Publications: Islamophobic hate crime


Poynting, S., & Mason, V., 'The resistable rise of Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim racism in the UK and Australia before 11 September 2001' (2007), Journal of Sociology, 43(1), pp.61-86
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Poynting, S., & Perry, B., 'Climates of hate: Media and state inspired victimisation of Muslims in Canada and Australia since 9/11' (2007), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19(2), pp.151-171
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Pratt, G.D., 'Reacting to Islam: Islamophobia as a form of extremism' (2019), in J. Esposito & D. Iner (Eds). Islamophobia and Radicalization (pp.35-53). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Quraishi, M., 'Muslims and crime: A comparative study' (2005), Aldershot: Ashgate


Rahman, K.A., 'Shifting the dynamics in popular culture on Islamophobic narratives' (2022), Pacific Journalism Review, 28(1-2), pp. 19-28
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Rajan, B. & Venkatraman, S., 'Insta-hate: An exploration of islamophobia and right-wing nationalism on Instagram amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in India' (2021), Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 14(1), pp. 71-91
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Rippy, A.E. & Newman, E., 'Perceived religious discrimination and its relationship to anxiety and paranoia among Muslim Americans' (2006), Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 1(1), pp.5-20

Romero, L.A. & Zarrugh, A., 'Islamophobia and the making of Latinos/as into terrorist threats' (2017), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online], pp.1-20
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Roose, J.M. & Turner, B.S., 'Islamophobia, Science and the Advocacy Concept' (2019), Society [online]
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Rose, S., 'Developing solvability strategies for anti-Semitic and Islamophobic crime; An exploratory analysis' (2017), Selwyn College, Master's Thesis

Rose, S., 'From Antisemitism to anti-Muslim racism: The evolving face of the far-right in Poland' (2017), London: Faith Matters
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Ruiz-Bejarano , B., 'Islamophobia as a deterrent to Halal global trade' (2017), Islamophobia Studies Journal, 4(1), pp.129-145
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Sadek, N., 'Islamophobia, shame, and the collapse of Muslim identities' (2017), International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 14(3), pp. 200-221.
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Sadique, K., Tangen, J. & Perowne, A., 'The importance of narrative in responding to hate incidents following ‘trigger’ events' (2018), Tell MAMA
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Saeed, T., 'Islamophobia and securitization: Religion, ethnicity and the female voice' (2016), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
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Said-Hung, E. & Diaz, J. M. (Eds.), 'News Media and Hate Speech Promotion in Mediterranean Countries' (2023), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Samari, G., Alcalá, H.E. & Sharif, M.Z., 'Islamophobia, health, and public health: A systematic literature review' (2018), American Journal of Public Health [online]
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Sayyid, S., 'Islamophobia and the Europeanness of the other Europe' (2018), Patterns of Prejudice, 52(5), pp.420-435
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Scheitle, C., Mabute-Louie, B., Ferguson, J., Hawkins, E. & Ecklund, E.H., 'Fear of Religious Hate Crime Victimization and the Residual Effects of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia' (2023), Social Forces, 101(4), pp. 2059-2086
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Sekerka, L.E. & Yacobian, M.M., 'Understanding and addressing Islamophobia in organizational settings: Leading with moral courage' (2017), International Journal of Public Leadership [online]
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Sekerka, L.E. & Yacobian, M.M., 'Fostering workplace respect in an era of anti-Muslimism and Islamophobia: A proactive approach for management' (2018), Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal [online]
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Selod, S., 'Islamophobia and racism in America' (2018), Contemporary Sociology, 47(5), pp.607-609
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Shanaah, S., Yogeeswaran, K., Greaves, L., Bulbulia, J.A., Osborne, D., Afzali, M.U. & Sibley, C.G., 'Hate Begets Warmth? The Impact of an Anti-Muslim Terrorist Attack on Public Attitudes toward Muslims' (2021), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Sharma, A., 'Afrazul’s Murder: Law and Love Jihad' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Shayegh, J., Sumantry, D., Jagayat, A. & Choma, B., 'Canadian politicians’ rhetoric on Twitter/X: Analysing prejudice and inclusion towards Muslims using structural topic modelling and rhetorical analysis' (2023), British Journal of Social Psychology [online]
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Sian, K., 'Stupid Paki loving bitch: The politics of online Islamophobia and misogyny' (2018), in M. Bhatia, S. Poynting & W. Tufail (Eds), Media, Crime and Racism. Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture (pp.117-138). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Sian, K.P., 'Surveillance, Islamophobia, and Sikh Bodies in the War on Terror' (2017), Islamophobia Studies Journal, 4(1), pp.37-52
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Singleton, B., '“Heave half a brick at him”: Hate crimes and discrimination against Muslim converts in late Victorian Liverpool' (2017), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs [online], pp.1-13.
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Sir John Jenkins KCMG LVO, 'Defining Islamophobia: A Policy Exchange Research Note' (2018), Policy Exchange
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Sircar, O., 'Proto-Fascism and State Impunity in Majoritarian India: An Interview with Teesta Setalvad' (2020), Jindal Global Law Review (Special Issue) [online]
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Sonn, T. (Ed.), 'Overcoming Orientalism: Essays in Honor of John L. Esposito' (2021), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Soral, W., Liu, J.H. & Bilewicz, M., 'Media of Contempt: Social Media Consumption Predicts Normative Acceptance of Anti-Muslim Hate Speech and Islamoprejudice' (2020), International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14, pp. 1-13
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Soyer, F., 'Faith, culture and fear: Comparing Islamophobia in early modern Spain and twenty-first-century Europe' (2014), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.399-416
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Spalek, B., 'Hate crimes against British Muslims in the aftermath of September 11th' (2002), Criminal Justice Matters, 48(1), pp.20-21
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Stegmeir, M., 'Muslims on campus: College-bound students, schools contend with rising intolerance' (2017), Journal of College Admission, 237, p.34-39
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Stein, A. & Salime, Z., 'Manufacturing Islamophobia: Rightwing pseudo-documentaries and the paranoid style' (2015), Journal of Communication Inquiry, 39(4), pp.378-396
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Stewart, J., 'Anti-Muslim Hate Speech and Displacement Narratives: Case Studies From Sri Lanka and Australia' (2019), Australian Journal of Social Issues [online]
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Swahn, M. H., Mahendra, R. R., Paulozzi, L. J., Winston, R. L., Shelley, G. A., Taliano, J., Frazier, L. & Saul, J. R., 'Violent attacks on Middle Easterners in the United States during the month following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks' (2003), Injury Prevention, 9(2), pp.187-189
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Swami, V., Barron, D., Weis, L. & Furnham, A., 'To Brexit or not to Brexit: The roles of Islamophobia, conspiracist beliefs, and integrated threat in voting intentions for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum' (2017), British Journal of Psychology [online], pp.1-24
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Sygkelos, Y., 'Phobic discourses of the far right: The case of Volen Siderov' (2017), East European Politics and Societies and Cultures [online], pp.1-20
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Tal, D. & Gordon, A., 'Antisemitism and Islamophobia: What does a bibliometric study reveal' (2018), Scientometrics
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Taras, R., '‘Islamophobia never stands still’: Race, religion, and culture' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.417-433
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Tell MAMA, 'Beyond the incident: Outcomes for victims of anti-Muslim prejudice' (2018), London: Faith Matters
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Tell MAMA, 'Gendered anti-Muslim hatred and Islamophobia' (2018), London: Faith Matters
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TellMAMA, 'A constructed threat: Identity, intolerance and the impact of anti-Muslim hatred: Tell MAMA Annual Report 2016' (2017), London: Faith Matters
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Tesler, M., 'Islamophobia in the 2016 Election' (2018), The Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, 3(1), pp.153-155
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Unlu, A. & Kotonen, T., 'Online polarization and identity politics: An analysis of Facebook discourse on Muslim and LGBTQ+ communities in Finland' (2024), Scandinavian Political Studies [online]
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Vidgen, B. & Yasseri, T., 'Detecting Weak and Strong Islamophobic Hate Speech on Social Media' (2020), Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 17(1), pp. 66-78
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Vidgen, B., Yasseri, T. & Margetts, H., 'Islamophobes are not all the same! A study of far right actors on Twitter' (2021), Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism [online]
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Vitullo, A., 'The online intersection among Islamophobia, populism, and hate speech: An Italian perspective' (2021), Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 10(1), pp. 95-114
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