Publications: History of hate crime


Oliver, P., Lim, C., Matthews, M.C. & Hanna, A., 'Black Protests in the United States, 1994 to 2010' (2022), Sociological Science, 9, pp. 275-312
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Parfitt, T., 'Hybrid Hate: Jews, Blacks, and the Question of Race' (2020), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Parks, G.S. & Jones, S. E., '“Nigger”: A critical race realist analysis of the N-word within hate crimes law' (2008), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 98(4), pp.1305-1352
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Parris, C.L. & Scheuerman, H.L., 'How social movements matter: Including sexual orientation in state-level hate crime legislation' (2015), Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, 38, pp.231-257
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Peroni, C. & Demurtas, P., 'Unpacking LGBT+ hate crimes discourse in Italy: between symbolic recognition and claims for sexual citizenship' (2024), Safer Communities [online]
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Perry, B., '‘There’s just places ya’ don’t wanna go’: The segregating impact of hate crime against Native Americans' (2009), Contemporary Justice Review, 12(4), pp.401-418
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Petrosino, C., 'Connecting the past to the future: Hate crime in America' (1999), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 15, pp.22-47
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Pezzella, F.S., 'The legacy of hate crimes in American history' (2017), in Public policy and law enforcement dilemma (pp. 13-27). Cham: Springer International Publishing
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Power, C., 'Irish Travellers: Ethnicity, racism and pre-sentence reports' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(3), pp.252-266
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Pribanic-Smith, E.J. & Schroeder, J., 'Breaking the White Circle: How the Press and Courts Quieted a Chicago Hate Group, 1949–1952' (2021), American Journalism, 38(4), pp. 416-449
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Prilutskiy, V.V., 'The Phenomenon of the Black Hebrew Israelites Movement Ideology of socio-religious protest of African Americans (late 19th– early 21 c.) | ФЕНОМЕН ДВИЖЕНИЯ ЧЕРНЫХ ЕВРЕЕВ ИДЕОЛОГИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНО-РЕЛИГИОЗНОГО ПРОТЕСТА АФРИКАНО-АМЕРИКАНЦЕВ (КОНЕЦ XIX – НАЧАЛО XXI В.)' (2024), Dialog so Vremenem, (86), pp. 306–319
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Puchalska, J.K., 'Crime denied: The Japanese right wing and its vision of the Second World War' (2021), in K. Rak, M. Lipa & O. Barbasiewicz (Eds.) Historical and Collective Memory in the Middle and Far East (pp. 71-86), Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang Publishing
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Purdue, A., 'Race, Gender and Violence on the Transatlantic Extreme Right, 1969–2009: Intersectional Hate' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Ramón Solans, F.J. (Ed.), 'Nationalism, Religious Violence, and Hate Speech in Nineteenth-Century Western Europe: Memories of Intolerance' (2024), London: Routledge
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Rao, N.Y., 'Anti-Asian Hate and the Transpacific History of American Music; Or, Why Is “Chinatown, My Chinatown” Still Played?' (2022), American Music, 40(4), pp. 547–552
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Renton, D., 'No Free Speech for Fascists: Exploring ‘No Platform’ in History, Law and Politics' (2021), London: Routledge
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Roberts, J.M., 'Judith Butler, the Bakhtin Circle and Free Speech: State Hegemony, Race and Grievability in R.A.V. v. St Paul' (2022), Law and Critique [online]
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Rodriguez, M.L., 'Research ethics and evolving perspectives in holocaust studies: A riveting exploration of the quicksands in shoah research' (2024), in J. Chowdhury, K. Vadevelu, Z. Hatta, M. Ashraf, & A. Bhaumik (Eds.) Reviving and Re-Writing Ethics in Social Research for Commoning the Community (pp. 126–138), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Rorholm, M. & Gambrell, K., 'The pink triangle as an interruptive symbol' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), pp. 63-81
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Roxburgh, A., 'Preachers of hate: The rise of the far right' (2002), London: Gibson Square Books


Sabharwal, M., Becerra, A. & Oh, S., 'From the Chinese Exclusion Act to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Historical Analysis of “Otherness” Experienced by Asian Americans in the United States' (2022), Public Integrity, 24(6), pp. 535-549
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Scheinberg, S., 'Canada: Right-Wing Extremism in the Peaceable Kingdom' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 36-54). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Scheinberg, S., 'Right-Wing Extremism in the United States' (1997), in A. Braun (Ed.) The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security at Risk (pp. 55-83). Abingdon & New York: Routledge
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Schenk, R., 'Hate, rage, and cultural war: The truth of America’s big lie' (2023), in I.S. Burnett (Ed.) Re-Visioning the American Psyche: Jungian, Archetypal, and Mythological Reflections (pp. 99–116), London: Routledge
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Schotanus, M.S. (Ed.), 'Gender Violence, the Law, and Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from India, Japan and South Africa' (2022), Bingley: Emerald Publishing
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Schuppener, G., 'The Germanic Tribes, the Gods and the German Far Right Today' (2022), London: Routledge
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Schuppener, G., 'Forms and Functions of Reich Citizens’ Letters to Authorities | Formen und Funktionen reichsbürgerlicher Schreiben an Behörden' (2023), Aussiger Beitrage, 17, pp. 33–54
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Serrano, A.R., Catalán, S.G. & Núñez, M.M., 'Audiovisual production by the contemporary European extreme right: Filmic inheritances and intertexts to spread the hate' (2021), Communication and Society, 34(2), pp. 231-246
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Simpson, E., 'Spinning Hate: Mississippi’s Post-Brown PR Offensive and the Secret Campaign Against ‘Agitators,’ 1956-1960' (2024), American Journalism [online]
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Soyer, F., 'Faith, culture and fear: Comparing Islamophobia in early modern Spain and twenty-first-century Europe' (2014), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.399-416
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Stern, F.L., 'A New Witch-Hunt: LGBTQIA+ State Persecution by Brazil’s Christian Far-Right' (2024), International Journal of Latin American Religions [online]
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Stobbs, N., 'Australia' (2008), in Winterdyk, J. & Antonopoulos, G. (eds.) (2008) Racist Victimization: International Reflections and Perspectives. Ashgate.

Stone, M., 'Italian fascism’s soviet enemy and the propaganda of hate, 1941-1943' (2012), Journal of Hate Studies, 10(1), pp. 73-97
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Strain, C.B., 'What to do when your heritage is hateful' (2016), Journal of Hate Studies, 13(1), pp. 9-15
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Sun, R.C., 'Finding light in the darkness? The historical treatment of genocide as a template for the field of hate studies' (2004), Journal of Hate Studies, 3(1), pp. 167-175
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Swist, J., '‘Wolves of the Krypteia’: Lycanthropy and right-wing extremism in metal’s reception of ancient Greece and Rome' (2022), Metal Music Studies, 8(3), pp. 309-325
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Tomsen, S., 'Hatred, murder and male honour: Anti-homosexual homicides in NSW 1980-2000' (2002), Report for the Australian Institute of Criminology Research and Public Policy Series No.43
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Tomsen, S. & Kirchengast, T., 'The Scott Johnson Case: Prosecuting anti-homosexual violence in New South Wales' (2023), Alternative Law Journal [online]
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Valencia-García, L.D. (Ed), 'Far-Right Revisionism and the End of History: Alt/Histories' (2020), New York: Routledge
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Varela, N., 'History of reference texts in the construction of feminist discourse in the 21st century as a strategy against its media devaluation | Historia de los textos de referencia en la construcción del discurso feminista del siglo XXI como estrategia frente a su devaluación mediática' (2023), Historia y Comunicacion Social, 28(2), pp. 317–326
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Vasilenko, E., 'Online hate speech in Belarus: Highlighting the topical issues' (2021), Zeitschrift fur Slawistik, 66(4), pp. 558-577
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Walker, S, 'Hate speech: The history of an American controversy' (1994), Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press

Walker, M., 'Context, complexity and change: Education as a conversion factor for non-racist capabilities in a South African university' (2016), Race, Ethnicity and Education, 19(6), p.1275-1287.
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Walters, M.A., 'Changing the criminal law to combat racially motivated violence' (2007), in Keyzer, P. (ed.) Racism, Religious Intolerance and the Law. Broadway NSW: Halstead Press.

Watts, M.W., 'Aggressive youth cultures and hate crime: Skinheads and xenophobic youth in Germany' (2001), American Behavioral Scientist, 45(4), pp.600-615
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Weitzman, M., Williams, R.J. & Wald, J. (Eds.), 'The Routledge History of Antisemitism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Whine, M., 'The Community Security Trust – Best practice in combating antisemitic hate' (2011), Journal of Hate Studies, 9(1), pp. 113-126
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Wilhelmsen, F., 'When the medium is not the message' (2022), Fascism [online]
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Wilhelmsen, F., 'Heroic Pasts and Anticipated Futures: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of History of the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity' (2021), Politics, Religion and Ideology [online]
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