Publications: Cyber hate (online hate crime)


Cranmer, S., 'Disabled Children’s Recreational Uses of Digital Technologies in the Context of Children’s Digital Rights' (2024), in A.E. Beckett & A.-M. Callus (Eds.) The Lives of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities (pp. 105–125), London: Routledge
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Cripps, J. & Stermac, L., 'Cyber-sexual violence and negative emotional states among women in a Canadian University' (2018), International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 12(1), pp.171-186
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Criss, S., Nguyen, T.T., Michaels, E.K., Gee, G.C., Kiang, M.V., Nguyen, Q.C., Norton, S., Titherington, E., Nguyen, L., Yardi, I., Kim, M., Thai, N., Shepherd, A. & Kennedy, C.J., 'Solidarity and strife after the Atlanta spa shootings: A mixed methods study characterizing Twitter discussions by qualitative analysis and machine learning' (2023), Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 952069
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Cruz, R.M.O., de Sousa, W.V. & Cavalcanti, G.D.C., 'Selecting and combining complementary feature representations and classifiers for hate speech detection' (2022), Online Social Networks and Media, 28, 100194
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Cuevas-Cerveró, A., Colmenero-Ruiz, M.-J. & Martínez-Ávila, D., 'Critical information literacy as a form of information activism' (2023), Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(6), 102786
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Curry, A.C., Attanasio, G., Nozza, D. & Hovy, D., 'MilaNLP at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Ensembling Domain-Adapted and Regularized Pretrained Language Models for Robust Sexism Detection' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 2067–2074
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Czymara, C.S., Dochow-Sondershaus, S., Drouhot, L.G., Simsek, M. & Spörlein, C., 'Catalyst of hate? Ethnic insulting on YouTube in the aftermath of terror attacks in France, Germany and the United Kingdom 2014–2017' (2022), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies [online]
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D'Sa, A.G., Illina, I. & Fohr, D., 'BERT and fastText Embeddings for Automatic Detection of Toxic Speech' (2020), Proceedings of 2020 International Multi-Conference on: Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies, OCTA 2020, 9151853
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da Silva, F.L.V. & de Freitas, L.A., 'Brazilian Portuguese Hate Speech Classification using BERTimbau' (2022), Proceedings of the International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS, 35
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Dagar, M., Kajal, A. & Bhatia, P., 'Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques' (2021), 2021 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks, ISCON 2021
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Dahiya, S., Sharma, S., Sahnan, D., Goel V., Chouzenoux E., Elvira V., Majumdar A., Bandhakavi, A. & Chakraborty, T., 'Would Your Tweet Invoke Hate on the Fly? Forecasting Hate Intensity of Reply Threads on Twitter' (2021), Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 2732-2742
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Dalavi, S., Nivelkar, T., Patil, S., Sawant, A. & Vanwari, P., 'Enhancing Hate Speech Detection through Emoji-based Classification using Bi-LSTM and GloVe Embeddings' (2023), 2023 6th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology, ICAST 2023, pp. 506–511
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Dandi & Johan, M.E., 'Detecting Hate Speech on Memes using FixEfficientNet-L2' (2021), Proceedings of 2021 6th International Conference on New Media Studies, CONMEDIA 2021, pp. 17-21
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Daniel, R., Satyanarayana Murthy, T., Kumari, C.D.V.P., Laxmi, L.E., Ishak, M.K., Hadjouni, M. & Mostafa, S.M., 'Ensemble Learning with Tournament Selected Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Cyberbullying Detection on Social Media' (2023), IEEE Access [online]
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Daouadi, K.E., Boualleg, Y. & Guehairia, O., 'Deep Random Forest and AraBert for Hate Speech Detection from Arabic Tweets' (2023), Journal of Universal Computer Science, 29(11), pp. 1319–1335
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Darius, P. & Stephany, F., 'How the Far-Right Polarises Twitter: ‘Hashjacking’ as a Disinformation Strategy in Times of COVID-19' (2022), Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1016, pp. 100-111
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Darmawan, M.A., William Boentoro, N., Surya, K.C. & Sutoyo, R., 'Experiments on IndoBERT Implementation for Detecting Multi-Label Hate Speech with Data Resampling through Synonym Replacement Method' (2023), 8th International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering: Empowering Computing, Analytics, and Engineering Through Digital Innovation, ICRAIE 2023
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Das, A., Chakraborty, T., Ekbal, A. & Sheth, A. (Eds.), 'DE-FACTIFY: Multi-Modal Fake News and Hate-Speech Detection 2022' (2022), Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-Modal Fake News and Hate-Speech Detection (DE-FACTIFY 2022), co-located with the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022) (Virtual Event, Vancouver, Canada, February 27, 2022)
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Das, A.K., Al Asif, A., Paul, A. & Hossain, M.N., 'Bangla hate speech detection on social media using attention-based recurrent neural network' (2021), Journal of Intelligent Systems, 30(1), pp. 578-591
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Das, M., 'Classification of Different Participating Entities in the Rise of Hateful Content in Social Media' (2023), WSDM 2023 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, pp. 1212-1213
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Das, M., Barman, S. & Chatterjee, S., 'hate-alert@LT-EDI-2023: Hope Speech Detection Using Transformer-Based Models' (2023), LTEDI 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, associated with the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 250–256
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Das, M., Saha, P., Dutt, R., Goyal, P., Mukherjee, A. & Mathew, B., 'You too Brutus! Trapping Hateful Users in Social Media: Challenges, Solutions & Insight' (2021), HT 2021 - Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, pp. 79-89
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Das, M., Saha, P., Mathew, B. & Mukherjee, A., 'HateCheckHIn: Evaluating Hindi Hate Speech Detection Models' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 5378-5387
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Das, M.M., Saha, P. & Das, M., 'Which one is more toxic? Findings from Jigsaw Rate Severity of Toxic Comments' (2022), Proceedings - International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING, 29(12), pp. 10–15
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Das, S., Anjum, A., Khushbu, S.A. & Rashed Haider Noori, S., 'Public Sentiment Analysis with Opinion Mining on Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Bangladesh' (2022), 2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2022
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Dascălu, Ș. & Hristea, F., 'Towards a Benchmarking System for Comparing Automatic Hate Speech Detection with an Intelligent Baseline Proposal' (2022), Mathematics, 10(6), 945
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Dash, S.S. & Kar, N.B., 'Challenges and Approaches of Code-mixed Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Computer Systems and Security, MLCSS 2022, pp. 290-295
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Datta, S., Kollnig, K. & Shadbolt, N., 'GreaseVision: Rewriting the Rules of the Interface' (2022), DADC 2022 - 1st Workshop on Dynamic Adversarial Data Collection, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 7-22
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Davani, A.M., Atari, M., Kennedy, B. & Dehghani, M., 'Hate Speech Classifiers Learn Normative Social Stereotypes' (2023), Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 11, pp. 300-319
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Davis, M., 'After Christchurch: Alt-right Discourse and Ideology in Australia and the Platformisation of Extremism' (2022), Journal of Intercultural Studies [online]
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de Bartolomé Rincón, I.M. & Martín, B.R., 'Analysis of Media Discourse and Social Audiences on Refugees in the Conflict in Ukraine' (2022), Tripodos, (53), pp. 1–16
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de Brito, M.N., 'Hate Speech and Social Media' (2022), Law, Governance and Technology Series, 49, pp. 283-307
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de Frutos, S.V., 'A Sinophobia Analysis of Hate and Offensive Speeches against the Chinese Collective on Twitter: From Implicit to Explicit Cultural Rejection | Discurso odioso e ofensivo na rede social Twitter à comunidade chinesa Análise da sinofobia: da rejeição cultural encoberta à explícita' (2024), Anuario Electronico de Estudios en Comunicacion Social Disertaciones, 17(1)
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De Gregorio, G. & Stremlau, N., 'Information interventions and social media' (2021), Internet Policy Review, 10(2), pp. 1-25
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De Gregorio, G. & Stremlau, N., 'Inequalities and content moderation' (2023), Global Policy [online]
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de Keulenaar, E., Tuters, M., Osborne-Carey, C., Jurg, D. & Kisjes, I., 'A free market in extreme speech: Scientific racism and bloodsports on YouTube' (2022), Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37(4), pp. 949-971
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de la Peña Sarracén, G.L., 'Multilingual and multimodal hate speech detection in social media | [Detección multilingüe y multimodal de mensajes de odio en redes sociales]' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2802, pp. 23-30
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de la Peña Sarracén, G.L., 'Multilingual and Multimodal Hate Speech Analysis in Twitter' (2021), WSDM 2021 - Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, pp. 1109-1110
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De la Peña Sarracén, G.L. & Rosso, P., 'Systematic keyword and bias analyses in hate speech detection' (2023), Information Processing and Management, 60(5), 103433
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De la Peña Sarracén, G.L. & Rosso, P., 'Convolutional Graph Neural Networks for Hate Speech Detection in Data-Poor Settings' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13286 LNCS, pp. 16-24
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de los Riscos, A.M. & D’Haro, L.F., 'ToxicBot: A Conversational Agent to Fight Online Hate Speech' (2021), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 704, pp. 15-30
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de Maiti, K.P., Franza, J. & Fišer, D., 'Haters in the spotlight Gender and socially unacceptable Facebook comments' (2023), Internet Pragmatics, 6(2), pp. 173–196
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de Mata, F.B., 'Probative peculiarities of hate speech on the Internet: identification of radical polarization indicators using algorithmic systems | Particularidades probatorias del discurso de odio en Internet: identificación de indicadores de polarización radical mediante sistemas algorítmicos' (2023), Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, 2023(39)
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de Morais, C.B., '“Digital Democracy”: A Threat to the Democratic System or Oxygenation of Representative Democracy and Free Speech?' (2022), Law, Governance and Technology Series, 49, pp. 9-63
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de Oliveira, A.B., de Souza Baptista, C., Firmino, A.A. & de Paiva, A.C., 'Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection' (2023), International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS – Proceedings, 1, pp. 374-384
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de Oteyza, M.O.G. & Marcos, I.C., 'Tweets on migrants during the election campaigns in the Community of Madrid' (2023), Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico), 2023
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de Paula, A.F.M., Rizzi, G., Fersini, E. & Spina, D., 'AI-UPV at EXIST 2023 – Sexism Characterization Using Large Language Models Under The Learning with Disagreements Regime' (2023), Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2023), pp. 985-999
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De Paula, A.F.M., Rosso, P. & Spina, D., 'Mitigating Negative Transfer with Task Awareness for Sexism, Hate Speech, and Toxic Language Detection' (2023), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2023
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de Paula, A.F.M., Rosso, P., Bensalem, I. & Zaghouani, W., 'UPV at the Arabic Hate Speech 2022 Shared Task: Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection using Transformers and Ensemble Models' (2022), 5th Workshop Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools with Shared Tasks on Qur'an QA and Fine-Grained Hate Speech Detection, OSACT 2022 - Proceedings at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 181-185
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de Roos, M.S., Veldhuizen-Ochodničanová, L. & Hanna, A., 'The Angry Echo Chamber: A Study of Extremist and Emotional Language Changes in Incel Communities Over Time' (2024), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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