Publications: History of hate crime


Cunningham Breede, D., Davis, C. S. & Warren-Findlow, J., 'Absence, revision, and the other: Rhetorics of South Carolina antebellum tourism sites' (2016), Journal of Hate Studies, 13(1), pp. 17-42
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Dadico, C.M., 'Epidemics, pandemics, and hatred: Paths to the governmentality of the covid-19 pandemic | [Epidemias, pandemias e o ódio: Caminhos para a governamentalidade da pandemia da covid-19]' (2020), Publicum, 6(1), pp. 70-93
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Dahmer, A., 'Pagans, Nazis, Gaels, and the Algiz Rune: Addressing Questions of Historical Inaccuracy, Cultural Appropriation, and the Arguable Use of Hate Symbols at the Festivals of Edinburgh’s Beltane Fire Society' (2019), Temenos, 55(1), pp. 137-155
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Damčević, K., 'Cultural texts, enemies, and taboos: Autocommunicative meaning-making surrounding the “Ready for the Homeland” Ustaša salute in Croatia' (2021), Social Semiotics [online]
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Damčević, K., '“Ready for the Homeland” in Croatian media: Commemorations, victory, and foundation | [„Kodumaa eest valmis“Horvaatia meedias. Mälestamine, võit ja vundament]' (2023), Sign Systems Studies, 51(1), pp. 36-72
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Davis, P. & Branscomb, R., 'Reactive Memories of 1776' (2023), Communication and Democracy [online]
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De Cauwer, H., Granholm, F., Khorram-Manesh, A., Barten, D.G, Tin, D., Mortelmans, L.J., Somville, F. & Ciottone, G.R., 'An Epidemiological Analysis of Terrorist Attacks in the Nordic and Baltic Countries from 1970 through 2020' (2023), Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [online]
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Donnelly, E., 'Hate crimes against Travellers' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.24-25
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Dubois, E. & Reepschlager, A., 'How harassment and hate speech policies have changed over time: Comparing Facebook, Twitter and Reddit (2005–2020)' (2024), Policy and Internet [online]
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Dugan, L. & Fisher, D., 'Far-Right and Jihadi Terrorism Within the United States: From September 11th to January 6th' (2023), Annual Review of Criminology, 6, pp. 131-153
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Eggers, A. & Hobbs, J., 'Combatting the financing of hate groups' (2022), Journal of Money Laundering Control [online]
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Entorf, H. & Lange, M., 'Refugees welcome? Understanding the regional heterogeneity of anti-refugee hate crime' (2023), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 101, 103913
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Esakov, G.A. & Korobeev, A.I., 'Hate crimes counteraction: American experience' (2014), Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, 1, pp.144-153
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Estacio, A.M.Y., 'The “newest ‘yellow peril’”: How American legal history shaped the rise in Asian American hate crimes in the covid-19 pandemic' (2023), Denver Law Review, 100(1), pp. 305–323
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Evans, J.V., Steinberg, S., Clement, D.Y. & Carron, D., 'Settler Colonialism, Illiberal Memory, and German-Canadian Hate Networks in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries' (2023), Central European History [online]
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Farkhani, Baidhawy, Z. & Kuswaya, A., 'Islamophobia in Spain: Inheritance of Reconquista and hate political rhetoric' (2021), Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 16(1), pp. 65-79
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Ferron, I., 'Dark and Violent Language: A Linguistic Analysis of Hate Speech in 19th Century Germany Based on the Works of Ernst Moritz Arndt, Otto Böckel and Wilhelm Marr | Dunkle und gewaltvolle Sprache: Eine linguistische Analyse der Hassrede in Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts anhand der Werke von Ernst Moritz Arndt, Otto Böckel und Wilhelm Marr' (2023), Aussiger Beitrage, 17, pp. 13–32
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Fujioka, B.J. & DeCook, J.R., 'Digital cynical romanticism: Japan’s 2channel and the precursors to online extremist culture' (2021), Internet Histories [online]
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Gadotti, C.M. & Valente, V.L.C., 'Brazil: Hate and intolerance in times of pandemic in a mixed-race country' (2021), Journal of Analytical Psychology, 66(3), pp. 719-728
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Gelber, K., 'The false analogy between vilification and sedition' (2009), Melbourne University Law Review, 33(1), pp.270-291
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Geschke, D., 'Alle reden von Hass. Was steckt dahinter?' (2017), Jena: Institute of democracy and civil society
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Gheorghiu, O.C. & Praisler, A., 'Hate speech revisited in Romanian political discourse: from the Legion of the Archangel Michael (1927–1941) to AUR (2020–present day)' (2022), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 235
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Ghiles-Meilhac, S., 'Assessing antisemitism in France today: Political and methodological challenges' (2015), Revue d Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 62(2-3), pp.201-224

Goldberg, A., 'Minority Rights, Honor, and Hate Speech Law in Post-Holocaust West Germany' (2021), Law, Culture and the Humanities, 17(2), pp. 224-245
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Graff, A., 'Jewish Perversion as Strategy of Domination: The anti-Semitic Subtext of Anti-gender Discourse' (2022), Journal of Modern European History, 20(3), pp. 423-439
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Grattet, R. & Jenness, V., 'The birth and maturation of hate crime policy in the United States ' (2001), American Behavioral Scientist, 45(4), pp.668-696
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Gresh, A., 'Trump and Netanyahu’s failed Palestine sell-out: ‘A hate plan, not a peace plan’' (2023), in L.A. Lambert & M. Elayah (Eds.) The Post-American Middle East: How the World Changed Where the War on Terror Failed (pp. 211–217), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Grundy, T., 'Love, Hate and the Leader: A Fascist Childhood' (2023), London: Routledge
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Gunadi, C., 'The Legacy of Slavery on Hate Crime in the United States' (2019), Research in Economics [online]
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Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2013), New York: Routledge

Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2008), in Newburn, T. & Neyroud, P. (eds.), Dictionary of Policing. Willan Publishing.

Hamm, M.S., 'American skinheads: The criminology and control of hate crime' (1994), Praeger

Hawthorne, S., 'Ancient hatred and its contemporary manifestation: The torture of lesbians' (2005), Journal of Hate Studies, 4(1), pp. 33-58
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Heath, R.L. & Waymer, D., 'Standing their ground: Southern white hegemonic defense of place through camouflaged narrative continuity' (2022), Public Relations Review, 102209 [online]
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Heikkilä, N., 'Race in the cultural politics of the civil rights-era Ku Klux Klan' (2020), in A. Helo & M. Saikku (Eds.) An Unfamiliar America: Essays in American Studies (pp. 178-192), London & New York: Routledge
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Heinz, A., 'The roots of America’s anti-Asian violence' (2021), Current History, 120(827), pp. 246-249
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Heitzer, E., Jander, M., Kahane, A. & Poutrus, P.G. (Eds.), 'After Auschwitz: The Difficult Legacies of the GDR' (2021), New York & Oxford: Bergahn Books
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Hoeken, S., Spliethoff, S., Schwandt, S., Zarrieß, S. & Alaçam, Ö., 'Towards Detecting Lexical Change of Hate Speech in Historical Data' (2023), LChange 2023 - 4th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023, Proceedings, pp. 100–111
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Humbe, B.P., Chirongoma, S. & Sande, N., 'Hate Speech Within the Electoral Political Processes in Zimbabwe' (2023), in E. Mavengano & S. Chirongoma (Eds.) Electoral Politics in Zimbabwe, Volume I: The 2023 Election and Beyond (pp. 307–322), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Iganski, P. & Levin, J., 'Hate crime: A global perspective' (2015), New York: Routledge.

Iheme, W., 'Black Bodies in America as the Metaphors for Oppression, Poverty, Violence, and Hate: Searching for Sustainable Solutions Beyond the Black-letter Law' (2022), Journal of Black Studies [online]
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Ildefonso, T.M., 'SOGIE equality bill deliberations in the 18th Congress of the Philippines: a persisting battle against discrimination' (2024), South East Asia Research [online]
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Iltis, J., 'Violence in Australia: A bibliography: 1990s update' (1995), in Egger, S.J. & Chappell, D. (eds.) Australian Violence: Contemporary Perspectives 2

Islam, S.M., 'The changing faces of culture: Notes from a time of crisis' (2023), in R. Jahan & R. Sobhan (Eds.) Fifty Years of Bangladesh: Economy, Politics, Society and Culture (pp. 191–201), London: Routledge
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Jacob, C. & Kanth, M., '‘Kill Two Million of Them’: Institutionalised Hate Speech, Impunity and 21st Century Atrocities in India' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect [online]
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Jacobs, S.L., 'Revisiting hateful science: The Nazi “contribution” to the journey of antisemitism' (2009), Journal of Hate Studies, 7(1), pp. 47-75
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Jacobs, J., 'The emergence and implications of American hate crime jurisprudence' (2003), in Perry, B. (ed.), Hate and Bias Crime: A Reader. New York: Routledge.

Jacobs, J.B. & Potter, K., 'Hate crimes: Criminal law & identity politics' (2000), USA: Oxford University Press.

Janse, A., 'From letters to bombs. Transnational ties of West German right-wing extremists, 1972–1978' (2021), Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression [online]
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Jenness, V., 'Managing differences and making legislation: Social movements and the racialization, sexualization, and gendering of federal hate crime law in the U.S., 1985-1998' (1999), Social Problems, 46(4), pp.548-571
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