Publications: Racist hate crime


Soule, S.A. & Van Dyke, N., 'Black Church Arson in the United States, 1989-1996' (1999), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 22(4), pp.724-742
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Spalek, B., 'Communities, identities and crime' (2008), Bristol: The Policy Press.

Spencer, K.B., Charbonneau, A.K. & Glaser, J., 'Implicit bias and policing' (2015), Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10(1), pp.50-63
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Spohn, C., 'Race, crime, and punishment in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries' (2015), Crime and Justice, 44(1), pp.49-97
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Stacey, M., 'The effect of law on hate crime reporting: The case of racial and ethnic violence' (2015), American Journal of Criminal Justice
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Stacey, M., 'Distinctive characteristics of sexual orientation bias crimes' (2011), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(15), pp.3013-3032
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Stacey, M., Carbone-Lopez, K. & Rosenfeld, R., 'Demographic change and ethnically motivated crime: The impact of immigration on anti-Hispanic hate crime in the United States' (2011), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 27(3), pp.278-298
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Staetsky, L.D. & Boyd, J., 'The exceptional case? Perceptions and experiences of Antisemitism among Jews in the United Kingdom' (2014), Institute for Jewish Policy Research.
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Stanislas, P., 'Policing violent homophobia in the Caribbean and the British Caribbean diaspora: Postcolonial discourses and the limits of postmodernity' (2014), Interventions, 16(1), pp.135-156
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Stechemesser, A., Wenz, L. & Levermann, A., 'Corona Crisis Fuels Racially Profiled Hate in Social Media Networks' (2020), EClinicalMedicine, 100372 [online]
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Stechemesser, A., Wenz, L., Kotz, M. & Levermann, A., 'Strong increase of racist tweets outside of climate comfort zone in Europe' (2021), Environmental Research Letters, 16(11), 114001
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Stefanou-Haag, E., 'Antiracism: From legislation to education' (1994), Australian Journal of Human Rights, 1(1), pp.185-197
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Stern, C. & Ruisch, B.C., 'How Do Pandemic Policies and Communication Shape Intergroup Outcomes? Initial Findings From the COVID-19 Pandemic and Open Questions for Research and Policy' (2023), Perspectives on Psychological Science [online]
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Stobbs, N., 'Australia' (2008), in J. Winterdyk & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Racist victimization: International reflections and perspectives (pp. 19-41). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Stokes, S. & Davis, C.H.F., 'In Defense of Dignitary Safety: A Phenomenological Study of Student Resistance to Hate Speech on Campus' (2022), Peabody Journal of Education [online]
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Stone, J. & Rizova, P., 'Re-thinking racial conflict in an era of global terror' (2007), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(4), pp.534-545
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Storry, K., 'The implications of the Macpherson Report into the death of Stephen Lawrence' (2000), Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 12(1), pp.106-113
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Stotzer, R.L., 'The intersection of suspect and victim race/ethnicity among anti-gay and anti-lesbian bias crimes' (2013), Psychology and Sexuality
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Stotzer, R.L. & Hossellman, E., 'Hate crimes on campus: Racial/ethnic diversity and campus safety' (2012), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(4), pp.644-661
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Strain, C.B., 'What to do when your heritage is hateful' (2016), Journal of Hate Studies, 13(1), pp. 9-15
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Strani, K., Fountana, M., Sokoli, S. & Monteoliva, E., 'Attitudes to ‘Race’ in the Media: Evidence from Greece and the U' (2016), Rivista VOCI, XIII, pp. 148-170
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Strani, K., Klein, G. B. & Hill, E., 'Diversity in a European Context: The Challenge of Creating a Shared Critical Vocabulary' (2016), in J. House & T. Kaniklidou (Eds.), Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders (pp. 170-182). Hellenic American University
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Strmic-Pawl, H., Chito Childs, E. & Laudone, S., 'Asian-White Mixed Identity after COVID-19: Racist Racial Projects and the Effects on Asian Multiraciality' (2022), Genealogy, 6(2), 53
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Su, X., Li, Y., Branco, P. & Inkpen, D., 'SSL-GAN-RoBERTa: A robust semi-supervised model for detecting Anti-Asian COVID-19 hate speech on social media' (2023), Natural Language Engineering [online]
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Swist, J., '‘Wolves of the Krypteia’: Lycanthropy and right-wing extremism in metal’s reception of ancient Greece and Rome' (2022), Metal Music Studies, 8(3), pp. 309-325
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Sydes, M.L., Wickes, R.L. & Higginson, A., 'The spatial concentration of bias: An examination of the community factors that influence residents’ perceptions of bias crime' (2014), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 47(3), pp.409-428
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Syeed, N., 'Decolonizing the Body, Pedagogies, and Anti-Asian Hate' (2023), Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 39(2), pp. 123–126
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TaeHyuk Keum, B. & Hearns, M., 'Online Gaming and Racism: Impact on Psychological Distress Among Black, Asian, and Latinx Emerging Adults' (2021), Games and Culture [online]
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Tahmasbi, F., Schild, L., Ling, C., Blackburn, J., Stringhini, G, Zhang, Y. & Zannettou, S., '“Go eat a bat, Chang!”: On the emergence of Sinophobic behavior on web communities in the face of COVID-19' (2021), The Web Conference 2021 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2021, pp. 1122-1133
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Tan, A., Tan, G., Avdeyeva, T., Crandall, H., Fukushi, Y., Nyandwi, A., Chin, H. & Wu, C., 'Changing negative racial stereotypes: The influence of normative peer information' (2001), Howard Journal of Communications, 12(3), pp. 171-180
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Tan, C. & La Londe, P.G., 'Empathy as a virtue: a Confucian interpretation and a tool to address anti-Asian hate crime' (2023), Critical Studies in Education [online]
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Tan, X., Lee, R. & Ruppanner, L., 'Profiling racial prejudice during COVID-19: Who exhibits anti-Asian sentiment in Australia and the United States?' (2021), Australian Journal of Social Issues [online]
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Tang, H.-Y., Snow, K. & Xiong, Y., 'A campus and community supports for Asian university students amid the COVID-19 pandemic' (2023), Journal of American College Health [online]
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Tao, W., Li, J.-Y., Lee, Y. & He, M., 'Individual and collective coping with racial discrimination: What drives social media activism among Asian Americans during the COVID-19 outbreak' (2022), New Media and Society [online]
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Taras, R., '‘Islamophobia never stands still’: Race, religion, and culture' (2013), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(3), pp.417-433
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Tasmania Law Reform Institute, 'Racial vilification and racially motivated offences' (2010), Issues Paper No 16 (June 2010)
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Tasmania Law Reform Institute, 'Racial vilification and racially motivated offences' (2011), Final Report No. 14 (April 2011)
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Tate, S.A., 'Serena Williams and antiblack woman hate: Contempt, love, friendship, shame' (2022), in T. Reeser (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect (pp. 70-78), London: Routledge
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Teeger, C., 'Ruptures in the rainbow nation: How desegregated South African schools deal with interpersonal and structural racism' (2015), Sociology of Education, 88(3), pp.226-243
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Teng, E.J., '“And This Is What He Did”' (2022), Prism, 19(1), pp. 215-223
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Tessler, H., Choi, M. & Kao, G., 'The Anxiety of Being Asian American: Hate Crimes and Negative Biases During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2020), American Journal of Criminal Justice [online]
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Tessler, R.A., Langton, L., Rivara, F.P., Vavilala, M.S., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., 'Differences by Victim Race and Ethnicity in Race- and Ethnicity-Motivated Violent Bias Crimes: A National Study' (2018), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Tichavakunda, A.A., 'Studying and challenging racism in higher education: Naming bad faith to understand the “logic” of racism' (2021), Education Sciences, 11(10), 602
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Titley, G., Nikunen, K. & Pantti, M., 'Shifting Formations, Formative Infrastructures: Nationalisms and Racisms in Media Circulation' (2021), Television and New Media, 22(2), pp. 103-111
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Tizard, B. & Pheonix, A., 'Black, white or mixed race? Race and racism in the lives of young people of mixed parentage' (2002), London: Routledge.

Tjon Soei Len, L.K.L. & De Ruijter, A., 'Conceptualising the tortuous harms of sexist and racist hate speech' (2023), European Law Open, 2(1), pp. 8–29
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Toliyat, A., Levitan, S.I., Peng, Z. & Etemadpour, R., 'Asian hate speech detection on Twitter during COVID-19' (2022), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5, 932381
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Tomsen, S., 'Hate crimes and masculine offending' (2001), Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 10, pp.26-42
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Tong, S.T. & DeAndrea, D.C., 'The Effects of Observer Expectations on Judgments of Anti-Asian Hate Tweets and Online Activism Response' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(1)
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Tong, S.T., Stoycheff, E. & Mitra, R., 'Racism and resilience of pandemic proportions: online harassment of Asian Americans during COVID-19' (2022), Journal of Applied Communication Research [online]
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