Publications: Islamophobic hate crime


Lengel, L. & Smidi, A., 'How affect overrides fact: Anti-Muslim politicized rhetoric in the post-truth era' (2018), in L. Zhang & C. Clark (Eds.). Affect, emotion, and rhetorical persuasion in mass communication (Chapter 8). New York, NY: Routledge
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Levin, B., 'The original web of hate: Revolution Muslim and American homegrown extremists' (2015), American Behavioral Scientist, 59(12), pp.1609-1630
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Levin, J. & Idler, E.L., 'Islamophobia and the public health implications of religious hatred' (2018), AJPH, 108(6), pp.718–719
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Liebe, U., Hundeshagen, C., Beyer, H. & Cramon-Taubadel, S.V., 'Context effects and the temporal stability of stated preferences' (2016), Social Science Research, 60, pp.135-147
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Luqiu, L.R. & Yang, F., 'Islamophobia in China: News coverage, stereotypes, and Chinese Muslims’ perceptions of themselves and Islam' (2018), Asian Journal of Communication [online]
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Maarouf, S., 'Can teacher preparation programs have an impact on combating Islamophobia in public schools?' (2017), in J.R. Jones (Ed.), Feather boas, black hoodies, and John Deere hats (pp.41-50). Rotterdam: SensePublishers
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MacLachlan, H., 'Music and Incitement to Violence: Anti-Muslim Hate Music in Burma/Myanmar' (2022), Ethnomusicology, 66(3), pp. 410-442
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Mahmut, D., 'Revisiting Muslim identity and Islamophobia in the contemporary world' (2018), in B.D. Lundy, A.K. Adebayo & S.W. Hayes, Atone: Religion, conflict, and reconciliation (pp.43-56). London: Lexington Books

Mamary, E., 'Photovoice as Counterspeech' (2022), Health Promotion Practice, 23(2), pp. 230-234
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Mansson McGinty, A., 'Embodied Islamophobia: Lived experiences of anti-Muslim discourses and assaults in Milwaukee, Wisconsin' (2018), Social & Cultural Geography [online], pp.1-19
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Marusek, S., 'Inventing terrorists: The nexus of intelligence and Islamophobia' (2017), Critical Studies on Terrorism [online], pp.1-23
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Mason-Bish, H. & Zempi, I., 'Misogyny, racism, and Islamophobia: Street harassment at the intersections' (2018), Feminist Criminology [online], pp.1-20
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McKinney, S.J., 'The need for dialogue in the strategies to combat Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in contemporary Scotland' (2017), in R. Race (Eds) Advancing Multicultural Dialogues in Education (pp.177-194). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Mead, L.M., 'Trump’s impact: The end of sameness' (2017), Society, 54(1), pp.14-17
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Medina, R.Z., Clemente, P.G. & Martínez, J.S., 'Analysis of hate speech involving Islamophobia on Twitter and its social repercussion in the case of the campaign “Remove the labels from the veil” | [Anàlisi del discurs d’odi sobre la islamofòbia a Twitter i la seva repercussió social en el cas de la campanya «Treu-li les etiquetes al vel»]' (2021), Analisi, 65, pp. 1-19
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Meer, N., 'Racialization and religion: Race, culture and difference in the study of antisemitism and Islamophobia' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.385-398
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Mehmood, Q., Kaleem, A. & Siddiqi, I., 'Islamophobic Hate Speech Detection from Electronic Media Using Deep Learning' (2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1543 CCIS, pp. 187-200
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Mercier-Dalphond, G. & Helly, D., 'Anti-Muslim violence, hate crime, and victimization in Canada: A study of five Canadian cities' (2021), Canadian Ethnic Studies, 53(1), pp. 1-22
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Meyer, A. & Poynting, S., '‘Ta-Ta Qatada’: Islamophobic moral panic and the British tabloid press' (2018), in M. Bhatia, S. Poynting & W. Tufail (Eds), Media, Crime and Racism. Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture (pp.139-160). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Mincheva, D. & Hirji, F., 'At the Limits of Free Speech: The Conditions that Enable Islamophobic Discourse' (2022), Canadian Journal of Communication, 47(3), pp. 488-510
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Mirrlees, T., 'Tweeting #RemoveKebab: A Critical Study of the Far Right’s Islamophobic Hate Hashtag on Twitter' (2021), Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(4), pp. 853-874
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Mitha, K., 'Identity, Islamophobia, and mental health: A qualitative investigation into mental health needs amongst Scotland’s Muslims' (2018), European Journal of Public Health, 28(1)
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Mitha, K., 'Identity, Islamophobia, and mental health: a qualitative investigation into mental health needs amongst Scotland’s Muslims' (2018), European Journal of Public Health, 28(1)
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Mohiuddin, A., 'Muslims in Europe: Citizenship, multiculturalism and integration' (2017), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 37(4), pp.393-412
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Müller, K. & Schwarz, C., 'Making America hate again? Twitter and hate crime under Trump' (2018), SSRN
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Müller, K. & Schwarz, C., 'From Hashtag to Hate Crime: Twitter and Antiminority Sentiment' (2023), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 15(3), pp. 270–312
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Nadim, M., 'Making sense of hate: young Muslims’ understandings of online racism in Norway' (2023), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies [online]
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Naeem, T., 'Muslims as Terrorists: Hate Speech against Muslims' (2022), International Journal of Islamic Thought, 22, pp. 114-124
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Naffi, N. & Davidson, A.-L., 'A group of youth learn why and how to disrupt online discourses and social media propaganda around Syrian refugees' (2020), Palgrave Studies in Educational Media, pp. 15-40
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Nawab Bin Mohamed Osman, M., 'Understanding Islamophobia in Asia: The cases of Myanmar and Malaysia' (2017), Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project
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Nebhan, K., 'Men on a mission: Engaging with Islamophobia and radicalization in Australia 1863–1957' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.225-244). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Nizaruddin, F., 'Role of Public WhatsApp Groups Within the Hindutva Ecosystem of Hate and Narratives of “CoronaJihad”' (2021), International Journal of Communication. 15, pp. 1102-1119
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Nizaruddin, F., 'The Kabir Project: Using Transmedia Work to Disrupt Right-Wing Narratives of Othering' (2023), in J. Dalby & M. Freeman (Eds.) Transmedia Selves: Identity and Persona Creation in the Age of Mobile and Multiplatform Media (pp. 179–190), London: Routledge
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Nor, M.W.M. & Gale, P., 'Growing Fear of Islamisation: Representation of Online Media in Malaysia' (2021), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs [online]
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Obermaier, M., Schmuck, D. & Saleem, M., 'I’ll be there for you? Effects of Islamophobic online hate speech and counter speech on Muslim in-group bystanders’ intention to intervene' (2021), New Media and Society [online]
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Olmos-Alcaraz, A., 'Islamophobia and Twitter: The Political Discourse of the Extreme Right in Spain and Its Impact on the Public' (2023), Religions, 14(4), 506
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Orlanski, O. & Schulze, G.G., 'The determinants of Islamophobia – An empirical analysis of the Swiss Minaret Referendum' (2017), Munich: CESifo Working Papers
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O’Donnell, S.J., 'Islamophobic conspiracism and neoliberal subjectivity: The inassimilable society' (2017), Patterns of Prejudice [online], pp.1-23
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Patel, I., 'Emergence of institutional Islamophobia: The case of the Charity Commission of England and Wales' (2017), ReOrient, 3(1), pp.23-49
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Paterson, J., Walters, M., Brown, R. & Fearn, H., 'The Sussex Hate Crime Project' (2018), Final Report, University of Sussex
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Perry, B., '‘All of a sudden, there are Muslims’: Visibilities and Islamophobic violence in Canada' (2015), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(3), pp.4-15
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Perry, B., 'Gendered Islamophobia: Hate crime against Muslim women' (2014), Social Identities, 20(1), pp.74-89
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Pettersson, K., 'Freedom of speech requires actions: Exploring the discourse of politicians convicted of hate‐speech against Muslims' (2019), European Journal of Social Psychology [online]
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Peucker, M., 'Islamophobia and stigmatising discourses: A driving force for Muslim active citizenship?' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.245-264). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Pintak, L., Bowe, B.J. & Albright, J., 'Influencers, Amplifiers, and Icons: A Systematic Approach to Understanding the Roles of Islamophobic Actors on Twitter' (2021), Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly [online]
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Poole, E., Giraud, E.H., Richardson, J.E. & de Quincey, E., 'Expedient, Affective, and Sustained Solidarities? Mediated Contestations of Islamophobia in the Case of Brexit, the Christchurch Terror Attack, and the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(3)
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Poynting, S., '“Bin Laden in the suburbs”: Attacks on Arab and Muslim Australians before and after 11 September' (2002), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 14(1), pp.43-64
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Poynting, S. & Briskman, L., 'Islamophobia in Australia: From far-right deplorables to respectable liberals' (2018), Social Sciences, 7(213)
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Poynting, S. & Mason, V., '“Tolerance, freedom, justice and peace?” Britain, Australia and anti-Muslim racism since 11 September 2001' (2006), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 27(4), pp.365-391
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Poynting, S. & Noble, G., 'Living with racism: The experience and reporting by Arab and Muslim Australians of discrimination, abuse and violence since 11 September 2001' (2004), Report to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC). Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney.
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