Publications: Islamophobic hate crime


Iner, D., 'Introduction: Relationships between Islamophobia and radicalization' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.1-11). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Iner, D., 'Interweaving Islamophobia with radicalism: Feeding the radicals with the anti-Halal debate' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.73-95). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Issa, R., 'Roots of prejudice: The influence that Western standards of secularism have on the perceived (in)compatability of Islam with the Western World' (2016), Gettysburg Social Sciences Review, 1(1)
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Itakura, G., 'Virtual terrorists, virtual anxiety: Affect and technology in Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire' (2023), in C. Zamorano Llena, J. Stier & B. Gray (Eds.) Crisis and the Culture of Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Europe (pp. 56–71), London: Routledge
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Jackson, L.B., 'Islamophobia in Britain: The making of a Muslim enemy' (2018), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Jhutti-Johal, J., 'Racism or Mistaken Identity?: Anti-Sikh Hate Crimes and the Need for Better Recording and Monitoring' (2023), in P. Singh & A.-P. Singh Mandair (Eds.) The Sikh World (pp. 450–462), London: Routledge
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Jhutti-Johal, J. & Singh, H., 'Racialization, Islamophobia and Mistaken Identity: The Sikh Experience' (2019), London: Routledge
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Kabir, N.A., 'Can Islamophobia in the media serve Islamic State propaganda? The Australian case, 2014–2015' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.97-116). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Kadiwal, L., 'Critical feminist resistance to the politics of hate in India' (2023), Globalisation, Societies and Education [online]
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Kallis, A., 'The Radical Right and Islamophobia' (2018), In J. Rydgren (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right (pp.42-60). New York, NY: Oxford University Press

Kalmar, I., '‘The battlefield is in Brussels’: Islamophobia in the Visegrád Four in its global context' (2018), Patterns of Prejudice [online]
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Kalmar, I., 'Islamophobia in the East of the European Union: An introduction' (2018), Patterns of Prejudice, 52(5), pp.389-405
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Kaplan, J., 'Islamophobia in America?: September 11 and Islamophobic hate crime' (2006), Terrorism and Political Violence, 18(1), pp.1-33
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Kaplan, J., 'Islamophobia in America?: September 11 and Islamophobic hate crime' (2016), in Radical Religion and Violence, Routledge.
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Kapoor, P., 'Shaheen Bagh: Muslim women contesting and theorizing citizenship and belonging during COVID-19' (2022), Frontiers in Communication, 7, 857350
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Kara, S. & Merali, A., 'Is “Vicarious Retribution Model” Sufficient to Analyse Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes?' (2020), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 40(4), pp. 671-693
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Karjo, C.H. & Ng, A., 'Hate Speech Propaganda from and against Muslims in Facebook Posts' (2020), International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 14(2), pp. 400-416
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Kassem, A., 'Anti-Muslim hate on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean: Lebanon, the Hijab, and modernity/coloniality' (2021), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Kastolani, 'Understanding the Delivery of Islamophobic Hate Speech Via Social Media in Indonesia' (2020), Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 10(2), pp. 247-270
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Katz, E.B., 'An Imperial entanglement: Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and colonialism' (2018), The American Historical Review, 123(4), pp.1190–1209
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Kaufman, S.B. & Niner, H., 'Muslim Victimization in the Contemporary US: Clarifying the Racialization Thesis' (2019), Critical Criminology [online]
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Kaya, A., 'Right-wing populism and Islamophobism in Europe and their impact on Turkey–EU relations' (2018), Turkish Studies [online], pp.1-28
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Kedikli, U. & Akça, M., 'Rising Islamophobic discourses in Europe and fight against Islamophobia on the basis of international organizations' (2018), Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), pp.9-23
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Keles, O., Sezgin, I.M. & Yilmaz, I., 'Tackling the twin threats of Islamophobia and Puritanical Islamist Extremism: Case study of the Hizmet Movement' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.265-283). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Kennedy-Turner, K., Côté-Lussier, C. & Helly, D., 'A Snapshot of Hate: Subjective Psychological Distress After a Hate Crime: An Exploratory Study on Victimization of Muslims in Canada' (2023), Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 17(1), pp. 14–31
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Khan, S.A., 'Fallacies of foundational principles: Rawls’s political liberalism and Islamophobia' (2017), ReOrient, 3(1), pp.50-64
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Khan, F. & Mythen, G., 'Culture, media and everyday practices: Unveiling and challenging Islamophobia' (2018), in M. Bhatia, S. Poynting & W. Tufail (Eds), Media, Crime and Racism. Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture (pp.93-115). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Khan, H. & Phillips, J.L., 'Language agnostic model: Detecting Islamophobic content on social media' (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 ACMSE Conference - ACMSE 2021: The Annual ACM Southeast Conference, pp. 229-233
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Khan, K., 'Hate crimes: Language, vulnerability and conflict' (2019), in M. Evans, L. Jeffries & J. O'Driscoll (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language in Conflict (pp. 145-163). London: Routledge
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Khan, M.H., Akhtar, S. & Hassan, A., 'Countering the Hate Speech: An Analysis of Muslim Countries Response to Macron’s Speech Against Muslims After the Charlie Hebdo Incident' (2022), International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 7(2), pp. 473-487
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Khanna, V., 'A Tale of Targeted Violence in Hashimpura: The Delhi High Court on Recognition, Relations and Responses' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Kim, M. & Grabe, M.E., 'Empathy With Muslim Victims of Discrimination: Can Personalization and Emotionalization in News Reporting Pave the Way?' (2023), Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly [online]
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Kironska, K. & Peng, N.-N., 'How state-run media shape perceptions: an analysis of the projection of the Rohingya in the Global New Light of Myanmar' (2021), South East Asia Research [online]
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Kirtsoglou, E. & Tsimouris, G., 'Migration, crisis, liberalism: The cultural and racial politics of Islamophobia and “radical alterity” in modern Greece' (2018), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Knox, E., Latif, A., Mohammadian, S., Malik, A. & Hussain, M., 'Overcoming the fear of the “Other”: Building trust between British Muslims and the wider community' (2017), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 37(4), pp.470-480
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Knupfer, H., Kaskeleviciute, R. & Matthes, J., 'Silent Sympathy: News Attention, Subtle Support for Far-Right Extremism, and Negative Attitudes Toward Muslims' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Kohl, U., 'Islamophobia, “gross offensiveness” and the internet' (2018), Information & Communications Technology Law, 27(1), pp.111-131
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Koo, G.Y., 'Islamophobia and the politics of representation of Islam in Korea' (2018), Journal of Korean Religions, 9(1), pp.159-192.
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Korpisaari, P., 'Sanchez v France: ECtHR judgment raises questions about politician’s liability to moderate his own Facebook ‘wall’' (2023), Journal of Media Law [online]
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Kumar, K. (Ed.), 'Articulating Childhood Trauma: In the Context of War, Sexual Abuse and Disability' (2024), London: Routledge
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Kutay, A., 'Dominant pluralism and discursive strategies of contemporary racism against Muslim minorities in Europe' (2015), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
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Kwon, K.H., Chadha, M. & Wang, F., 'Proximity and networked news public: Structural topic modeling of global Twitter conversations about the 2017 Quebec mosque shooting' (2019), International Journal of Communication, 13, pp. 2652-2675
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Kyungsoo, L.E.E., 'Islamophobia Discourse via Online Rumors in Korea: Focusing on the Rumor “How Lebanon, which was a Christian Country, became an Islamic Country?” and the “Taharrush Game”' (2021), European Journal of Korean Studies, 21(1), pp. 291-322
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Lajevardi, N. & Oskooii, K.A.R., 'Old-fashioned racism, contemporary Islamophobia, and the isolation of Muslim Americans in the age of Trump' (2018), Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics [online]
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Lal, V., 'Implications of American Islamophobia' (2015), Economic and Political Weekly, 50(51), pp.12-14
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Larsson, G. & Stjernholm, S., 'Islamophobia in Sweden: Muslim advocacy and hate-crime statistics' (2016), in D. Pratt & R. Woodlock (Eds.), Fear of Muslims?, Boundaries of religious freedom: Regulating religion in diverse societies 3, pp. 153-166
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Laryš, M., '“White Jihad” and “White Sharia”: Jihadism as an Instrument of Intra-Extremist Outbidding among Right-Wing Extremists' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Latif, A., Gulzar, N., Vaughan, A., Khan, F. & Hussain, M., '“Open, Honest, Passionate and with Some Humor”: Understanding Trust Building Between British Muslims and the Wider Community' (2021), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs [online]
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Laurent, M., 'Project Hatemeter: Helping NGOs and Social Science Researchers to Analyze and Prevent Anti-Muslim Hate Speech on Social Media' (2020), Procedia Computer Science, 176, pp. 2143-2153
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Leander, N.P., Kreienkamp, J., Agostini, M., Stroebe, W., Gordijn, E.H. & Kruglanski, A.W., 'Biased Hate Crime Perceptions Can Reveal Supremacist Sympathies' (2020), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(32), pp. 19072-19079
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