Publications: Racist hate crime


Kateri Hernandez, T., 'Bias crimes: Unconscious racism in the prosecution of “racially motivated violence”' (1990), The Yale Law Journal, 99(4), pp.845-864
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Kato, D., 'Constitutionalizing anarchy: Liberalism, lynching, and the law' (2012), Journal of Hate Studies, 10(1), pp. 143-172
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Kaur, J. & Singh, B., 'Emergence, Reasons and Prevention of Mob Lynching of Religious Minorities in India' (2022), Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law and Practice, 18(1), pp. 269-283
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Kaur, T., 'RAG HEAD, white supremacy, and violence: Dramatic reflections on a decade after the Oak Creek gurdwara shootings' (2023), Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory [online]
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Kawamura, S. & Iwabuchi, K., 'Making neo-nationalist subject in Japan: The intersection of nationalism, jingoism, and populism in the digital age' (2022), Communication and the Public [online]
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Kayama, M. & Haight, W., 'Anti-Asian Hatred and Japanese Parents’ Support of Their Children’s Acculturation to the United States' (2022), Social work, 67(4), pp. 341-350
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Kealoha, M., 'Reeling and Healing from Hate Speech: Student Affairs Professionals of Color Share Post-pandemic Imaginations for Community Colleges' (2023), Educational Studies – AESA [online]
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Kearl, M.K., '“Is gay the new Black?”: An intersectional perspective on social movement rhetoric in California’s Proposition 8 debate' (2015), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies, 12(1), pp.63-82
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Kee, K.F., 'The Perpetually Conditional Citizens' (2022), in L.D. Browning, JO. Sørnes & P.J. Svenkerud (Eds) Organizational Communication and Technology in the Time of Coronavirus: Ethnographies from the First Year of the Pandemic (pp. 377-394), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Kelley-Romano, S. & Carew, K. L., 'Make America hate again: Donald Trump and the birther conspiracy' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 33-52
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Kelly, R.J. (ed.), 'Bias crime: American law enforcement and legal responses' (1991), Chicago: Office of International Criminal Justice, University of Illinois

Keum, B.T. & Volpe, V., 'Resisting and Countering Online Racial Hate: Antiracism Advocacy and Coping Online With Racism as Moderators of Distress Associated With Online Racism' (2023), Journal of Counseling Psychology [online]
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Keum, B.T. & Wong, M.J., 'COVID-19 anti-Asian racism, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicidal ideation among Asian American Emerging Adults' (2023), International Review of Psychiatry [online]
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Keum, B.T., Li, X. & Wong, M.J., 'Hate as a system: Examining hate crimes and hate groups as state level moderators on the impact of online and offline racism on mental health' (2022), International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 91, pp. 44-55
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Keum, B.T., Wong, M.J. & Sanders, I., 'Racial Hate at the Intersection of Online and Offline Worlds: The Joint Impact of Online and Offline Racism on the Mental Health of Racially Minoritized Individuals' (2023), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Keyzer, P., 'Racism, religious intolerance and the law' (2007), Broadway NSW: Halstead Press.

Khan, K.B., 'Confronting the horrors of Apartheid: The case of the documentary film night’s journey into day: South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation (2000)' (2017), Journal of Literary Studies, 33(4), pp.39-51
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Khan, K., 'Hate crimes: Language, vulnerability and conflict' (2019), in M. Evans, L. Jeffries & J. O'Driscoll (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language in Conflict (pp. 145-163). London: Routledge
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Kiang, P.N.-C., Tang, S.S.-L., Ty, K.S., Gurung, P., Ty, A. & Duong, N., 'Hira Makes a Sound: Sustaining High-Impact AANAPISI Innovation in an Asian American Studies Environment before and beyond the COVID-19 Anti-Asian Hate Pandemic' (2023), Education Sciences, 13(2), 128
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Kim, J.K., 'This is our voice: revitalizing ren as a homiletical concept for resistance to anti-Asian hate crime' (2022), Practical Theology [online]
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Kim, B., Cooks, E. & Kim, S.-K., 'Exploring incivility and moral foundations toward Asians in English-speaking tweets in hate crime-reporting cities during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2021), Internet Research [online]
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Kim, C., Lee, C.S. & Lim, H., 'Hate-motivated Crime/Incidents Against Asians in the United States of America: A Systematic Review' (2022), Race and Justice [online]
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Kim, D.G., 'The Politicization of COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism in the United States: An Experimental Approach' (2023), Journal of Experimental Political Science [online]
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Kim, J. & Kim, J.-W., 'How Did #StopAsianHate and #BlackLivesMatter React to Each Other after the Atlanta Shootings: An Analysis of Twitter Hashtag Networks' (2023), International Journal of Communication, 17, pp. 6096–6119
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Kim, J. & Tummala-Narra, P., 'Rise of Anti-Asian Violence and the COVID-19 Pandemic for Asian Americans' (2022), Asian American Journal of Psychology, 13(3), pp. 217-219
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Kim, Y. & An, S., '“We are stronger than fear of hate”: a longitudinal study amplifying the voices of Asian American and migrant teachers amidst COVID-19' (2023), Race Ethnicity and Education [online]
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King, R.H., 'The Brown decades' (2004), Patterns of Prejudice, 38(4), pp.333-353
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King, R.D. & Sutton, G.M., 'High times for hate crimes: Explaining the temporal clustering of hate-motivated offending' (2013), Criminology, 51(4), pp.871-894
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Klatran, H.K., 'Queer citizens and the perils of the neoliberal city: Racialized narratives of homophobic hate crime in Oslo, Norway' (2021), Sexualities [online]
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Kleider, H.M., Cavrak, S.E. & Knuycky, L.R., 'Looking like a criminal: Stereotypical black facial features promote face source memory error' (2012), Memory and Cognition, 40(8), pp.1200-1213
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Klein, B.R., 'Accomplishing difference: How do anti-race/ethnicity bias homicides compare to average homicides in the United States?' (2017), Justice Quarterly [online], pp.1-27
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Klug, B., 'Interrogating ‘new anti-Semitism’' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.468-482
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Kmiecic, E., Leibler, I., & Wakim, J., 'Racial vilification' (1995), ‘National Immigration & Population Outlook Conference (NIPOC) 1995’ – Special Edition Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research (BIMPR) Bulletin 42

Koba, A., 'Discursive othering of Asian Americans: A preliminary reflection of a foreshadowing COVID-19' (2021), Language, Discourse and Society, 9(1), pp. 15-32
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Korn, J.U., 'Intersectional Misogyny and Racism Against Asian Women' (2022), in J. Cubbage (Ed.) Critical Race Media Literacy: Themes and Strategies for Media Education (pp. 73-81), London: Routledge
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Kowal, E., 'Time, indigeneity and white anti-racism in Australia' (2015), The Australian Journal of Anthropology
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Krieger, N., Waterman, P.D., Hartman, C., Bates, L.M., Stoddard, A.M., Quinn, M.M., Sorensen, G., & Barbeau, E.M., 'Social hazards on the job: Workplace abuse, sexual harassment, and racial discrimination – A study of Black, Latino, and White low-income women and men workers in the United States' (2006), International Journal of Health Services, 36(1), pp.51-85
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Ku, E.A.-R., 'Lament-Driven preaching for a 戀 (Yeon) community' (2023), Practical Theology [online]
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Kuhn, P.Y., '‘Reforming the Approach to Racial and Religious Hate Speech under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights’' (2019), Human Rights Law Review, 19(1), pp. 119-147
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Kuilema, J., Schwander, L., Alford, K., Venema, R., Hoeksema, S., 'Teaching Note—Time for a Teach-In? Addressing Racist Incidents on College Campuses' (2019), Journal of Social Work Education [online]
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Kundnani, A., 'In a foreign land: The new popular racism' (2001), Race and Class, 43(2), pp.41-60
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Kundnani, A., 'An unholy alliance? Racism, religion and communalism' (2002), Race and Class, 44(2), pp.71- 80
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Kuo, R. & Bui, M., 'Against carceral data collection in response to anti-Asian violences' (2021), Big Data and Society, 8(1)
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Kurien, P. & Purkayastha, B., 'Why Don’t South Asians in the U.S. Count As “Asian”?: Global and Local Factors Shaping Anti-South Asian Racism in the United States' (2024), Sociological Inquiry [online]
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Kushner, T., 'Anti-Semitism in Britain: Continuity and the absence of a resurgence?' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.434-449
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Kusz, K.W., '“Winning Bigly”: Sporting fantasies of white male omnipotence in the rise of Trump and Alt Right white supremacy' (2019), Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), pp. 113-135
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Kutay, A., 'Dominant pluralism and discursive strategies of contemporary racism against Muslim minorities in Europe' (2015), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
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Kutschera, P. C., & Caputi, M. A., 'Filipino Amerasians: Gauging stigmatization, intolerance and hatemongering in a pluralistic Asia pacific society' (2013), Journal of Hate Studies, 11(1), pp. 119-143
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Kwak, L.J., 'Problematizing Canadian exceptionalism: A study of right-populism, white nationalism and conservative political parties' (2020), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 10(6), pp. 1166-1192
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Kwarteng, J., Burel, G., Third, A., Farrell, T. & Fernandez, M., 'Understanding Misogynoir: A Study of Annotators’ Perspectives' (2023), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 271-282
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