Champions League Final Broadcasts' (2023), Communication and Sport [online]
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McBride, M., 'The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012 – Assessing the case for repeal' (2017), The Edinburgh Law Review, 21, pp.234-239
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Miranda, S., Gouveia, C., Di Fátima, B. & Antunes, A.C., 'Hate speech on social media: behaviour of Portuguese football fans on Facebook' (2023), Soccer and Society [online]
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Mishra, D. (Ed.), 'Cyberfeminism and Gender Violence in Social Media' (2023), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Montesinos-Cánovas, E., García-Sánchez, F., García-Díaz, J.A., Alcaraz-Mármol, G. & Valencia-García, R., 'Spanish hate-speech detection in football | Detección de odio en fútbol en español' (2023), Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, (71), pp. 15–27
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Munn, L., 'Toxic play: Examining the issue of hate within gaming' (2023), First Monday, 28(9)
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Núñez, M.O. & Poveda, S.M., 'Values and Countervalues of the Culture of Peace in Spanish Football. Virtual Environment Analysis. | [VALORES Y CONTRAVALORES DE LA CULTURA DE PAZ EN EL FÚTBOL ESPAÑOL Análisis de los entornos virtuales]' (2022), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 9
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Oliver, P. & Lusted, J., 'Discrimination cases in grass-roots sport: Comparing Australian and English experiences' (2015), Sport in Society, 18(5), pp.529-542
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Pearson, G., 'A Beautiful Law for the Beautiful Game? Revisiting the Football Offences Act 1991' (2021), Journal of Criminal Law, 85(5), pp. 362-374
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Phipps, C., '“You belong in the kitchen”: social media, virtual manhood acts, and women strength sport athletes’ experiences of gender-based violence online' (2022), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Pookpanich, P. & Siriborvornratanakul, T., 'Offensive language and hate speech detection using deep learning in football news live streaming chat on YouTube in Thailand' (2024), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14(1), 18
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Poulton, E., '“What have 6 million dead people got to do with football?”: How Anglo-Jewish football supporters experience and respond to antisemitism and “banter”' (2023), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Procopiou, A. & Piki, A., '#HerMetaverseToo-Gender-based Hate and Abuse in the Metaverse: The Case of Female Athletes' (2023), Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing, BESC 2023
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Sánchez-Sánchez, A.M., Ruiz-Muñoz, D. & Sánchez-Sánchez, F.J., 'Mapping Homophobia and Transphobia on Social Media' (2023), Sexuality Research and Social Policy [online]
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Schlegel, L. & Kowert, R. (Eds.), 'Gaming and Extremism: The Radicalization of Digital Playgrounds' (2024), New York: Routledge
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Seijbel, J., van Sterkenburg, J. & Oonk, G., 'Expressing rivalry online: antisemitic rhetoric among Dutch football supporters on Twitter' (2022), Soccer and Society [online]
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Seijbel, J., van Sterkenburg, J. & Spaaij, R., 'Online Football-Related Antisemitism in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Method Analysis of the Dutch Twittersphere' (2022), American Behavioral Scientist [online]
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Shaw, S., 'The chaos of inclusion? Examining anti-homophobia policy development in New Zealand sport' (2018), Sport Management Review [online]
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Tucker, L., '‘It’s not just about the football’: Leading social change in a Sunday league football team' (2015), Sport in Society, 18(4), pp.410-424
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Vujičić Stanković, S. & Mladenović, M., 'An approach to automatic classification of hate speech in sports domain on social media' (2023), Journal of Big Data, 10(1), 109
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Wells, G., Romhanyi, A., Reitman, J.G., Gardner, R., Squire, K. & Steinkuehler, C., 'Right-Wing Extremism in Mainstream Games: A Review of the Literature' (2023), Games and Culture [online]
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Winter, E.L., Bellara, A.P., Bray, M.A., Puhl, R.M., Kaufman, A.S., Trudel, S.M. & La Salle-Finley, T., 'Fat Phobia Among Youth Sport Coaches' (2024), Journal of Sport and Social Issues [online]
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