Publications: Racist hate crime


Dipoppa, G., Grossman, G. & Zonszein, S., 'Locked Down, Lashing Out: COVID-19 Effects on Asian Hate Crimes in Italy' (2023), Journal of Politics, 85(2), pp. 389-404
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DiTomaso, N., 'Racism and discrimination versus advantage and favoritism: Bias for versus bias against' (2015), Research in Organizational Behavior, 35, pp.57-77
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Dixon, L., 'Tackling racist offending: A generalised or targeted approach?' (2002), Probation Journal, 49(3), pp.205-216
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Dixon, B. & Gadd, D., 'Getting the message? “New” Labour and the criminalization of ‘hate’' (2006), Criminology and Criminal Justice, 6(3), pp.309-328
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Dixon, L. & Court, D., 'Developing good practice with racially motivated offenders' (2003), Probation Journal, 50(2), pp.149-153
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Dixon, L. & Ray, L., 'Current issues and developments in race hate crime' (2007), Probation Journal, 54(2), pp.109-124
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Do Nascimento Souza, K., Vicente Silva, A., Ferreira, R. & Do Espírito Santo, T.B., '“For us who are black, everything is more difficult”. Cartography of a black woman in psychological distress | “Pra nós que somos negras, tudo é mais difícil”. Cartografia de uma mulher negra em sofrimento psíquico' (2023), Physis, 33, e33070
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Dominitz, J. & Knowles, J., 'Crime minimisation and racial bias: What can we learn from police search data?' (2006), The Economic Journal, 116(515), pp.F368-F384
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Dong, C., Liu, W. & Zhang, Y., 'Leveraging moral foundations for corporate social advocacy combating anti-Asian racism: A computational approach' (2023), Asian Journal of Communication [online]
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Douglass, S., Mirpuri, S., English, D. & Yip, T., '“They were just making jokes”: Ethnic/racial teasing and discrimination among adolescents' (2015), Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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Drakulich, K.M., 'The hidden role of racial bias in support for policies related to inequality and crime' (2015), Punishment and Society, 17(5), pp.541-574
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Drakulich, K., Fay-Ramirez, S. & Benier, K., 'The Neighborhood Context of Perceived and Reported Anti-White Hate Crimes' (2019), Race and Justice
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Dreher, T., 'Introduction: “Targeted”' (2001), Targeted: Experiences of Racism in NSW after September 11 2001. UTS Shopfront Research Monograph Series No 1, University of Technology, Sydney ePress

Dreher, T., 'Whose responsibility?: Community anti-racism strategies after September 11, 2001' (2006), UTS Shopfront Monograph Series No. 3
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Du, M., Chen, H. & Cheng, C., 'Predicting the Variations of Anti-Asian Attack across U.S. during the COVID-19 Pandemic with Socio-structural and Cultural Factors' (2021), Proceedings of 2021 8th IEEE International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing, BESC 2021
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Dugan, L. & Chenoweth, E., 'Threat, Emboldenment, or Both? the Effects of Political Power on Violent Hate Crimes' (2020), Criminology [online]
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Dunbar, E., 'Race, gender, and sexual orientation in hate crime victimization: Identity politics or identity risk?' (2006), Violence and Victims, 21(3), pp.323-337
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Dunn, K., Pelleri, D. & Maeder-Han, K., 'Attacks on Indian students: The commerce of denial in Australia' (2011), Race & Class, 52(4), pp.71-88
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E Silva, W.P., 'Argumentation in hate speech on Facebook: A contributive categorization to forensic linguistics and computational linguistics | [Argumentação em discursos de ódio no Facebook: Uma categorização contributiva à linguística forense e à linguística computacional]' (2021), Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 29(4), pp. 2367-2395
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Eads, R., 'Solution-Focused Body-Mind-Spirit (SF-BMS) Group Therapy for Mental Health and Trauma Symptoms Among Asian American Youth: A Mixed Methods Pilot Evaluation' (2023), Families in Society [online]
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Earle, C., 'Good Muslims, bad Muslims, and the nation: The “Ground Zero Mosque” and the problem with tolerance' (2015), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies, pp.1-18
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Eastman, K., 'Problems with evidence in hate speech cases' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

ECRI Secretariat, 'European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Albania' (2015), (fifth monitoring cycle)
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ECRI Secretariat, 'European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Hungary' (2015), (fifth monitoring cycle), Council of Europe.
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ECRI Secretariat, 'European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Poland' (2015), (fifth monitoring cycle), Council of Europe.
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Eggers, A. & Hobbs, J., 'Combatting the financing of hate groups' (2022), Journal of Money Laundering Control [online]
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Egharevba, S., 'Do African immigrants in Turku experience more racist harassment in Finland? A victim-orientated-approach' (2006), International Review of Victimology, 13(1), pp.71-98
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Elenwo, C., Hendrix-Dicken, A., Lin, V., Gatewood, A., Chesher, T., Escala, M. & Hartwell, M., 'Racial discrimination among children in the United States from 2016 to 2020: an analysis of the National Survey of Children’s Health' (2022), Journal of Osteopathic Medicine [online]
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Ellis, J. & Leona, S., 'Twelfth annual review of gender and sexuality law: Constitutional law chapter: Hate crime regulation and challenges' (2011), The Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law, 12(3), pp.367-701
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Ellis, S.E. & Goering, C.Z., '“I’m really just scared of the White parents”: a teacher navigates perceptions of barriers to discussing racial injustice' (2023), English Teaching [online]
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ElTohamy, A., Hyun, S., Rastogi, R., Wong, G.T.F., Kim, G.S., Chae, D.H., Hahm, H. & Liu, C.H., 'Effect of Vicarious Discrimination on Race-Based Stress Symptoms Among Asian American Young Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy [online]
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Eppinga, J., 'Shining the spotlight on injustice: An interview with Morris Dees' (2006), Journal of Hate Studies, 5(1), pp. 119-123
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Epstein, E.M.B., Ngaosi, N.C., Khalayleh, N., Garces, L.M. & Pedota, J., 'Beyond Legal Constraints: Understanding Barriers to Humanizing Responses in the Aftermath of Hate Speech at Private Universities' (2024), Education Sciences, 14(2), 175
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Ermis-Demirtas, H., Luo, Y., & Wu, J.R., 'Trauma-informed school counseling practices to address COVID-19-fueled discrimination and racial trauma in Asian-American youth: A multitiered system of support' (2022), in A.M. Powell (Ed.) Best Practices for Trauma-Informed School Counseling (pp. 175-203), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Ertorer, S.E., 'Manifestations of Anti-Asian Xenophobia in the COVID-19 Era: On a Scale from Avoidance to Discrimination' (2024), Race and Social Problems [online]
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Espiritu, A., 'Racial diversity and hate crime incidents' (2004), The Social Science Journal, 41(2), pp.197-208
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Esposito, E. & KhosraviNik, M. (Eds.), 'Discourse in the Digital Age: Social Media, Power, and Society' (2023), London: Routledge
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Estacio, A.M.Y., 'The “newest ‘yellow peril’”: How American legal history shaped the rise in Asian American hate crimes in the covid-19 pandemic' (2023), Denver Law Review, 100(1), pp. 305–323
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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 'EU survey of Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism' (2013)
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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 'Racism, xenophobia and related intolerance' (2018), in Fundamental Rights Report 2018 (Chapter 4). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 'Being Black in the EU/ Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey' (2018)
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Evans, S. & Evans, C., 'Parliamentary deliberation about racial vilification legislation' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

Ezekiel, R.S., 'An ethnographer looks at neo-Nazi and Klan groups: The racist mind revisited' (2002), American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), pp.51-71
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Fan, C.A., Hara-Hubbard, K.K., Barrington, W.E. & Baquero, B., 'The experience of hate incidents across racial and ethnic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2022), Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 982029
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Fang, K., '“I See You”: Racialized Surveillance and Asian American Invisibility' (2022), Prism, 19(1), pp. 181-192
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Fang, L., Lee, E., Chan, K, Al-Raes, M. & Nuesca, E., '“It Goes under the Radar!”: In/Visibility of Anti-Asian Racism from a Canadian Youth Perspective' (2023), Youth and Society [online]
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Fanta, A., Kodama Muscente, K., Kim, S.E., Tsai, W. & Huang, C.Y., 'Coping, Racial Discrimination, and Psychological Distress Among Asian American Parents' (2023), Counseling Psychologist [online]
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Farquharson, K. & Marjoribanks, T., 'Representing Australia: Race, the media and cricket' (2006), Journal of Sociology, 42(1), pp.25-41
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Fattore, G.L., Teles, C.A., dos Santos, D.N., Santos, L.M., Reichenheim, M.E. & Barreto, M.L., 'Validity of the experiences of discrimination scale in a Brazilian population' (2016), Cadernos de Saude Publica, 32(4), Article number e00102415
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Fekete, L., 'Anti-Muslim racism and the European Security State' (2004), Race and Class, 46(1), pp.3-29
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