Publications: Hate crime statistics


Stotzer, R.L., 'Violence against transgender people: A review of United States data' (2009), Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14(3), pp.170-179
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Stotzer, R.L., 'Seeking solace in West Hollywood: Sexual orientation-based hate crimes in Los Angeles County' (2010), Journal of Homosexuality, 57(8), pp.987-1003
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Stotzer, R.L. & Hossellman, E., 'Hate crimes on campus: Racial/ethnic diversity and campus safety' (2012), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(4), pp.644-661
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Strom, K., 'Hate crimes reported in NIBRS, 1997-99' (2001), U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
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Sutton, H., 'FBI releases report on increased hate crimes' (2016), Campus Security Report, 13(9), p.9
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Swami, V., Pietschnig, J., Stieger, S., Tovee, M.J. & Voracek, M., 'An investigation of weight bias against women and its associations with individual difference factors' (2010), Body Image, 7(3), pp.194-199
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Swank, E., Fahs, B. & Frost, D.M., 'Region, social identities, and disclosure practices as predictors of heterosexist discrimination against sexual minorities in the United States' (2013), Sociological Inquiry, 83(2), pp.238-258
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The Association of Chief Police Officers and Crown Prosecution Service, 'Joint disability hate crime data review' (2014)
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Thorneycroft, R. & Asquith, N.L., 'The dark figure of disablist violence' (2015), Howard Journal of Criminal Justice
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Tiby, E., 'Victimization and fear among lesbians and gay men in Stockholm' (2001), International Review of Victimology, 8(2), pp.217-243
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Tiby, E., 'Constructions of Homophobic hate crimes: Definitions, decisions, data' (2007), Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 8(2), pp.114-137
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Tiby, E., 'Constructions of homophobic hate crimes: Definitions, decisions, data' (2007), Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 8(2), pp.114-137
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Tucker, J.S., Ewing, B.A., Espelage, D.L., Green, H.D., de la Haye, K. & Pollard, M.S., 'Longitudinal associations of homophobic name-calling victimization with psychological distress and alcohol use during adolescence' (2015), Journal of Adolescent Health
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Turner, H.A., Jones, L.M., Mitchell, K.J. & Brown, A., 'Variations in Hate Crime Cases by Bias Motivation Type: Findings From the National Hate Crime Investigation Study (NHCIS)' (2023), Crime and Delinquency [online]
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Tzioumis, K., 'Detecting discrimination: A dynamic perspective' (2015), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
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UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Public Authorities, '2020 Report on Hate Incidents in the Basque Country' (2021), UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Public Authorities at University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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Van Dyke, N. & Tester, G., 'Dangerous climates: Factors associated with variation in racist hate crimes on college campuses' (2014), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 30(3), pp.290-309
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Vergani, M., Navarro, C., Freilich, J.D. & Chermak, S.M., 'Comparing Different Sources of Data to Examine Trends of Hate Crime in Absence of Official Registers' (2020), American Journal of Criminal Justice [online]
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Vergani, M., Perry, B., Freilich, J., Chermak, S., Scrivens, R., & Link, R., 'PROTOCOL: Mapping the scientific knowledge and approaches to defining and measuring hate crime, hate speech, and hate incidents' (2022), Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(2), e1228
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Vogel, B.L., 'Perceptions of hate: The extent to which a motive of “hate” influences attitudes of violent crimes' (2000), Journal of Crime and Justice, 23(2), pp.1-25
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Vollaard, B. & Hamed, J., 'Why the police have an effect on violent crime after all: Evidence from the British Crime Survey' (2012), Journal of Law and Economics, 55(4), pp.901-924
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Walls, N.E, Atteberry-Ash, B., Kattari, S.K., Peitzmeier, S., Kattari, L., & Langenderfer-Magruder, L., 'Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Mental Health, and Bullying as Predictors of Partner Violence in a Representative Sample of Youth' (2019), Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(1), pp.86-92
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Wąsik, M. & Godzisz, P., 'Hate crime in Poland 2012-2016' (2016), Lambda Warsaw, Association for Legal Intervention and The Diversity
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Williams, M. & Tregidga, J., 'All Wales Hate Crime Research Project research' (2013), Race Equality First and Cardiff University.
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Williams, M.L. & Burnap, P., 'Cyberhate on social media in the aftermath of Woolwich: A case study in computational criminology and big data' (2016), British Journal of Criminology, 56(2), pp.211-238
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Williams, M.L. & Tregidga, J., 'Hate crime victimization in Wales: Psychological and physical impacts across seven hate crime victim types' (2014), British Journal of Criminology, 54(4), pp.946-967
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Wilson, M.M., 'Hate crime victimization, 2004 – 2012 – Statistical Tables' (2014), Bureau of Justice Statistics
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Wilson, M.S. & Ruback, B., 'Hate crimes in Pennsylvania, 1984–99: Case characteristics and police responses' (2003), Justice Quarterly, 20(2), pp.373-398
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Yendell, A. & Pickel, G., 'Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Feeling in Saxony–Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings Based on Population Surveys' (2019), Journal of Contemporary European Studies [online]
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Zempi, I. & Chakraborti, N., '‘They make us feel like we’re a virus’: The multiple impacts of Islamophobic hostility towards veiled Muslim women' (2015), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(3), pp.44-56
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