Publications: Family and hate crime


Borges, G. M., Guerreiro, A., & Pina, M. (Eds.), 'Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization' (2024), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Boyle, K. & Berridge, S. (Eds.), 'The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence' (2023), London: Routledge
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Burch, L., '‘I haven’t got anywhere safe’: disabled people’s experiences of hate and violence within the home' (2023), Social and Cultural Geography [online]
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Clevenger, S., Kelley, S., & Ratajczak, K. (Eds.), 'Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience (1st edition)' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Cooper, S.M., Smalls-Glover, C., Metzger, I. & Griffin, C., 'African american fathers’ racial socialization patterns: Associations with racial identity beliefs and discrimination experiences' (2015), Family Relations, 64(2), pp.278-290
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Donovan, C., Macdonald, S. & Clayton, J., 'Re-Conceptualising Repeat Reports of Hate Crime/Incidents as Hate Relationships Based on Coercive Control and Space for Action' (2022), Sociological Research Online [online]
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Fanta, A., Kodama Muscente, K., Kim, S.E., Tsai, W. & Huang, C.Y., 'Coping, Racial Discrimination, and Psychological Distress Among Asian American Parents' (2023), Counseling Psychologist [online]
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Genc, E. & Baptist, J., 'Discrimination Against Muslims in the USA and Couple Interactions: An Actor–Partner Interdependence Model' (2023), Journal of Religion and Health [online]
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Goldberg, A.E., Slakoff, D.C. & Buist, C.L. (Eds.), 'The (Mis)Representation of Queer Lives in True Crime' (2023), London: Routledge
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Grundy, T., 'Love, Hate and the Leader: A Fascist Childhood' (2023), London: Routledge
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Gümüş, B., 'The Transformation of LGBTQ+ Relationships in Turkey from Digital Dating to Digital Violence' (2023), Journal of Family Violence [online]
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Hermosa-Bosano, C., Hidalgo-Andrade, P., Cusot-Cerda, G., Varela-Romero, A., Montenegro-Espinosa, J. & Zambrano-Garzón, E., 'What’s all the Buzz about?: ‘Lightyear’ and the attitudes toward homosexuality and same-sex parenting on social media in Ecuador | ¿Por qué tanto escándalo?: ‘Lightyear’ y las actitudes hacia la homosexualidad y la homoparentalidad en redes sociales de Ecuador' (2024), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2024(82), pp. 1–21
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Johnson, B. & West, R., 'Ableist Contours of Down Syndrome in Australia: Facebook Attitudes Towards Existence and Parenting of People with Down Syndrome' (2020), Journal of Sociology [online]
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Katsuba, S., 'Premeditated, Organized and Impactful: Dating Violence as a Method of Committing Hate Crimes Against LGBTQ People in Russia' (2023), Journal of Family Violence [online]
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Kumar, K. (Ed.), 'Articulating Childhood Trauma: In the Context of War, Sexual Abuse and Disability' (2024), London: Routledge
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Liu, J.L., Cheong, Y., Wang, C., Cheah, C.S.L., Ma, R. & Zhang, X., 'The Voices of Chinese American Parents During COVID-19: Recommendations for Addressing Anti-Asian Racism and Supporting Adolescents in School' (2023), Asian American Journal of Psychology [online]
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Mishra, D. (Ed.), 'Cyberfeminism and Gender Violence in Social Media' (2023), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Nash, K.T. & Miller, E.T., 'Reifying and resisting racism from early childhood to young adulthood' (2015), Urban Review, 47(1), pp.184-208
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Pető, A. & Juhász, B., 'Legacies and recipe of constructing successful righteous motherhood policies: The case of Hungary' (2024), Women's Studies International Forum, 103, 102885
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Robinson, S. & Hiltz, E., 'Platformed misogyny in Depp v Heard: #justiceforjohnny and networked defamation' (2024), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Walls, N.E, Atteberry-Ash, B., Kattari, S.K., Peitzmeier, S., Kattari, L., & Langenderfer-Magruder, L., 'Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Mental Health, and Bullying as Predictors of Partner Violence in a Representative Sample of Youth' (2019), Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(1), pp.86-92
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Wang, Y.Z. & He, H., 'Asian American parenting in a racialized world: The role of ideological contexts and intergenerational gaps' (2023), Family Relations [online]
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Whitton, S. W., Newcomb, M. E., Messinger, A. M., Byck, G., & Mustanski, B., 'A Longitudinal Study of IPV Victimization Among Sexual Minority Youth' (2019), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(5), pp.912–945
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